MTL - My Senior Is Always Salivating After Me!-Chapter 88

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Linsu Porcelain’s face is a sincere change: “I’m actually an illegitimate son of the Lin family’s mainstream. The person who wants to kill me is afraid that I will go back to inheritance. Family business."

The emptiness is determined to look at him, and the chin is thoughtful: "There is an accident."

"The mother of the little porcelain, perhaps what is not accepted the demon girl, accidentally got the little porcelain child, in order to fear that he was chased and killed, was thrown into the back of our home?" Actually, he made a conclusion.

Lin Su porcelain smashed, he said nonsense, how can it be pushed back?

"It is also possible that his mother has protected him. It has caused everyone to think that he is gone, and stopped hunting. Who knows that after many years, a teenager who looks like a family owner has appeared..."

Lin Su porcelain tried to interrupt: "No..."

Even Bai Qingkong said, "I am not a pseudonym, but my name is the night of the star."

Lin Su porcelain is weak: "...hey!"

Shu Chang also answered the past: "I only know one big demon in the windy field, but there are other names in the night. So it seems that we may go to the popular field and look for the stars of the younger brothers to complain. It is."

Lin Su porcelain no expression: "You listen to me..."

"What if he is a foreigner?" This is a fear of being a human being, and he did not listen to Lin Su porcelain at all.

"This is easy!" Kaoru and fear that the world would not be "chaotic", jumping high and dancing and cheering, "Let's pretend to be a Lin family, kill the windy field, catch the big demon's son, and say home to the owner. Drinking soup! I promise that they will definitely attack and attack! His family has changed from a family to the whole field!"

"Good idea, at first glance, it is the master who is trying to get rid of bad things!" The emptiness is against the scent and a thumbs up.

Lin can't help but join in it: "In this case, we immediately set out to find Lin... his foreign family?"

Lin Su porcelain has given up, his eyes are stunned and staring at the roof beam. Some can't figure out how his life experience is in a short moment. He is going to believe from a lie.

A room is awkward, Lin Su porcelain is dead. At this time, the banquet of the baibai deep hand "揉" "揉" his neck, whispered: "I am not happy?"

"No..." Lin Su Porcelain knows that everyone is playing with deliberately, how can they be angry. He deliberately looked worried, another serious nonsense, "some things, if everyone thinks it is true, maybe one day, the fake will become true."

Feast bai: "..."

Lin Su porcelain was naughty and smiled.

As for his illegitimate child identity, everyone naturally knows that it is a fake. Just playing too happy, has compiled his parents' singular love story seven or eight different versions, the identity of the ancestors from poor to rich and expensive, turned into a circle to become a street art.

The imagination is very rich, give them a pen, the original "Ling Kong Sword" can expand 30 million words.

It’s the most incomprehensible point in Lin’s life.

The earliest people who touched Lin Su porcelain here only looked back when they slammed him back. But at that time, it was when he was stunned by Xuan Xinmen that he did not pay much attention to this blind man.

I only know that I sneaked into the mountains hundreds of miles away and used the medicine. The cat scorpion fell into the master’s back and was taken back.

When I first arrived at the Sifang Gate, Lin Su porcelain's cat body was only a big palm, and I could hold back with one hand. According to the age, everyone first entered the main, they all felt that Lin Su porcelain was just born from ten days to twenty days, and there was no full moon.

Nothing is going on. In the scornful hands, I can barely rely on the dragon's pill to transform the shape. The Linsu porcelain, in the eyes of everyone, is a wild child abandoned at birth. No one cares. His life.

That is to say, when I was scorned, I asked a question.

At the time, Lin Su porcelain’s answer was that there was no memory for the parents.

Naturally, everyone will not poke the pain of the younger brother. For so long, no one has ever asked him about his life.

However, Lin Jia will chase him like this, what else to say, can't let him go back?

The spirits are cold and cold: "Little teacher, when you first took the name, why is it surnamed Lin?"

Lin Su porcelain's heart is broken, and I really asked this question.

It is really hard to answer.

How to say, tell the four sisters, he is carrying the memory of the last life, too lazy to think of the name directly used the name of the last generation?

I am afraid that this will be regarded as an old monster that is a win, or an old monster with no interest.

But even if everyone doesn't care about his identity as an old monster, what should he do if he asks where his family is? The martial arts he compiled is not as smooth as the people here!

But not to mention the last generation, then, what was his name at the time? What did you pick up in the woods? The letter is a fool!

Lin Su porcelain was suddenly silent.

Wait, everyone wrote it at the time? From Master to the brothers and sisters, including the banquet, there was no objection to his name, and he accepted his name.

There was no response at the time. Now think about it, it seems that something is wrong.

