MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 58

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After being reminded by the system, Yan Shu remembered everything.

This Luo Zhixue and her father used to be classmates, but they are a few years younger. He has some talent, but his family is relatively poor.

Back then, when her father had already obtained the honor in the examination and was working in the county government, Luo Zhixue was about to go to Beijing to catch the exam, but because he really couldn't afford the money, he almost missed the exam time.

Her father was righteous and honest, and he never saw friends in trouble, so he secretly lent him the twenty taels of silver that the family had saved for a long time to renovate the old house, and told him to go to Chunwei smoothly.

Yan Shu still vaguely remembers the scene of that night, her father made an excuse to take her out to play and give this person some money, this person cried bitterly after receiving the money, and vowed how to repay them when he came back...

On the second day, the man took the money and went away, but her mother found out that her father had borrowed other people's money secretly, and the two had a big fight.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before news of this man's high school came from the capital. Father was naturally happy, thinking that he had not helped others in vain, and mother was also happy, thinking that the twenty taels of silver could finally come back, and the dilapidated old house could finally come back. It can be flipped.

Unexpectedly, this person didn't even return home after high school, and went directly to Jihe County next door to become a county magistrate, and he didn't return any money.

Seeing that the old house was leaking from rain and damp, mother became anxious again and urged father to go to his house to ask for it.

But before her father left, the Luo family moved their family to Jihe overnight without leaving a single copper coin behind.

As a result, her mother was naturally angry again, but her father still held some hope, thinking that Luo was just busy with political affairs and temporarily forgot about money.

Until one day, when her uncle was transporting food home from other places, when he passed by Jihe County where the person lived, he was detained by the government for reasons of unknown route.

The family was very distraught after hearing the news, and her father hurried to Jihe, thinking for the first time in his life to intercede with this person through the back door. Unexpectedly, after waiting for three days, the surname Luo did not see him at all.

Later, her wronged father had no choice but to scrape together a fine of twenty taels of silver for her uncle, and brought him back.

Since then, her father has been very cold towards this Luo.

How could he know that this person's official position has been promoted higher and higher, all the way from the county official to the state official, and then entered the capital, and now he is actually the deputy envoy of the Yantie Division?

Yan Shu was furious in her heart, isn't this God's eyesore! !

And after listening to her memories in her heart, Yu Wenlan also nodded silently, it seems that God is really not open about this matter.

Unexpectedly, the deputy envoy of the Yantie Division, selected by the Ministry of Household Affairs after thousands of choices, would be such a good guy.

Such a bad character, even if you think about it, you won't be able to do a good job. It seems that you have to think about it again.

Just as she was thinking about it, Yan Shu, who was still angry and cursing in her heart just now, suddenly greeted that person with a friendly face—

"Isn't this Uncle Luo?"

After the voice fell, everyone in the hall was stunned.


Who is Yipin calling... "Uncle Luo"?

Is this the new deputy envoy of Yanties who just entered the palace to salute the king?

Of course, he was the only one surnamed Luo in the hall at this time, and everyone could clearly hear him introduce his surname Luo just now.

All of a sudden, everyone cast their eyes on this man.

As his boss, the Minister of the Household Department also looked surprised, looked at Luo Zhixue, and hurriedly bowed to Yan Shu, "Ms. Yipin knows Master Luo?"

But Yan Shu smiled and said, "I think this Master Luo is very familiar. Dare I ask if Master Luo is from Ande County, Qingzhou Prefecture? He was the county magistrate in Jihe County more than ten years ago?"

As soon as these words came out, the Minister of the Household Department looked back at this new subordinate again, and said in surprise, "It's really Mr. Luo? You actually met Mrs. Yipin?"

Tsk tsk tsk, now who doesn't know that the concubine Yi is the most favored, and who doesn't want to have a relationship with the concubine Yi?

Didn't expect this person to be so low-key?

However, Luo Zhixue, the person involved at this time, was stiff and did not want to admit it.

—Yes, of course he knew that the most favored Concubine Yi is actually the daughter of his old acquaintance Li Huaizhi.

Of course he also remembered that he owed the Li family twenty taels of silver...

After high school at that time, it wasn't that he didn't think about paying back the money, but it was because he really didn't have a lot of money at the beginning.

Thinking of him as a child from a poor family, he had to deal with all kinds of officialdom, and it was very strenuous at first.

However, after he became a bit of a fool and got rich, he was afraid that the Li family would haunt him, so he simply ignored it.

He was thinking that with Li Huaizhi's rigid character, he could only be a poor sesame official in Ande for the rest of his life. He thought that he even moved his family away, so he probably would not be able to meet the Li family again in this life.

