MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 11

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Ji Wei woke up and was called by Ji Guozheng to the study room and scolded him. He encountered Ji Ran in the toilet yesterday and did not know who passed it. It passed to Ji Guozheng.

When he came back, the servant was ready for breakfast, and his cousin was sitting at the table.

His parents' marriage relationship died in name, and his mother moved out half a year ago. In the past six months, he hastily met her at yesterday's engagement banquet.

"Brother." The cousin couldn't help but glance at the second floor, "Uncle scolded you?"

"No." Ji Wei smiled mildly, he glanced at his watch, "Has Qin Man returned?"

The cousin said, "... I don't know."

Ji Wei asked, "Don't you ask him to go for a morning run?"


The cousin's action of cutting the toast paused, pursed her lips and told Ji Wei about the morning, and then asked, "Brother, are they in a good relationship?"

Ji Wei frowned slightly, with some doubts in his eyes: "I don't know, let's eat."

As soon as the two had finished their breakfast, Qin Man came out of the room.

Qin Man closed the door casually and glanced at the end of the corridor. The door at that end was tightly closed. He seemed to be able to feel how sweet the people inside were sleeping across the wooden door.

Although he had many things to deal with in the past, he controlled his sleep time every day, and sometimes he was not used to staying up all night.

He lived in a foreigner's house at this time, and it was not good to sleep again and again, and he had to say hello to the host.

"Wake up?" Ji Wei saw him come downstairs and smiled. "What's wrong with you? When you graduated and traveled, you got up at seven o'clock in the morning to run on time."

Qin Mandao said: "Maybe your bed is more comfortable."

"Then you can take it back in a while." Ji Wei turned his head. "Aunt Yang, please prepare another breakfast."

"No, I don't have any appetite now." Qin Man said, "Are you uncle now? I'll go and talk to him."

"Yes, in the study."

Qin Man bowed his head and was about to walk towards the study, but was stopped by Ji Wei.

"Qin Man, wait," Ji Wei put down her knife and fork. "Why didn't you call me last night when I was hungry? Instant noodles are too nutritious. There are many noodles and ingredients in the refrigerator, which are much better than those."

"No nutrition, but delicious." Qin Man smiled, "I went in."

Ji Ran was awakened by the sound of a phone call. The other party was from the repair shop and informed him that the car was maintained.

Hanging up the phone, Ji Ran glanced at the time, it was already 11 noon.

He buried his head in the pillow and snorted.

He had planned to get up earlier and leave Ji's house in front of Ji Wei's face. Who knew that he was too indulgent last night, and with a drink, he couldn't get up.

... all blame Qin Man.

Thinking of Qin Man, his waist was slightly numb. The pillow blocked his breathing, and it wasn't until he could hold his breath that he stood up and turned to wash in the bathroom.

Out of the room, he yawned, glanced down, and stopped immediately.

I saw two people sitting on the sofa downstairs, Ji Wei was looking at the documents, and Qin Man was sitting at the other end.

Qin Man, with Erlang's legs crossed, was reading a magazine and heard the sound of opening the door. He looked up and just hit Ji Ran's sight.

... why is this person still there?

Ji Ran went downstairs, and did not intend to say hello to Ji Wei, and turned around to go out.

"Where are you going?" Ji Wei frowned into the Sichuan word, "Will not say hello to my father?"

"It will let me go, and then I will say hello again, Ji Wei, how about your fine points?" Ji Ran asked.

"Mrs. Ji happened to be in the study, too." Qin Man took the conversation before Ji Wei spoke, and he closed the magazine.

Ji Ran then remembered that when Ji Guozheng let him stay last night, he mentioned that Mrs. Ji had something to tell him. He pursed his lips, slipped his jacket over, and turned to the study.

Knocking on the door two times, he heard Ji Guozheng said, "Come in."

Ji Ran opened the door, and when they saw him, they both looked a little surprised.

"Grandma." Ji Ran finished, and reluctantly looked at the middle-aged man at the desk, "... Dad."

