MTL - My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting-Chapter 44

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Lou Xiao raised an eyebrow: "Isn't there a man and a woman in your front seat?"

He was in the same class as Wei Jiayu. Although he was in the classroom for a short time, he knew the general situation.

Wei Jiayu said silently: "Brother Xiao, although Li Qing is a little shorter, he is really a pure man."

Lou Xiao: "Oh, I didn't see clearly."

He has always been frank about blindness, but no one dares to ask.

Wei Jiayu didn't know what else to say for a while.

Such a big person, more than half a year in the same class, dare to love Lou Xiao has always regarded him as a woman?

Suddenly distressed Li Shouzi.

Eh? Think of it this way ... Wei Jiayu suddenly blessed the soul

He understood why Lou Xiao liked Qiao Shao! Wouldn't it be to treat the little poor ghost as a girl?

Wei Jiayu quickly said: "Brother Xiao! Qiao Shao is also a boy!"

Lou Xiao looked at him like an idiot: "Crap."

Wei Jiayu: "?"

"If he is a woman, can I be in your bedroom?" Lou Xiao went blind, and his mind was fine.

Wei Jiayu: "………………"

From this point of view, Xiao Xiao really loves the poor poor ghost.

Lou Xiao thought for a while and then asked him: "Do you really think they are normal?"

Is he thinking a bit too much?

Wei Jiayu thinks they are very abnormal!

But in order to avoid the thunder of the school bull, he decided to be blind: "It's normal, no sympathy at all!"

Lou Xiao looked at him: "You and you at the same table also stick together every day, holding hands to sleep in a bed?"

Wei Jiayu made up his brain at the same table and almost vomited.

Lou Xiao knew: "They really are different, right?"

Wei Jiayu stubbornly said: "Brother Shen just loves taking care of people, that little ... I mean Qiao Shao looks like a child again."

Lou Xiao sneered: "He Shen will take care of people?"

Wei Jiayu: "..."

He doesn't know much about learning God!

However, according to rumors, Xueshen is a six-kindness who does not recognize that he is more cruel than school bully!

Lou Xiao laughed softly: "I have known him for so many years, and I have never seen him so fond of people."

This is very subtle. Lou Xiao doesn't use any one person, but a broad 'person'.

Wei Jiayu can't go on.

What is the relationship between Lou Xiao and He Shen?

Will two people so familiar not understand each other's minds?

So ... they both like Qiao Shao, and they both know each other like Qiao Shao?

very scary……

Lou Xiaoyu said, "Okay, you know, don't go out and talk."

The two of them didn't have a cover either, and the blind man could see a little bit of a mess.

Wei Jiayu asked tentatively, "Brother Xiao, you already knew?"

Lou Xiao sneered.

Wei Jiayu was startled, thinking that he had plucked his tiger butt, and counseled: "I don't think so, both are men, why ..."

Lou Xiao raised an eyebrow: "Why can't a man?"

Wei Jiayu really wanted to sew up his mouth: "Okay! Of course!"

Lou Xiao looked at him: "Do you discriminate against this?"

Wei Jiayu quickly expressed his loyalty: "No, there is absolutely no discrimination. Love is regardless of national borders, regardless of race and gender!"

Thanks to her sister's good teaching, otherwise he would explain here.

Lou Xiao's expression slowed down, and he patted him on the shoulder.

Wei Jiayu nodded repeatedly, expressing 100,000 approval.

During this conversation, Lan Mao worshipped the school bull even more.

This is a real man--

Atmospheric, bright, right and wrong!

Even in the face of this kind of thing, they all have the same heart as the sea.

Brother Xiao, a real man, Wei Jiayu convinced to take it orally!

...... It hurts him a little bit ...

In the box.

He Shen noticed that Qiao Shao was always nervous: "Don't like it?"

I knew I had to change places. Is this place too strange for the little dwarf?

It ’s because I ’m too familiar ...

Qiao Shao shook his head and said, "Very good."

He Shen lowered his chopsticks and said, "So how do you want to run?"

Qiao Shao is purely a sequelae. In fact, he knew in his heart that the chances of meeting his classmates were so small that they could be ignored.

But he was scared by his father, for fear of any accident.

In case ... in case it really ...

Qiao Shao hesitated and knew why he was so anxious.

He didn't want to be dismantled, didn't want to transfer to school, and didn't want to leave these people.

An indescribable heat flow came to mind, Qiao Shao suddenly understood.

Since you like them, you should not waste time with them.

Every minute and every second should be cherished.

Qiao Shao finally relaxed, he asked He Shen: "Is this expensive?"

He Shen said: "I ... well, Lou Xiao treats guests, he is not bad money."

Qiao Shao said: "No, you can't eat others forever."

He Shen said: "Then I will go to check out."

Qiao Shao: "I can't eat you all the time."

He Shen felt helplessness in his chest, as in the past, as long as he tried to get close to the barrier that would rise.

"Do you think so?" Qiao Shao asked.

He Shen: "What."

Qiao Shao was a little embarrassed and said, "Don't think I'm shameless, I'm serious."

He Shen didn't know why, but a ray of expectation rose in his heart: "how."

He asked again, and Qiao Shaoqing cleared his throat, "Just let me borrow your money, and it won't take me a day to get a haircut, and I'll be able to double it back to you."

He Shen froze.

Qiao Shao looked up at him: "I will really pay you back, maybe one day I will be rich!"

Qiao Shao's words were not false at all.

Of course He Shen doesn't care, he cares more: "I can understand it as ..."

"Yes!" Qiao Shao looked into his eyes and said, "I want to eat in the cafeteria with you, and I want to eat out with you, but I don't want to aggravate you."

