MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 19

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——Do you know what fiancee is?

Song Nianying's words stopped Yan Chuyu. The close and oppressive distance in the past made her unable to breathe. Her cheeks flushed, and even her ears turned red. Yan Chuyu bit her lip and looked at her shyly. , but was turned away by the heat of Song Nianying's eyes.

She wanted to answer, but couldn't breathe.

She was afraid that Song Nianying would be hurt if she couldn't restrain herself.

she knows.

Fiancee is a title for a loved one who is going to get married but has not yet obtained a certificate.

Song Nianying liked to see her embarrassed face, her lips pressed against Yan Chuyu's ear, bullying her: "The fiancée wants to sleep with her."

What room do you sleep in? What would you do with her if you were sleeping in the guest room?

They were all adults, so she didn't believe that Yan Chuyu didn't have any colored thoughts in his heart.

half an hour later.

Song Nianying lay on the bed depressed, staring at the ceiling speechlessly.

Yan Chuyu who was beside her had already wrapped her quilt from head to toe, and told her earnestly: "When girls are sleeping, try not to expose their feet, so as to avoid the dampness and coldness of the earth from entering the body."

She also adjusted the height of the pillow for her.

"You sleep too high like this, easy to stiff neck."

She took her phone again.

"Seldom look at electronic products before going to bed. They are extremely harmful and will affect your vision. At the same time, your brain will be in an over-excited state, making it difficult to fall asleep and affecting your biological clock."

Having said all this, Song Nianying watched Yan Chuyu wrap herself up from head to toe, raised her hand and turned off the light, "Go to sleep."

Just... sleep like this? ? ?

If Song Nianying had never failed in the first half of her life, then God really couldn't see it now and found someone to take care of her.

Seeing her angry look, Yan Chuyu asked softly, "What do you want to eat tomorrow morning?"

Song Nianying looked at her with dark eyes in surprise: "You can cook?"

I really can't see it.

Yan Chuyu replied without changing expression: "Yes."

Song Nianying was happy, "I want something sweet!"

It is also strange.

It took Song Nianying a long time to fall asleep on weekdays, maybe it was really Yan Chuyu's set of fallacies that played a role, sniffing the faint fragrance, she really fell into the fragrance of dreams very quickly.

And the moment she woke up, Yan Chuyu suddenly opened his eyes, turned around, turned into a cold wind, and teleported out.

A cold moon hung in the sky, it was already one o'clock in the morning, and few people passed by on the street.

The street lamps were dark and chaotic, the shadows of the trees whirled, and the leaves swayed by the wind made rustling noises.

A woman with a **** figure and wearing a bikini was sitting on a tree. She blew on her nails and looked at Yan Chuyu coquettishly, "Hey, are you awake?"

She has a very good figure, with slender and slender limbs, no trace of fat on her body, and the vest line on her abdomen is smooth.

It's the kind that will be sought after by many people if you put it in a casual pose on the Internet.

Under the tree were Hua Bairou and Zuo Die glaring at each other, and Long Zheng standing silently in the shadows.

The waning moon flickered in the clouds, and the cold light fell on the earth.

The vampire family regards the moon as a fetish that depends on growth, and once called the group "children of the moonlight". Such incomplete nights are a period when abilities are weakened.

The woman seemed to have figured this out before coming.

Standing under the moonlight with one hand behind his back, the Holy King asked calmly, "Who are you?"

The woman on the tree was extremely gorgeous, her eyes looked up and down at Yan Chuyu, and she raised her eyebrows with a smile: "You ask me, who am I?"

What Hua Bairou said made Zuo Die startled. Why, according to her, did you know the Holy King before?

Yan Chuyu frowned. After she woke up, she had indeed seen many people, from her own clan and other clans. The Holy King had a photographic memory, so it was certain that she had never seen her before.

The woman turned around leisurely, lay comfortably on the branch, held a piece of grass in her mouth, and looked her up and down: "Tsk tsk, although I have become a fool, this figure seems to be more beautiful than before."

The holy king's eyes were full of murderous intent.

She's going to beat her up like a fool.

The woman looked at Hua Bairou and Zuo Die who had already passed the trick under the tree again, "You are a majestic holy king, and you put two such worthless brats by your side. They can't even beat me. How can you have it?" Do you have the ability to protect the law?"

