MTL - My Senior Is Always Salivating After Me!-Chapter 89

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Linsu porcelain sneezed.

He licked his nose and snorted: "Do you know what?"

"About more than you." Lin sighed and raised his hand to lay an enchantment, directly directly with him and Lin Su porcelain.

The time was short, and Lin Su porcelain silenced the shackles in the darkness of the enchantment, and the enchantment had disappeared.

What followed was Lin’s hand that was lifted and fell on the neck of Lin Su porcelain.

"The adult asked me to bring you home. Hey, he is not indifferent."

The beating of the aorta is strong and strong. Lin stopped the warmth of the fingertips and the pulse of Linsu porcelain accelerated.

The bright moon's "color" is washed thoroughly, and the tiles under the ridge reflect the shadow of Linsu porcelain, a small group.

Lin Su porcelain coveted.

The finger that fell between his neck was slender and looked like a literati's hand, but Lin Suzhou knew that this hand only needed to be lightly thought to turn him into ashes.

"I can't help it, anyway, you have to go back. I am doing this, just **** you back early."

With a dangerous hand than Lin Su porcelain, it is a sorrowful forest.

He pressed Lin Su porcelain both up from the ridge, but the shadow on the tile did not change, just twisted a few laps, "Dang" opened a black "color" vortex.

Lin Su porcelain has been silent for a long time, and he is not cold. "You should not save you just now."

He pointed out that when Lin stopped the stomachache, he did not leave but stayed for Lin to stop looking for medicine.

Look at it now, if he just left, this time may have escaped.


Lin stopped this heart, he could not hide several times.

"You are still very embarrassed to say!" When it comes to this, Lin’s face is dark and very unpleasant.

Lin Su porcelain looked down at his shaking hand when he was excited, calm: "Be careful not to hurt me."

Lin regrets that he also knows his own power. The same fusion of Lin Su porcelain under his hand, there is no resistance to a trace.

If it is not good to make people, the trouble can be big.

Gu did not say much, Lin stopped the sandwich with Lin Su porcelain and ran into the black "color" whirlpool, only his whispers were still in the ears of Lin Su porcelain.

The black vortex is naturally a transmission array that is prepared early.

This is a very high-level technique. The monks below Jindan cannot be unfolded. Even the monks above Jindan can only carry out transmission within a hundred miles.

Obviously, this is not the forest stage of the integration stage. Unfortunately, all the Jin Dan in the Jin family yard are Lin Su porcelain, and even more unfortunately, he knows that no one here will help Lin.

At least there is a person above Jindan who is coming in.

Or, in contact with Lin.

Lin Su Porcelain passed through the transmission array, and did not dare to move under the sorrow of Lin, and stiffened his body. After dizzy and dizzy, he fixed his eyes and looked at it.

The person who is in contact with Lin is certainly not a Jin Dan, and the transmission array is definitely not a short distance of several hundred miles.

At least, it is not the mainland of the sea.

It was just half past three minutes in the night. The place where he stood was bright and bright, and the warm and humid air was sticky and not very comfortable.

The Yangtze River Bridge, the willows hang on the shore, the old **** on the shore wears a sunshade, lying on a bamboo chair, and the fishing rod hanging on the river, the fish line moves, the water is splashing, obviously there is a fish hook.

Lin Su Porcelain stood in the shade of a willow tree for some years, and the willows on the head swept over his cheeks with a tingling thorn.

Both of them were silent at the moment.

"White family, I can ask a question..." Lin Su porcelain just opened his mouth, and Lin, who was still shocked in silence, vomited blood and vomited blood, and screamed at the head of Lin Su porcelain. Ah, younger sister! What are you calling! Call me my name!"

Lin Su porcelain was bullied. At this moment, the heart was rebellious. The more he knew that Lin Shu was ashamed to say that he had a relationship with Bai Qingkong, the more he used this provocation.

"You are not the white one, he is my younger brother, you are not my brother and sister." Lin Su porcelain was hammered two times unhappy, a sleeve of backhand hammering the forest, while hammering the mouth Clearly, "Sister, your temper is really bad!"

