MTL - My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting-Chapter 45

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In fact, Qiao Shao did not spit, but just expressed his disdain with this crunch.

The earring man did not expect that he would be so bold, angry and angry: "You **** look for death!"

Said a punch and slammed into Qiao Shao's face.

Wei Jiayu was anxious: "Ren Kuo, don't hit him! I'm not familiar with him, you ..."

He hadn't finished talking, but he heard Ren Kuo's scream.

Several people were stunned.

Qiao Shao shakes off the man's hand and pulls Wei Jiayu: "Stupidly standing, run away!"

Wei Jiayu reacted in hindsight and was surprised: "You ..."

Is the little poor ghost so fierce!

Just now everyone thought that the kid who was stabbed would be beaten, so the man with the earring man punched him with a big punch, and really hit the kid's face, and he must swell half of his face.

But no one thought that Qiao Shao ducked his head and forced his hands to hit the elbow of the earring man.

This position can not be stressed, and the earring man was still holding Qiao Shao's collar, was hit like this, and immediately lost his energy.

Qiao Shao moved faster, he sharply raised his leg, and kicked the crotch of the earring man.

At that angle, at that strength, it was very precise, and everyone felt pain.

Wei Jiayu was stunned, and Ren Kuo's companion was also stunned.

Who could have thought of such a small point, and started so hard!

Qiao Shao actually let out the water. If he really takes it seriously, Ren Kuo will cut off his grandchildren.

When I grew up in such a family, what can I do without basic self-insurance ability?

He has been deserted for some reasons over the years, and because of sleep and diet problems, he has lost energy, but he can't forget what he learned in his early years.

A dozen or three may not work, but it will not be bullied!

Ren Kuan, who had suffered such a loss, yelled: "Catch up with him, and today I will not teach the mixed boy without teaching him the name of Ren!"

His companions can come back to God, chasing after Wei Jiayu and Qiao Shao.

Because it is the time for the ice rink to change, so there are not many people. The staff are busy looking for shoes at the back, but they don't notice the movement here.

Qiao Shao pulled Wei Jiayu all the way to the door.

It's a pity that his legs are shorter, and he can't reach the others behind him one step at a time.

Seeing that he was about to catch up, Qiao Shao was so frightened that he said to Wei Jiayu, "Go and find security, I will hold them back."

Wei Jiayu's eyes widened: "I can't leave you!"

Qiao Shao laughed when he was so miserable: "You think this is a martial arts movie? Go find someone! It's not worth it to fight with them."

Wei Jiayu couldn't help but say, "Aren't you afraid!"

I can still laugh.

Qiao Shao said: "Afraid of a ghost, just a few foolish people."

There is nothing to be afraid of in public places.

Wei Jiayu was shocked!

As they talked, the man behind them was near again.

Qiao Shao pushed Wei Jiayu: "Don't talk nonsense, go and call people."

Wei Jiayu couldn't leave him: "Go shout, I'll drag ..."

"You're looking for me!"

As soon as Qiao Shao's words fell, he bumped into a strong arms.

He looked up and saw He Shen.

He Shen frowned slightly: "What's wrong?"

Because of this pause, the people behind him caught up. One of them was stronger, grabbing Qiao Shao's collar, and cursing, "Shit, you **** ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was thrown aside a cup of tea with milk.


The man desperately covered his eyes.

Milk tea is the kind with milk cap, so it is not tightly covered, so throwing it, spilled the man's head and face.

Another caught up, and He Shen smashed another cup of milk tea, hitting his head exactly like a target.

Must make people want to shout-wonderful!

Both men were full of milk tea in their heads, and although it was not painful, they were terrified.

The two of them were even more insane, and they were full of swear words.

He Shen took Qiao Shao behind him, kicked with long legs, the sole of the shoe was in the middle of the other's lower abdomen, and the man screamed, squatting with his lower abdomen covered.

This foot looked at it lightly, but it was obviously very powerful.

The other woke up and knew that it had hit an iron plate and didn't dare to come forward again.

He Shen glanced at him, and the man took a step back.

"What's going on! Fighting is prohibited in public!" Several people in security clothes ran straight up.

Ren Kuo's two companions looked at the situation and knew that they couldn't get a bargain, they turned around and ran.

He Shen held one in one hand, leaving them unable to move: "What to run."

The two men who were just fierce and evil at the moment, with a milk tea on their heads, were embarrassed: "You ... you **** want to get into the game?"

I still do n’t want to run when I ’m here, do I want to go in for “re-education”!

