MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 78

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The sun shines like water, and there are fine pink bubbles floating in the air. With the fragrance of flowers, like a heartbeat, jumping a little bit, flying high in the air.

In the end, it fell into the earth, into the hearts of the people, and into the lips and teeth.

Song Nianying clasped Yan Chuyu's head with her hand, and kissed her intently.

It's the first kiss, it's the heartbeat.

"Bang bang bang."

With three sounds, the dragon's horns and dragon's tail jumped out one by one, and the little white dragon turned into a little pink dragon again.

Yan Chuyu wanted to break free, but Song Nianying took away all her strength. The Seventh Princess, who was invincible with a sword, was now tightly controlled by someone. She couldn't move, didn't want to move, her hands and feet were sore.

Song Nianying's body has a faint mint fragrance, which is different from the coldness of the water family, and her embrace is so soft and warm.

Even after a thousand years, this kiss will be deeply branded in the hearts of the two of them like a mark.

The Seventh Princess fluttered her long eyelashes, and there was mist in her eyes. At some point, her two hands changed from pushing Song Nianying to hugging her waist.

"You lied to me…"

What should have been harsh accusations turned into trembling and softness.

Song Nianying felt an impulse that she had never had before. She clasped her waist tightly with one hand, and said softly with her bright red lips, "Don't be angry with me."

She felt bad.

Before, in the forest, she also had a temper tantrum with the little animals, especially Lang Rouyi, and she didn't speak for several days, and she didn't feel anything.

But this time, Song Nianying felt really uncomfortable.

Seventh Princess looked at her, her eyes filled with mist, she bit her lip, choked up and said, "You gave someone else what I gave you."

This is a sentence that has been hidden in her heart for a long time, like a stick in her throat.

The dragon people have always attached great importance to affection and nostalgia. They have the same legend as the mermaids.

One pair for life people.

Never change.

But... the first time she gave Song Nianying something, she gave it to someone else.

The seventh princess tasted the taste of love for the first time, which was started by sourness.

Song Nianying's heart melted when she heard her wronged accusation, she hugged her slender waist tightly: "I don't won't happen in the future."

After hearing this, the Seventh Princess put one hand on her chest and stared at her with her eyes, "Now? Do you understand now?"

Is she treating her like the mutual understanding between animals?

Under her gaze, Song Nianying's burning peach eyes were full of blooming. She took a deep breath and said seriously: "I...I seem to like you."

I will miss her if I don't see her.

I want to see her smile when I see it.

Yan Chuyu stared into her eyes, "I don't want to be like that."

She wants to be sure.

Although her tone was firm, she watched the cheeks of the people under her turn pink like peach blossoms because of her confession, and her dragon tail swayed softly where others could not see.

This is the dragon tail that can destroy everything.

Now, Seventh Princess really wants to use her for something else.

After the two sat down, they were both a little embarrassed, holding their legs together, looking at the sky, the earth, the sea, and sneaking a look at each other.

As soon as their eyes met, they separated immediately, and their cheeks turned into two little tomatoes.

"You haven't told me yet, what's your name?"

After kissing Song Nianying, the Seventh Princess glanced at her. She grabbed Song Nianying's hand and wrote on it with one stroke: "Chu Yu."

My name is Chu Yu.

must remember.

Song Nianying looked at her, "Long Chuyu."

Yan Chuyu nodded. The original holy king hadn't been expelled from the dragon clan, and after that, he followed the maternal instinct and could still have the surname of dragon.

The afternoon sun was shining warmly on the ground. The two of them were sitting separately, but somehow they moved closer and closer. In the end, Seventh Princess put her head on Song Nianying's shoulder and smelled the fragrance on her body. She really didn't want to gone back.

They just looked at the scenery in the distance. In the past, for the Seventh Princess who came and went in a hurry and had a lot of shoulders, these scenery were just an understatement, and they did not leave any color.

Now, she and Song Nianying were together, chatting softly until night fell.

On the way, the Seventh Princess took out the snacks she had hidden last time. She was a little tempered: "If you know that you are so wolf-hearted and give my things to others, you will starve to death."

Song Nianying has only drank dew, how can she taste such a delicacy? She wrapped her arms around Song Nianying's waist coquettishly, rubbing her neck against hers, "Chu Yu, Chu Yu, you are really kind to me."

There were small fireflies surrounding Yan Chuyu, Song Nianying looked at them curiously and asked, "It seems to like you."

The dragon clan is an ancient mythical beast, a proud and noble existence, revered by all things in the world.

