MTL - My Father in Law is Lu Bu-v2 Chapter 922 Yizhou change

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"Zhongda is also coming to find the second son?" Sun Quan smiled and looked at Sima.

"Isn't it a Zhongwu?" Sima Yi also responded to Sun Quan.

The dialogue between smart people is simple. When you look at each other, you know what the other person is thinking.

Looking at each other and smiling, they stepped into the house of Cao Yu.

"Sun Quan adults, Sima Yi adults." The two walked into the house of Cao Yu, and some people went up to salute the two.

These two people are regarded as frequent visitors in the house, and Cao Yu also attaches great importance to the two.

"What about the second son?" Sun Quan asked the servant.

"The two sons, the two sons." This servant is arrogant, I don't know how to reply.

"The two sons come just right, fast and fast, go and persuade the second son!" A man of the housekeeper Moyang came out, this person is the person around Mrs. Yu, who took Cao Yu from childhood, took care of Cao Yu, Cao Yukai After the government, I also followed the position of the butler.

For this old housekeeper, Cao Yu is like his own child. Now that Cao Yu’s second son came back, his face was wrong, but he was locked in the study room. How can he not worry?

This saw Sun Quan and Sima Yi invited.

"Leading the way ahead!" Sun Quan and Sima Yi did not say much, and the two followed the old housekeeper and went to Cao's study.

Not yet outside the courtyard of the study, I heard a burst of roar from the study.

With all kinds of sundries being thrown to the ground.

"Two sons, two sons, grandfather Sun Quan, and Sima Yi adults to see!" The old housekeeper shouted in a small voice outside the study.

"Don't see!" Cao Yuyun's voice with luck came out.

"This!" The old butler is also unable to sub-, the two people who have been thinking about the two sons can let the two sons shift their attention, but whoever thought that the second son refused.

I can only look at Sun Quan and Sima Yi to see if there is any way for these two people.

Sun Quan also stunned, but then he smiled and smiled loudly. "Haha. Ergongzi, Sunmou and Zhongda brother took the liberty to visit, and asked the second son to forgive me!"

When Sun Quan actually pushed open the study door, he went in. The guards on the side of Cao Yufu wanted to stop. But it was stopped by the housekeeper, which made Sun Quan stride into the study.

Just entering the study, stepping into the eye is a mess, and Cao Yu, who has anger in the eyes.

"It's you!" Cao Yu saw Sun Quan, and the color in his eyes did not disappear.

"Who is letting you let people in. From tomorrow, I don't want to see you in Cao House anymore." Cao Yu looked coldly at the guards who guarded the study door.

"Ah!" This is a dumb eye for these guards. Sun Mou said that he would not want to see them in Cao House. If he was expelled from Cao, who would dare to take them? Who dares to offend Cao Yu.

"Please ask the second son to forgive sins, and ask the second son to forgive sins." The two guards suddenly became uneasy and asked for sin against Cao Yutou.

"The second son, above the house of the king, was mad, must be sprinkled on these two little people!" Sun Quan actually confronted Cao Yu.

"What are you talking about!" Cao Yu’s eyes narrowed. Staring at Sun Quan over there, there is already a killing in the eyes. "Sun Quan, Sun Zhongmou, do you really think that I dare not kill? Or do you think that you lost to your brother and lost? What can you teach me to Liu Wei?"

Sun Quan’s heart is also a twilight. As the saying goes, the monks are not short-sighted, and they don’t beat their faces.

Cao Yu is completely awkward.

Forbearing the anger in my heart. Sun Quan also had a smile on his face. "Sun is a defeated army. He dares to speak bravely, the second son and even the heavenly nobles, the right and the two guards. It is only closer to the two sons."

Sun Quan’s words allowed Cao Yu to calm down his anger.

"Sima Yi?" Cao Yu also saw Sima Yi behind Sun Quan.

"Say, you two, what is this?" Cao Yu was eating in front of Cao Cao, but no matter how he is the second son of Cao Wei, it still has a lot of majesty.

"Without him, come here. Help the two sons, solve the problem." Sun Quan said.

Cao Yu did not speak, but looked at Sun Quan and saw what words he could say.

"The second son is worried, but the young son Cao Chong still has that week?" Sun Quan asked.

"What is it? How is it?" Cao Yu whitened his eyes, and then his mouth was the words "I didn't doubt the yellow mouth that week, I dared to humiliate me in front of the temple. I can't wait to eat its bones." meat."