Who knew that the Li family would have such a prosperous day?

However, no matter what happens to the Li family, his official career must continue.

It was not easy to get all the way from that small place to the capital, and now he has become a close minister of the emperor. He didn't want to show his face in front of Concubine Yi today, but his superior Hubu Shangshu had to pull him in to say hello, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and come in.

Originally, he planned to say hello and leave quickly, but Yipin recognized him at a glance.

At this moment, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "It is indeed a minister."

What should I do, is this little girl going to expose the past on the spot?

Unexpectedly, the words fell, but Yi Bin laughed again, "It really is you, weren't you and my father friends before? I remember when you were young, you often came to my house for dinner."

Luo Zhixue had no choice but to bite the bullet and apologize with a smile, "That's what happened, my lady has a good memory."

Yan Shu smiled, and said again, "It's not that I have a good memory, the main thing is that I have a deep impression on you. I still remember that you didn't make any money when you were going to Beijing for the exam, and it was my father who lent you twenty taels of silver. You excitedly told my father that when you are in high school, you must repay us, and you will also give us back the rich house daughter and so on."

As soon as these words came out, Luo Zhixue blushed like blood, extremely embarrassed.

But at the same time, a little skeptical—

He didn't seem to have said anything about a wealthy family...

However, how could he refute at this time, so he nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, there is such a thing..."

Everyone saw it, but they all secretly smacked—

Judging by his expression, why is he a little lacking in confidence?

Didn't you pay back the money later?

Sure enough, Yan Shu said again, "But I haven't seen you since then. I heard that you went to be the county magistrate in Jihe County next door. Once my uncle was transporting grain from other places, but somehow he was detained." You Jihe, my father went to look for you but couldn’t meet you. I heard that you were very busy at that time, and you really did your best for the court, otherwise, how could we meet here today?”

As soon as these words were uttered, everyone began to smack at the hidden meaning—

This sounds like a story of ungratefulness, turning face and denying others.

And Luo Zhixue was about to die of embarrassment.

He could only say, "I'm ashamed, after so many years, I forgot what happened at that time... Probably because I was not in Jihe at that time, so I couldn't meet Uncle Zhongyi."

However, the king had grasped the point, and immediately looked at Uncle Zhongyi Li Huaizhi, and asked, "Why is the food being withheld?"

To be honest, Li Huaizhi didn't want to talk to this person today, but when the king asked about it, he could only stand up and say, "Return to your majesty, when the minister's wife and brother brought food back to Ande's home from other places, the official who was in charge of the road guide in other places was careless for a while. Written millet as chestnut, and the minister's wife and brother were also poorly educated, so they didn't pay attention for a while. When they walked to the Jihe River, the local government servants took the minister's wife and brother with the grain under the pretext that the road guide did not match the goods. It was withheld, and it was said that there would be a fine of twenty taels of silver."

"My father-in-law and Zhuo Jing were very anxious, so I rushed to Jihe overnight. I thought it was just a misunderstanding and wanted to explain the situation to Mr. Luo, but Mr. Luo was busy, so I stayed there for two days. See people."

At this point, everyone was very concerned, even the Queen Mother couldn't help asking, "Then what happened afterwards?"

Li Huaizhi bowed his head and said, "Speaking of which, I'm not afraid that the Queen Mother will laugh at me. I didn't have much money with me at the time, so I had to **** some of my valuables, and I found a local fellow to piece together, and I got twenty taels of silver to pay. He paid a fine, and ransomed his wife, brother, and food."

The queen mother sighed, "It's really pitiful. The official made a typo and asked you to deduct twenty taels of silver."

After the words fell, everyone nodded along, thinking that Uncle Zhongyi's family was really at a loss.

But the king asked Luo Zhixue, "How long was twenty taels of silver enough to support an ordinary family?"

At this moment, when everyone was watching, Luo Zhixue didn't dare to tell lies, he could only honestly say, "Report to Your Majesty, twenty taels of silver can support an ordinary family of six for a year."

After the words fell, Mrs. Zhu, Mrs. Zhongyi who was sitting next to Yan Shu couldn't help but refute in her heart—

Twenty taels of silver a year is the expense of a wealthy family. An unjust husband like her often cuts down on food and clothing to help others, and sometimes only spends fifteen or six taels a year.

At this moment, the king said to the surnamed Luo again, "The official wrote a wrong word, but the government uses it to embarrass the people, and they will be fined for a year or even two years of expenses? Is this reasonable?"

