MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 41

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Ji Ran not only knows what socks Qin Man wears, he also knows what kind of underwear / pants Qin Man likes to wear.

At the time when I was staying at school, he used to try to steal Qin Man's clothes, but he saw the same clothes and pants on the balcony for several days, which made him unable to start. Later, he learned that there was a parody in Qin Man's class. Full of wear.

After he paused, he avoided lightly and said, "... I have a good memory, can't I?"

The two returned to their seats and found that both the cake and dessert had been withdrawn, leaving only Yue Wenwen alone on the table.

Seeing Ji Ran, Yue Wenwen was busy: "Chen An just answered a phone call and said there was something urgent and left. Cheng Peng couldn't say anything."

Ji Ran was somewhat surprised: "Cheng Peng couldn't stop it?"

"It's estimated that I don't want to lose my temper when I look at Chen An's birthday. Anyway, the two had a quarrel." Yue Wenwen said, "After Chen An left, Cheng Peng said that there was something at work and he left. Oh, the account is closed. Now. "

Ji Ran: "... Cheng Peng paid for an ancestor back?"

"Who knows?" Yue Wenwen braced his chin, "Cheng Peng said before he left that he has something to deal with these days, let's play for a few days by ourselves. Xiao Ranyan, do you think he was injured by Chen An? It's time to heal yourself. "

"It shouldn't be." Qin Man took a seat. "He should be busy with the auction."

Ji Ran looked at him: "Auction?"

"Well. Recently, a good use right has been vacated, and Cheng Peng's company is also fighting for it."

Ji Ran: "How do you know?"

Qin Man laughed harmlessly: "I heard from my friends that it is said that there are many companies competing for that land. Yongshi originally had some ideas, but was not in the company's development area this year, so he did not participate."

Ji Ran nodded, not thinking much.

Cheng Peng is really not a person with emotional feelings. Besides, he has rich experience and really wants to settle Chen An. There are so many ways that he and Yue Wenwen can't be bothered.

After saying goodbye to Yue Wenwen, they went straight home.

Ji Ran took his clothes into the bathroom. Within a few seconds, Qin Man heard a crisp anti-locking sound from inside.

Thinking of the previous scene in the bathroom, Qin Man's throat knot moved slightly, as if he could still feel the strength of those two long legs around his waist. At that time, the room was smelling of shower gel, as if it was from Ji Ran. , Reminder / love is sweet.

The phone ringing interrupted his thoughts. Qin Manhui looked at the electric display, picked up his mobile phone and walked to the balcony, and then slowly connected.


"Um." Father Qin's voice was very gentle and calm. "Did you eat?"

"Just finished eating, how about you guys."

"My mother and I have just returned from the restaurant." Father Qin paused and tentatively said, "How is your company? Have all the processes been completed? Is there anything I need from my father?"

"Not yet. I'm currently working on some private matters."

Father Qin hesitated for a while, or threw out what he wanted to ask: "But how did I hear that you've been to Yongshi?"

"Just staying in Yongshi for a while. I have a friend who works in it. He has just been exposed to this and has little experience. I will help him."

Father Qin even felt strange. His son is of a weak nature and has never been an ardent man.

"Did your father's affairs bother you?" Qin Father asked, "I've paid off the debt over there, shouldn't they still haunt you?"

"No, don't think about it." Qin Man said, "What about mom?"

"Aside, I'm driving hands-free."

Qin's father was still worried.

His son is different from him. Since he was born, Qin Man has hardly worried his parents and has never tasted failure. He also inherited his grandfather's business mind, long-term vision, and superb means. Because of this, the old man left much more to his son than to him.

In this regard, Qin Father did not feel anything. In terms of work, he has always had a passable mentality, not as ambitious as his son. So his only worry after bankruptcy was fear of affecting Qin Man.

"Well, pay attention to your body. I will come to see you when I have time." Hearing the sound of water behind him, Qin Man said, "I still have something to do. Hang up first."

Father Qin stopped him: "Wait a while, where do you live now?"

"Friend's house."

"There was news from the court saying that the seals at home were going to be removed. We plan to buy the house back, and then you will move back to live there. You can't always disturb others." Qin Father asked, "Which friend?"

"I used to be a very close schoolmate." Qin Mandao said, "I live very well and don't consider going back yet. Don't worry about it."

"School brother?" Qin's father froze for a while, and he didn't see which classmate Qin Man contacted after he graduated. Why would he even come up with a school brother, "Will it be too troublesome?"

"will not."

Qin Man turned around and leaned on the railing, watching the man who had just stepped out of the bathroom.

Ji Ran only wore a pair of shorts, and the water droplets on his body were not dry. The looming mermaid line spread to the waist of his pants, and he was wiping his hair with a bath towel. Feeling wrong, he looked up and met Qin Man's eyes, with doubt in his eyes.

Qin Man's lips were ticking, he was in a good mood, and finished the following words. "The school brother took good care of me ... I didn't want to leave. Don't worry."


Although there is nothing to do at work, Ji Ran is still annoying when stationed in the office every day.

Especially when a certain day is approaching, his temper is getting irritable day by day.

Finally at the end of the weekend, Ji Ran was thinking about a good night's sleep, who wanted to be woken up by a telephone ring early in the morning.

His cell phone is muted, so the ring is naturally ...

"Qin Man." Ji Ran buried her head in the pillow, "throw your phone."

Qin Man turned over and glanced at his mobile phone: "... It's Yue Wenwen's phone."

Yue Wenwen gave Ji Ran n phone calls and no one answered. This reminded Qin Manlai.

Taking over the phone from Qin Man, Ji Ran's voice couldn't be colder: "What's the matter?"

