MTL - My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons-Chapter 57

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Received such news so suddenly, Yan Shu was naturally surprised, and hurriedly asked, 【Are you really the Grand Scholar of Zhongji Palace who had a friendship with the Queen Mother that surpassed revolution? 】

System, [that's right, that's the number one scholar in Xuande for ten years. , Qi Shuguang, the scholar of Zhongji Temple who resolutely resigned and returned to his hometown. 】

Yanshu, "..."

Tsk, look at this train-like super-long prefix adjective, it really is the bachelor she has been most curious about all this time.

But...why did the emperor suddenly invite him to the capital?

Would this be a little too abrupt?

But I heard the system say, 【The Great Master Qi is a real scholar, rich and talented. After he resigned that year, although he returned home and became a teacher, he quickly attracted many students because of his unique vision and knowledge. Simply open a school. All the students he taught have become officials and become talents, and they are very famous in Langya. He is a famous teacher of Confucianism himself, and this time the emperor invited famous scholars and great Confucians from all over the world, so why can't he have his share? 】

Yan Shu, "!!"

This really corresponds to the saying that gold shines wherever it goes!

This Grand Master Qi is too capable! !

And hearing it like this made people even more curious about him!


Anyway, this is too coincidental, right?

When the emperor asked her last night, she just thought about it quietly. Did he really call someone this morning?

Why do you always feel that something is a little strange?

However, the system said, 【After the accident happened at Songhe Academy, the emperor took it back to the imperial court. Now that the renovation has been completed, it is also necessary to use the name of the famous Confucianists to spread the word and restore the confidence of common people and students in this academy. of. However, the list of invitations was recommended by the Ministry of Rites and scholars from various places. After reading it, the emperor issued an edict. It was probably a coincidence. 】

Yan Shu, 【...I see. 】

She said, could it be that the emperor has the ability to read minds?

And even if he has the ability to read minds, he probably wouldn't be able to intentionally bring the empress dowager's former ambiguous partner closer, right?

In this way, the question was solved, but the news still made her eyes brighten—

Doesn't this mean that next month the Queen Mother will have a chance to meet the person who had passed by helplessly?

Tut tut tut, this is really exciting just thinking about it!

However, I don't know if this bachelor has married?

If someone is already married and has children, it is better not to meet.

But I heard the system say, [That's not true. After returning to his hometown, Grand Master Qi devoted himself to the cause of education and didn't have time to deal with major marriage matters. Of course, it may be because he has never met someone who is tempted again. Anyway, with the students every day, the past ten years have passed like a day. 】

Yan Shu couldn't help but sigh when she heard the words—

It's been more than ten years since I met someone who was tempted again, so it can be seen that he has real feelings for the Queen Mother?

Hey, it's really embarrassing.

But of course, the queen mother is a queen mother after all, Mrs. Mu can remarry, but the queen mother is different.

She can only be fanciful in her heart about the reunion of the plot like a mistake, and she never dares to dream of it becoming a reality.

So, she just thought of that thought casually last night, and didn't even dare to mention it to the emperor.

But no matter what, it is still very exciting for two people who have been silently moved to meet again after many years.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly asked the system again, 【Does the Empress Dowager know the news? 】

System, [No, the queen mother has not been in the mood to care about political affairs these two days. Seeing that Mrs. Mu will be leaving in two days, the queen mother is preoccupied with saying goodbye to her good friend. 】

Yan Shu, 【That's right, besides, it's only the beginning of May, and Songhe Academy only opens in June, so there's still a month left. Besides, it's another matter whether Grand Master Qi will come or not. 】

【However, if he comes, it would be even better if he surprises the Empress Dowager unexpectedly. In short, pay close attention to it, and let me know at any time. 】

System, [No problem. 】

In this way, this vision melon can be regarded as the end of hearing for the time being.

Yan Shu got up and dressed, washed and dressed, and after some tidying up, she had breakfast leisurely.

Well, at the time when the fish and shrimp are plump, the dining room debones the mullet and slices the meat, boils the soup and cooks porridge, ordering a bowl of fish porridge to eat. The rice fragrance mixed with the fresh fragrance of the fish meat is thick and dense, which is the most delicious.

There are also siu mai made of fresh shrimp, all of which are full of sweetness and crisp taste, which is extremely satisfying.

In addition, she also ate a freshly fried fried dough stick, which was crispy and delicious, and drank a bowl of sweet soy milk, which made her belly very comfortable.

