MTL - My Father in Law is Lu Bu-v2 Chapter 923 Yizhou change

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"Not seen?" The law is also stupid.

In the end, what is the amount of this situation? Just now, Liu Wei and the law are just saying good things.

Even the whispered.

This is what it looks like in a blink of an eye?

"Are you sure that your family's master said this?" The legal bookboy on the side was a little unbelievable and asked about this guard.

"Oh, it’s true." Before the guard, Kyogo yelled at the law.

"Where is the king of the county? I want to see the king of the county?" Although Fazheng was very uncomfortable in his heart, he still had to see Liu Wei. He had to figure out what was going on, because it was related to the safety of the whole Yizhou. There are also the survival of those people.

One bad thing is that the soul is coated with charcoal.

"Dr. King of the Kings? We are only the state animal husbands in Yizhou, there is no king of the king. Mr. Fazheng, please come back!" One person came out and faced the law and sneered.

"You, but you have asked the gentleman of our family to come. You," the book of the law is not in the heart, it is necessary to come forward to the theory.

But the law is blocking him, "Go! Chen Cheng"

"Mr.!" Chen Cheng understands why he did not go forward and debate with them.

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about?" Fazheng shook his head with a smile, and he had read the idea of ​​Liu Wei from a name.

State animal husbandry? ! Liu Wei still can't put down his authority in Yizhou. He still wants to be their emperor.

He didn't know what Huang Quan had said to Liu Wei in the end, but there was a little law that was known. This Yizhou was going to be in chaos.

"This is also good, this is also good!" Law is shaking his head and saying. His law is still holding fantasy.

Thinking of Yizhou's peaceful solution, it seems that his law is making a lot of love.

The heroes of His Royal Highness have never been attacked in Chengdu. Among them, there is a law that is seeking grievances. Otherwise, even if Liu Wei wants to pay attention to his reputation, he only needs to increase his support for Jia Wei.

Let Jia Wei break into Chengdu Prefecture in the name of Zhao Wei, and Liu Wei is defeating "Zhao Wei".

It’s just that it’s a blessing to make a living.

It seems that there is only this way. Since Liu Wei is not willing to live, he will fulfill him, and will prevent some people from playing the banner of Liu Wei, cholera and Yizhou.

"Let's go!" Fazhen is going to leave the Yizhou state pasture.

"Mr. Fazheng. Slow and slow!" Just as Fazheng and others were leaving, they ran out of the mansion.

When Chen Chengyi saw this person, he smiled at the time. This is a very angry laugh. "What is it. You brought our family from the house, and now we have to leave us."

This person is not the other person who they knew before.

"Don't drive an adult!" This army is also a bitter smile.

"You don't have to call me, I am currently working in Yangzhou."

"Yes, don't drive an adult! Hey!" The army also followed and sighed.

This tells the Fazheng that all this is after Huang Quan’s talk with the state husband Liu Wei, this has appeared such a drama.

"Important? Return to Jiangzhou?" Law is knowing that Liu Bei must have moved Liu Wei. I am afraid that Liu Bei is also speculating that the previous attack was the enemy of Cai Wei and Yan Yue.

The most important thing is that Liu Xin’s mentality of remnant rights is at work.

The right thing is really a good thing. Once it is contaminated, basically no one is willing to let go.

Liu Wei was impressed by Liu Bei, and he wanted to unite with Liu Bei.

"Oh. Fight with the tiger!" Fazheng gave Liu Wei what he did. After finishing the law, I got on the carriage and I was ready to leave.

After walking for a long time, Fazheng said, "Before the intersection, turn left!"

"Mr? Mr., our house is at that end!" Chen Cheng asked in confusion. He thought that Fa is not knowing the way. "That is the North Gate."

"We just want to go out of town." Chen Cheng has seen a few horses and horses in front of the city gate. He is waiting for Fazheng. The original is the old butler in the mansion.

"Let's go!" Law nodded and said, before the day came out, Fazhen was ready. Regardless of whether things are done or not, he has to leave Yizhou.


"Want to join with Zhao Wei. Fight against me?" In Yong'an County, Liu Wei looked strangely at the information sent from Jia Zhang.

What is written on this is that Liu Bei sent the messenger to contact the Zhao Jun army on the other side, saying that he should fight against Liu Wei’s invasion with the Zhao Jun army.

Let him be a member of his family?

Don't say that the current Zhao Weijun is just a martyr with Zhao Wei, even if it is really Zhao Jun army. What is the capital of Liu Bei and his alliance with Zhao Wei.

