MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 8

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Ji Wei was wearing a white suit with a flower in his pocket. His complexion hadn't recovered yet, and even his smile was a little stiff.

"Congratulations." A guest shook hands with him. "Why doesn't it look so good and nervous?"

Ji Wei laughed: "It's a bit."

After welcoming the partner, Ji Wei was about to breathe a sigh of relief, and heard a dignified voice: "Ji Wei."

Ji Wei looked up and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him: "... Dad, you are here."

"Well." Ji Guozheng just got off the plane. He looked around the surroundings and concluded, "It's too stingy. Why not go to the hotel's banquet hall?"

"She said that she liked the garden." The reference was to his fiancee.

Ji Guozheng bowed his head: "Your grandma is here?"

Ji Wei said, "It's already inside."

Ji Guozheng made a sound and was about to enter the venue. Ji Wei hurried forward, with a reluctant tone: "Dad ... how did he come?"

Ji Guo was reacting quickly: "He has arrived? It's your grandma's meaning, follow her."

Ji Wei: "Dad ... Mom will be unhappy."

"Is you unhappy or your mother? Don't worry, your mother knows the importance." Ji Guozheng looked at him. "It's you, don't lose weight because of an unrelated person."

Ji Wei gritted his teeth: "I see."

"And," Ji Guo seemed to think of, "Is Qin Man here?"


Ji Ran tilted Daijiro's legs and was playing a certain battle royale game across the phone. He hated such occasions. It would take more than half an hour for entertainment alone. He had been sitting here for half an hour, and the engagement ceremony had not yet begun.

Fortunately, in this era, entertainment projects were abundant. As soon as the headset was worn and the game started, everyone around him had nothing to do with him ...


"Someone in the lower right corner."

"Oh, is it your teammate?"

"Teammates ask you to open a chat in the chat box."

Ji Ran was so annoyed that he furiously pressed the volume button for a while and turned the sound to 70%.

The right earphone was taken off suddenly, Qin Man said, "The voice is so loud, the ears don't want it?"

Ji Ran grabbed the headset and whispered to him: "Are you bored--"

"Qin Man." The welcome guest did not know when it was over. Ji Wei walked to Qin Man without looking at Ji Ran. "How did you sit here? Your position is at the main table. Didn't these receptions tell you?"

main table?

Ji Ran gave a suspicious look at Qin Man. He just looked at it. Basically, the men and women are sitting at the main table. The remaining few faces are also aged, and at a glance, they know that the middle-aged people are not low.

Not to mention that Ji Wei's brothers all sat down in the center.

Qin Man, the bankrupt, was invited by him. He was surprised. Now Ji Wei actually invited him to sit at the main table?

"I'll just sit here." Qin Mandao said, "I haven't seen Ji Ran for a long time and just want to tell him the old."

"... Do you know each other?" Ji Wei frowned. "It can be used anytime. The place over there is reserved for you. Let's go."

When Qin Man was about to refuse, he felt heavy on his shoulders.

The brash men's perfume smell penetrated into his nasal cavity.

Ji Ran lifted his right hand and put it directly on Qin Man's shoulder: "Unintelligible? He wants to tell me the old."

Ji Wei was about to have an attack, Qin Man opened his mouth first. He suddenly raised his hand, held Ji Ran's fingertips, and chuckled: "Why don't you know it? It's my schoolboy. You go, I won't pass, and help me say hello to Uncle Ji."

His fingers were surrounded by a warmth, Ji Ran subconsciously wanted to close his hands. Whoever tried to force the other side, he did not break free.

Qin Man held him, rubbing his palm with his thumb at an angle invisible to others.


Ji Wei said: "... that's all right. Don't leave after a while, I just want to talk to you about the land on Xingjia Road."

"it is good."

As soon as Ji Wei left, Ji Ran immediately pulled his hand back.

There are too many people around, he is not easy to attack, so he secretly pinched Qin Man under the table.

I didn't realize it was right after pinching.

This little action under the table is so **** like ... flirting!

Ji Ran simply ignored him, and turned his attention back to the game, only to find that his character had been shot by the head and became a box. He whispered, retired the game directly, and started the second game.

The sound at the scene was not small, even if he wore headphones. The host murmured for most of the time and heard that he was trying to make a laugh, but the talk was still dry and tedious.

It might as well be fun to ask Yue Wenwen to come on stage to tell you a cross talk.

The two protagonists are in a marriage relationship, have no emotional basis, and the past can be recalled is almost zero, so this link quickly passed.

One-fifth as long as the welcome.

Ji Ran turned off the game, wondering when to leave.

"Qin Man."