A combined north-south breakfast filled her stomach, but before she could figure out what to do next, she saw the servants from Ci'an Palace, saying that the Empress Dowager had called her.

Yan Shu didn't know why, but she had no choice but to hurry and go to Ci'an Palace.

At that time, Mrs. Mu was also in the hall, talking with the Queen Mother, and her daughter Ni Xiangwan was playing with Xiao Lanyun.

After recognizing her parents, the little girl looked even more beautiful with a carefree smile.

Yan Shu was very relieved, and first bowed to the queen mother, "The concubine sees the queen mother."

The Queen Mother nodded and said, "Get up. I called you here because I have something to entrust to you. Two days after the Dragon Boat Festival, we will hold a banquet at Jinming Pool. Ai's family doesn't have the energy right now, so you should take care of it."

Yan Shu was taken aback, this...meaning she was asked to take care of things?

Tsk, this is really rare.

But if you think about it, besides her in the harem now, it is Wang Zhaoyi who is in charge of shifting.

She is the only one who is idle, so she can't ask Wang Zhaoyi to hold several jobs.

She had no choice but to respond quickly, "The concubine obeys."

After the words fell, the Queen Mother nodded, but Madam Mu said to her, "Speaking of which, I still want to thank my mother. If you hadn't recommended Doctor Jiang that day, my daughter would not know what to do now."

After speaking, he specially saluted her, with a very serious attitude.

Yan Shu hurriedly said politely, "Ma'am, that's serious. I actually mentioned it when I thought about it. The credit goes to Doctor Jiang. Of course, it must be the blessings accumulated by Madam's daily good deeds, so that my love can escape safely."

This was a decent and pleasant statement, and the queen mother nodded beside her.

Xindao, this girl looks heartless, but actually she still has some brains.

No wonder the emperor chose her as a shield.

Of course, Yan Shu couldn't hear these words.

But the Empress Dowager suddenly spoke to her again, "Ai's family was in a hurry that day, and they almost misunderstood you, so don't take it to heart."

Tsk, is this the queen mother apologizing to her?

Yan Shu was overwhelmed by the flattery, and hurriedly bowed her head and said, "How dare the concubine?"

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart—the queen mother is an open-minded person, no wonder she can become the queen mother.

At this moment, I saw the palace servants enter the palace to report, "Madam, Court Judge Zhang has come to ask for your safe pulse."

Hey, Zhang Shengkang is here?

Yan Shu immediately regained her composure.

The Queen Mother also nodded and said, "Call him in."

The palace people should be, go out and spread the word.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Shengkang, the sanctimonious imperial court judge, entered the hall.

After saluting, this person immediately asked the Empress Dowager for pulse, and after a short while, said, "Your Majesty has been in good health recently, it's better now that midsummer is here, you must pay attention to eating less cold food, and don't catch cold."

The Queen Mother nodded, and said to him, "Just let Miss Ni have a look, they will be leaving in a few days, and I don't know if they can hold on."

Zhang Shengkang should be, and Mrs. Mu hurriedly called her daughter to him.

After checking the pulse, Zhang Shengkang nodded and said, "Judging by the pulse, Miss Ni is in good health now. As long as the journey is not too tiring, there should be no problem."

After finishing speaking, he sighed again, "It seems that Jiang Yuyi is indeed superior in skills, which is convincing."

As soon as the words came out, the Queen Mother nodded.

Yan Shu raised her eyebrows in her heart—this person would praise someone with better medical skills than her so much?

[Of course not. 】

The system immediately jumped out, 【This person felt that something was wrong since he found out that Jiang Nianqi had rescued the little girl from the Ni family. 】

Yan Shu immediately became nervous, 【Then what did he find? 】

System, [found nothing. Doctor Jiang is not stupid, so why did he find out so easily, how can he still be in the palace? 】

Yan Shu silently breathed a sigh of relief, 【That's okay. 】

But it can also be seen from this that Zhang Shengkang is really good at pretending, coaxing a capable person like the Queen Mother to trust him for many years.

Just as I was thinking of this, I heard the queen mother say to Zhang Shengkang, "Looking at the young age of Jiang Yuyi, I didn't expect him to be so powerful. It is a good thing that the Imperial Hospital has such a talent. As a court judge, you should dig out and cultivate it. The imperial court Both the people and the people need such people.”