This out of mixed can be seen from the strength.

Zhao Wei said that there are also people who have a site, there are soldiers and horses, and Liu Bei relies on the bottom of more than 10,000 soldiers and horses? Eating is a problem, how does he unite with Zhao Wei?

"Lord, filial piety came the news, Liu Wei seems to be united with Liu Bei." Zhang Song is also stepping into the main account.

Liu Wei is now letting Liu Wei be responsible for the affairs of Chengdu and Fazheng. In terms of Yizhou, Zhang Song is much more familiar than Liu Wei.

"Liu Wei and Liu Bei united?" Liu Yi took a moment, and then picked up the previous letter from Jia Yu.

Liu Bei wants to unite with "Zhao Wei", Liu Bei is now going to unite with Liu Wei?

Liu Wei and Zhao Wei are dead, and Liu Bei does not have enough capital.

"Not good, the Lord, Chengdu is dangerous." Zhang Song reacted at once, and was familiar with Liu Bei and Liu Wei Zhang Song.

Compared with Liu Bei and Liu Bei, it is purely a mentally handicapped person, and Liu Bei is a Zhongshan wolf. Liu Wei actually believes that Liu Bei wants to unite with Liu Bei.

Now Liu Bei’s army has already left Yongan County in Jiangzhou.

"Chengdu House is not dangerous, but I am afraid it has already fallen." Liu Wei also understood.

The alliance between Liu Bei and Liu Wei is a fake. It is true that the heart of Liu Wei’s resistance is dispelled.

Once Liu Bei’s army entered the Chengdu government? Oh, rely on Liu Wei’s defenders.

These two pieces of information were already a few days ago. According to the itinerary, I am afraid that Liu Bei has already started to work.

"It's really a hundred-footed worm that is dead and not stiff." Liu Wei also smiled bitterly. He wanted to get rid of Liu Bei, but again and again he was escaped by Liu Bei.

This time I saw that I had to catch Liu Bei, but I didn’t think of it. I still let him run. Now I am in Chengdu.

Even Liu Wei would have to work hard to attack Chengdu.

"It's all right!" Zhang Song blamed himself. Pang Shiyuan Liu Bei was familiar with the terrain of Yizhou. The reason for most of them is the help of Zhang Song.

At the beginning, Zhang Song was bent on relying on a Mingzhu, so that he could show his life’s ambitions.

Liu Bei is the real name chosen by Zhang Song.

Originally, according to Zhang Song’s script, Liu Bei got Jingzhou. He sent Yizhou as his own capital.

However, the back was destroyed by Fazheng, and then Zhang Song went to Xiangyang to see Liu Wei, and Liu Wei was taken to his Majesty.

"Why should Joe blame himself! When Joe was the first one, he was the one who was the master." Who can be without fault." Liu Wei was very vocal in the face of Zhang Song.

Although Liu Wei is comforting, Zhang Song still cannot forgive himself.

"If Joe is still blaming himself, I have a chance to make a sin. I don't know if Joe is willing to do it?"

"what chance!"

"Chengdu House can be lost, as long as Yizhou is still there, Chengdu can't run away, but there is only one law, and Joe, you quickly contact Xiaozhi, I want him to appear safely in front of me." Liu He was afraid that Liu Wei or Liu Bei would harm the life of Fazheng. That would be bad.

A law is more important than Yizhou in the eyes of Liu Wei.

"Please also ask the Lord to rest assured that I will not be ordered by the Lord, and I will definitely complete the whole filial piety before the Lord." Zhang Song and Fa Zheng have deep friendship. Even if the two people's political views are not the same, but the law is still not willing to harm Zhang Song's life. Zhang Song was also recommended to Liu Wei, enough to see the friendship between the two.

Commanded Zhang Song, as long as the law is safe, Liu Wei will have no worries.

Out of the camp, looking at the direction of Chengdu, Liu Wei muttered to himself "I have entered Chengdu! I am really afraid that you will give up the army."

Liu Bei is doing the final dying struggle. He wants to rely on the Chengdu government and contact Zhao Wei. Zhang Lu will deal with his Yangzhou army.

Don't say that Zhao Wei is a nephew of Jia Wei, even if all three soldiers are there. Liu Wei is also dead without fear. Liu Wei is afraid that Liu Bei will be shameless, and his hand will be scattered. If he flies with Zhang Fei and others.

Liu Wei is really hungry and there is no place to look for it. In the mountains and forests, there are really no problems in hiding people.

Now that Liu Bei occupies Chengdu, it is really a must to catch a slap in the face.

