MTL - My Stand-in is Steve-Chapter 440 Aizen

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  Chapter 440 Aizen

   "Damn guy, how dare you play me!"

  Hearing what Fang Mo said, Bailegang also reacted, and immediately picked up his giant ax angrily: "Do you think I can do nothing about you?"

   "They are both bone kings, why is there such a big difference?"

Facing Bailegang's Ax of Destruction, Fang Mo just lightly raised a finger and put it against the ax blade: "Although Ainz likes to fight wits with the air, he still has brains anyway. As a result, you only know how to hack and hack, why... have you become addicted to hacking?"


  Bailegang also seemed to be stunned by this scene.

   But before he could react, Fang Mo had already stabbed his chest with a sword.

  Bailegang wanted to corrode this weapon with the breath of death, but this weapon was just like Fang Mo's body, the breath of death didn't work at all.

"This is impossible…"

   I saw Bailegang looking down at the big sword on his chest with difficulty.

   "Don't bow your head, the crown will fall."

  However, when he bowed his head, Fang Mo cheerfully helped him to support the crown on his head: "Good boy, put it on, it's crooked."

Bailegang seemed to want to say something, but suddenly there was a huge suction in his chest, as if the sword was about to swallow him, but Bailegang didn't struggle, but looked at him unwillingly. Seeing Aizen in the distance, he threw the huge ax in his hand towards him with the last of his strength.

   It's a pity that the ax just flew a few meters away.

   Then he was sucked back by a huge force, and disappeared into the great sword of ender together with Balegon.

And after sealing Bailegang, the Ender sword in Fang Mo's hand also changed. The original dark green standard sword became pitch black, the hilt turned into a pale skeleton, and the sword was like a Golden crown.

  As for the blade, the flame of decay was burning quietly on the ink-like blade.

   "Okay, another little artifact."

  Fang Mo waved the black long sword in his hand in satisfaction: "Go back and make a new giant sword with better materials, um... let's call it Youguang."

   "Is it done yet?"

  Here Fang Mo was studying the black long sword, Sifengyuan Yeyi also quickly jumped down from mid-air, and walked towards him directly: "Did you seal it?"

   "Master Ye, please stay away from him."

   Seeing this, Broken Bee hurriedly said: "He is no different from that Broken Face now, once he touches it, he will turn into dust."

   "Hey, girl, the two of us are standing on one side." Fang Mo also looked at Sifengyuan Yeyi after hearing the words: "Didn't we make an appointment just now? Help me figure out a pose..."

   "Shut up! Shameless villain!"

   Broken Bee interrupted immediately: "I never said a word to you!"

   "Hey, you..."

Fang Mo just wanted to argue with the other party for a few more words, but suddenly several figures fell from midair in the next second. When they looked up, they found that Ukitake Shishiro, Kyoraku Shunsui, and Komamura Zuozhen had all been defeated. , there were a few more deep wounds on his body.

   As for Aizen in mid-air.

  After dealing with several captains present, he also slowly floated to the ground.

In fact, Lan Ran had already noticed Fang Mo when he attacked Bailegang just now, but it took a little time to deal with several captains. At this moment, the enemies were basically cleared, so he also focused on on Fang Mo.

   "Long time no see, Fang Mo, Lu Huo."

  Ai Ran's tone was very calm, but coupled with the captain-level remnants and defeated generals, this calmness highlighted his oppressive force even more.

Suifeng, Liuche Quanxi, and Sifengyuan Yeyi suddenly seemed to be facing a formidable enemy. Everyone present stopped at this moment and stared at him. Of course, Fang Mo, the thorn counted.

   "Long time no see, Shinigami Aizen."

  Fang Mo turned his head to look at Aizen, and said in the same tone.

   "Actually, I don't want to see you here." Aizen frowned slightly: "Because this only shows that my subordinates are a bunch of trash."

   "Actually, I don't want to be here... Forget it, I'm too lazy to repeat."

  Fang Mo directly waved his hand and said, "Your subordinates have surrendered to the enemy collectively, stop it, Ah Ran, there are people from Team Zero outside."

"Have they all betrayed?" Lan Ran didn't care about it, and he said lightly: "Since you can instigate rebellion, it can only show that they are really just a bunch of waste, and waste...even if you collect them Too much is useless, don't you plan to use them to deal with me?"

   "As expected of you, I pretended again after not seeing you for a while."

