MTL - My Stand-in is Steve-Chapter 441 Obtained material: Aizen's Collapsing Sky Jade

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  Chapter 441 Obtained material: Aizen's Collapsing Sky Jade

  Accompanied by the release of the time stop, Aizen's face showed a look of astonishment for the first time.

  The dark breath of death was like the fire of the abyss, eroding Aizen's body at an exaggerated speed, and in the blink of an eye, a hole the size of a washbasin appeared in his chest.

  But in the next second, a large amount of white liquid suddenly sprayed out from Lan Ran's body, like a virtual mask, quickly wrapped his body, and at the same time extinguished those pitch-black flames.


  Fang Mo was slightly taken aback when he saw this.

   And at this moment, Aizen's ghost path finally activated.

   "Ninety-nine times of breaking the way, the five dragons will be destroyed."

  According to Aizen's words, the whole city seemed to vibrate uneasily.

  In the next second, dozens of blocks exploded amidst the roar, and a frenzy of liquid spiritual particles spewed out, condensing into five giant dragons exuding terrifying coercion in mid-air, attacking Fang Mo from different directions.

   "No, I will put your stuff too."

   Seeing this scene, Fang Mo also reacted, and immediately pulled out Clausolas and thrust it on the ground.

  The vast power of the gods was poured into the depths of the earth, so the town of Kuzama really couldn't bear it, and more than a dozen tentacles of light that covered the sky soared into the sky.

The dragon and the tentacles kept entangled and collided in mid-air, followed by a flash of white light, and the brilliance like a nuclear flash suddenly lit up, and everything in the center of Karakura Town was vaporized in an instant, followed by a huge black-gray flower The mushroom cloud slowly rose into the sky.

   I have to say that the power of the No. 99 Breakthrough is quite strong.

  After the initial explosion, all that remained was a huge sinkhole in the very center of Karzama.

  However, Fang Mo didn't care about the surrounding environment. Anyway, Sifengyuan Yeyi, Suifeng, and Liuche Quanxi were still awake, and they probably had already transferred the injured just now.

   As for Aizen on the opposite side.

  At this moment, Fang Mo is the only one in his eyes.

  But after experiencing the serious injury just now, Aizen's appearance has completely changed.

  Now his whole body is covered by a white substance, not so much a human being, but more like a cocoon-like state, his breath and spiritual pressure are all restrained, as if he is welcoming some kind of transformation.

   "I really want to thank you."

  Lan Ran suddenly said: "If it wasn't for the fight with you just now, Beng Yu might not have recognized me so quickly..."


  Fang Mo smiled noncommittally: "Don't worry, it will find itself blind soon."

After finishing speaking, Fang Mo swung Levatin again. This time he activated the flame mode of the arcane ring, and the eternal fire was injected into the inside of the sword. In an instant, Levatin became a sword as dazzling as the sun. white greatsword.

   "Old man Yamamoto was disabled by me accidentally, but I heard that you are still quite afraid of him."

  Fang Mo smiled and raised the huge sword in his hand: "My sword is quite similar to Liu Ren Ruo Huo. Would you like to use your body to experience old man Yamamoto's swastika?"

   "Sun Blade."

   Before Aizen could react, Fang Mo had already disappeared in place. Seeing this, Aizen immediately raised his knife to defend, but in the next second his Zanpakuto was cut open like butter.

  After several breaks, Aizen's Kyoka Shuiyue has almost only one handle left.

Seeing that he couldn't defend himself, Lan Ran immediately stepped back, but Fang Mo launched a void teleport to follow up with quick eyesight and quick hands. The knife just slashed on his chest without making any sound. It was completely wiped away. What kind of spiritual pressure, cocooning the shell, did not have any effect at all.

   After being slashed like this, even Aizen felt a burst of pain, and hastily launched a ghostly way: "Ninety of the broken way, black coffin."

A large amount of black matter appeared quickly, trapping Fang Mo in a huge black cube, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Lan Ran immediately covered his chest and retreated, but at this moment he did indeed awaken the power of Beng Yu , The chest injury that almost chopped off his internal organs began to heal in the next second.

   But before Aizen's injury completely healed, the black coffin in front of him suddenly began to collapse rapidly.

  Fang Mo's body was surrounded by a gorgeous layer of ultra-high temperature plasma. At this moment, he walked out of the collapsed black coffin with Levatin, like the second sun falling to the earth.