Everything starts from this week.

If there is no such person's laughter, it will not lead to Cao Chong, nor will Cao Cao allow them to go with the army, and there will be no military rituals afterwards.

Now, the child is not only on the table, but he is not able to come to the table, but he is also decentralized from his hands.

Grain and grass scheduling, as the saying goes, the three armed forces have not moved, grain and grass first, it is enough to see the importance of the grain.

This Cao Cao gave Cao Yu the duty. He also had the meaning of studying Cao Yu. He used Cao Yu as the heir to the future. Now he inserted a Cao Chong, how can he make him Cao Yu?

"Two sons, such a small son and the week is not suspicious, although you have the right from the second son, but it is not a chance for us!" Sun Quan continued to speak.

"Opportunity?" Cao Yu looked at Sun Quan.

"Dare to ask the second son, who does not know the second son in this military logistics?!" Sun Quan has a hidden meaning, and people do not know the second son. In other words, in the military logistics, which person is not He is a man of Cao Yu.

"Hey!" Cao Yu snorted, his face naturally has his own arrogance, Cao Yu is not a simple character, Lao Cao moved the logistics from the hands of this book to him left.

This position fell into the hands of Cao Yu, and Cao Yu’s exclusion of dissidents is still quite a set.

All the old people of the embarrassing age were either surrendered or they were swept out by Cao Yu in various names. He is in charge of the important things, and he is the one who is Cao Yu. It can be said that the current amount of military logistics, know Cao Yu did not know Cao Cao.

"When the king gave the rights of the young son, at the same time, it was not a chance for me to hide. Wang gave the young son a military logistical responsibility for the food and grass. It is the meaning of the school Cao Chong. If Cao Chong got rid of it?" Sun Quan smiled and looked at it. Cao Yu said.

Cao Yu also brightened his eyes. Yeah, why didn’t he think about it?

"You mean?" Cao Yu asked in secret.

"The three armed forces have not moved the grain first, and Wang Shangzheng is a major event in Yangzhou. If it is because the grain is delayed, hehe!" Sun Quan’s words are not all finished.

But Cao Yu is quite clear.

If it is because Cao Chong is wrong. Although he is a brother to be beaten by Cao Cao, but Cao Chong can not escape.

At the same time as drinking, Cao Cao could not do anything to Cao Chong, but the boy who is not suspicious of the week may become a scapegoat.

Listen to Sun Quan’s words. Cao Yu suddenly became very open.

In the past, Cao Chong was favored. He had no way to take Cao Chong in his own way. He could not go to play a small report.

Now that Cao Chong actually came to his Cao Yu's site, it really couldn't be Cao Chong.

"Zhongmou really is my lucky star." Cao Yu did not boast of his own boast.

Sima Yi did not speak, but looked at Sun Quan and Cao Yu, and instinctively told him that this Sun Quan Sun Zhongmou is not simple.


In the midst of the action in Zhangzhou, there was also a movement in Yizhou.

"Fa Zheng, Fa Zheng. You are fast, help me to contact Liu Wei, no, no, contact Han Han." Liu Wei is really anxious, now he is both enemies on both sides, whether it is Zhang Lu or Zhao Wei They are all overwhelmed by his pressure.

Liu Wei also intends to make a profit and then contact Liu Wei. I did not expect Liu Bei to come over here. Liu Wei was panicked.

This money is too late to fish, just thinking about whether or not I can ask the law to let Han Wang Liu Wei send troops early.

The law is not ruthless. Although Liu Wei has abolished a bit, but how to say, if there is no Liu family and son, he is only entering Yizhou. There can't be a place.

"Please also ask the King of the Kings, rest assured, has sent people to inform the Hanwang Your Royal Highness, only need to send a order to the county king, so that all parts of Yizhou can be returned to Yangzhou!" Fazheng is talking to Liu Wei.

The so-called name is not right, Liu Wei’s army has long been ready. However, if Liu Wei does not announce it, his army is also difficult to enter Yizhou.

This will be regarded as a foreign intruder, not to mention, Liu Wei's terracotta warriors are broadcast from Jingzhou, and Jingzhou and Yizhou have played a lot of jealousy.

If Liu Qiangqiang marches, he will lose the hearts of the people. This is not worth the candle.