Lin Su porcelain carefully looked up and swept his brothers and sisters, seeing them all face "color" quiet, can not see anything, my heart is a bit embarrassed, but also a bit stunned.

Forget it, this time is not the time when I was concerned about the original thing, or I will solve it now.

"Because..." Lin Su Porcelain cleared the scorpion and calmly used the original excuses to reuse it. "When Master came to me, it was in the woods."

Many people are silent.

Half-sounding, Bai Qingkong smiled and said: "This proves that the stars are a person who loves."

Lin Su porcelain was very satisfied with the white clear sky and gave him a big smile.

It’s the original male lord, what the scene says, everyone can fool the trotters of the past, and now it’s already in its infancy.

"There is something... I don't know if I should say it."

It’s Lin’s regret.

He has always been somewhat isolated from everyone, that is, before the enthusiasm that was said before, he took a sentence.

Lin Zhixi is a handsome man. Looking at his appearance, he is definitely a filthy son. When he goes there, he should be the center of the topic and the crowded people.

It’s just here, he is always silent, don’t know what’s going on, and the accident is awkward.

Lin Su porcelain always feels that this is not the "sex" of Lin.

I thought that at the beginning, he was the kind of wind and wave that made the means to deceive people into the government.

Lin did not know how much Lin Su porcelain had speculated on him. He took a breath and decided to look at Lin Su porcelain: "When I was young, I went to Lin's home with my uncle."

"Auntie's mother-in-law is a Lin family. When we went, the old man was nervously preparing for something, busy."

Lin stopped to rub the cup in his hand and frowned. "I was young at the time. Even if they didn't like me, they wouldn't let me die. I am a little rotten, sticking around and eavesdropping, and no one is beating me. Caused me to hear something."

Lin stopped to drop the teacup and said softly: "When I heard a few high-ranking Lin family chatter, I said that the owner was renovating the room, looking for a lot of servants, collecting soft things everywhere, saying that it was prepared for the young master. of."

Lin Su porcelain has a heart.

Little Lord?

The memory drifts back to a long time when consciousness awakens.

The rickety bamboo basket slanted into the sunset in the basket, and there was a panicked man who shouted at him nervously...

"Little Lord……"

Shu Chang also repeated it again and again, and looked blank: "I haven't heard of it, Lin has a young master."

This is what everyone wants to say.

It is related to the ancestor of the entire cult of the real world. Regarding the things that the Lin family can hear, everyone will try their best to inquire. If there is really a forest owner, it will be the news that the whole comprehension world will know, how can it be secret? So many years?

Lin Zhiwei: "I don't know if it is normal. Even Lin family, the low status does not know this."

"There is almost no one who has seen this young Lin family. At least, among all the Lin family members I know, I don't know the existence of this."

The ignorance of the applause: "It sounds like the illegitimate child of the younger brother is more reliable. Lin Gongzi, not me, the slogan is always complete. This is the owner of the Lin family, who is male and female, You Lin family members don't know. Look at this, ask for a certificate, you can only go to the Lin family's direct family. You are not teasing us?"

I’m not too happy to stop it: “The sentence I said is true. If you doubt it, I will not say it below.”

He is also a temper, and he turned his head and actually did not intend to continue to talk about the situation.

The illusory piled up a smile: "... I heard that the roll does not give people a roll, Lin Gongzi is a kind-hearted person, and talks about it!"

It’s a big deal. I’m sorry that there is no “sex” in the end. I only said faintly: “I don’t care about that little master. It has nothing to do with me. I have forgotten that there is this existence. It’s only eleven years. Before, when Uncle came to see me, he drank a lot of wine and chatted about a big event."

"The Lord is gone."

Lin Zhixi recalled: "It was the Mid-Autumn Festival, I remember very clearly. Uncle A said that when he went back to Lin Family, the people above were all "disordered", the owner of the house went out and ordered to find the lesser, all of the above. Lin’s children, no matter what things are on hand, let go of them and look for the Lord.

"Auntie is not a Lin family. He didn't go. He just sighed a few words when he was drinking wine and chatting with me."

Lin Zhixi said: "I know that is this."

"Mid-Autumn Festival..." Huihua exchanged a look with Yu Lingling.

Lin Su porcelain does not have much concept.

He didn't know when the time was at all. It was just that Lin stopped the minority in the mouth and made him wary a lot.

He couldn't help shrinking his neck.

Lin family's lesser...

There must be something in the head that he does not know.

The imaginary 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣 捣

Back to Qiangqiang: "Hsu is a few days before the Mid-Autumn Festival."

This time, the room is quiet.

The time is right.

Before the Mid-Autumn Festival eleven years ago, it was Lin Su porcelain that was thrown into the hillside and discarded. It was also when he fell into the shackles and leaned on the square door.