These words angered Zuo Die, Zuo Die gritted his teeth and looked at her, kicked the tree trunk fiercely: "Come down, come down for me if you have the ability!"

This woman came very fast just now, she was like an ape, holding a vine in one hand, falling from the sky, flashed in front of the two of them, and even touched Sister Hua's face.

She smelled of blood, and also smelled of grass. She was not human, and definitely not of the same kind.

She originally wanted to break into Song Nianying's house directly, but the galloping figure was knocked back by a blue light at the window.

She was slightly taken aback, then smiled: "Yo, I'm late, has this area been marked?"

Hua Bairou was almost devastated, thinking that when she ran amok in the world, she was always the only one who molested others, and she had never been molested like this before.

Zuo Die used strength in this kick. Although she is not a power-shaped vampire, she has the talent of the group. This kick will break even the thickest tree trunk, but the woman on the tree is still laughing wildly. The tree under her didn't move at all, she looked down at Zuo Die under the tree triumphantly: "Oh, little sister, don't hurt yourself."

Zuo Die turned to look at the Holy King aggrieved and angrily, Hua Bairou and Long Zheng looked at each other, and they all turned to look at the Holy King.

The woman tossed her hair and looked at Yan Chuyu: "How about it, what do you want to tell me?"

The holy king's face was frosty, his red lips fluttered, and he asked coldly, "Why do you wear so little?"


Hua Bairou, Zuo Die, Long Zheng: …

The Holy King was quite displeased. No matter who the other party was, she already disliked her at the edge of the territory. She even dared to show up around their house in naked clothes. If Song Nianying saw her like this How to do?

Possessive or something.

It is still a term on the side of the Holy King. Although she doesn't understand it, she has already fallen into it unknowingly.

She just wanted this exposed woman to leave quickly.

The woman reacted very quickly. She felt Yan Chuyu's murderous aura and stood up from the tree all at once, but she was still a step too slow. The tree vines were like wires, stirring from all directions and turning into big hands to grab her. The woman couldn't help but In a hurry, she put her hand on the tree and jumped to the ground, trying to use her strength to escape. The vines were very fast, and then they came, and the vines were woven together like a big net to stop her. She turned her head and wanted to jump to a place that was not intercepted, but was shot down by a long whip made of leaves that had been waiting for a long time, and she fell into the dark green thick bamboo basket with a cry of surprise.

Whoops, what a prickly ass.

"Fast, ruthless, and accurate" has always been the principle of the Holy King.

Zuo Die watched excitedly, her eyes gleaming. She knew that the Holy King could control the water, but she didn't expect to be able to control the trees.

Hua Bairou also didn't blink. Her ability is to control flowers and plants, but she is far inferior to the Holy King.

The cage woven by the Holy King is the tightest in the world, and no one can escape it.

Long Zheng remained silent. He had already experienced the controlling power of the Holy King. So what about controlling the tree, after all, there is liquid flowing in the root of the tree. Even fire, she can turn into an ocean.

Seeing that the vine turned into a bayonet and was about to pierce through her limbs and pierce her heart, the woman smiled and looked at the Holy King, motionless, not even dodging.

The vines that could break through steel stopped instantly the moment they approached her, standing behind her like a puppet that had lost control of its master.

The dense net instantly dissipated.

The holy king stared at the woman, "Who the **** are you?"

She actually had Song Nianying's breath on her body.

The woman touched the ground with her toes and leaped to the roof. Standing on the beam with one foot, her long hair fluttering, she looked at Yan Chuyu with a pair of green eyes: "Let me tell you, I will tell you who I am." Let me tell you, how embarrassing that is, oh, by the way, do I smell good?"

Hua Bairou: ...

Zuo Die: ...

Oh my god, it's been a while since someone dared to moles the Holy King.

Yan Chuyu stared at her with a pair of blue eyes: "What are you doing here?"

The woman smiled, and she looked at Yan Chuyu: "I must have seduced your fiancee."


The face of the Holy King changed suddenly. When the tree trunk broke through the concrete floor and rose from the ground, the woman turned into a mass of red shadows. With the sound of laughter, she disappeared into the night very quickly, leaving only her charming words.

"You have become stronger, but your temper is still so bad."

This person came and went in a hurry, Song Nianying, who was sleeping soundly in the house, was not disturbed at all in the protective circle, but the jade wrench in his hand had a red flash.