After the words fell, many officials present were also tsk tsk in their hearts—

Indeed, this Jihe county government is not only a scoundrel, but also a ruthless one. This means making a fortune by peeling the flesh and blood of the common people!

Luo Zhixue immediately knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, calm down, this law was enacted by the state government back then, and the ministers also advised the superiors, but they were reluctant to speak lightly. Moreover, there were indeed some small yamen servants at that time who were unreasonable and took advantage of the situation to bully others. The minister will punish severely after discovering it, but it is inevitable that there will always be things that cannot be taken into account."

Of course, everyone also understands that more than ten years have passed since this matter, even if the king wants to go back, it is not so easy to do.

But... there is still something waiting for Luo Zhixue right now, he still hasn't paid back the money he owes to Uncle Zhongyi's mansion!

Thinking about this, Luo Zhixue immediately bowed to the loyal uncle Li Huaizhi, and said with a face of shame, "Please accept the next bow, uncle. I am really ashamed of my uncle! Back then, I was busy with business, and I always wanted to find him." You paid back the money, but failed to make the trip. Later, due to job changes, you were farther and farther away from your hometown, and you have been unable to visit the door... In short, this is all my fault. Today, I will definitely pay back all the money owed back then, and prepare separately The generous gift is like thanking the uncle, and I hope the uncle will not be disgusted."

Such words, as if he really forgot to pay back the money out of necessity, but no one at the scene believed it.

—The Li family has been in the hometown for decades and has not changed. He wants to pay back the money and still not go out?


Yan Shu also hummed in her heart, can the 20 taels of more than ten years ago be compared with the present? Back then, they lost forty taels of silver one after another. How much did their family suffer?

She still clearly remembers that in those two years, the three meals a day at home were almost nothing meaty, and the whole day was either tofu and vegetables or radish and pickles. God knows how much she wanted to eat grilled chicken at that time! !

Tsk, that was when she was growing. If it wasn't for the lack of nutrition in those vegetables and pickles, she might still be half a head taller now! !

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Luo Zhixue really deserved death for making a meat-loving snacker eat vegetarian food for so long!

Only now did he finally understand why she valued food the most now. It turned out that she owed too much at that time?

Angry and angry, he said to the surname Luo, "Not only do you have to repay the silver taels owed to Uncle Loyalty back then, but you also need to relearn many life principles. Be grateful, repay your kindness and repay your revenge, how did you sleep peacefully for the past ten years?"

Luo Zhixue was so ashamed that he could only hastily knelt down and said, "I am ashamed, I am guilty."

Yu Wenlan ignored him, but told the Minister of the Household Department, "For the position of deputy envoy of Yantie Division, reconsider the manpower, and remember to keep your eyes open."

Hubu Shangshu frightenedly replied yes, and then glanced at Luo Zhixue, motioning him to get out of here.

Standing for a long time also caused him to be scolded.

—It’s really shameless not to pay back the twenty taels of silver.

As for Luo Zhixue, he could only cry without feeling tired and regretted, and he replied, and retreated out of the hall in desperation.


After this small episode, the water music and dance on the lake has been performed, and the important content of today's water play is about to begin.

The first event is the race, which is the swimming competition of later generations.

At this time, dozens of soldiers were ready to go on the big boat in the lake, and twenty people stood in each round.

With the sound of gongs and drums, the audience held their breaths and stared, and then saw the officer give an order, and twenty soldiers jumped into the water and rowed to the shore.

For a while, the sound of gongs and drums sounded again, and the water on the lake surface was churning, and the soldiers were swimming freely in the water like fish, which made the onlookers sigh.

Mrs. Zhu couldn't help but whispered admiration to her daughter, "This swim is faster than a fish! This game is beautiful!"

Yan Shu smiled and said yes, "There will be better ones in a while."

But it's a pity in my heart - these soldiers are still wearing clothes, if they can only wear swimming trunks to show off their inverted triangle figures like the later generations, it will look better!

Yu Wenlan caught off guard and heard, "???"

She still wants to see other people's figures? ? ?

Isn't it enough to see him? ? ?

But what about the "afterlife" she mentioned?

Could that be the source of her abilities?

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard cheers from the lake. It turned out that the first round of boat races had ended.

Immediately afterwards, the second round of soldiers entered the water.

In this way for eight consecutive rounds, the three fastest players will be selected from each round for the final finals, and the winners at that time will be able to receive a special bounty reward, which is very generous.

Of course, considering that the preliminary competition has just finished, the physical strength of the soldiers will be affected, so the final race will be held in the afternoon.