Fang Mo also laughed when he heard the words: "Actually, your mentality is really strong. I have been thinking about how to make you despair. Instigating rebellion is also one of the links, but I didn't cultivated it. This group of subordinates are so useless, some of them were slapped to death by me before they had time to instigate rebellion."

   "I'm thinking of who... Well, there seems to be a can head, a nigga, and a magpie beetle."

  Fang Mo looked at Ai Ran with a smile: "Then since the subordinates are so useless, the people who cultivated them must be of the same level, don't you think so, Ai Ran?"

   "Do you think so?"

  Blue Ran said lightly: "So, what kind of mentality do you have for racking your brains to **** these garbage?"

   "I like to play against someone with a strong character like you. Only in this way can the game be fun."

Fang Mo was not angry after hearing this, but laughed instead: "All creatures will believe in beings better than themselves. If you don't follow blindly, you will not be able to survive. In order to disperse such pressure, people who are trusted will look for better existences. Excellent people go back and forth like this, so kings and gods are they are willing to follow me, presumably because they think that I am better than you."


  After hearing what Fang Mo said, Aizen was stunned for a rare moment.

  This is not to say that Lan Ran Fang Mo has run out of words, but that what Fang Mo just said is the truest thoughts in Lan Ran's heart.

However, Aizen was just a little stunned, and soon came back to his senses. If someone else said this, Aizen would still consider whether the other party really thought so, but if it was Fang Mo... Aizen It came back to me immediately, this is obviously the ability to read minds or predict the future, after all, it is not once or twice that the other party steals my lines.

  Of course, Fang Mo did deliberately steal his lines.

   After all, I have read the original work, so no matter how Aizen pretends to be, it is useless, let alone him, even the so-called all-knowing and omnipotent You Habach came here. This is comparable to a dimensionality reduction blow.

   "It seems that you are really interesting."

  Aizen said slowly: "You seem to know more than I expected."

   "For the sake of you being a big boss, let me give you a chance." Fang Mo drew out a brand new ender sword while talking: "Now sit on it by yourself, and I won't attack you."

   "Is this your weapon?"

  Lan Ran glanced at the great sword of ender in Fang Mo's hand: "So, your ability is to defeat and seal other people into it, and then use their power?"

  As early as before, when Fang Mo defeated Bailegang, Lan Ran noticed his actions.

   Now seeing the **** sword in Fang Mo's hand, he immediately understood: "It is indeed a very special ability, maybe this is what you rely on, this kind of power system is completely independent of Lingzi."

   "I also want to use your spiritual sub-system."

Fang Mo spread his hands: "It's so cool to say something like a flashing **** every now and then... But the problem is that it can't be used, so I can only use your spiritual pressure, which is one of the five great powers that Youhart remembers. , you should have the highest spiritual pressure in the whole play, right? Lend me as a spiritual pressure battery."

   "Is that so?"

  Lan Ran looked at Fang Mo, her expression suddenly relaxed a little: "Sure enough, your target is also that thing."

   "What the hell?"

  Fang Mo was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Lan Ran said.

   "A person without a clear purpose is very dangerous. You used to be like this."

Aizen said calmly: "But now I have understood your plan. You want to defeat me who controls Bengyu, and then use my power and your own to go to the Lingwang Palace and turn the Lingwang into your power. , and finally become a real god...isn't it?"


  After listening to Lan Ran's statement, Fang Mo touched his chin thoughtfully: "It's not impossible to do this..."

"If this is the case, then I have already won." Ai Ran showed a chuckle: "Even if you want to replace a god, you need to rely on the power of others to do it, it can't be me opponent."

   "Put it on again, as if you didn't borrow Bengyu's power."

  Fang Mo said directly: "I can throw the weapon to fight you, but do you dare to throw the Bengyu? If you can't do it, just kneel down and call daddy."

   "Beng Yu was created by me alone." Aizen argued, "It was originally my power."

   "Then I didn't make these weapons myself?"

Fang Mo asked back: "My weapons are still made by myself, but your mirror flower and water moon are forged by two Wu Wangyue, and the collapse jade is also half of the credit of Urahara Kisuke, so you need to rely on other people's strength If you have the ability to throw away the knife and Bengyu, let's play hand-to-hand."

   "It seems that you really know a lot."

  Lan Ran glanced at Fang Mo again: "But it doesn't matter anymore, since you are blocking my way, I will eliminate you, just like treating other people."