This kind of liking was used to Princess Qi, she looked up at Song Nianying: "Like?"

Song Nianying took the lead, Yan Chuyu hooked her lips, she said a series of terminology-like things to those fireflies, and soon, many of the same kind flew over.

They surround the two people together, as if countless lights fell on them.

In the end, those fireflies flew one by one, as if they had been trained, they flew in the night little by little, like shining gems embedded in the Milky Way.

Song Nianying vaguely felt that they were writing something, and finally, when the beautiful words appeared in the sky, Song Nianying's eyes were lit up, she looked at the fireflies, and Yan Chuyu looked at her softly.

The fireflies actually flew out of the appearance of Chu Yu holding hands and Niannian.

Although it is just an outline, they are not wrong.

Song Nianying turned her head and met Princess Seven's gaze, "Is this just the romance in the script?"

It was given to her by Chu Yu.

Seventh Princess looked at her with deep love in her eyes. Song Nianying held her hand, unable to restrain her surging heart, and kissed her again.

Those fireflies instantly fell beside the two of them like shooting stars.

The feeling of that day, the throbbing of that day, even after a thousand years, she can't forget it. In those painful days, when Chu Yu fell asleep and left her alone, she often watched the fireflies and shed tears.

As night fell, I really couldn't stay any longer.

With a mission in mind, Yan Chuyu still has a lot to do.

When leaving, Yan Chuyu looked at the crescent moon jade pendant around Song Nianying's waist deeply, and she took off the white dragon jade that she was wearing, "You take this, if you have anything to do, just press it hard." Go rub it and I'll come to you."

She thought about it, and said disdainfully, "There's no need to crush it."

Much more advanced than that vampire.

Song Nianying looked at her, stretched out his hand, and hooked her with his small hand, "I don't want you to go."

She wanted Chu Yu to be with her all the time.

But... Although she doesn't know much about the world, after being brainwashed and introduced by the little animals, she somehow knows the identity of Yan Chuyu. Unlike her idler, she has a lot of things to deal with.

Song Nianying expressed her feelings so straightforwardly and passionately. Seeing Princess Seven turn around, she looked back reluctantly to see her about to leave, and she stepped forward and hugged her.

Holding her slender waist with both hands, Song Nianying put his chin on her shoulder, "Chu Yu..."

A soft, aggrieved voice.

Full of reluctance and coquettishness.

The dragon tail that Seventh Princess had just collected was about to jump out again, she held back and wanted to restrain herself.

But how can a young throbbing heart be controlled.

How turbulent and turbulent the first love is, it made the mighty Seventh Princess surrender.

She turned around and plunged into Song Nianying's arms. The dragon's tail restrained itself from jumping out, but the dragon's horn jumped out again.

Song Nianying hugged her for a while, and finally boldly did what she had always wanted to do. She raised her hand and tentatively touched the dragon's horn.

Cool and moist, like the best jade in the rough at this time.

Yan Chuyu shuddered for a moment, and cast an angry look at Song Nianying.

She is young and doesn't understand, let alone the Dragon Clan. For the Dragon Clan, the horns and tail of a dragon are like sensitive parts of a human being, which cannot be touched casually.

Curious light bloomed in Song Nianying's eyes, she tiptoed, and touched it carefully again.

Strange, it was cold just now, but now it's a bit hot.

Seventh Princess bit her lip and pampered Song Nianying. She held the dragon horn with her hand, stroked the texture on it gently, and asked cautiously, "Does it hurt?"

Yan Chuyu shook his head, feeling more torture than pain.

Because Song Nianying has lived in the forest for a long time, she needs to do everything by herself. Unlike the outside, her palms have already been covered with calluses. She keeps rubbing the horns of the dragon, like holding a baby, nothing is enough.

Touching and touching, she felt that something was wrong with herself, and there was a strange fragrance in the air.

The smell warms people's hearts, especially the dantian part, and a surge of impulse arises.

And Princess Seven's tail, "bang", couldn't help jumping out after all.

It's just that this time the dragon's tail is still pink, but the dragon scales on it seem to have softened, why are you preparing for it.

Song Nianying watched in surprise. The Seventh Princess bit her lips and gave her an angry look. She didn't dare to stay any longer, and plunged into the water with a "splash", splashing Song Nianying's face. The cold water made her wake up a little bit. It was divided, but there were only circles of rippling ripples left on the water surface, throbbing like body and heart.

Song Nianying didn't even know how she got back. Along the way, under the moonlight, she grinned to the back of her ears as if she drank the most beautiful honey in the world, almost dancing with joy.

