MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 18

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Song Nianying stared blankly at Yan Chuyu, thinking she was dreaming.

The fireworks in the background are gorgeous and romantic, and the flowers in Yan Chuyu's hands are as lovely as her.

Like a fairy under the moon palace, she came with grand and enthusiastic fireworks, lighting up Song Nianying's world.

Yan Chuyu looked at her and said softly, "I came on time."

For this moment, she has been tossing and turning for several days.

For Shengwang, the world has been blank since she woke up.

She was worshiped by thousands of ghosts, all the elders in the clan were ecstatic when they saw her, they were so excited that they almost burst into tears, and spoke incoherently, even King Shura stood on one side, looking at her secretively, not daring to make a fuss.

During the day, she was arranged to be taught by the most honorable elder of the ancient gods, teaching the history and tradition of vampires, and telling her how noble her status is as the king of vampires.

In the endless night, she stood alone in the castle full of famous books and ancient books, and accompanied by the bright moon, she read page by page.

It's just that the words are too pale, how can I teach her everything?

Everything in this world is new and strange to her.

The elder said that she is the only king who has woken up in the race for thousands of years.

According to ancient records, she is omnipotent in heaven and earth, and with a wave of her hand, the wind and clouds are surging, and the seasons are changing.

All things belong to water, and all things belong to her.

She was once loved by ghosts, but she never took credit for being arrogant and bullied the weak. The word "holy" is what everyone wants.

But no one can tell her.

Why did she, who was so powerful, sleep alone in the crystal coffin, and why, all the memories about her seemed to be blown away by the wind, leaving no trace.

No one remembers even a little bit of her past.

Her seemingly wonderful past, only exists in the mechanical and ruthless words.

Ethereal, rootless.

So much so that the Holy King didn't know the reason for being awakened. Only the elders deduced that maybe vampires, like humans, would only wake up with obsession.

So what is her obsession?

Ever since she woke up, Yan Chuyu would often see a figure, she whispered lingering words in her ear, telling her never to forget her, telling her that she was her wife, but never letting her see clearly face.

Perhaps, that was her obsession, or perhaps, it was just a demon.

Therefore, the Holy King reached an agreement with King Shura, as long as she helped her get the jade finger ring from Song Nianying, she would let her see the woman's face clearly as she wished.

But she really entered the world, the moment Yan Chuyu saw Song Nianying, her gaze never left.

For the Holy King, she doesn't understand too many etiquette rules, and she also doesn't understand human beings who are shy, pushy, and coquettish.

Everything she knows comes from the records of books and the paths of her predecessors, but those words are so rigid, how can there be bright and colorful people in front of her.

To Yan Chuyu, Song Nianying was a bright spot in the blank world.

She wants to be nice to her.

I couldn't bear to see her being bullied because of her special physique, getting drunk alone in the middle of the night.

The reason why he approached her at first was because of the jade finger that King Shura wanted.

But now, she wants to protect her, accompany her, talk to her, and see the peach blossoms in her eyes bloom.

Song Nianying looked at the woman standing in the light, her burning eyes, her heartbeat suddenly lost its measure, and she looked away in a panic.

For a person who is used to the cold, a little bit of warmth will make her instinctively erect the thorns all over her body to avoid resistance.

The dark night is lit by fireworks all over the sky, and the lonely and deserted home is different because of the arrival of a person.

Song Nianying took the flowers and sniffed the scent. It smelled very good, not that kind of strong and tangy aroma, but it actually had a slight sweetness.

"What kind of flower is this? I've never seen it before."

This flower is very special, the petals are bright red with a hint of pink, and the stamen is blue, like a smiling face of a person. When the evening wind blows, this flower seems to be alive and smiling.

Yan Chuyu smiled: "This is unique to my hometown. If you like it, I will often bring it to you in the future."

Hua Bairou, who was staring at Long Zheng's flowers outside the door, suddenly felt a chill in her scalp: ...

Song Nianying arranged the flowers and put them in a vase. Seeing that Yan Chuyu was only wearing a blue shirt, she couldn't help but ask, "Is it cold?"

She said to herself that women should not be greedy and plausible, why every time she saw her she was dressed so thinly.

How much does she like blue shirts?

Yan Chuyu shook her head, looking at her with warm eyes, "Hua Bairou said, I will disturb you if I come like this, but I promised you that I will come on time."

Twelve o'clock, exactly one point.