The corner of He Shen's mouth couldn't hold it up, and his throat seemed to be wiped with honey, his voice was low and dumb: "I don't care about these."

Never care about it, not just Qiao Shao, he doesn't care about anyone.

Qiao Shao solemnly said, "don't care about it now, but later?"

He Shen said: "In the future ..."

Before he finished, Qiao Shao rushed to the front: "Don't leave any hidden dangers."

He Shen couldn't speak because he felt Qiao Shao valued him.

Qiao Shao continued: "I know friends shouldn't care about these, but we are too different. I don't want to have any gap with you, so ..."

"Qiao Shao." He Shen suddenly called him.

Qiao Shao looked at him: "Huh?"

He Shen picked up a sashimi and fed him: "You are so cute."

Qiao Shao: "………………"

He almost choked!

When Wei Jiayu came in, he suspected that he had seen the pink bubbles in the room.

Brother Xiao ...

You are so hard ...

After eating, it's still early, He Shen suggested: "Go to play next door?"

Next door is a large commercial building with various entertainment facilities on the top floor.

Lou Xiao said: "What to play."

He Shen asked Qiao Shao: "Do you have anything to play?"

Qiao Shao had no idea what to play next door.

He Shen suddenly remembered and said, "Right, do you want to skate?"

Qiao Shao had injured his foot before, and they talked.

Qiao Shao said, "I won't ..."

He Shen said: "I teach you."

Lou Xiao didn't look at him, he asked Wei Jiayu: "Will you skate?"

Wei Jiayu honestly said: "Yes!"

At that time, a figure skating anime hit the air, and their sisters watched madmen and dragged him to work together.

Later, my sisters fell in love with other animations, so he honestly finished the one-year class.

Lou Xiao said: "Oh, then you go with them."

Wei Jiayu heard the voiceover: "Brother Xiao, don't you go?"

Lou Xiao said: "I'd rather go for two drinks with children's stuff."

But you are not an adult either!

He Shen dismantled him: "He is blind, for fear of accidentally knocking people into flight."

Qiao Shao & Wei Jiayu: "........."

So why do n’t you wear glasses!

I heard Lou Xiao won't go, Wei Jiayu said, "Then I won't go."

Lou Xiao glanced at him: "Are you going to the bar with me?"

Wei Jiayu he dare not!

But Wei Jiayu didn't want to be a big light bulb ...

Lou Xiao said, "Go, don't you know that?"

Hearing this, Wei Jiayu suddenly realized.

Yes, Xiao Xiao won't skate, and it's shameful to go, but he can't rest assured that the two are together, so insert him as eyeliner!

Wei Jiayu wrote on his face that I understood. He said, "OK, I'll go!"

Just heroic!

Lou Xiao glanced at him again, thinking: Why is this child not very smart.

So the school bull went away, and the remaining three went to the ice rink.

He Shen quite hated Wei Jiayu, but he was not good at driving people away.

Qiao Shao was very happy. I heard Wei Jiayu had been studying for a year and asked a lot.

The ice rink here is large and occupies half the floor area.

They came at the right time, the ice wagon had just finished its work, and the ice rink had returned to a white, smooth and beautiful appearance.

After He Shen bought the ticket, he could go to change the shoes first after receiving the skates.

However, the ice rink has just been sorted out and it will take a while to get in.

Qiao Shao regretted taking the shoes neutral.

Knowing that the size of the shoes should be exposed, he would rather not skate!

Who knew that the staff would give him another blow: "This size, wait a minute, let's find it."

Qiao Shao: "........."

He Shen said: "It's still early, you guys are waiting here, I'll buy some drinks."

Qiao Shao and Wei Jiayu responded.

When the shoes were boring, Qiao Shao looked at the ice rink.

It's refreshing to see a snow-white ice on a hot summer day.

Because it has only been sprinkled with water, there is a faint layer of ice mist floating on the ice layer. Looking at it from afar, I just feel refreshing and pleasant.

Qiao Shao likes it, although he thinks he might fall into a dog and eat shit.

"Yo, isn't this Master Wei?"

Qiao Shao was watching the ice rink in a daze, and heard the movement behind him.

He turned his head and saw three tall men surrounding Wei Jiayu.

Wei Jiayu looked stiff.

"Master is out again to play? Why isn't the young attendant guarding."

Wei Jiayu seemed to think of anything and turned away.

One of the men with earrings took Wei Jiayu and said, "Meet my old friends, and rush to go."

Wei Jiayu whispered, "Let go."

The earring man laughed: "It's okay to let go, but the brothers have been a bit tight recently, Grand Master ..."

"Go to work and earn money. What do you want from others?" Qiao Shao came straight.

The three men turned their heads and saw a child. They immediately laughed and said, "Where's the milk doll?"

Wei Jiayu's look changed, he didn't even look at Qiao Shao.

But the earring man still noticed it. He relaxed Wei Jiayu and said, "We Master Master Wei really don't have a long memory and play a good friend game again?"

He walked towards Qiao Shao, Wei Jiayu anxiously: "Don't touch him!"

It is a pity that when he said this, he really knew the two, and the earring man satirically said: "Since Master Wei has forgotten how he was deceived before, then I will give you a memory.

As he said, he picked up Qiao Shao and stared at him: "If you don't want to be beaten, tell Wei Jiayu that you played with him for his money."

"Let him go!" Wei Jiayu tried to pounce, but was caught by another man.

The earring man stared at Qiao Shao and said, "Say, as long as you admit that you play with him for money, I won't beat you."

Qiao Shao was stunned. The angle was just right. He screamed at the earring man.

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