MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 40

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Ji Wei is not without doubt. Qin Man and Ji Ran couldn't hit together in eight poles. Why did they go together after the Qin family declared bankruptcy?

But he quickly rejected the idea. One is that he has never heard of Qin Man's liking for men; the other is that he does not feel that Ji Ran has anything to attract Qin Man.

But the posture of these two people now clearly exceeds the scope of ordinary friends.

It wasn't until Qin Man turned around and exposed the smoke in his mouth that everyone reacted. It turned out that people were borrowing fire.

Only Ji Wei was still frowning, even if he borrowed fire, this way was too close.

The air was quiet for a moment, and the man around Ji Wei took the lead to break the scene and laughed: "Qin Man, you are not interesting enough. You must explain it to us."

Ji Ran was called back to God, and finally remembered the force in his hand. Qin Man followed his strength to straighten his back, and the two finally pulled away a little distance.

"Steal a fart." Ji Ran yelled in a low voice.

Qin Man tapped, exhaled a spit of smoke, and changed his expression when he turned around.

He explained lightly: "Friends are celebrating their birthday here."

One of the sharp-eyed people saw Ji Ran, and said, "Isn't that Ji Ran? Are you two ... still connected?"

All of them know Ji Ran. After all, he is Ji Wei's half-brother and the one who used to come to the class every day to find Qin Mangou.

Most of the followers around Ji Wei looked down on Ji Ran. When they met in the cafeteria playground when they were in school, they talked coldly. Although Ji Ran was frightened back later, they were still contemptuous. Even now, their eyes are still teased and mocked.

Although Ji Ran has a bad temper, he is not without his mind. Ji Wei is there for a group of people. He has to deal with them because he is suffering.


Leaving this sentence, Ji Ran extinguished the smoke and turned towards the restaurant entrance.

"What did he just say?" After Ji Ran left, the man reacted, and his face was extremely ugly. "Ji Wei, why is your brother as annoying as before?"

"Qin Man, why are you with him?" What did the man think of, "Will he still find you after he graduates?"

"I still have something to do, you guys continue." Qin Man didn't answer him, he said hello, and left behind Ji Ran.

Qin Man's attitude was already used to them. At the school meeting, Qin Man was always cold and indifferent. No one in the class could make a deep friendship with him. The car leaves the stranger.

"These two are exactly the same as before ..."

"Well, did you hear that?"


"Qin Man's family is bankrupt!"

"Who doesn't know this yet? It's miserable. So proud, you have to start worrying about money."

"That's not it."

Although the words are regretful, most people have some gloats on their faces.

Ji Wei groaned for a moment and interrupted them: "Let's go."

On the other end, Ji Ran took a few steps, remembered what he thought, and turned his head to ask, "Did you mean it?"

Qin Man stopped and raised an eyebrow: "What?"

"You already knew that group of people would meet here, why not say it?"

Qin Man smiled: "The place they originally booked is not here. Besides, even if I said, would you change the location?"

Ji Ran certainly wouldn't. What kind of people are that group of people, why should he change his location.

It is just that if he knew Ji Wei would come here, he would not call Qin Man.

Ji Ran paused and threw the key to him: "I'll have the car parked downstairs, and you drive back."

Qin Man did not pick up the key: "What about you?"

"I'll take a taxi myself."

"What's wrong," Qin Man said, "I'm making you angry?"

"... No." Ji Ran frowned. "Do you want to see those people?"

He was not blind, he could see the thoughts of the group of people, Qin Man could naturally.

"But I didn't come to see them." Qin Man put the key back in his pocket. "Go, don't let them wait long."


They ate a meal and soon someone brought a cake.

Chen An was somewhat surprised, but his face was not so wronged anyway. Ji Ran supported his chin, thinking that Cheng Peng's temper was really good. It was him who had to work so hard to toss Qin Man for such a dinner. Qin Man also put on this expression, so he must have a meal.

Yue Wenwen smiled and said, "Let's sing a happy birthday song together?"

No one responded to him.

"No, no need." Chen An lowered his head. The people at this table were not familiar with him except Cheng Peng. He was still uncomfortable. "I am very happy, thank you, thank you."

"Cut and see." Cheng Peng said.

Chen An nodded weakly, took the knife given by the waiter, and cut it carefully.

After cutting in half, he couldn't move.

"You dial away," Cheng Peng said.

Chen An skimmed the cream, revealing the small box below.