Zhang Shengkang bowed and said, "To tell you the truth, there is currently a vacancy for the position of internal physician in the Taiyuan Hospital. I am thinking about it. Maybe this doctor Jiang can be qualified."

The queen mother showed a satisfied look, nodded and said yes.

Yan Shu didn't believe it.

— Internal medicine is already from the fourth grade, Zhang Shengkang would be so kind to promote a young competitor?

Probably just to tell the Queen Mother.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shengkang asked her immediately afterwards, "Speaking of which, it just so happens that Doctor Jiang Yu is not on duty today. I don't know if Mrs. Yipin knows, where does Doctor Jiang Yu come from?"

Yan Shu heard it right away, isn't this trying to find her?

She then laughed and said, "I don't know about that. I only know that he is not from the capital city. His hometown is probably in South Vietnam. However, this matter has something to do with calling him an internal medicine doctor?"

Zhang Shengkang hurriedly explained, "It's just that I can't make the decision on my own. I have to discuss with a few imperial physicians and a few adults from the official department. Knowing where he studied under, it's easy to introduce him."

— This explanation is actually a bit far-fetched. As a court judge, he doesn't know where the outstanding talents under his command come from, and he came here to ask a concubine?

The queen mother looked at Zhang Shengkang with suspicious eyes.

Seeing this situation, Yan Shu immediately added, "Then, when he is on duty, Zhang Yuanpian will ask him in person, but he is probably quite busy these two days, I heard that his house recruited thieves in the middle of the night. I'm reporting to the official at Jingzhao Mansion."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Shengkang paused.

The queen mother frowned and said, "Why is the law and order in the city still so chaotic?"

Yan Shu hurriedly explained, "I heard that she has gotten better recently, but there are always some petty thefts."

Mrs. Mu also said, "There are such little thieves everywhere, and it's inevitable."

The queen mother nodded and said, "That's true."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Shengkang hurriedly bowed his head and said, "I don't want to disturb your mother, so I will leave first."

The queen mother hummed, and he hurriedly left the hall with the medicine box.

The system, [Very well, the empress dowager has been vacant for many years, and he is looking for one recently, for fear that the empress dowager will doubt him, so it will take a few days to be honest. 】

Yan Shu, 【Hmph, protect our treasured doctor Jiang Yu! 】

She knew that after experiencing the little girl from the Ni family, Doctor Jiang could no longer hide his sharpness, and with Zhang Shengkang's jealousy, he would definitely notice him.

But right now, it seems that the queen mother still trusts him, so small troubles may not shake his position.

On the contrary, it will startle the snake, arousing the other party's suspicion of Jiang Yuyi's life experience.

This has to be well planned.


After bidding farewell to the Queen Mother, Yan Shuyuan returned to Ganlu Hall.

Not long after, I saw Fu Hai leading two people begging to see her.

"Your Majesty, these two adults are the stewards appointed by Taichang Temple. Seeing that the Dragon Boat Festival water show is coming soon, in addition to the necessary items for military drills, there will also be some water plays for the monarch and ministers to watch. These two want to invite you Take a look to see if the arranged play is suitable or not."

Yanshu, "..."

Just as soon as he promised the queen mother, people came? The efficiency is too high.

She nodded her head and said hello, and saw that the other party handed over a draft playlist.

After taking it and taking a look, I saw that they were all water juggling, water puppet show, water singing and dancing, etc., which are popular for everyone. Still pretty good.

It's just that there are eight or nine puppet plays in a row, but they are all old-fashioned plays such as "Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty Swimming the River", "Emperor Wen of Wei Xingshi", "Emperor Wu of Jin Linhui", "Liu Bei Crossing the Sand River" and so on.

She then said, "These stories are not bad, but most of them are only men's favorites. If we can add a few love stories like The Legend of the White Snake and Cowherd and Weaver Girl, the women's relatives will probably like to read them more."

"By the way, I'm afraid there will be a lot of children at the time. Why not prepare a few fairy tales like Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, Sun Xingzhe making trouble in the Dragon Palace, and Chen Xiang splitting the mountain to save his mother? Presumably they will like it too."

Hearing this, the two stewards of Taichang Temple immediately said, "Your Majesty's words are very true, I will make arrangements after waiting."

Yan Shu hummed, then looked down again, but was caught off guard—


They also arranged for a storyteller to tell the story?

Tsk, there is even a notebook of Mr. Xiaoyao's words in it? ? ?