However, there is still an exciting game ahead, which is to win the Golden Ou.

First, there were two teams of soldiers in red and yellow clothes waiting in the water. With the sound of gongs and drums, the officer threw a golden pot into the water, and after giving an order, the two teams of soldiers started to grab it.

During the period, each of them cooperated with each other, and there were formations, offensive formations or defensive formations, which looked very exciting.

Yan Shu thought, isn't this the water polo of later generations?

Tsk tsk, although the current scene is very good-looking, but if these burly men also change into the neat little swimming trunks of the later generations, and show off their strong muscles and figures while competing, it will definitely be more interesting of!

Yu Wenlan, who was silently paying attention to her, "???"

Hereafter again?

Could it be that the men there are so shameless to let outsiders look at their bodies at will?


The four consecutive games to win the Golden Ou competition ended, and the best of the two teams were also selected for the final in the afternoon.

Just when everyone was still unsatisfied, the beautiful water juggling started again.

With the sound of drums and flutes, a painted boat sailed into everyone's sight. Someone on the painted boat was playing with knives and sticks, making beautiful and thrilling martial arts moves in conjunction with the sound of gongs and drums, which was very exciting.

Mrs. Zhu and her daughter admired in a low voice again, "Why don't you get dizzy? We didn't even dare to open our eyes once we took a boat ride."

Yan Shu smiled and said, "He is a professional sailor. I don't know how many times I have trained. I will definitely not get dizzy. Besides, if I get seasick, how can I fight?"

Mrs. Zhu nodded with a smile and said yes, and then heard the girl say, "Mother also try the dim sum on the table, the craftsmanship in the imperial dining room is quite good."

Mrs. Zhu responded, then glanced at the table, and couldn't help being surprised——

That dish of dim sum, which looks like a book, is actually made of pancakes?

Tsk tsk, there are also people in the palace who like to eat this kind of food?

She quietly looked around the hall, but saw that most of the people were concentrating on watching the juggling at this time, and no one was eating. However, among the male guests at the husband's side, there was a middle-aged man in a gorgeous dress, who was eating with great relish. Zhengxiang.

And just eat it page by page...

Zhu thought, don't you feel like you're choking?

Anyway, roll something, it's good to bite...

Seeing that the juggling performance on the painting boat was over, another small boat sailed into the water, and the most attractive water puppet show began.

I saw a small colorful building built on the small boat, and there were three small doors under the building. With the sound of brisk gongs and drums, the small doors opened, and a smaller boat sailed out of it, with a small puppet sitting on it. A man holds a fishing rod in his hand, and a fishing line is tied to the fishing rod, and the fishing line hangs down into the water, looking like he is fishing.

The little puppet can still sing with blinking eyes and mouth, babbled and sang for a while, and suddenly pulled up the line suddenly, and actually caught a small live fish out of the water, which is quite amazing.

For a while, everyone couldn't take their eyes off, even Lan Yun's children forgot to make a fuss and concentrated on watching.

I saw that the little puppet caught five or six fish in a row, filled his boat to the brim, and drove back to the small colored gate on the same road. Immediately afterwards, some puppets came out of the colored gate one after another. Then began to perform the pre-arranged repertoire.

Such as Wei Wendi Xingshi, The Legend of the White Snake, Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, Sun Xingzhe's Trouble in the Dragon Palace, etc., one after another, the audience is all wowed, not to mention how wonderful it is.

Even the Queen Mother showed a rare smile, nodded and said, "Today's play is very well arranged, much better than before."

After the words were finished, the Taichang Temple official who was accompanying him hurriedly said, "It's thanks to the empress Yibi who raised this matter, so I can adjust the repertoire in time."

The Queen Mother nodded, and gave Yan Shu an approving look.

This girl is very talented in the small things of eating, drinking and having fun.

Seeing that the puppet show has performed three or four plays, it's time for lunch.

The luncheon will be held in the hall, and most of them will be fresh from the Jinming Lake.

Steamed sea bass, braised fish head in sauce, prawns with salt and pepper, braised soft-shelled turtle, salt-baked cream crab, cattail cabbage in milk soup, whitebait baked eggs, etc., although they are not as luxurious as bear's paw and deer tendon, they are very tasty.

Just when everyone was having a good time tasting, another storyteller came on stage and started talking about the book on the painting boat not far away.

Coincidentally, it turned out to be the book of Mr. Xiaoyao's words, and the first play was "The Merry Man and the Pretty Woman".

It was the first time I saw this project this year, and everyone immediately listened to it.

Of course, listening to books does not hinder eating, and listening while eating is more enjoyable.