Liu Wei wants to destroy Liu Bei first, and the second to get a complete Yizhou, let Yizhou, the land of abundance, create grain for his army and become a granary instead of Yizhou, who is hated by all the people.

"Good, good, good, I will write this, I will write this!" Liu Wei is also confused, money is good, but also has to have a life to spend.

"Report! Back to the state of the country, the Chengdu government has come down all the way." The commander entered the house and reported to Liu Wei.

"Come on the terracotta warrior? That Liu Bei is coming! It's over!" Liu Wei was completely panicked.

The siege of the three-way army, how can he resist Liu Wei.

"The county king also please rest assured that there is a Chengdu government, and Liu Bei will still be unable to attack in a moment." Fazheng comforted Liu Wei over there.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Liu Wei nodded his head. As long as he could hold on for a while, then Han Wang Liu Wei came back to save him. At that time, he was afraid of Liu Bei.

"Transfer orders, give me a seal to the city gate, and swear to the end." Liu Wei is also swearing, don't hate it, this is no longer worrying, the old nest will be gone.

"State animal husband, this is not the enemy, it is Huang Quan, General Huang Quan is back." The commander responded.

"Huang Quan? Did he also betray me?" Liu Wei thought that Huang Quan had attacked with soldiers and horses.

"No, no, adult, Huang Quan, who came back, took a dozen of guards. He said he asked to see an adult."

Huang Quan appeared under the gates of Chengdu and asked to open the city gate to see Liu Wei.

"Well? Let him in! Just one person enters, the rest are not allowed to enter the city." Liu Wei fully reflects the concern for the small life.

"Yes!" The men over there quickly went down. Soon, Huang Quan was brought up.

"Lord!" Huang Quan is holding a fist in the Liu Yu over there.

"Yellow rights, you still have a face to give me back." Liu Wei saw Huang Quan immediately yelled at Huang Quan. Originally there was a Jiangzhou outside Chengdu, as a resistance, but now Jiangzhou is gone, Chengdu It is under the threat of Liu Bei.

"The end will be guilty!" Huang Quan also bowed his head and bowed to Liu Wei.

Within a day, Jiangzhou was smashed, and Huang Quan could not be awkward.

"Okay. Since you also know that you are guilty, come, please give me the yellow right and slash it." Liu Wei is now full of hatred towards Huang Quan. If he is, how can he Liu Liu be now? This way.

If the money is not available, this Yizhou can't stand it anymore.

"The Lord, the end will know the sin, but there will be some words in the end to discuss with the Lord!" Huang Quan shouted at Liu Hao over there.

"Do you have something to say? Hey, what? If you ask for mercy?" Liu Wei sneered.

"The Lord, also ask the Lord to retreat around." Huang Quan said to Liu Wei.

"Well, I will give you the last chance. You will talk about how you lost Jiangzhou." Liu Wei also gave Huang Quan a face. It is no wonder that Huang Quan is a confidant of Liu Wei, otherwise Will not be put into the Jiangzhou District by Liu Wei.

Liu Wei shielded the left and right.

Law is also following out.

"Sir, why do you need to help this Liu Wei!" The bookboy who followed Fazheng was a little dissatisfied. This Liu Wei was just a slap in the face.

At the beginning of the law, Liu Wei was persuaded, but Liu Wei ignored it, holding the illusion, and even the official position of the law was given.

Now Liu Bei hit the door and remembered the law.

"Oh, Chen Cheng, you are still young, you don't understand, what is the personal honor and disgrace of my law compared with the people of Yizhou?"

Liu Bei came to attack, and Fazheng was also worried about the people of Yizhou. He did not sell Yizhou as a whole.

But because the law is not willing to fight in Yizhou, Zhao Wei, Zhang Lu, and Liu Bei.

These individuals have caused tremendous damage to Yizhou.

If this continues, the whole Yizhou can really be saved.

Yangzhou Hanwang Liu Wei entered the state of Yizhou, so that Jingzhou Yizhou was integrated.

From then on, there will be no more chaos, and the people will be able to live and work in peace.

The law was waiting for Liu Wei’s house for a long time, but he still did not get Liu Weixuan to enter the news.

I couldn’t help but ask.

However, I was very enthusiastic about Fazheng just now, but I changed my face. "Mr. Fazheng, please come back. Our family official said that we are not seen today." (~^~)