MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 9

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Ji Ran returned to the venue and found that his table was empty and nobody was there.

He looked around subconsciously and found Qin Man at a glance. Qin Man also followed behind Ji Guozheng, and there was a woman beside him, black hair shoulders, a small dress, and a gentle smile.

Ji Ran recognized that it was Ji Guozheng's family and his cousin.

The phone vibrated, and Yue Wenwen sent another message.

Yue Wenwen: Xiao Ranran, keep me tonight. My cheongsam bureau estimates that it is midnight, and my dad certainly won't open the door for me.

Father Ji: What about your little boyfriend?

Yue Wenwen: It's divided, it's sad.

Father Ji: I'm staying at Ji's house tonight. You should go by yourself. The password is the same as before. Sleep in your room, don't sleep in my room.

Yue Wenwen: ...

Yue Wenwen: Where do you say you live?

Father Ji: Can't read the words?

Yue Wenwen: Why did you suddenly go to Ji's house? !!

Ji Ran raised his eyes and saw that his cousin had put Qin Man in his arm.

Qin Man stepped back slightly, avoiding the actions of the other party without a trace, smiling and hitting a cup with the woman.

Father Ji: I want to die Ji Wei. Okay.

When Ji Wei's group returned from the toilet, several of them were still stunned. There are two types of children in rich people: those who can manage and those who cannot.

With Ji Ran, they are all uncontrollable, truancy, fights, and talking back are commonplace. When they grow up, they are naturally wild.

Ji Wei's group is controlled by death. When he was a kid, his grades were not good and he had to be scolded. Although he was rich, he didn't dare to do anything extraordinary, so he was in the toilet. Not even dare to pay back.

Ji Ran watched Ji Wei return to the main table all the way, smiling very provocatively, and the two still looked at each other for a few seconds.

Qin Man looked at these details.

The initiative was rejected and the little cousin was a little embarrassed. When Ji Wei came back, she shouted blushingly: "Brother."

"Um." Ji Wei quickly put away the displeasure that just happened, and smiled. "You always say you want to see Qin Man, are you satisfied this time?"

Little cousin: "Do n’t talk nonsense, me, how can I ..."

Ji Weihaha said: "Qin Man, my cousin has long admired you for a long time. Why should you dance with someone else for a while?"

Qin Man smiled unchanged: "A long time?"

"Yes," Ji Wei said, "she was with us from a high school before, and it's your elementary school sister."

Qin Mandai bowed his head: "Sorry, I don't remember much."

The girl's smile was stiff, and her voice was still sweet: "It's okay ... I would have been inconspicuous."

Ji Weidao said: "It's the same now. Qin Man, my little cousin especially worships you and is preparing for your previous university. Since you are a senior, you might as well help her."

Qin Man nodded and took out his mobile phone: "Since this ..."

As soon as the girl's eyes brightened, she immediately opened her WeChat.

Qin Man put his mobile phone in front of the girl, and it was a QR code with a business card on it: "I know a schoolboy and is still studying there, it may be more helpful. People are very enthusiastic. If you contact him, he will help your."

When Qin Man returned to the table, Ji Ran was staring closely at the mobile phone, where a fierce gun battle was going on.

"Qin Man, I remind you." Ji Ran didn't raise his head, and said in a voice that the two of them could hear, "Don't dare to take my money to be nice to others, and you just wait to be buried in the ground."

Alas, it's scary to talk to elementary school brothers.

"Your cousin, you said you wanted to go to my previous university, and asked me to consult with me about the school." Qin Man supported his chin and watched him play with interest. "I didn't treat others well."

Ji Ran feels funny, how unconnected is the Ji family, and you have to consult someone at the last university? I'm afraid that before his cousin goes to school, the relationship in the school will be better.

Qin Man paused, and suddenly asked, "Ji Wei is embarrassed for you?"

Ji Ran kept on, "Come on, just him?"

After speaking, I felt wrong, "This is my business. What does it have to do with you?"

Just be bullied.

Qin Man asked: "Are you going to stay tonight?"

Why is this so strange? "What?"

"If you want to stay, eat something first. It seems that your house doesn't live often and there isn't any take-out nearby. I'm hungry at night and I'm afraid I won't eat anything."

Ji Ran is very strong: "Don't eat, you want to control."

The banquet ended on time at nine in the evening.

Before the guests completely exited, the housekeeper came up and blocked Qin Man.

"Mr. Qin, we have arranged a room for you. Please follow me." After speaking, he turned to Ji Ran and said, "Mr. Ji Xiao, come with me, too."

Because it is a small villa dedicated to vacations and private parties, there are many guest rooms in the villa. The housekeeper took Qin Man to the first room next to the stairs: "Mr. Qin, there is a landline next to the bed. If you need to call me directly, all the short numbers are posted on the landline."