Song Nianying looked at her with a smile, "Yes, I won't disturb you, we have an appointment."

After several contacts, she gradually got used to Yan Chuyu's rhythm.

She is like a white rose that is out of tune with the world.

So simple and clean, completely different from her.

It seems that no matter what she says, she will believe it, she is stupid, and she is not afraid of being cheated.

Song Nianying held the flowers from Yan Chuyu and let her in. When she smelled the fragrance and fragrance of flowers on her body, she was in a good mood.

Yan Chuyu looked around, the house was much cleaner than usual today, it seemed that Song Nianying cleaned it up on purpose.

After pouring a cup of hot water, Song Nianying passed it to Yan Chuyu, and sat on the sofa opposite her, looking at her.

It was still a blue shirt, with the top button still tied, but Yan Chuyu was not as cramped as she was when she came home for the first time, perhaps because she was familiar with it. On the shoulders, sitting calmly in the middle of the sofa, on the **** collarbone, the handful of lifelike instant noodle pendants are extremely eye-catching. Yan Chuyu looked at Song Nianying and asked, "Have you drank warm water?"

Seeing her unrestrained appearance, Song Nianying's evil intentions came again, and she couldn't help teasing her: "I remember you were embarrassed when you came here the day before yesterday, and you were a little cramped. It's like a different person today. What are you looking at?" Is there a book?"

Yan Chuyu nodded, she put down the water glass in her hand, and walked to the other party's suitcase in the living room.

Song Nianying looked at her, watched her slender waist bend down, watched her long hair draw a beautiful arc in the air, watched her open the suitcase, took out a red book from it, and talked with her seriously. She explained: "I specially prepared this."

Song Nianying looked away from her and landed on the book. After seeing the title of the book, she couldn't help laughing.

—— "How to run a family well".

Yan Chuyu looked at her: "What are you laughing at?"

Yo, getting angry from embarrassment.

Song Nianying relaxed a lot. She leaned back lazily on the sofa and looked at Yan Chuyu with her eyes: "I am listening attentively. I want to listen to Teacher Yan's lecture."

Sheng Wang pursed his lips, always feeling that her words were a little perfunctory, so she sat back on the sofa and spread the book out.

Because it was already dark, Song Nianying only turned on an orange light in the living room, and the orange light swept across Yan Chuyu's cheeks, illuminating her skin like jade, making one unable to resist touching and feeling the icy moistness.

Yan Chuyu pointed to a passage in the book with her slender fingers, her red lips parted lightly, and her voice was as clear as broken jade, "It says here that when two people are together, because of different living environments, they will gradually get used to each other and get through the worst. The painful first three years will be fine, so at the beginning, the two of you should try to be considerate of each other and tolerate each other's shortcomings."

Song Nianying kept holding back her laughter, "Will it take three years? But our trial marriage is only three months, what if during this period, you find that it's not suitable and you're tired?"

"I won't." Yan Chuyu raised his head, his eyes sparkling: "You are so beautiful, I can't get enough of it, how could you be so crooked?"

The inadvertent words were the most provocative, and Song Nianying's heartbeat, which had recovered with great difficulty, began to lose its rhythm again. She looked at Yan Chuyu, and she, who had always been confident that she would discharge the most, was looked away.

Yan Chuyu kept looking at her.

She really couldn't get enough of it.

Among the vampire clan, there are many handsome men and beautiful women, all of whom are unmatched in the world.

But she just likes to watch Song Nianying, and she can't forget it from the first time she saw it.

In the middle of the night, he first knocked on the door with flowers in his hand, then said innocently: "I'm coming", then started to say all kinds of "love words" to seduce people, and now he looked at her so "affectionately", after a few waves , Song Nianying couldn't bear it, she cleared her throat, moved to the sofa next to her, and kept some distance.

It's also strange, when Song Nianying saw Yan Chuyu for the first time, she felt like she was always hiding from him subconsciously, but now it was different, she looked at her with bright eyes, so happy, as if she was going to stick to her in the next second Same.

"Although we are already in a trial marriage relationship, I, as a person, like to say a lot in front."

That is Song Nianying, who can smile at people one second and start negotiating conditions the next second.

Yan Chuyu nodded, and she looked at Song Nianying seriously.

She is so pretty.

Without makeup, she looks much younger than with makeup, and she is more natural and charming, and her eyes don't have the cold pretense of smiling during the day.

Song Nianying habitually played with a lock of hair, and said quietly: "My family is not quite the same as yours."