It was written in black and white, the names of "The Merry Wit and the Pretty Woman", "The Wicked Woman Controls the Merry Man" and "The Plum Blooms Twice the Flower is Fragrant" that came out just two days ago are impressively listed!

Yanshu, "..."

What the **** is this?

Seeing her look of astonishment, as one of the few insiders who knew about her vest, Fu Hai hurriedly explained, "I heard that this son's masterpiece is very popular recently, so I think the audience will like it because of the arrangement of Taichang Temple. .”

After the words fell, the two stewards hurriedly nodded and said, "Boss Fu said that every year there will be many people rushing to watch the water show, and the words of this young man are the most popular in and out of the city, and they are very enlightening." Meaning. So the ministers made this arrangement deliberately, thinking that the common people would probably like to listen to it, and the purpose is to share the joy of the monarch and the people."

Fu Hai also hastily added, "The main thing is that the Empress Dowager likes this son's work very much."

The other two should also immediately.

Yanshu, "..."

Well, in order to make the Empress Dowager happy, she must endure the embarrassment.

But the first two are okay, and "Twice a Score" is still a bit inappropriate.

— After all, Mrs. Mu is present, so it's okay for her to be embarrassed, it's better not to embarrass the person involved.

She then said, "Actually, I've seen it too. "The Merry Wit and the Pretty Woman" and "The Wicked Woman Controls the Merry Man" are not bad, and they just cater to the current trend of strict governance in the court. Let's forget about the last one. It's easy. arouse controversy."

Although the emperor was open-minded, it was inevitable that some people still cared about the widow's remarriage.

Those two immediately nodded yes, and crossed out the notebook.

Next, I selected a few songs, dances and shadow puppet shows, such as Three Crossing the Flame Mountain, Zhu Bajie Carrying His Wife on the Back, etc. I think the children will like to watch them.

The theatrical performance part is considered finalized.

Fu Hai was about to lead the people to leave, but Yan Shu asked again, " you want to take a look at the menu?"

As soon as the words came out, the two stewards hurriedly revealed surprises and said, "This is the best, the ministers and others were afraid of disturbing the rest of the empress, so they didn't dare to speak..."

Yan Shu waved her hand, "It's okay, just take it."

Compared with other things, eating is the top priority, of course she has to take good care of it!

The person who came hurriedly responded, and immediately ran to get the menu.


In this way, seeing that everything was properly arranged, after three days, everyone in the palace went out early and arrived at Jinming Pond.

As for Jin Mingchi's name, no one in Beijing knew it.

——This is the artificial lake that Gaozu ordered people to dig in order to watch the water and fight. The pool is so big that it can row dragon boats and accommodate warships.

Later, in order to have fun with the people, Emperor Gaozu ordered the wall to be dismantled, so this Jinming Pond became the first royal garden without a wall.

And the best thing is that it is in the center of the capital, which is very close to the people.

In normal times, common people and tourists often come to the lake to enjoy the coolness and enjoy the scenery. When it comes to the Dragon Boat Festival, it is even more empty for all the people. It can be described as the best example of the emperor and the people having fun together.

However, Yan Shu was the first to come back.

She was already full of curiosity.

After getting out of the carriage, I looked at it immediately, but saw a Hongqiao corridor in the pool, with red lacquer railings and wild goose columns, which is what the people call Luotuofeng.

At the head of the bridge there is a building connected by five halls, the Xiongloujie Pavilion, which is magnificent and is the place where kings and concubines enjoy the scenery every year.

At this time, there are already painted boats, and the warships are neatly arranged on the shore, which makes people look forward to the next scene.

Yan followed the royal driver and the queen mother into the palace.

Speaking of which, she and Wang Zhaoyi are the only ones left in the harem now, especially since Wang Zhaoyi said he was still sick today, so apart from her, the emperor and the empress dowager are the accompanying palace attendants.

Fortunately, there is Lan Yun, Mrs. Mu, mother and daughter who make up the number, so it seems that they are not so thin.

However, today there are still ministers and their family members who are already waiting at the side.

After several people sat down, they came up to salute one after another.

The first ones to appear on the stage are still the couple who are close relatives, the Eldest Princess.

Behind them are the Ankang County Lord and his wife, and their son and daughter—six-year-old son Yao Mingxu and four-year-old daughter Yao Minghan.

The family members of this family are thriving, which makes the hall lively.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Empress Dowager, and Yipin Empress."

The eldest princess cheerfully led the whole family to salute.