"Ah!" Lin stopped the two counterattacks, and distracted Lin Su porcelain's words, his face was distorted, and he had not played Lin Su porcelain in his hand, and he thundered. "The old masters of Laozi’s upright, Don't call my younger sister!"

Lin Su-Zhuo relied on his physical strength to win the forest, and he won the victory. He also proudly pressed Lin to stop the regret, and smiled and said: "Brother, sister."

Lin stopped the black face to drop ink, grinded the teeth for a long time, and angered and counterattacked: "晏家嫂子!"

Lin Su porcelain didn't care about these words, and smiled and agreed: "Hey, Bai's younger brother!"

Lin Zhixiu desperately told himself not to be angry with people who have no face and no skin, and finally mad at himself.

Lin Sui Porcelain, who knows how to shamelessly, sees Lin’s temperament. He only accepts his heart and starts to look around: “Where is this?”

Lin stopped to get up and slammed the ash on his body and said, "How do I know."

Lin Su porcelain is very different: "You sold me, how can you not know?"

"Selling a fart!" Lin Zhiwei's cultivation was fed to the dog, almost squatting on the sleeves and continued to fight, for a long time, only snarled, "that transmission array, it is not me."

Lin Su porcelain has sunburned for a while, and the body is already warm and not hot, and some are hot. He fanned his sleeves with his sleeves and said impatiently: "Buy, I have been turning you, how can he not see people?"

Lin regrets to hear this, the relaxed expression is suddenly tightened, and the condition is anti-"shooting" for a while, slowing down to relax the muscles.

"……I do not know."

Before Lin took a sigh of Linsu porcelain, he quickly said: "I was dragged by the demon to the dream of the adult. The adult told me to bring you into the transmission array. Besides, I have nothing. I no longer know."

Lin Su Porcelain pumped his mouth and raised his hand and applauded: "I can bear it, now I will start."

Lin regrets refuting: "What can bear, I only know when I have three hours before the afternoon!"

Lin Su Porcelain immediately changed the saying: "Then you are really loyal, you have sold a life to sell a minor kitten, positively."

"You know, what do I get."

Lin stopped looking at him with cold eyes.

Lin Su porcelain saw his face "color" and knew that what he was asking for was not unusual. He closed his mouth and shook his head.

"Change blood." Lin stopped his face with no expression. "If I take you safely from the yard to him, he will give me the blood of the other half of my body."


Lin Su porcelain is very different, he almost blurted out: "How can this be done..." If you change the blood, there will be no bones withered. The plot of white clear sky can't go away. How to develop? !

Halfway through the words, he felt wrong and swallowed back.

Fortunately, there is no saying that it is leaking. At this time, no one knows about Lin’s life.

He tried to twist his expression to curiosity, and opened his mouth like a fool.

Lin was immersed in his own emotions, did not notice Lin Su porcelain, so that he was lucky to fool the past.

"The other half of my body's blood is not good. I changed it to be a pure Lin family. I will be able to be upright in the future." Lin Zhixiu couldn't make his own life known to the mouth, faintly said something.

Lin Su Porcelain suddenly knew why Lin had to get the news and dared to set up a deal for him.

Change blood, completely become a Lin family, and be upright.

It’s all about Lin’s hopes for many years, and one day, I can achieve it, can I stop it?

It’s a pity that he is.

Lin Su porcelain felt a distress for himself.

It became a victim of Lin’s desire to realize his wishes.

"Thank you for congratulations." Lin Su porcelain lazily exaggerated. He looked around and snorted. "Where is this, should I wait for the buyer here, or can I just walk around?"

Lin’s more immersive emotions were interrupted by Lin’s attitude. He watched his eyes and looked around, and he couldn’t understand what was going on. He tried to say: “We are waiting here now.”

Lin Su porcelain is not allowed.

He stood in the shade of the tree, licking the leaves on the wicker in front of his eyes, and the old man who was fishing not far and the aunt who was passing the vegetable basket couldn't help but look at him.

Lin Su Porcelain sneaked out while sleeping.

A white blouse with a shawl and a barefooted scorpion. The big day appeared in public, much like the madman who was not normal.