When the seventh princess returned to the mansion, there was a smile on her lips, and she was even eager to hum a ditty.

"Daughter, why are you so happy?"

Just arrived at the mansion, the Dragon King walked out slowly with his hands behind his back.

The Seventh Princess was taken aback when she saw him, and then smiled: "Father, why are you here?"

Seeing his daughter's smile, the Dragon King felt bored and uncomfortable. His seventh daughter has been cold-tempered since she was a child, and she doesn't seem to be close to anyone, not even her parents. When she was very young, she was like a little adult, imitating his appearance, with one hand behind her back, frowning every day, worried, and rarely smiling.

Now, she smiled, because she was so happy alone.

But the other party happened to be a shadow of a god.

"Why, don't you welcome your father?"

The Dragon King looked at her kindly, "Not only I'm here, but your mother's queen is also here, oh, yes, there are also envoys from the East China Sea."

Yan Chuyu frowned. She looked at the Dragon King and asked suspiciously, "Donghai?"

There are not many gossips and gossips of the Hai people, but everyone from the nobles to the sea people knows that the eldest son of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, Long Yingqi, has been in love with the Seventh Princess of the South China Sea since he was a child. The father and king went to the South China Sea several times to ask for marriage, but they were all rejected by the Dragon King.

Now, I don't know where the sun came out, but the Dragon King took the initiative to go to the East China Sea.

After hearing these words, Princess Seven's face turned cold in front of the envoy, and the temperature of the surrounding sea water dropped a few points.

She always is.

Once you have a bad temper, the surrounding air pressure will be affected, and everyone will be afraid.

Princess Seven's eyes fell on Prime Minister Gui, who kept his head down, not daring to look at her.

The envoy was still nearby and said with a smile without eyesight: "The marriage between the South China Sea and the East China Sea is a combination of strength and power. Isn't it mad at Xihai?"

Who doesn't know that Xihai had a big scene at the birthday party of the thirteenth princess, and the two families broke up unhappy.

Now, the South China Sea really needs to be united with other sea areas.

The Dragon King kept looking at his daughter. The Seventh Princess waved her sleeves irritably. A wave of water swirled towards the envoy. The Dragon King sighed and raised his hand to block it.

The envoy was a little stunned by the waves of water brushing past his face. He hugged the pillar and stared blankly at Yan Chuyu: "Princess Seventh, what are you..."

It was the first time for him to meet the seventh princess. In the past, he had only heard that the seventh princess had a bad temper and was aloof and arrogant.

Now, he has seen it.

I don't know what my prince likes about her.

Pretty or what?

You know, the Dragon Clan never lacks handsome men and beautiful women, each of them is the best in the world, and no matter where they are placed, people can't take their eyes off them.

The Dragon King looked at Prime Minister Turtle beside him, "Let's take the envoy down to rest first."

Prime Minister Gui raised his head and glanced at Seventh Princess, facing Shangyan Chuyu's knife-like cold gaze, it shivered a bit, and took the envoys down.

The envoy turned his head frequently, and the Dragon King raised his hand, and the door was closed heavily.

"You have reached the age of marriage. Although Long Yingqi's temper is a little softer and his swordsmanship is not as good as yours, but his character is good, and he is good to you. He is proficient in poetry and books. He is a rare talent."

The seventh princess glanced at the Dragon King indifferently, "It's so good, my father can marry him."

Dragon King: ...

The daughter's choking ability has become more and more perfect.

White gas came out of Dragon King Qi's nostrils, and he stared at Seventh Princess, thinking how he could persuade her.

But he didn't expect that his daughter would be so straightforward, "I won't marry him."

Yan Chuyu put her arms behind her back, turned around, and said calmly: "I have someone I like, why would I marry him?"

The Dragon King really felt the impact of a wave of water, and his heart was a little unsteady, "Bastard!" He flicked his sleeves, "How long have you known her, and how deep can you feel? Do you want to be with her?" What kind of tomorrow does she have?"

When he said this, he was half angry, and half wanted to test his daughter's affection.

If... it's just dew, for the Dragon Clan, it won't lose much, and he won't stop his daughter.

When Yan Chuyu heard what her father said, she turned around, looked at him with her eyes, and answered her father's question seriously: "I have known her for almost a month, and I liked her the first time I saw her, I like her very much, I have never felt like this before. I want to marry her, I want to live with her forever and ever, I want to have a daughter with her, and her name is Long Changnian."

Although she was speaking to her father, her tone softened when she thought of the future scene.

Dragon King: ...

Read The Duke's Passion