   Without waiting for Fang Mo to continue attacking.

  Not far away, several cracks suddenly appeared on Aizen's head.

   Immediately afterwards, there was a cracking sound, and the white substance that originally wrapped Aizen's body suddenly split, revealing Aizen's face.

   It is worth mentioning that Aizen's appearance has also changed a little at this moment.

  First of all, the opponent's eyes, the whites of the eyes turned purple, and the pupils turned white, which obviously no longer looks like a normal human being, but a bit like a monster.

   Of course, besides this, there is the most important point, that is, Aizen's hair has grown a lot longer.

We all know that in the second dimension, the length of the hair obviously affects the combat effectiveness. For example, the blackened Xiaojie in the hunter, and the Saiyan in the dragon ball. The longer the hair, the stronger the person. Of course, there are completely opposite examples. , such as Saitama or something, but that is a BUG so I won’t talk about it for now.

  In short, after Aizen’s changes, it’s obvious that his style has improved again.

   "Well, it seems that the pupation is almost over."

  Lan Ran touched her cheek, and then said lightly: "Thanks to your help, the evolution of Bengyu has been accelerated, and now I am no longer a **** of death."

   "So you evolved from a death **** to a dead ghost?"

  Fang Mo asked back: "There is an old saying over there that the hair is long and the knowledge is short. I think you are in this state now, and the knowledge is too short."

"Up to now, I'm still trying to have a conversation with you." Hearing this, Lan Ran slowly raised the Zanpakutao in his hand. Restored to the original state: "Now that I think about it, I was too naive. People like you should be wiped out."

  After speaking, Aizen disappeared without warning.

Seeing this, Fang Mo immediately slashed to the left. It has to be said that Lan Ran's strength has indeed improved a lot after evolution. Soon the two weapons collided, and there was a huge collision sound instantly, and the blades clashed. Places seem to have been knocked out of a transient cavity.

  But in the next second, Aizen's Zanpakuto screamed again.

  Of course, there is no way. Fang Mo now has the breath of death flowing in his body, and has activated Levatin's eternal fire mode. Now the power wrapped around his sword is enough to destroy everything in the world.

   Aizen couldn't resist, and his body was cut in the middle by Levatin again, almost being split in half.

However, after all, the opponent had Bengyu as his trump card. He suffered a fatal injury at this moment, but a more terrifying Reiatsu erupted from his body. The chrysalis shells all over his body were shattered, and six wings of light like butterflies suddenly spread out from behind. The area between the eyebrows also split open suddenly, and something like an eye emerged.

   "Finally... the metamorphosis is complete."

  After evolving again, Aizen couldn't help feeling a little bit of joy, and swung a knife at Fang Mo directly.

  The tip of Jinghua Shuiyue's knife was wrapped with an almost absurd Reiatsu, and with the help of this Reiatsu, a faint trace of blood spattered out.

  In Steve's vision, Fang Mo finally gave up half of his heart.

  Of course, this half of the heart recovered almost instantly. If he didn't observe carefully, Fang Mo wouldn't even notice that he was bleeding.

   "You're hurt."

  Lan Ran smiled and pointed to Fang Mo's chest: "Do you understand what this means?"

Fang Mo looked down at his chest, and probably had a certain estimate of the defensive power of this new set of armor in his heart. It seems that the physical resistance of this thing is almost the same when it is not charged. Lu metal and crystal matrix are both more magic-friendly materials.

"What's wrong?"

  Lan Ran saw that Fang Mo was still, and smiled confidently: "After realizing Beng Yu's true power, are you speechless?"

   "Do you know Sal Apollo?"

  Fang Mo touched his chest, and then suddenly asked such a question.

   "Are you referring to that Pomian under me?" Lan Ran was also a little strange after hearing this, and didn't understand why Fang Mo suddenly brought it up here: "What's wrong?"

   "His eightieth blade knocked out five of my hearts."

Fang Mo spread his hands and said: "And you, the master of Bengyu, a man who surpassed the **** of death and Xu, will soon replace the existence of the king of spirits, but you only knocked out half of my heart... In other words, it is his tenth. one-third."



Fang Mo laughed straight away: "So how on earth did you make a wish with Bengyu? Why did you keep pulling? It took a long time to forcefully cut off a trace of my blood. I really don't understand what you are so proud of. "

   "As a prop that can realize people's wishes, I guess this is not the limit of Bengyu, but the limit of you Aizen Soyousuke."