Yue Wenwen and Ji Ran have known each other for many years, and naturally know that this time is Ji Ran's minefield, can not step on it.

But it was a big deal, and he didn't dare to tell Ji Ran.

"Xiao Ran Ran, your photos and videos are being marketed!"

Ji Ran closed his eyes and didn't understand: "Which wheel? Are there new wheels in the shop?"

Ten minutes later, Ji Ran was half-lying on the bed, holding his cell phone in his hand, and sulking the unread messages one by one.

In just one night, all of his WeChat messages were blown up. Those drinkers who usually nodded all came to send him messages, either boasting him, or asking him if he was preparing to make his debut.

Ji Ran hit the keyboard heavily: you are paralyzed.

Starting at 8 o'clock last night, his photos and videos suddenly appeared on Weibo, and numerous marketing accounts were released at the same time. He pushed him to the top three of the hot search rankings.

The photo was taken when he attended Ji Wei's engagement banquet. Ji Ran's green hair suit and long legs are wrapped in suit pants. He was stepping out of the luxury car, and even his exposed ankle was handsome.

The video is actually the full video of the racing game, which cuts out all his personal shots.

[Poke me, handsome guy: Is this a modern version of the prince? 】

This Weibo comment was up to 20,000, and it was transferred to 50,000.

Qin Man leaned his head on his shoulder, watching Ji Ran flipping through the comments below Weibo. For a long while, his original sloppy expression gradually condensed.

"I unilaterally announced that this is my new husband."

"At a glance, I know that he is handsome and rich! Is it because the prince does not know, he must be a noble son anyway! I love Liao!"

"For the first time, I saw someone who could line up the green so beautifully! Even wearing a helmet couldn't stop his handsome !!"

"One night passed, how did this person's profile be revealed? This session of netizens couldn't."

"No need to find information, this hot search is almost on the top. It looks like it is operated internally by the company. Either it is a newcomer who is about to debut, or the man himself wants to be hot, just wait.

Ji Ran calmed his face and called Yue Wenwen.

"Help me remove these." Ji Ran said.

"I've contacted these groups of marketing accounts, and they don't reply at all." Yue Wenwen said, "Just pass the photos, what's this video ..."

Ji Ran has no time to think about it: "How can I delete it?"

"Send a letter from a lawyer saying that the right to portrait has been violated."

It takes time to send a lawyer's letter, and we have to wait to receive it before we can go through the process.

Ji Ran with a black face is sitting on the sofa and is explaining things to the lawyer. Qin Man came out of the bedroom and sat next to him: "It's okay, it's removed."

Ji Ran moved suddenly: "... how to withdraw?"

"I directly contacted people on Weibo." Qin Man said.

"Thank you." Ji Ran hung up the phone and the drowsiness disappeared. "How much did it cost? I will reimburse you."

"No money," Qin Man asked. "What's going on with this video?"

What else can happen.

The video is, of course, only for the contest organizer.

Ji Ran asked someone to take Gu Zhe's phone number, and calling him was a curse: "Gu Zhe are you tired? Would you like your father to change your life?

Gu Zhe was scolded with a scowl: "... what? You're sick early in the morning."

They quarrelled for a while, and Gu Zhe finally understood the matter.

"That wasn't from Lao Tzu. My cards were locked by my dad. Where did I get the money for such a big battle?"

Although Gu Zhe denied it, he guessed a little in his heart.

Of course, he wouldn't tell Ji Ran his conjecture, and he coughed, saying, "... This is not a good thing? In your face, isn't it easy to be a star? Maybe you can cheat a wave of brain powder ... "

The words in the words were like a thin needle, poking gently at Ji Ran's pain.

"I look at you and it's quite brain-dead." Ji Ran gritted his teeth and said, "Gu Zhe, this matter had nothing to do with you. If you want me to find out, I must kill you."

Ji Ran had a bad time this weekend. Countless friends asked him about his photos, and he scolded them back one by one.

Although the things on Weibo were removed, he couldn't keep his heart down. No ordinary person searches because of a few photos, but if it is artificial, what is the purpose of the other person?

Ji Ran didn't worry for long.

On Monday, as people went to work, a hot search Qiao Qiao named # 赵清彤 # appeared at the end.

[Poke me to see the handsome guy: It turns out that the man with green hair suit is the son of the late actress # 赵清彤 #! No wonder he looks so handsome. He inherited his mother! !! 】

The picture of the Jiugongge match this time is a woman with dark hair and big eyes. The corner of the woman's mouth is slightly curved, her eyes are bright, her teeth are smiling gently towards the camera. Her facial features are extremely beautiful, and even now she is a standard beauty.

Netizens have said they were stunning, and the first half of the comments were almost praises of her, but also shouted their fate.

Who knows that before half an hour, the direction of the comment changed.

"Wait a minute? My memory is disturbed? Isn't this lady a little three?"

"It's Xiaosan! My mother told me! This woman was pregnant with a child in order to marry a wealthy man, but she couldn't stand the palace, and was kicked out!"

"!!! I found the report, the bed is true! [Web link: exposed actress Zhao Qingtong hooked on Regal Ji, and was kicked out of the house in March!" "

"Wait a while, Zhao Qingtong is a junior, what about this man?"

"The insider appeared. The man named Ji Ran was indeed an illegitimate child. Now he still relies on Ji's family and refuses to let go. He has a bad temper. He was violent to others' campus when he was young. Now he's in the company of his dad and has a very happy life. Instead, his rich dad is said to be divorced from the main palace.

This world is so real. Any evil person has evil reports, good reincarnation, that is all a lie to children. 2k novel reading network