"Well. Why are you here?" Ji Guozheng asked.

Ji Ran said, "Don't you say grandma is looking for me?"

Mrs. Ji stared at her son, and soon understood.

"I'm something." She glanced out the door and said, "Come in and come in."

On the other side, Ji Wei saw that the study door was closed, and his heart was even more blocked. What is Ji Ran? How can an illegitimate child who can't see the light enter his house and see his father and grandma?

He was obedient and sensible from an early age, and he worked hard to make a place in the eyes of his elders.

He can never let Ji Ranfen get the slightest bit.

Ji Wei quickly returned to his mind and asked the people around him: "Qin Man, after lunch, let's go play golf together."

"No, I still have something to do." Qin Man smiled and didn't look up. "On the first day of engagement, don't go with your fiance?"

"She's busy with her bachelor party. How can I give it to me?" Ji Wei said, "Next time."

Qin Man murmured casually, keeping his attention in the study behind him.

The elementary school boy was not very good-tempered and his mouth was dumb. He was worried that if he was chatting, he would quarrel.

Within ten minutes, the elementary school brother came out calmly.

Ji Ranyu came to the door and walked towards the door, as if the person on the living room sofa didn't exist. The moment he walked out of the house, Ji Ran felt that even the air was a bit fresh.

Sure enough, he and Ji's family are incompatible and shouldn't be kept for long.

He started the car, pulled the window of the car, and didn't rush to leave, but took out the cigarette case and picked up a cigarette from the inside. Preparing to ignite, one arm suddenly broke into view.

He emptied his mouth.

Qin Man stood outside the car window, holding his cigarette in his hand: "It's going to be dark again if he pumps his lungs."

"I won't do you anymore," Ji Ran said. "Bring it."

Qin Man laughed, raised his hand, and brought the cigarette to his mouth, pinching his lips.

"... you are sick." Ji Ran glared at him, "poor enough to afford even a cigarette?"

"Send me a ride," Qin Man said.

Ji Ran asked, "Where's your car?"

Qin Mandao said: "It's broke. Where did the car come from? The taxi went to the mountain yesterday."

Ji Ran squeaked: "No, just walk back."

Qin Man smiled, and he nodded twice: "OK, will you find me in the future?"

The engine of the sports car was not loud, and the silver body whistled away, leaving only one sentence in the wind.

"Not looking, get out."

Qin Man stared at the back of the car for a long while, then turned towards his car.

After only a few steps, he turned back abruptly, threw the car key into his pocket, squeezed the unlit cigarette, and walked down the mountain on foot.

Ji Ran opened his way before thinking of driving.

This is a mansion area. He didn't buy this house, so he naturally took this route less. Navigation turned on, and he heard the mechanical female voice in the car: "Start navigation, fifty-three kilometers from the destination ..."

Ji Ran couldn't help but glance at the phone, so far from the city? Why didn't he feel when he came yesterday?

After driving another section of road, he found that the broken mountain didn't even have a passing car. If he wanted to take a taxi, he had to wait by the side of the road until it was dark. The villa bought by the Ji family is still relatively high, and it may take a long time to walk.

Ji Ran sneered, and it was time to let Qin Man suffer on the mountain.

Qin Man walked on the mountain road for a while, and the phone rang.

Ji Wei asked, "Where are you? Why is the car still parked outside my house?"

The sound of the arrogant engine came from a distance. Qin Man looked up and saw the silver sports car return.

"Let you go first, I'll let people pick it up this afternoon." Qin Manxi laughed. "I still have something to do, let's hang up."

Seeing him, the silver sports car speeded up, and when he saw it, he was about to drive up. Qin Man stood upright and didn't move.

The car stopped suddenly beside him.

The window was pulled down, and the people inside looked fiercely: "One thousand fares, love to sit or not!"

"But I only have more than four hundred." Qin Man bent down and asked, "meat. Is it OK?"

Ji Ran said, "You still have to break your leg." 2k novel reading network