MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 12

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Three minutes later, Qin Man sat in the co-pilot's seat and buckled up his seat belt.

"Where to live?" Ji Ran asked with a black face.

"In the urban area, you can just find a place to let me down." Qin Mandao said, "I'm going to find a house."

Ji Ran: "Looking for a house?"

"Well, the previous house was mortgaged." Qin Man looked as usual. "I plan to rent one and live first."


The mountain road was winding, and Ji Ran drove through a curve neatly and beautifully.

Qin Man supported the door with his hand on his back, and leaned his back against his chin. He commented: "The car is good."

Ji Ran snorted: "When Grandpa was on the track, you were still doing the exam in the classroom."

Qin Man asked: "You drove while you were a teenager?"

The kindergarten teacher is here again. Ji Ran rolled his eyes and didn't answer, "How many houses are you looking for?"

Qin Man thought for a while: "Within a monthly rent of less than 1500?"

Uncle Ji, who has n’t been here for more than 20 years, asks: "... how do you want to rent a toilet to live in? Where did you live before?"

"Friend's house." Qin Mandao said, "Live too long, I'm not ashamed, I started looking for a house."

"You know I'm sorry, I thought you wouldn't want your old face anymore." Ji Ran said, "Did I not give you money before? Isn't it enough for you to stay in a hotel?"

"It's all for home." Qin Man pushed this pot calmly.

"... What about your family?"

"Afraid of collecting debts and hiding abroad."

Ji Ran asked, "I didn't bring you?"

"No, I still have things to deal with in China, so it's not easy to leave." Qin Man laughed. "And the lads who came to collect debts are not easy. If I run away, wouldn't they have to lose their jobs?"

I didn't expect this person to have a hidden attribute of the prosperous white lotus, Ji Ran was startled: "... you are so good, why don't you do charity?"

"I used to do that, but now that's not the case."

Ji Ran shut up.

Near the city, he asked, "If you can't find a house, where do you live?"

Qin Mandao said, "Look for a hotel to live in."


"Well, the guesthouses are very cheap now, it's a hundred dollars a night."

Ji Ran's mind immediately emerged Qin Man's suit, in a narrow rental room scene. The picture was abrupt, violating ... and a bit pitiful.

He was silent for a long time before he said awkwardly: "You paid me back 20,000 yuan before I confiscated it. You can take it to a better hotel."

"That 20,000 was also given to my parents." Qin Mandao said.

"... Why don't you give them all your life ?!"

Qin Man smiled and turned to look at him: "Isn't my life sold to you?"

Ji Ran drove his car intently, and was stared at uncomfortably: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't engage in the horror of buying and selling people, nor do I want your life."

The phone interrupted the conversation between the two. Ji Ran glanced at the caller ID and picked it up.

"Xiao Ran Ran, when are you going home? People have been waiting for you for a long time, and you are hungry." Yue Wenwen said tiredly.

Ji Ran said, "Wait when I go back and stuff your bowl in your mouth? You won't go to work today?"

"Why are you so fierce." Yue Wenwen said, "No, I drank too late yesterday. I got a headache today and got off work. When are you going back?"

Ji Ran glanced out the window: "It's ten minutes ... I can't say anything."

"Go play in the afternoon, I also had an appointment with Cheng Peng and his little love." Yue Wenwen said, "Cheng Peng's car was scrapped and returned to the factory, so you can pick him up in the past."

Cheng Peng is their good friend. Recently, his new lover was you and me. I haven't been in the entertainment place for a long time.

Ji Ranyu laughed: "He has itchy skin? Find me to be a driver?"

"The stadium is looking for a new place, right next to his house, so drop in." Yue Wenwen said, "his love is also there, just two together."

"How can there be a stadium near his house?" Ji Ran asked, "Isn't he living with his parents? How dare he take someone home?"

"No, he moved out. He just moved his lover back home yesterday, and was very happy." Yue Wenwen said, "Okay, I hang up, I have to draw an eyebrow, wait for you, muah!"

Hanging up, Ji Ran turned his head impatiently: "... Don't look at me with this look."

Since he called, Qin Man's eyes haven't moved away, and the corners of his mouth are lightly resentful, like a deserted woman.

"Okay, I don't watch." Qin Man looked back.

For a while, he asked, "Do you like Yue Wenwen?"

Ji Ran almost didn't step on the brakes: "... you have a lot of imagination."

Qin Man put down his heart. He didn't get enough sleep today, and his head hurts a bit. "One day, you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, remember to tell me that although I am poor, but I do not like to be a third party, I will refund your extra money. "

After that, the car suddenly fell into a weird silence.

Qin Man paused, only to find himself stepping on the minefield. He said: "I have no other meaning."

"I know." Ji Ran's face was indifferent, and his voice was faint. "You can rest assured that if I have someone I like, I won't let you get in front of him."

After speaking, as soon as he stepped on the brake, he stopped at the side of the road, "Get out."


"Ji Ran, pass him! Pass him!" Yue Wenwen couldn't move, commanding near others' baskets, panting heavily.

Ji Ran's hands were simple. He passed Cheng Peng a couple of times, and his jump was a beautiful slam dunk. The basketball was hammered into the basket by the hammer, dropped to the ground, and made a bang.

"No more, no more!" Cheng Peng sat down on the ground, pulled up his clothes and wiped his sweat. "Fuck, can you let someone else. Bullying people like this every day, you won't be afraid of anyone who will play with you No."