"Thank you." Qin Man nodded and asked, "Did Ji Ran stay beside me?"

"No, Mr. Ji Xiao lives at the end." The housekeeper said, "Miss Ji lives next to you."

"Okay, do you think you are in elementary school? You still have to live together." Ji Ran interrupted them, went straight to the end of the room, waved to the housekeeper, "I'm back to the room, I will call you if something happens."

The rooms are clean and tidy, and there are several wines and a bunch of roses on the table. It can be seen that a lot of thought has been spent on this dinner.

The room had its own bathroom. Ji Ran took a shower and walked out to the balcony to blow hair.

Suburban villas look like they are all trees, nothing else. Ji Ran regretted it a bit, but what happened to his brain? In order to add a block to Ji Wei, he threw himself into this wild wilderness and became dazed.

He walked back to the room, picked up his pants and dug out, only to find out when the cigarette case was empty.

Ji Ran did not have a cigarette addiction, but at this time he wanted to have one. So he put on his clothes with his gloves and was ready to smoke in the car.

His room was at the end of the corridor, and the door was slightly sunken. As soon as he opened the door, he heard outsiders talking.

"It was inconvenient to say in public just now ..." was Ji Wei's voice, "Qin Man, how did you and Ji Ran know each other?"

Ji Ran stopped and glanced at the sound source.

Qin Man and Ji Wei were standing on the edge of the stairs. The two were carrying him, and Ji Ran could not see their expressions.

Qin Mandao said, "I said, it's a schoolboy."

"Of course I know he is your schoolboy. But you will not have any contact at school." Ji Weidao said, "I know, it is Ji Ran to go to your trouble? That hybrid is like this, three days and two ends want to find me Pleasant, seeing you as my friend, I want to make you angry ... "

"Ji Wei." Qin Man interrupted him. "Although my home is lonely, it's not that far. You think too much. And ... the word" hybrid "doesn't sound good."

"I understand, am I not worried that he's stubborn about you. Also, you'd better not go too close to him and drop the price. You didn't see you sitting with him just now. What do those uncles think? Yours? "Ji Wei took a deep breath." I rarely swear at people like this, but it's not wrong to use these two words on Ji Ran. You should know that he was born by my father and women outside ... "

"You don't need to tell me about your family affairs." Qin Man sounded like he laughed, his voice floating in the air, cold and warm, "I'm not very interested."

At this moment, there was a conversation downstairs, which sounded like Ji Guozheng invited several guests to discuss in the living room.

Qin Man glanced down at the people downstairs. Now it was a rest time. He really didn't want to entertain these people anymore. So he nodded: "If it's okay, I'm going to rest first."

"Wait." Ji Wei stopped him, "Going to play golf together tomorrow?"

Qin Man laughed: "let's talk."

Back in the room, Qin Man took off his suit jacket, picked up his cell phone, and sent a message to his new boss.

q: Did you drive here today?

No one knew what to say, and there was a red sign in front of the message.

[You are not his friend yet, please send verification ...]

Qin Man raised an eyebrow and smiled.

Where did he mess with this ancestor?

Late at night, Qin Man was sleeping soundly, and was suddenly awakened by a knock at the door.

He frowned, thinking that it was at someone else's house, and he could only open the door with the white lining on his gloves.

As soon as the door opened a seam, the smell of wine drifted in along the seam.

His hard-to-serve new boss was standing outside the door at the moment, just like him, with a white lining casually, and the suit pants on his lower body were seen to be casually put on.

Ji Ran's eyes were sparkling, and her lips were full of water, which was the residual wine. The whole person stood upright.

Qin Mandao said: "How do you ..."

"Qin Man." Ji Ran said, "Let's go to bed."

Qin Manyi said: "Now?"


Qin Man laughed and said, "You're drunk again."

"I'm not drunk." Ji Ran frowned. He wasn't drunk. The alcohol in the guest room was not high.

He just drank a bit hot and got a little bit up.

When he came back to the room, the more he thought about it, the more he felt--

Qin Man is with him. ?

Obviously he is Qin Man's gold master, and Ji Wei's grandson knows how to fart. As long as he said a word, Qin Man had to be at his feet.

Seeing Qin Man not talking, Ji Ran said irritably, "Receive my money, can you do things more easily?"

Ji Ran's buttons were not fastened, and a large white skin was exposed near the collarbone. The skeleton lines belonging to men were particularly attractive in the dark.

Qin Man's eyes grew darker: "Do you know where we are?"

Ji Ran lost his patience: "Nothing to do." He turned his head and prepared to leave. "I'll go find someone else to do it."

His wrists were clenched.

In the dimness, Qin Man pressed his voice, like an old fox was ecstatic: "Come in." 2k novel reading network