Lin Su porcelain raised his hand and said weakly: "You, don't look at me like this?"

I saw a room full of people, eyes are shining and staring at Lin Su porcelain. Among them, the banquet of Lin Su porcelain is especially deep.

Feast cypressed quietly staring at him and saw the whisky, cold and not rumbling into the secret: "Cold plum..."

Lin Su Porcelain: "Hey?"

The feast was deeply hesitant, shook his head, did not say anything, only coveted, and concealed the deep thoughts.

"Nothing..." The imaginary stunned the chin. "I can't tell you that this little teacher is really a younger family member!"

Yan Ling glared at his finger: "How much can I change if I sell him to Lin Family?"

Actually, I calmly said: "Don't forget it, it's unclear. A young master is sure to be worth a pulse. We will send it later."

"Hey!" Lin Su porcelain face expressionless protest, "consider me before you divide."

In the end, Wu Ling’s heart was soft and coughed: “No...”

Lin Su porcelain proudly extended five fingers: "I want to split half of the money!"

The heart of the lingering spirit fed the cat softly.

Things are already deadlocked.

Regarding the identity of Lin Su Porcelain, it does not matter whether it is related to the little master who Lin Shuzhi said. It can only be asserted that Lin Su porcelain, Lin Jia, Lin Zhixi, this line is easy to regenerate.

The time when the remnant soul can persist is very long, the emptiness is very bad, the remnant soul is constantly playing, and the weakness is added to it every time it is to be dissipated. After half a day, the remnant soul couldn’t stand it and spit out something.

This is related to Lin Shuxi.

Lin Su porcelain did not know about this. He was quietly asked by Lin to pay attention to the roof in the middle of the night. Lin Su porcelain was having a headache, how to climb out of bed.

He has been sleeping on the side, and the banquet is very late tonight, and they are ignorant. They don’t know what to discuss. Lin Su porcelain is about to go out, he is back.

Banquet is always silent, it looks like it is not very good.

Lin Su porcelain did not dare to provoke a feast, deep and honestly shut his mouth, watching the feast lie deep on his side.

In the night when the candle was extinguished, Lin Su porcelain blinked and counted the time.

Lin regrets him, some accidents, and some reason.

Of all the people here, only two of them are not Lin’s family name.

Moreover, the identity is somewhat strange.

Feast cypresses slept very quickly. Lin Su porcelain licked his fingers and felt that time was getting faster and faster. The time agreed was already fast. He hesitated.

Go or not?

If you go, you may know something.

If you don’t go...

For him now, there is no loss.

Lin Su porcelain closed his eyes.

Half-sounding, he opened his eyes again and swelled.

No, it’s too curious, it’s really enduring.

Lin Su porcelain carefully looked at the feast on the side of the body and took a deep look. The people around him were closed and slept very quietly.

Lin Su porcelain carefully reached out to hold the shoulder of the banquet, crossed his waist, slowly swallowed and "touched" the bed. Fear of making a sound, he did not even wear shoes.

When Lin Su porcelain found that there was a sound when opening the door, he regretted it.

He just made it possible to change back to the cat! Why is it stupid?

The brain may just be broken.

Lin Su porcelain did not dare to open the door, turned into a cat body, and the foot was light and slipped out along the small slit of the window.

Outside the night, the color is thick, and the cool breeze is cold.

Lin Su porcelain jumped onto the roof and saw Lin regret.

Dressed in a neat forest, sitting on the ridge facing the huge moon, the head does not lift: "You are here."

Lin Su porcelain is transformed into a human form.

He is much simpler than the neat Lin, and he is wrapped in a single coat, and his hair is also broken up.


He walked barefoot on the tile, stopped by Lin, and learned to sit on the ridge.

"Let me come, what do you want to tell me?"

Before I stopped talking, I raised my hand and laid down an enchantment. This is not a slow start: "Before people have a lot of trouble, some words are not very good. Or you and I face it like this."

I’m sorry for this.

Lin Su porcelain polished rod is very: "Say oh."

He "touched" the fish from the mustard, generously gave Lin a piece of regret, and asked: "If you have wine, come and take it."

Lin stopped the fish in his hand and listened to Lin Su porcelain. If the wine was kept for a long time, his face was completely broken. He said: "No."

"You are serious!" Lin couldn't help but endure, black face. "What we have to say is very important!"

Lin Su Porcelain licked the fish and looked at him innocently: "If you have something to say, I am not holding your mouth."

Lin Zhiwei: "..." lung pain.

I thought about it, the person in front of me, the identity is not ordinary, and there is another person, he can not afford to offend.

Allowing him to suffer from lung pain, Lin Zhixiu still endured, barely stuffed the small fish into his mouth, screaming and eating.