Losing Lin Su porcelain grew handsome enough, holding his arms and shaking his legs, and shivering out a handsome man.

The gaze of the big girl who passed by was smeared on him.

Lin Su porcelain yawned, tears and tears.

If it is in the yard, it will be late at night, and he should sleep well.

Sure enough, it should not be sneaked in the middle of the night. This is good, and I have been sinned.

Lin Su porcelain was yawned one after another, and he sat down on the ground, throwing the rock of the buttocks into the river and playing a circle of water. The fat squid was scared to bite and the tail slid into the air. Underwater.

"Come on, if the seller does not come, tell me what is going on."

Lin Shuwei is not in the street, the big court is under the crowd, the action is a little twisted, left to look at the right to sit down slowly, stiff for a long time.

"If you don't want to say this, let's talk about you and Xiaobai...clear sky, you are also interested in you." Lin Su porcelain suggested.

Lin, who had just hesitated to know how to speak, immediately flew quickly: "I didn't know when the virtual predecessors raised a problem with your life. I knew only about the Lord. I didn't think much about it, just at noon. When I was young, the devil went into a dream."

In a dream, a nightmare is a powerful one that cannot be defeated. Lin’s dreams were controlled by the demon, directly dragging his soul into a person’s dream.

Lin stopped the whole process and squatted underneath. He was unable to move because of the pressure. He couldn’t lift his head, let alone see who he was.

Only he knows that this one that condenses the breath and is weakened in the dream is only one percent, the hero who is still thrilled, the extraordinary person,

Then the adult self-reported the door and scared him.

But the identity of that adult is only the first of all his frightened.

Lin Su porcelain, which was discussed not long ago, is not an illegitimate child, but a young master who he unexpectedly remembered.

Lin Su Porcelain is the real Lin Jia Shaozhu, the adult who is looking for many years.

After learning that Lin did not know what his mood was, perhaps he had not had time to react. The adult would tell him the reason for the incident and he came out.

Let him start, and use his way of not hurting Lin Su porcelain, and trick him into the transmission array.

After an hour, Lin Zhixiu gave Lin Su porcelain a message and asked him to meet.

In the shade under the weeping willow, Lin Su porcelain, sitting cross-legged, snoring with her eyes closed, but she was already asleep.

Abandoned my tongue and said a lot of forests to stop: "..."


Calculating the time, here is indeed the time to sleep, Lin Shuxi is not qualified to wake up Lin Su porcelain that should sleep, honestly holding his legs sitting on one side, silent sigh.

Lin Su porcelain did not sleep deeply.

He was so sleepy, and Lin’s voice was calm and rhythmic, like hypnosis, and he couldn’t help but bow.

Just in the end, when Lin stopped the sound, the Lin Su porcelain was awakened.

But he did not move, still keep his eyes closed, and slowly swayed to the ground along the left and right.

The ants on the ground climbed up to him along his clothes. On the wrist under the cuff, a small ant was struggling to climb up his arm.

Lin Su porcelain itchy.

But the sun hangs down through the willow branches, and the light of the chaos hangs over him, warm and comfortable. He is too lazy to move.

Anyway, the ant bites it and bites it, but it doesn't hurt.

Lin Su Porcelain decisively let it go, let it go, lying there and closing his eyes very comfortable.

Hey, he heard a laugh, gently.

It’s not like Lin’s regret.

Lin Su porcelain seems to think of something. He just wanted to move, found a hand on his wrist, opened his sleeve and clipped the little ant that climbed to his elbow.

Very gentle, but...

Very strange.

Lin Su Porcelain immediately opened his eyes.

He sat up on his elbow and sat up halfway.

At a glance, I saw people close at hand.

A young and handsome young man is laughing at "吟" and "吟" looking at him. The long and narrow Danfeng eyebrows are affectionate, and the amber "color" is clearly reflected in the face of Lin Suzhen.

Very strange……

The young long hair was not neatly bundled, but two bundles from each side of the border, with a jade in the back of the head, the rest of the long hair hanging shoulders, spilled on his white and innocent clothes.