Ji Ran thought he would never hear this voice in his life.

He took his hands off the headset and turned back subconsciously.

Ji Guo is holding a wine glass, and is looking at Qin Man with the eyes of his loving father, as if Qin Man is his son.

Qin Man picked up his glass and stood up, politely: "Uncle Ji, I haven't seen you in a long time, are you okay?"

"Very good, how about your parents, why didn't they come together?" Ji Guozheng asked.

Qin Man said: "They are not very convenient."

Ji Guozheng nodded and said: "Uncle hasn't seen you for a long time. Remember when you were a kid, you still came to play every day. You and Ji Wei should haven't seen you for a long time, right? Or you stay tonight, the house is vacant Many, you stay, the two chat, it ’s good to talk about the old, do n’t be too old, and the good brothers who were young will break up. What a pity. "

"How can I bother you," Qin Man said, turning his head suddenly, "Ji Ran, are you staying here tonight?"

Ji Ranyuan was eavesdropping. I didn't expect Qin Man to bring his words to him. He suddenly said, "I certainly don't ..."

"He lives here." Ji Guozheng smiled, and finally gave up his score. Ji Ran, you haven't been back for a long time. Stay tonight, your grandma has something to tell you.

Ji Ran did not expect that he could not squeeze in the door for more than 20 years, because Qin Man opened a word to him.

but why?

Although he is not close to his dad, he can also see from what Ji Guozheng had done before. This man is definitely not a good old man who will show love everywhere and care for bankrupt families.

Bankruptcy will go through the court. If the news does not come out, he will doubt that Qin Man is pretending to be a grandson in front of him.

Ji Guozheng left this sentence and said to Qin Man: "General Manager Yun just asked me about you, go, and say hello to them."

"Okay." Qin Man looked back. "I'll go over."

Ji Ran: "... just go and tell me what to do."

Qin Man smiled at him and turned to leave.

Ji Ran shook the red wine in his hand and stared tightly at Qin Man.

His friend didn't talk nonsense. Qin Man followed Ji Guozheng and respected the old foxes at the previous tables. He is smiling, personable, and behaves like a long-established businessman.


Ji Ran scolded in his heart, took the wine glass and sulked.

After the cuts are over, it is communication. The people around were chatting in groups of threes and twos, and they were inseparable from the business.

Fortunately, no one came up to talk to him, and he was clean. Bored for a long time, Ji Ran simply got up, ready to go to the toilet to smoke.

In the compartment, he heard a few footsteps as soon as he lit the cigarette.

"What's wrong with Qin Man? He's really broke?"

"This can still be fake? But I don't look like ... Ji Wei, you know a lot, you talk about it."

Fuck, the path of the enemy is narrow.

Ji Ran spit out the smoke ring and continued to listen.

"Of course it is true," Ji Weidao said.

"So what is he ... I mean nothing else. I just watch him eat well, and just went behind your dad to say hello to the big brothers."

Ji Wei said, "What about bankruptcy? My dad values ​​character, and my dad likes him very much and wants to promote him."

Ghosts believe.

"This way, also, Qin Man has a good relationship with those old men. By the way, I just seemed to see Ji Ran? Am I right?"

Ji Wei's voice was a little louder: "Are you annoying, what's that **** doing?"

"Don't be angry, I'm just curious, why did you invite him? Do you want to rectify him? You can tell us, we all help you!"

Just me?

Ji Ran narrowed his eyes, and he said, "Hey, you guys are coming, you don't know who is who."

Ji Weidao said: "My grandma called. Today is my engagement banquet. Don't make trouble, I will let the security guards kick him out soon."

Ji Ran took a deep breath, then extinguished the smoke, and opened the door of the compartment.

"Want to rush me? Ji Wei, are you taking yourself too seriously?" Ji Ran talked, and the smoke filled his mouth, "I tell you, not only can you get rid of me, you have tonight Open the door and invite me in. "

Ji Wei's face sank immediately. The friend around him first responded: "You--"

"What am I?" Ji Ran blocked him back, and looked up and down Ji Wei these friends, "Just your little chicks want to straighten me? Each one is as thin as a stick, Sitting in the office and being stupid? Usually you dare not go out during typhoon days? You can fly from the toilet to the podium in one punch. "

Ji Wei angrily said, "Ji Ran!"

The atmosphere immediately turned down, as cold as an ice cellar.

A long while.

"Just a joke, how can I hit someone."

Ji Ran's tone was particularly insincere. He looked at the dumb ‘social elites’ and sorted out his suit collar with satisfaction. He sneered and said, “I ’m all right, you continue.”

Read The Duke's Passion