Yan Chuyu kept looking at her.

The fireworks outside stopped, and all the splendor and hustle and bustle gradually faded away, returning to silence.

Song Nianying: "I don't have any experience of getting too close to people, and I don't know how to build a family with people, and I don't want to spend time reading and learning books, and I'm too lazy to change myself."

Even though she said it with a smile, every word carried disgust and disdain for the indifference of the world.

In the past, she also wanted to have a good family, parents who loved her, and good friends, but what happened?

For a lover... Maybe it's best for her and Yan Chuyu to be attracted by each other's looks, not bored by each other's looks, happy to see them, don't have too much communication, don't dig deep into the reasons behind the marriage, just be so peaceful They live together as partners.

Song Nianying thought that Yan Chuyu would jump out to refute after she said this, but she didn't, she still stared at her with that "fan girl" eyes.

It was as if no matter what she said, Yan Chuyu would silently tolerate it.

At any rate, he was still in his early twenties. In such a late night, the orphans and widows were in the same room, and they were always stared at with such "lovely" eyes. Unable to resist, she said the most crucial point: "Also, even though it's a trial marriage, you have to master the rhythm, don't go too fast."

Things should be done step by step.

Song Nianying: "If I say that, will you be angry?"

Yan Chuyu will definitely be unhappy if she asks the rich lady to come to her kennel from the mansion late at night with her bag and make such a request.

In fact, in recent years, there have been quite a few people who have pursued Song Nianying with handsome men and beautiful women from noble and rich backgrounds. Which one didn't leave the stage hastily because of her indifference and straightforwardness hidden in her smile?

She has already seen through the world.

The higher the position, the thicker the noble hat is, and no one is allowed to influence her life.

Although Song Nianying was used to rejecting people, and didn't care whether the other party would be disheartened after hearing such words, Song Nianying still felt a little uncomfortable thinking about Yan Chuyu's next reaction.

After all, she is so cute.

Yan Chuyu looked at Song Nianying and was silent for a moment, then she shook her head: "I'm not angry."

Song Nianying's heart skipped a beat, she couldn't believe it: "Can you accept it?"

Wouldn't she think she was too conceited?

Yan Chuyu looked into her eyes and commented seriously: "You have a personality and are different from others."

Song Nianying: ...

Yan Chuyu blinked, her long eyelashes were wet: "I don't feel fast either."

Is she saying that she gave her a token of love so quickly and came to her home so quickly? She has restrained herself.

Song Nianying: ...

She has never won the confrontation these few times, and simplicity can always defeat all disguises.

Seeing that Song Nianying stopped talking and her eyes were a little weird, Yan Chuyu thought she was sleepy, so she looked at her watch: "Go to sleep."

She heard that human beings cannot stay up late, otherwise they will become old and ill.

Song Nianying's health is so poor, she should take good care of her.

She will look for the recipe in a while.

Yan Chuyu looked to the side: "Where is the guest room?"

The last time she came here, she hadn't had time to visit.

The word "sleep" made Song Nianying's heart a little confused again. She was wrapped in a nightgown, and she was very dissatisfied with the situation where Yan Chuyu had the upper hand tonight. , if things go on like this, there is no place for her 1.

Song Nianying leaned lazily on the sofa, curled her long hair with her fingertips, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why are you looking for a guest room?"

Yan Chuyu turned and looked at her.

Song Nianying looked into her eyes: "You came in such a hurry, you haven't cleaned up yet."

Did she come in a hurry?

Yan Chuyu thought for a while: "Do you want me to clean it up for you?"

Song Nianying laughed as soon as she heard it, she was really virtuous, she got up and walked to Yan Chuyu's side.

Maybe it was because the lights were too dim and the distance was too close, the smell of blood buried under Song Nianying's skin suddenly became stronger, like poppies, strongly tempting Yan Chuyu.

That feeling spread across her skin bit by bit, and across her heart.

Yan Chuyu bit her lip reluctantly, and stepped back.

She felt that something was holding her back and restraining her.

- Don't get too close.

Song Nianying looked at her with a smile on her face, as if refusing to let go, approaching her step by step, she didn't stop until Yan Chuyu's slender waist was pushed against the long table.

They stick so close.

Song Nianying's coffee-colored long hair hung down on Yan Chuyu's neck, cool and soft, her eyes hooked her, and she murmured ambiguously, "Do you know what a fiancee is?"


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