"Holy King, do you want to investigate?"

Hua Bairou looked at the face of the Holy King and asked cautiously.

Now the monsters don't know what's wrong, they all look pretty, so why do they all have death-seeking mouths?

What can I say? Also seduce the fiancee of the Holy King, isn't this a suicide attempt?

With one hand behind her back, Yan Chuyu stared at the direction the woman left for a long time, then glanced at Hua Bairou lightly, "She's a werewolf, how do you find out?"

According to the family rules, vampires cannot easily set foot in werewolf territory.


Hua Bairou took a breath and shook her head instinctively: "Impossible, if it's a werewolf, how could the three of us not notice it?"

Werewolves and vampires are natural enemies.

Where there are vampires, there must be werewolves.

It's just that in the early years, after the war between the two clans, King Shura had signed an agreement with the Wolf King to set the rules. If it was not necessary, the two clans would seldom meet, let alone provoke each other.

The blood of werewolves had an unbearable stench to vampires, like wild dogs, so whenever they approached, vampires with a keen sense of smell would always notice them immediately.

But the girl just now didn't have a bad smell on her body, only the scent of green grass.

Shengwang Shen looked at Hua Bairou, and answered truthfully to the point of his soul: "You are too weak."

Hua Bairou: ...

Long Zheng: ...

Zuo Die: ...

Instead, she ordered: "Clean up this place."

Hua Bairou looked at the concrete floor that had been lifted, the big tree cut across from the middle, and the remains of branches piled up in a mess, she fell into a deep silence.

"What about eighteen?"

The Holy King opened his mouth to roll the roll, and Long Zheng, who had been silent on the side, said, "She was summoned by King Shura and brought back to life."

Yan Chuyu nodded, and didn't ask any more questions, she looked into his eyes: "You did a good job tonight."

Madame likes it very much.

Long Zheng: ...

Did he save his life?

The Holy King never owes favors to anyone. When she raised her hand, a pale light shot out. Long Zheng only felt a coolness on his face. He couldn't believe it and slowly raised his palm. The scar on his cheek that kept him from going out all day was gone.

Ecstatic and unbelievable.

Long Zheng stared blankly at the Holy King, "Holy King, I..."

How should he repay her?

Yan Chuyu's expression was calm, as if he could see through his heart: "I don't need your repayment. If you can, on this day every year, please come and set off a fireworks for my wife."

Start this year.

Every year, every year, she wants to see Song Nianying happy.

Long Zheng nodded immediately: "Yes."

Hua Bairou next to her was extremely excited, she chased after Yan Chuyu: "Holy King, Holy King, can you give me a little too?"


Why didn't she know before that the Holy King also has the ability to beautify the skin?

Look at her giving Long Zheng this slap, she is much better than those plastic surgeons, not to mention the scars are gone, the flesh on her face is even more tender than before.

Yan Chuyu gave her a cold look: "I can give you a slap."

Hua Bairou: ...

What did she do wrong to make the Holy King dissatisfied?

Yan Chuyu: "Don't let unclothed people approach."

Hua Bairou: ...

"Left Butterfly."

Being called by the Holy King, Zuo Die immediately stood up straight: "Here!"

Yan Chuyu looked serious: "Change into a mouse body, come with me."

God! !

The moment she received the order, Zuo Die was about to shed tears of excitement, and she looked at Sister Hua excitedly.


——Sister, have you seen it? I was named by the Holy King, and I was entrusted with a heavy responsibility!

Hua Bairou was also happy, she looked at Zuo Die with a kind of gratifying eyes of "my family has a girl who has just grown up", and nodded at her.

——Do it well.

Seeing that Zuo Die turned into a little mouse and solemnly followed the Holy King into the house, Hua Bairou looked at Long Zheng who was still touching her face in a daze: "Brother Long, do you want to go back?"

Previously, in Shura City, the relationship between Long Zheng and Hua Bairou had always been indifferent.

As the number one protector of King Shura, Long Zheng has always been proud and conceited, how could he like Hua Bairou who is making fun of the world.

Hua Bairou's uninhibited temperament obviously wouldn't try to please him deliberately.

But now, because of the Holy King, she felt that the male vampire in front of her was quite cute for the first time.

Long Zheng finally let go of his hands, put on the Shura coat, nodded: "I want to go back."