Holding the finger of the little ant and handing it to the face of Linsu Porcelain, the person’s mouth slightly picked up a gentle arc: “Small lazy.”

Lin Su porcelain licked his lips and unconsciously shrank back.

The young people in front of me are looking at ordinary people. They are more beautiful than ordinary people. They have more Fengshen handsome, more, and they are as elegant as the fairy.

But he is just an ordinary person.

There is no aura of volatility and no demon.

And in his anticipation, there will be a difference between the ancestors who will directly crush the dead.

"You..." Lin Su porcelain just wanted to talk and found out that his nephew had done it. He cleared his throat and continued to sneak backwards. The whole back came to the trunk, and the eyes were "chaotic", looking around. I’m sorry.

Even if he is betraying him, Lin Zhixi is here. He only knows the familiar people and can give him a sense of security.

It’s a pity that the street scenes that you see in your eyes are full of prosperity and prosperity.

He was like being swept away by a breeze, leaving no traces.

When you are finished, you will be left!

Lin Su porcelain mouth is pumping, and it is hard to keep the appearance of a polite kitten. The passengers are eager to face the youth in front of the eyes: "Excuse me?"

The youth did not care about the retreat of Lin Su Porcelain, laughing at "吟" and "吟" said: "No return, Lin will not return."

Got it, don't ask, this surname Lin will not be someone else, it will only be the family of the Lin family who was in the robbery period.

Lin Su porcelain thought for a moment, politely asked: "You brought me here, what's the matter?"

"You don't ask, is the relationship between us?" Lin refused to be interested and reminded, "For example, are you my illegitimate child?"

Lin Su Porcelain has a mouthful of water and he has a cough.

I only wrote the words of "disorder" during the day, and this one knows?

Seeing that he coughed like a wolf, Lin did not return to his lips with a fist, and smiled softly.

He is relaxed, relaxed, and even a little lame.

Lin Su porcelain is not, he is already tight.

"Your old man... is it really what I have never met?" Lin Su porcelain cautiously asked.

This is really distressing.

If he is really the child of this family, isn't he just one person who has gotten a good day? From then on, there are thousands of people, and the wind and the rain rush to the beans into soldiers. In this world, you can swim freely.

Lin Su porcelain's gaze looked at Lin not returning.

If it is true, he is really his child...

Lin Su porcelain's ‘爹’ has been pressed in the throat, waiting for Lin to nod and can’t wait to shout.

However, Lin did not return to Lin Suzhen's full-looking look, smiled and shook his head: "No."

Oh, the hegemony of the world!

Not his jealousy! ! !

Lin Su porcelain can't tell whether it is disappointment or looseness, and it is impossible to control the dead fish eyes.

Lin did not return and smiled. He smiled and smiled at the corner of his eyes. It seemed that his whole person was soft like a brother and a master.

"You think who I am, who I am."

He reached out and took the hand of Lin Su porcelain. He gently picked Lin Su porcelain from the ground and took a shot of his dusty sleeves. He said: "I always rely on you."

Lin Su porcelain was pulled up, and he loosened his hand, and he was awkward.

"Since you are not my sister, then we are not a family. You see, if you send me back, I am still growing up, and I should sleep at this time."

Lin Su porcelain is really vocal, and he has given a big yawn to Lin Bian, and he can see the kind of the posterior alveolar, and his body is showing his sleepiness.

"Yes." Lin did not return to the dagger. "You really should sleep."

At this time, on the street not far away, a group of people drove the carriage in a carriage and walked neatly toward the river.

A middle-aged man dressed as a man stands at a distance away from the distance, and bows his waist and laughs: "Master, less master, the weather is hot, the younger master is young, it is time for a nap."

Lin Su porcelain squinted.

More than a dozen neat servants bowed and laughed, the groom on the stilts of the carriage jumped down, put down the footstool, and diligently guided Lin Su porcelain: "Less masters please go to the carriage."

The eight passengers carrying the sedan chair rushed to say: "Less master, please take the sedan chair!"

Lin Su porcelain has hid behind the willow tree, and his hands are silently blocking the two willow strips.