As Fang Mo spoke, he recalled Rex Solaus, the sword of light: "But it's a courtesy, since you have let me see your power, then it's my turn... I'll let you see it with your own eyes. Come on, Aizen, what is a real god?"

   Speaking of which.

  Fang Mo directly activated the beacon and the power of the gods.

  Just hearing a bang, Fang Mo's eyes faintly flashed a white light, and then an indescribably vast aura erupted from him, and Lan Ran was thrown out in an instant.

  Just pure momentum, the thick clouds above Fang Mo's head have been pierced, and the sun shines on Fang Mo's body from above, making him look like a god.

   "I see, is this sword your hole card?"

  Seeing this scene, Lan Ran reacted immediately, rushed up with a quick step, drew a knife and slashed at Fang Mo's left arm, probably trying to cut off his sword-holding arm or something.

   However, only a ding was heard.

  His blade hovered a few centimeters away from Fang Mo's arm.

  Aizen pressed down in disbelief, but there was an overwhelmed sound from the blade, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break through this invisible barrier.

"This is…"

   Seeing this scene, Aizen finally changed his face.

"Your only mistake is to be my enemy." Fang Mo kicked at him when he said this, and a white wave exploded in the air, and Lan Ran uncontrollably smashed towards him. The ground, with a bang, was directly blasted deeply into the earth's crust.

And as Aizen was smashed into the ground, the whole land surged like a sea wave, and the stratum continued to roll and break. The entire Karakura Town seemed to have ushered in a magnitude 10 earthquake. All the buildings were shocked at the same time. collapsed.

  But in the next second, the ground suddenly became red and soft.

  The soaring spiritual pressure erupted from the ground, and Aizen also flew out from it in a bit of a panic.

"So being beaten like a dog by me is what you wished for?" Seeing Lan Ran's appearance at the moment, Fang Mo also teased: "Beng Yu fulfilled your wish? Are you an M inside? Oh ...That's right, no wonder you were **** in the underground prison for tens of thousands of years afterwards, you are actually very happy in your heart, right?"

"This is impossible!"

After being hit one after another, even if he is as calm as Aizen, he is obviously losing his composure now, and there is even a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth at this moment: "You just surpassed me temporarily, this is a short-lived miracle, and you will experience it soon. To new despair!"

   Having said this, Lan Ran raised his finger to Fang Mo again, as if he wanted to release some tricks.

  But Fang Mo didn't want to play any more, and it was obvious that Aizen couldn't be his opponent, so he teleported over and stabbed Aizen's stomach with a knife.


  Aizen really didn't react this time, and was stunned.

   "Do you understand?" Fang Mo said lightly, "This is the real...power of God."

   "I don't admit it!"

Lan Ran couldn't help shouting, and then suddenly backed away forcefully, pulling himself off the sword of light, blood gushed out with a puff, and then he immediately activated photochemical, and retreated not far away at the top of the ruins.

   And it was at this time.

   The Reiatsu on Aizen's side started to climb again.

   There was a bang, and a bead suddenly appeared in the crack between his eyebrows. He didn't know if it was a collapsed jade or something, and then a trace of blood flowed out from it.

  Aizen himself seemed to be absent-minded for a moment.

  But in the next second, a burst of blood mist erupted from his whole body, and his entire face was forcibly torn apart from the middle, revealing a pure black monster face.

   This thing is not so much a person, it is more appropriate to say it is a void.

   At the same time, the butterfly-like wings behind him also changed, and something like a skull grew out of each wing, and even his right hand was integrated with the mirror flower and water moon.

   So far, Aizen has completed the final evolution, which is the fourth stage in the original book.

Of course, after the evolution, the spiritual pressure on Lan Ran's body became even more terrifying. The highly condensed spiritual particles even began to distort the surrounding light, but because he turned into a monster-like face, Fang Mo couldn't see it. Come out his expression changes.

   "'s getting ugly."

  Fang Mo observed Lan Ran's current state for a while, and gave a direct evaluation: "In this world where fashion and style determine everything, you have suddenly become such a precious thing, identified as... Send."

   After saying the last word, Fang Mo rushed to Lan Ran and slashed it down: "Ash of heaven and earth."

  Endless light and heat soared into the sky, Aizen's upper body instantly turned into dust, and with the lower body fell to the ground with a plop, only Beng Yu was still floating there quietly.

  (end of this chapter)

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