However, he will not live in Shura City for a long time.

King Shura is cold and ruthless, and there is never a defeated one by her side.

Even if he lost to Yan Chuyu, it would not work, but this is fine. During this time, Long Zheng also felt the warmth and warmth of the world. Although he lost to the Holy King, he also gained his freedom.

He already planned to take Tan Ying out of here, stay away from disputes, find a place where no one lives, and give her a lively wedding.

He thought that he would be seriously injured if he didn't die today, but he didn't expect that the Holy King would just let him go and heal his face.

"Say hello to Sister Sakura for me."

Hua Bairou raised her eyebrows and smiled, her fingertips trembled, and countless petals floated down from the air in an instant. The petals all looked like children's faces. One by one, they stretched out their small arms and legs, laughed and began to clean up the ground, tidy up the branches, and glue the concrete floor to the ground. Together, clean up the residue, no need to direct, everything is in order.

Long Zheng looked at it for a while, and when he was about to leave, he slowly said to Hua Bairou: "The Holy King is too powerful."

Hua Bairou nodded, she looked at Long Zheng, the eyes of both vampires had the same emotion.

Yes, the Holy King is too powerful, and he is ignorant of everything in the world, and doesn't know how to restrain himself.

But how could a vampire like King Shura, who has an extreme desire to control the kingship, allow her to keep doing this?

The purpose of letting her come to the world this time is probably not simple.

"You—" Long Zheng looked into Hua Bairou's eyes, "You cherish yourself."

After finishing speaking, his body turned into a fiery phoenix, which was full of flames and tore through the cold night. It raised its head and glanced at Hua Bairou, then swung its gorgeous wings, brought a halo, and spread its wings away.

Hua Bairou stared at him for a long time, until he disappeared into a spot of light in the sky, then she sighed faintly, turned around and left.

She was personally assigned by King Shura to the Holy King.

In fact, at the beginning, Hua Bairou was very pressured and even resisted bringing such a king who had a blank view of the world.

It is difficult to receive the nobles, and it is even more difficult to receive the king. If you take care of them too well, you will offend King Shura, and if you take care of them poorly, you will offend the holy king.

She is not human inside and out.

However, with the deepening of getting along, Hua Bairou is no longer simply performing tasks. Like Zuo Die, she likes to be with the Holy King because of her loyalty and admiration, and she is even more impressed by her charm.

Sheng Wang only looks indifferent on the outside, but he is cute and sincere.

never mind.

What are you thinking so much about?

Hua Bairou raised her eyebrows and smiled, her temperament has always been like this, their vampire clan is already a gift from God, and they have so much longer life than humans, shouldn't they be grateful?

So, live for a second, be happy for a second, obey your heart.

What did royal strife have to do with her being a pawn?

She has both ways.

Hua Bairou, who had figured it out, was thinking about what task the Holy King would give Zuo Die when walking home, but when she just arrived at the door, she was hit by a blue halo.

It was the sour electric shock that made Hua Bairou's skin crawl.

The protective layer established by the Holy King is very simple, it is to protect the fiancée inside, and this protective layer will also increase its effect according to the other party's thoughts.

Like that werewolf, she is easy to break into, and the reaction force of the protective film will be great.

And those like her who are contaminated with the holy king's breath and accidentally enter will only be bounced away with a slight warning.

Hua Bairou: ...

She forgot that without the permission of the Holy King and Song Nianying's invitation, she could not enter this marked field.

Hua Bairou was silent for a moment, she held her eyes with her hands, pressed her face against the glass, and secretly looked inside.

After turning around for several times, Hua Bairou found Zuo Die and Sheng Wang, and after seeing it, she fell silent.

Smoke was burning in the kitchen.

I don't know, I thought someone's house was on fire.

And the holy king was shaking the pot with one hand, cooking with a calm expression. On the stove, there were all kinds of finished black food, which was a mess.

Hua Bairou tried hard to identify it, the long black one was probably braised eggplant, and the charcoal-fired fish head, could it be sweet and sour fish? What is that round one? Fried eggs?

Beside her, Zuo Die, who had turned into a little mouse, stood beside her with a smile and a cry. Its belly was stuffed with so many things by the Holy King. It was like a small balloon. The mouse's face was stretched into a square shape. .

Hua Bairou: …………………

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