"This is where to go?"

Lin Su porcelain is very panicked.

These people were ordinary people at first sight. Originally, he didn't care. He knew that when he wanted to engage in mischief and mobilize his own aura, he found that Dan Tian was empty and suddenly panicked.

He had just quietly tried for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion that not only these people are ordinary people, but even him is an ordinary person.


There is no such thing as a repair.

Lin Su porcelain found that the mustard in his hand disappeared, and the Sansi sword did not stay with him. When a symbol was not there, he was afraid.

A mortal, without a trace of aura, as long as there is more than twice the opposite person, "chaos" can kill a warrior, let alone him.

It’s terrible, is this a dream?

Lin Su porcelain palm down and squeezed his thigh.

Suddenly it hurts almost tears.

Oh really.

That is just when Lin did not return, he sealed all his repairs.

This is the only possible "sex" that Linsu Porcelain can accept. He didn't dare to think that his cultivation was abolished...

After one pass, he didn't want to go through it again.

"Nature is going home."

Lin does not return to laughter, "吟", "吟" licking his wrist, Lin Su porcelain, struggling to resist, is like a real kitten, without any resistance, and is easily towed away.

"Want to ride a carriage, or want to take a sedan?"

Lin Su porcelain twitched: "Can you choose not?"

"No," Lin refused gently. "You are sleepy, go back to bed earlier."

Lin Su porcelain cried: "I am not sleepy now?"

Obviously, no.

Lin Su porcelain is helpless, the two harms are lighter, and the hand refers to the sedan chair.

The carriage is so big. If you sit up, Lin will definitely follow, and this will not work. He needs a little time to think.

The enthusiasm of the butler bowed at Linsu Porcelain on the sedan chair, and the sedan chair was lifted up.

The feet of the bearers were very stable, separated by a layer of car curtains, and the noise of the outer market was slightly lighter, and it was not clear.

Lin Su porcelain sat in the sedan chair and bit his fingers, frowning and pondering.

The only thing he can confirm now is that he is the Shaozhu lost master, this forest does not return, is the Lin family owner.

He didn't know anything other than this.

What relationship do they have, how he lost it, what does the Lin family want to do?

The most important thing is that the banquet should have found that he is gone.

Lin Su porcelain thought of this, silently shuddered, arms around his arms, a look of life and death.

The sedan chair swayed and didn't know how long it took, and when Lin Su porcelain almost fell asleep, he slowly fell.

The curtain that opened the curtain was a pair of shackles, and the girl in the green skirt laughed and held the arm of Linsu Porcelain.

"Less master, the bed has been laid, please go to rest."

Here you have reached an inner courtyard, a green bamboo forest and a manicured flowerbed, and a bamboo chair in the atrium.

Lin Su porcelain stood there and looked "forced."

Not far away, the front door of his main house was pushed open, and two steady girls came out, laughing and screaming.

"There are few masters coming back, the weather is hot, the slaves have prepared herbal tea for you, and you use the point to go to the heat."

Another 丫鬟 gave Lin, who was standing behind Lin Su porcelain, a gift: "Master, less master is not very good today, you have to accompany him?"

Lin Su porcelain eyes watched Lin not promised.

A few hustle and bustle surrounded Lin Su porcelain into the house, fan fan, tea end tea, and even water to wash his feet.

Lin Su porcelain has jumped to a case in the room, holding the crepe hanging from the beam.

"Go out, you all go out, don't move me!"

Lin Su porcelain's feet are dirty, but he simply can't touch the hoe, and he didn't let the cockroaches come close.

When Lin did not return to the room, the few shackles were relieved and they quit.

Lin Su porcelain did not ask the sentence until now: "Try it, where is it?"

"You haven't already seen it," Lin said, "I don't know how to look at it." "Looking at the screaming Lin Su porcelain, like a naughty kitten, he gently replied, "This is the mortal. ”

"You have not repaired, you can't leave the mortal world."

Lin refused to look at Lin Su porcelain quietly, and slowly said: "Small porcelain, you will be here, spend my life."

"Not dead, can't be out."

Read The Duke's Passion