Ji Ran inadvertently glanced, his heart couldn't help jumping, and he subconsciously looked at Qin Man.

This box is exactly the same as Qin Man handed him just now.

Qin Man met his eyes and shrugged, indicating that he did not know.

The box was covered with a layer of plastic film and was not dirty. Chen An looked at the box and stopped in shock.

The size of the box, at a glance, tells what is inside.

Yue Wenwen froze, did not expect that his mouth was so aura: "Cheng Peng, you ..." Are you serious?

He didn't say anything later.

Chen An said: "What is this?"

"Birthday gift." Cheng Peng said, "Open it."

In the box is a beautiful ring.

Is it a ring festival tonight, how can I get a ring everywhere? Ji Ran couldn't help but glance at Qin Man's pocket.

"What does this mean?" Chen An's stuttering became worse.

"It means whatever you mean." Cheng Peng smiled. "Don't be afraid, keep it first."

The meaning of the words is to propose? Yue Wenwen thought.

Is that right or not, Chen An will give a pinch.

Chen An was silent for a long time.

For the first time Ji Ran saw such a rich expression on Chen An's face, he glanced at Cheng Peng, and the other side smiled slightly and said nothing.

"Speak." Ji Ran couldn't stand it anymore, and hurried a word.

Chen An was frightened: "... Cheng Peng, thank you."

Having said that, instead of putting on the ring, he put it in his pocket, and these actions seemed to use all his strength, "I, I will keep it safe."

There was silence on the table.

"It's okay." Cheng Peng broke the silence, and said, "There are desserts, eat something."

Ji Ran feels that this buddy has made such a humble thing about fostering, which is a strange thing.

In his place, if Qin Man dare not take his ring ...

He immediately stopped the thought.

How could he send Qin Man's ring, he was not crazy!

Ji Ran was thinking about each other, and heard a few footsteps behind him.

"Qin Man, it turns out you're sitting here, let's have a good meal."

Looking back, several men in straight suits stood behind them, just those who stood next to Ji Wei.

"Excuse me, we are Qin Man's high school classmates." One of them said, "Qin Man, I think you have finished the cake, and the desserts have been served. Why don't we sit down and talk about the past? In the box. "

Qin Man raised his lips without moving: "No."

"Come on." The other person couldn't help but said, "Are we doing this for you too? We all understand your situation, and you follow us, maybe someone can help you?"

Qin Man hasn't spoken yet, Ji Ran first dismissed: "Help him? Just you?"

These people changed their faces and ignored Ji Ran: "Qin Man, let's go."

The guests around couldn't help but walk towards this side, and didn't want to cause any trouble to the people on the table. Qin Man bowed his head and said, "Then I will talk a few words and come back soon."

He had just stood up and Ji Ran followed.

Someone immediately warned: "Ji Ran, we didn't invite you."

"Do you think you can move me?" Ji Ran laughed. "I have something to tell Ji Wei, what are you doing?"

What else did the man want to say? Someone immediately winked at him.

What are you afraid of? The boxes are all our people. Can Ji Ran still fail to hit the market.

"... Yeah, then come together."

Yue Wenwen originally wanted to follow him, and Ji Ran was pushed back into position.

As soon as they took a few steps, they heard Qin Man whispering, "You don't have to follow, I'll just go and say a few words."

Ji Ran didn't talk to him, he took more steps than he did.

In the box, everyone saw Ji Ran with a subtle expression.

Ji Wei sat in the center, and looked at them with his lips pursed.

Ji Ran did not take a seat. He stood behind Qin Man with his arms folded, and planned to see what the group wanted to do.

"Qin Man, you're finally here." A bald man stood up. "You don't know. The girls heard that you weren't coming, and everyone was downcast, hahaha."

"Don't make fun of me." Qin Man hooked his mouth, but there was no temperature in his smile, just like when he was at school. Although he would help the big guys solve the problem, he was indifferent between the lines.

Qin Man raised his glass, "Come on?"

"Yo-yo-yo." Someone touched him with a cup in both hands, but said, "I can drink with Qin Man in my lifetime. I thought I would only see you in financial magazines in the future." . "

The man drank the wine and said, "Brother, I heard that you haven't mixed well recently."

Qin Man's popularity in the class is not bad, but not good. Seeing him falling from the clouds, there are some gloats, but few are down.

This person is one of them. For no reason, bald men secretly fell in love with girls for three years, and confessed to Qin Man four times in high school, but failed again. The girl was also present today, and the bald man naturally wanted to find it.