In the middle of the night, two people sat on the high ridge and silently eat dried fish.

Lin Su porcelain was afraid of sorrow, Lin stopped eating and gave him another one. The warm and hospitable Lin Su porcelain and Lin, who refused to refuse, handed it to one person. After a few round trips, Lin Zhixi finally refused. .

"Please, I told you to come out is not a picnic!" Lin stopped licking his stomach, eating stomach until he felt like he was about to explode.

It’s all about it, serious serious things, but they are eating fish here!

Lin Su porcelain saw Lin’s regret that he couldn’t eat it, and he was forced to spit out his forbearance, and finally stopped his hand.


Lin Zhixiu was afraid that Lin Su Porcelain would do something to make him speechless. He took advantage of Lin Su porcelain and had no time to lick his fish. He said quickly: "After eleven years ago, when the Lord lost, the blue sea continent began to offer rewards everywhere. Cats. All the pups are not limited to the color of the color, as long as they are available, they can be exchanged for delivery to the city government."

Lin Su porcelain squid's hand was a meal, and then nothing to say: "I know that when I came with Master, I went to the city government to mix a thousand Lingshi."

This was beyond the expectation of Lin’s regret. He was silent for a while: “...have you been there?”

"Yeah," Lin Su porcelain recalled. "That thousand Lingshi bought a lot of things."

This kind of thing is somewhat different from Lin’s expectation. He hesitated for a long time, thought about it, decided to continue as usual.

"In this case, you should also know that Lin Jia lost the young master, the prototype is a cat. Time, identity, and you are all right."

Lin stopped quietly watching Lin Su porcelain.

Lin Su porcelain said dryly: "Oh."

Lin sighs with anger: "On ‘oh’?!”

if not?

Lin Su Porcelain is also afraid of ruining the baby of this future, and thinking about it, he added a friendly saying: "Yes, I know."

Lin will not only suffer from lung pain, but it will hurt the stomach.

After a while, Lin Zhixi discovered that it was not an illusion.

He really hurts, his face is white and white, and his forehead has a thin layer of cold sweat.

In a short period of time, Lin Zhixi has already painfully smashed into a group, scaring Lin Su porcelain. He quickly stood up and pulled away.

"You!" Lin Zhixiu is about to be mad, shivering and pointing at him, feeling that he is going to die, "What are you escaping?!"

Isn't it time to save him?

Lin Su porcelain is innocent: "I am going to find the clear sky to save you. You are the mouth of his family. If you have an accident, you must find him."

Lin’s face was from black to red, and then suddenly turned white.

"A few nights ago! It really is you!"

Lin Su porcelain saw the defeat of "lu", and quickly planned to open the sneak to find the white clear sky.

"Don't go, don't look for him!" Lin stopped and endured, forcibly, and forced Lin Su porcelain back.

Lin Su Porcelain felt a stomachache, and it would not hurt to merge a monk. But he is going to find Bai Qingkong, I am afraid that Lin will be ashamed to die.

Shy, no, I haven’t seen them, um, ah.

Lin Su porcelain is very puzzled.

He slept out, did not bring much things on his body, and there were only a few "medicines" in the mustard. He took it out and handed it to Lin, and managed to give him a stomachache.

This toss, Lin Shuxiu is so painful and pitiful, handsome and uncommon men with a hint of fragility, a strange appeal.

Lin Su porcelain is determined to look at him, can not help but imagine, if his family feast baibai will be so fragile...

"What kind of disgusting things you are thinking, the saliva is flowing out quickly." Lin stopped the cold and interrupted the reverie of Lin Su porcelain.

Lin Su porcelain grin.

Stopping the pain, Lin stopped feeling that he was really sick tonight.

It hurts a bit, and the business has not finished yet.

He was black-faced, for fear of any further changes, and quickly said: "You have the breath of the Lin Family Heaven and Earth."

Lin Su porcelain.

"When I first saw you, I discovered the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth in your body. Later, I said that you are not a Lin family. I am surprised."

Lin took a look at him and saw Lin Su porcelain smashed, guessing that he didn't know anything. Continue to say: "The person who chases you has the same purpose as the person who chases me."

"Kill me, because my life makes Lin family shame, and I am still alive, hindering some people's eyes. Killing you..." Lin Zhixi sneered, "I know that the owner has more pets and less owners, know you. What happens after going back."

"Wait, don't you feel that something is wrong?" Lin Su porcelain heard this and calmly interrupted him. "If I really are the one you said, why do those who want to kill me know me?" The owner you said is still indifferent?"

Lin took a quiet look at him, half-sounding, "Lu" showed a cold smile, in the voice, with a trace of mercy: "Do you really think that he is indifferent?"