However, Mr. Lu, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, has already refused to eat, and the excitement in his heart is beyond words——

God, to be able to hear the words of Young Master Xiaoyao on this occasion!

Taichang Temple is too good at making arrangements!

understand him! !

As a die-hard fan, he certainly knows that "The Merry Man and the Pretty Woman" is the first storybook of Mr. Xiaoyao, and he has read it countless times.

But revisiting it with everyone on such an occasion, coupled with the interpretation of the storyteller, it has a special flavor!

Of course, he wasn't the only one excited at this time, most of the people present listened with gusto and sympathized with the ups and downs of the plot—

Hearing that the oiran generously donated money to help the students take the exam, they all admired her love and righteousness;

When they heard that the scholar was in high school but cruelly abandoned his former lover, they all shook their heads and showed contemptuous expressions;

Later, when the oiran worked hard to establish a family business, they all nodded and praised her;

And after her son became an official, he was murdered and bullied by the scholar, and they were all very angry.

Fortunately, after finally hearing the ending of evil comes with evil, everyone applauded and cheered happily, which made the scene very lively.

Seeing this scene, Yan Shu was also very moved and relieved, and even her embarrassment improved a lot.

After hearing the first story, the storyteller began to tell the second story - "The Wicked Woman Controls the Merry Man" while everyone was still interested.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning, when the lady's husband hangs around the brothel, he was suddenly interrupted.

"Forgive me for speaking bluntly, such a vulgar script is really not suitable for performing on such an occasion."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and looked around one after another, and saw that the person speaking was an old man with gray hair in his sixties.

Yan Shu thought about it, this person was introduced when she met with him just now, it seems to be the first emperor's Shao Fu, his name is Zhuang Kaicheng.

This person used to be regarded as the former emperor's assistant minister, but after Yu Wenlan ascended the throne, he no longer served in the court.

It is about the old love of the first emperor. Every year when the water play is held, Taichang Temple will invite a group of old officials of the first emperor to watch it with the king to show the new emperor's care.

Of course, most of them are just eating, drinking and having fun, just have fun.

Unexpectedly, at this time, this person would actually stand up and say that the book is inappropriate.

Seeing this scene, Yu Wenlan asked, "Mr. Zhuang thinks this script is so vulgar?"

But he heard the other party say, "Your Majesty also heard that the woman in the storybook just now was from a brothel, and the old man thought it was inappropriate. He wanted to bear it, but he didn't know that the brothel was mentioned in this storybook. Such a dirty and filthy place Doesn’t it insult the ears of His Majesty and the Empress Dowager by frequently appearing in storytellers? It’s really indecent and extremely inappropriate.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

——The word brothel can’t be heard anymore?

This is a bit too picky!

But then, the old man Zhuang added, "I thought that the writer of the book was too self-motivated. Since ancient times, so many heroes, righteous monarchs and ministers have not written about filial piety, but have written about brothels." The stories that happened in other places are really embarrassing."

After the words fell, Yan Shu couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

What? This person actually said she was contemptuous?

Of course, everyone was also surprised.

Doesn't this old man care about world affairs? I don't know that the words of this Young Master Xiaoyao are the most popular nowadays?

As a fan of Young Master Xiaoyao, Lu Kaihe, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, couldn't help but said, "Mr. Zhuang's words are wrong. Could it be that if the author didn't write them, these stories would never have happened? Could it be that if you don't say it on such occasions, the brothel will be destroyed?" Doesn’t it exist in this world? The scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen in the world are all His Majesty’s subjects. Your Majesty is sympathetic to the people and loves the people like a child. Can’t you listen to their stories?”

This barrage of questions made the other party choke, and everyone said hello one after another.

— Tsk, this Minister of the Ministry of Industry, who usually looks serious and reticent, did not expect to be so eloquent!

Yan Shu was also very touched, and thought that after the banquet, she must find a chance to give her die-hard fan an autograph.

But at the same time, she was also curious.

What kind of moral model is this old man surnamed Zhuang? Even writing a story about a brothel has become contemptible in his eyes?

But the system cut it out, 【This talent is disgusting. He was born in a poor family, and his wife farmed and fed pigs for his scientific research. Unexpectedly, after high school, he would look down on his wife who came from a farmer, and accepted a school in the capital instead. The noble concubine, since then, went to various posts, only took this beautiful concubine with her, and declared that she was the official wife, but kept the first wife in her hometown, without mentioning a word. 】

Yan Shu, [hehe. 】

What happened today, these disdainful people took the initiative to show their faces!

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