"Also," said Qin Man.

"Don't be stubborn. Everyone is a brother. Is there anything bad to say?" The bald man said, "Is you short of money? I have a little savings. If you want, I can borrow you a little. Or do you have a job? I know There are eight thousand tax deductions a month, or if I work, I will introduce you. "

Qin Man raised an eyebrow: "Eight thousand?"

"Yes, don't be too few. You may be accustomed to patience and you may not know. Those of us who have only graduated for a few years, it is already amazing to have nearly 10,000 a month."

Qin Man nodded, seemingly understandable, and asked, "What's your monthly salary now?"

"There is a tax deduction for commission, there are 40,000 to 50,000 a month." The bald man was full of light.

It ’s impossible for each class to be rich second generations. The only wealthy family members in their class are Ji Wei and Qin Man. Most of the rest are well-off families. They can get such jobs just a few years after graduation, but they are already very good.

"You are not kind." Someone immediately said, "I took tens of thousands of yuan in salary and only introduced 8,000 jobs. Qin Man definitely looked down."

"I know he is wronged, but isn't he short of money?" The bald man raised his chin. "Yes, Qin Man, is it necessary to seal assets for bankruptcy? Is n’t your house also sealed? Do you have any place now Live, should I get you a house? Your parents ran off or went in? "

It sounds kind, but poking at others' pain points.

Ji Ran heard a burst of fire and couldn't help smirking.

He was an eye-catching presence in the box. Such a laugh attracted everyone's attention.

The bald man paused: "Ji Ran, why are you here and what are you laughing at?"

"Smile you like a donkey." Ji Ran said.

The bald man stunned: "You ..."

"Still a bald donkey."

As soon as this word came out, several girls in the private room couldn't help laughing, including the goddess of the bald man.

The bald man blushed: "Why are you still so homeless! Ji Wei, you control him ..."

"He can manage me? Besides, where am I wrong?" Ji Ran said, "You don't look at yourself, you're here to take the tens of thousands of dollars a month."

Ji Wei frowned: "Ji Ran, you say a few words less."

Ji Ran did not hear it. He felt happy when he saw the bald man blushing: "Eight thousand? Can you afford Qin Man for an hour? Eighteen? Who doesn't look down on?"

"No matter how his family is, he still has a higher education than you, looks better than you, and earns more than you. Qin Man is doing things with me now, and I won't say what the salary is, anyway, you are more than ten times. Sending the car to the house, I'm happy, I can send him a wife. Rest assured, he's better now than your old bald donkey, and you don't need to introduce him to work. "

"It's you, shall I give you a few bottles of hair restorer?"


The bald man raised his wine glass and wanted to smash it, but his wrist was tightly held and he couldn't move.

Qin Man squeezed his wrist and squinted, "It's not good to do it."

His voice was so cold that he heard a bald man tremble.

The bald man gritted his teeth: "Qin Man, I didn't expect you to work for an illegitimate child, don't you feel sorry for Ji Wei?"

"Why am I sorry for Ji Wei?" Qin Manzhe asked with a smile, "Ji Wei and I are just ordinary classmates. What does his grudge with Ji Ran do to me?"

Ji Wei took a sip of wine and apparently did not intend to mix in.

Qin Man is still useful for the company, he doesn't have to turn his back on him.

After Qin Man finished speaking, he let go of the bald man's hand. The bald man tried hard to break free and almost didn't fall to the ground.

Ji Ran squinted forward: "Old bald donkey, what did you just say?"

Qin Man stepped to the right without leaving a trace, blocking Ji Ran. He picked up a glass of wine and smiled coldly and casually: "Are you all toast. I have nothing tonight, so I will not be with you and have a good time."

After all, he drank a cup, and naturally held Ji Ran's wrist, "Let's go."

Ji Ran is not a fool. So many people are here. When the group reacts, he won't win or scold. He simply walks out of the box with Qin Man.

"I looked at this guy when I was in high school." Ji Ran still mumbled when he went out.

Qin Man asked: "Why?"

"Did he not imitate you every day when he went to school? Sneakers, bags, and even socks bought the same models as you." Ji Ran snorted.

He heard a quick chuckle from the people next to him.

Ji Ran looked in wonder: "What are you laughing at?"

"No." Qin Man couldn't help but smile after walking for a while. He asked, "How do you even know what socks I wore in high school?"

The author has something to say: When writing, I always feel that Ji Ran is scolding me :)

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