"Come to people, pass on orders, take a break earlier today. I will cook more in the morning and tomorrow, and the five will start." Liu Wei does not know why there is always a bad feeling in his heart. He wants to speed up the resolution. Liu Bei, waving Yangzhou.

"Hey!" After Liu Hao went to a camp, he was detained in the camp. His name was Guan Yu.


Chengdu Prefecture, the original administrative office of Yizhou, can be said that the whole world is in chaos, Yizhou is not chaotic, the whole Yizhou is chaotic, and there is no chaos in Chengdu.

This city has not been subjected to war for more than half a century.

Today attracted his first time.

"Chong, the Lord said, the first one to enter the city, reward 100, the official rise to the third level!"

"Kill, kill, kill!" Liu Wei, a soldier from Chengdu, was stunned.

Was it just a friendly army or an ally? How did it become an enemy at once?

Such a blasphemy, suddenly summoned the arrival of death.

Countless Liu Wei’s terracotta warriors fell under Liu Beijun’s sword.

Liu Yujun was beaten by surprise. In addition, Liu Wei’s main elite soldiers are in the hands of Yan Yan and Zhang Ren. One north and one south, resisting Zhao Wei and Zhang Lu, but in Chengdu Some second-line garrison troops.

If you rely on the walls of Chengdu, you can still hold on for a while.

But now it was hit by a surprise, the city wall did not have time to block, the suspension bridge did not put down.

This is a big fun.

Under the circumstance, the shouting from outside the city has already arrived in the city.

"Yellow rights, this is what you said Liu Bei's alliance?" Above the Yizhou state pastoral house, Liu Wei is going crazy, and originally thought about forming an alliance with Liu Bei.

Liu Bei said with a voice that he was the guardian of the Jiangzhou portal for his brother Liu Wei. Not only that, but once Liu Wei retired, he was also prepared to exchange Jiangzhou. Always be the younger brother of Liu Wei.

Let Liu Wei continue to be his emperor in Yizhou.

This dream has not been finished yet, and Liu Bei slaps his face and slams his face.

Liu Bei sent troops, and the target was Chengdu. He had just contracted the alliance before, and the two men were good. There was a sneak attack on Liu Bei.

Let Chengdu House simply be caught off guard.

"I, me, me!" Huang Quan did not know how to answer.

He is also crying face, his Huang Quan is really loyal to Liu Wei's people, but also for the sake of Liu Hao.

This led to the current alliance.

But who knows, Liu Bei’s alliance is a fake, darkness Chen Cang is true.

I am afraid that Huang Quan will go ahead, and Liu Bei will send someone to ambush Huang Cheng under the Chengdu government.

Here Liu Yiyi released his vigilance and finished, and Liu Bei’s army attacked the city.

"The main public, the outer city has fallen!" Before the law and the law and other people, the words of the military called Huang Jian, ran in and shouted to Liu Wei.

"What! You say it again." Liu Yan's eyes widened and he looked at Huang Jian unbelievably.

"The main public, the outer city, the Dongcheng of the outer city has already died." Huang Jian wiped the blood on his face. He also just came back from the outer wall.

"It's over, it's over!" Liu Wei spread out on the ground. The outer wall of Chengdu is very strong. It has been reinforced since the time of Liu Wei. It is now up to a few feet. It is the highest city in the world. Such an outer city is also lost.

"The Lord, my army has retreated to the inner city, and asked the Lord to take the idea as soon as possible."

"Get the idea, what do I take, Huang Quan, you come to tell me what I want!" Liu Wei looked at Huang Quan with both eyes.

"If it is not you Huang Quan, I am afraid I have already reached an agreement with Fazheng. Now I should be on the way to Shouchun."

Huang Quan’s entire head went down and fell into deep self-blame. He was deceived by Liu Beibei, and he was so damned.

"Fa Zheng, righteous, come, please give me Mr. Fa Zheng." Liu Wei is sick and rushed to the doctor, he wants to find the law, to see if there is a chance.

"Lord, it's useless. Mr. Fa Zheng has left Chengdu as early as the day before." Huang Jian is sending the law in person. How can he not know?

"Fa is also gone?!" Liu Wei is now completely on the ground.

"Damn!" Huang Quan over there bit his teeth and pulled out the sword of his waist.

"General Huang Quan, where are you going?" Huang Jian asked Huang Quan over there, very rude, if not Huang Quan would become what it is now.

"I went to the wall to kill the enemy." Huang Quan is also not good-looking. (~^~)