Security rushed over and asked sharply, "What's going on with you!"

He Shensong let go, and looked at them for a while before he said, "Oh, they accidentally walked and knocked over my milk tea."

As soon as he spoke, Qiao Shao almost laughed.

Wei Jiayu: "……………………"

The security of the mall was down.

He Shen raised his eyebrows at them, "Isn't it?"

There are monitors here, and once you check, you know who caused the trouble first. These **** have a lot of experience, and they can only swallow them: "Yes, yes ..."

He Shen also said, "What are you waiting for, then apologize."

They looked up, fierce.

He Shen said to Security: "Look, they knocked over my milk tea and wanted to punch me."


Is this the case? ? ?

Who knew the two really looked down: "I'm sorry."

I ca n’t run anymore, and I do n’t want to be sent to train and remember, I can only admit it.

He Shen also said: "Let's pay me for the milk tea, two cups and ninety-two."

Both fooled: "???"

Qiao Shao held Wei Jiayu's arm desperately, and smiled very hard.

He Shen is really a god, he served!

It's really fun once this irritating ability is released to the outside world.

Later, the two really took out a hundred dollars, and He Shen asked them to give them eight dollars.

Are two cups of milk tea ninety-two?

No, just this number is auspicious.

Ninety-two-is two.

They stumbled home before they reacted ...

As for the "wounded" earring man Ren Kuo, he slipped away when security came.

They dare to make trouble in this kind of place. On the one hand, they are bullied by Wei Jiayu and Qiao Shao. On the other hand, they know what to do. It is not a big deal if they just run away.

But if it's too big to run, it's very troublesome.

After this toss, they also lost their skating heart.

He Shen took them to the cafe and sat down in a corner.

Ordered it again, Wei Jiayu said, "Thank you."

He Shen didn't say anything, just put a packet of sugar in the caramel cappuccino in front of him.

Qiao Shao saw it and thought to himself--is this guy going to sweeten himself!

Qiao Shao said to Wei Jiayu, "It's nothing, she is in trouble, and Bafang supports."

He Shen is also half a housekeeper.

Wei Jiayu despondently said, "I was so stupid before that I actually provoked these guys."

Qiao Shao said, "This group of people is not good ..." But it's okay, and I won't come to trouble in the future.

"I have drawn a line with them, but they are still ..." Wei Jiayu felt pained.

Qiao Shao comforted him: "It's okay ..." While looking at He Shen, wait, why did he open another packet of sugar!

He could not care about Wei Jiayu, and said to Shen Shen: "You have put two packets of sugar, and then put the third packet to sweeten yourself?"

The caramel cappuccino is very sweet, and it has three packets of sugar, this guy ...

He pours sugar into the cup, "It's bitter."

Qiao Shao said, "Why do you want coffee?"

He Shen is quite innocent: "This is a coffee shop."

Qiao Shao said: "Who told you coffee must be coffee?"

He Shen: "You all ordered coffee."

Qiao Shao said, "You can also order a glass of sweet milk."

"No," He Shen said, "too shameful."

Qiao Shao was speechless: "Wouldn't it be shameful if you put three packets of sugar in a caramel cappuccino?"

The word caramel must be re-read!

The blue-haired brother who was shocked and introspected himself was very complicated: he suddenly felt that he was superfluous!

After Qiao Shao confiscated all the sugar packets, he took care of Wei Jiayu: "Don't hesitate to talk to those people, and then what's wrong with making money with friends?"

Wei Jiayu froze.

Qiao Shao said, "They don't want to make friends like this."

Wei Jiayu smiled for a moment after a moment's sigh.

Wei Jiayu hasn't been joking with anyone for a long time, he asked Qiao Shao: "You also chose me to be the house chief because of money."

Qiao Shao justified: "Of course."

It is another supper, it is a toiletry product, and it is a sanitary product.

If Qiao Shao had not temporarily sealed this ability, Dong Gao would have been refreshed.

Wei Jiayu's laughing eyes were happy to become a crescent, and the stone that he pressed for a long time disappeared suddenly.

When Ren Kuo threatened Qiao Shao, Qiao Shao sent the scum a "slap"!

But now Qiao Shao admitted frankly.

Rich and no money.

Only if you care too much, you will refuse to stay away.

The author has something to say: Speaking of it, I bought only two cups of milk tea for Brother Ha Shen ~


I asked for nutrient solution qaq, and I took the initiative to add more. Why was someone feeding me? Wow, I cried. 2k novel reading network

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