"It wasn't me who bullied me, it was you too much food." Ji Ran walked to the side and saw Cheng Peng's little affection handing him a bottle of mineral water. Cheng Peng's young love looks young, still has bangs, his eyes are big and dark, and quite cute.

Ji Ran took Shui and asked, "Are you an adult?"

The boy froze and nodded: "Adult, adult, adult."

...... It's still a stutter.

Ji Ran nodded, turned on the water, and grunted a big sip.

Cheng Peng said: "We won't let you make it?"

"Why didn't you let Jean Lao at the poker table? How much did I win last year, I still remember it." Ji Ran cursed, "You pay me back, I can hold you up and buckle twenty baskets. "

"Why are you so stingy?" Cheng Peng came over, sat down and passed his own love, raised his eyes and asked, "Yes, I have heard about you and Qin Man, ah brother, even Qin Man dares to engage in it, do I have to brag about your boldness and skill? "

Cheng Peng's body was sweaty, but the boy was not disappointed. His shoulders were narrowed, and he looked a bit embarrassed. Cheng Peng finally picked up a towel and wiped Cheng Peng with sweat.

Ji Ran said: "Don't mention it to me. Aren't you? If you bring people directly to your house, you won't be afraid to be found by your parents and let you peel off your skin?"

"I'm afraid of them? And there are so many rooms in my house, and when they come, I'll say it's a friend to send them in." Cheng Peng said, "It's convenient for me to be by my side.

The boy heard the ear tip immediately red.

Ji Ran raised her eyebrows after listening, but didn't say anything.

"Little brother, give me a bottle of water, too." Yue Wenwen came over, and as they sat down on the ground, looked up and down Ji Ran again, "Very good, not hurt. I dreamed of you being dreamed last night Blocked in the toilet at the engagement site. "

Ji Ran sneered: "You say the opposite, why should I stop others. Basketball for me."

Yue Wenwen threw the basketball to him, Ji Ran grabbed the ball with his hands and returned to the court alone.

Seeing him playing for a while, Cheng Peng couldn't help asking: "What happened to him?"

Yue Wenwen leaned back: "What else can he do, he returned to Ji's home last night."

Cheng Peng froze, lowered his voice, opened his eyes and asked, "Why, go back and fight with his brother? Have you gone? Why didn't you call me this?"

"No, Ji Wei got engaged yesterday." Yue Wenwen said, "He went to congratulate."

Cheng Peng's eyes widened.

He still remembers that in high school, Ji Ran was blocked by someone called by Ji Wei, and the toilet door was closed for a whole class.

When they arrived, Ji Ran was covered with injuries, no different from the broken one, and the rest of the people in the toilet were not going well. Ji Ran was one to five, and the other five people could be all painted.

When they broke in, they just heard Ji Ran's face cold, and said to the human on the ground, "Trouble me, you can touch my friend, I want your life."

"Also, tell Ji Wei that he didn't come to count him lucky today, otherwise I'll let him die here."

He originally looked down on Ji Ran, but after a period of contact and this incident, Cheng Peng identified the brother.

"You can do it, so let him go alone." Cheng Peng said.

Yue Wenwen said: "The pectoral muscles are big and brainless. With so many people at the engagement site, his dad and his grandmother are here, and Ji Wei dares to touch him? You are not ignorant of how hypocritical that person is.

Cheng Peng: "... also."

After playing the ball, Yue Wenwen made a noise to eat seafood.

The sports car only has two seats. In order to facilitate the sitting, Ji Ran returned to a Mercedes-Benz. He threw the car key to Yue Wenwen, and sat lazily in the back seat, tired of saying a word.

He picked up the phone and found two messages on it.

[Q transfers you 600 yuan. Note: The remaining fare. 】

q: I made a fool today, sorry, don't be angry.

Ji Ran confiscated the money and did not reply.

During the meal, Cheng Peng seemed to think of something, and suddenly said, "Yes, I went to a class reunion some time ago and heard something very interesting."

Yue Wenwen asked, "What classmates are gathering? Why don't I and Xiao Ranyan know?"

"They said it was Ji Ran, but he didn't reply." Cheng Peng said.

Ji Ran: "Are you there?"

"It's all you, that made me miss the opportunity to meet my crush in high school!" Yue Wenwen said, "Quick, Cheng Peng, you continue to say."

"It's best not to go. Your crush has a beer belly." Cheng Peng hesitated, or said, "Just ... high school, wouldn't Ji Ran be blocked by someone?"

Yue Wenwen said: "... why did you mention this suddenly?"

"You listen to me. That time, the director of the teaching came in person and opened the toilet door. Do you still remember?" Cheng Peng said, "On the day of the party, the director of the teaching was also invited. Two drinks , The director of teaching suddenly told me that it was Qin Man who went to tell him. "

Ji Ran moves for a moment.

"Really? Is Qin Man so righteous?" Yue Wenwen said, "In fact, I also felt very magical that time. The old man always turned towards Ji Wei, and Ji Wei treats Xiao Ran Tian every day as a failure. I saw it, but I relented that time and punished the fools who were present ... "

"Okay, it's endless, and I can't eat."

Ji Ran interrupted them and continued to pinch the vegetables, as if the momentary stagnation just didn't happen.

After a long while, he mumbled again, "... what awful, I knew to make a small report." 2k novel reading network

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