   After saying this, Aizen stopped talking, but slowly pulled out the Zanpakutō in his hand.

  I saw his figure disappear suddenly, and he appeared in front of Fang Mo almost instantly. I have to say that the speed was quite fast, at least much stronger than the last time we met, and he directly slashed forward.

   But in the next second.

  Fang Mo directly raised his hand and grabbed Aizen's Zanpakuto.

Although the battle of the **** of death is indeed related to spiritual pressure, whoever has stronger spiritual pressure will have a bonus, but Fang Mo's new armor is too foul, it is equivalent to being forged from countless dimensional cores, even if it is as strong as blue Ran, this knife didn't break the defense at all.


   Seeing this scene, Aizen was slightly taken aback.

   To be honest, he didn't expect that the opponent's skin became harder than last time. This is no longer what the steel skin can achieve. It is no exaggeration to say that he is comparable to the anti-membrane.

"That's it?"

  Fang Mo saw this, and immediately taunted him: "I don't even have the strength to cut people, and you still say that you control Bengyu?"

   "Don't think too much."

   Lan Ran quickly calmed down: "This is just to say hello to you first."


  Fang Mo said while firmly holding Aizen's Zanpakuto: "Then let me say hello to you too."

   As soon as the words fell, the black flames on Fang Mo's body spread along the blade. Seeing this, Aizen immediately folded to the side forcefully, and forcibly broke his Zanpakuto from the middle.

   Immediately afterwards, these flames quickly wrapped half of the blade, decaying it into a pile of residue.

   "This ability is really surprisingly easy to use."

  Fang Mo also became happy when he saw this: "If Agni burned this thing back then, he probably would have laughed a lot, right?"

   "Don't you think that such an ability has no weakness?"

Just as I was talking here, Lan Ran had appeared in front of Fang Mo again: "Sixty-one ways to bind, sixty-one light prisons, sixty-three to bind ways, locks to bind, seventy-nine to bind ways, nine light bound."

Accompanied by Lan Ran's words, six petal-like rays of light stuck Fang Mo in place, and then a large pile of spirit lock bars flew out, binding him densely, and in the end, Nine groups of black spirit matter appeared out of thin air, sealing Fang Mo in it again.

   It's just that these binding ways are trapping Fang Mo at the same time.

  The breath of death on Fang Mo's body also began to rapidly erode these spiritual substances.

However, Lan Ran's reaction was indeed fast enough, and he immediately activated his ability again. He raised his sword and swiped at Fang Mo's body. After the sword was stained with the breath of death, he didn't know what move to use. The blade was inserted into Fang Mo's chest.

   I don't know what kind of tactic this is, but Fang Mo's side unexpectedly gave half of his heart.


Fang Mo glanced at the sword blade on his chest, and realized what was going on. In his impression, Bailegang died like this in the original book. He was attacked by members of the Masked Legion and sent the breath of decay to the world. Inside his body, the theory is that he himself couldn't bear the power of the rotten things, so he was completely rotten.

Now it seems.

   Aizen probably wants to use this method to solve himself.

  However, soon, a small piece of the blade rotted away, but the wound on Fang Mo's body healed in an instant, and it was not eroded by the breath of death at all.


  Seeing this scene, Lan Ran frowned immediately.


  Fang Mo laughed immediately when he saw this, and of course he did not forget to sneer; "You don't think my ability will be weak?"

  In fact, the principle of the breath of death in Balegon is somewhat similar to the ability to speed up time, causing everything in the world to decay. In theory, even atoms have a lifespan, so the upper limit of this ability is indeed exaggerated.

  But the problem is...

  Fang Mo, as the creator of the MC world, is a truly eternal existence.

Even if the universe disintegrates and everything decays, Fang Mo and his world will still exist forever, and time has no meaning in front of him. Of course, this can also be explained in the jargon of Marvel, that is, Fang Mo and Doma Like Tom, has transcended the so-called time.

  Because of this, of course this rotten power can't hurt him.

   "The ninety-nine of the broken way..."

   Seeing that his methods were useless, Lan Ran immediately took a new action. He raised his hand and aimed directly at Fang Mo not far away, and the palpitating spiritual pressure continued to gather on him.

  However, in the next second, Fang Mo's binding Tao was completely decayed, and he directly launched teleport + time stop.

  Just hearing a puff, Ai Ran's chest was instantly opened with a big hole.

  (end of this chapter)