Yu Wenlan also said politely, "You are welcome, Auntie, take your seat quickly."

The whole family should be in the seat.

Yan Shu observed quietly, but seeing the county master and his wife smiling and looking at each other from time to time, their relationship seemed sweeter than before.

Cough cough, it seems that Yaoxian horse's treatment effect is good.

Jiang Yuyi has really benefited countless families.

Yu Wenlan, "..."

This is true, he has a deep understanding of this, that doctor Jiang has really benefited many people.

The adults took their seats, and the two little children of the Yao family immediately started playing with Lan Yun and Ni Xiangwan.

There was laughter and laughter in the hall for a while, which was very lively.

The queen mother sighed meaningfully, "It's still children who are more lively."

Said and glanced at the emperor.

[Is this kid still in a hurry? 】

[Why can't Zhang Shengkang have a look? 】

[Treat her when she is sick, is it more important to prevent her than not having an heir? 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

To be honest, he was a little speechless for a while.

Yes, he was indeed wary of the Queen Mother at the beginning, especially after the incident with the King of Liaodong, he was very wary of the Queen Mother.

But... no longer.

Seeing that he has sowed so many seeds, there must be results when the time comes.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Yanshu again.

Yanshu, "..."

Look, every time the queen mother said so, he would come to see her.

But she can't decide this matter.

It takes time for seeds to germinate, doesn't it?

This is less than a month, how can it be so fast.

The hall was a little awkward for a while, but fortunately, ministers came to salute one after another, diverting everyone's attention.

Yan Shu has attended quite a few banquets now, and is familiar with the ministers of the DPRK and China.

But today it was a bit strange, Minister of the Ministry of Industry actually came with swollen eyes.

—Could it be that you quietly hid in a place where no one was around and cried last night?

System, 【Speaking of which, this is all up to you. This is your book fan. I have been immersed in your new storybook for the past two days, and I have cried several times for the protagonist's twists and turns of love. 】

Yanshu, "..."

Did you cry like this because you read her words? ? ?

Gee, this is too touching.

She was moved and distressed for a moment, and thought, if not, someday I would give an autograph to comfort her?

Yu Wenlan, "..."

He wanted to persuade her to forget it, if the other party really saw her handwriting, she might be even more sad.

Immediately afterwards, the Marquis of Guangyang, who loves to eat paper, came on stage.

—It wasn't long before the queen mother's birthday banquet, but I saw that this dear friend lost weight again.

The Empress Dowager was very worried, and quickly asked, "Isn't the Marquis of Guangyang really sick? How did you lose weight so badly? Don't hide your illness from the doctor."

Seeing this scene, without waiting for Hou Guangyang to say anything, his wife hurriedly said with a sad face, "The empress dowager said that Lord Hou's appetite has been very bad recently, but he has seen a doctor and taken medicine, but he has not improved."

Hearing this, Yu Wenlan was also a little worried.

If Xin Dao really can't do it, remind him not to eat those messy things...

But before she opened her mouth, Yan Shu thought, 【Today, I specially asked the chefs to prepare something suitable for him, let's see how it works? 】

Yu Wenlan then swallowed the words, and immediately became curious—

Did she prepare it specially?

What kind of food is suitable for Guangyang Hou?

Could it be food made of paper?

Tsk, how do other people eat?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw that the palace people served several snacks one after another.

One of them is actually made of pancakes into the shape of a book, and words are written on it with spinach juice, which is refreshing.

Yu Wenlan paused, and hurriedly glanced aside.

Seeing that Marquis Guangyang's eyes were already fixed, he said excitedly in his heart, 【What is this? Is it edible? It looks delicious! 】

So he hurriedly said, "Take a seat quickly, have some snacks and drink some tea, you are welcome."

Guangyang Hou should be, and immediately sat down to eat.

In the blink of an eye, he ate two small pancake books, with a satisfied look on his face.

[Well, this taste is better after all! 】

Yan Shu was finally relieved.

Now Mrs. Guangyanghou should know what to feed her husband, right?

— Cough cough, although the big pancakes in their hometown are a little harder to chew, they are still very nutritious.

Yu Wenlan was also very pleased to hear that.

—Aifeizhai is kind and touching.

Immediately afterwards, a communication sounded from outside the hall, "Uncle Loyalty sees you..."

Yan Shu was taken aback, Uncle Zhongyi?

Isn't that her father?

Sure enough, right after that, he saw his parents entered the hall together, all dressed in neat and splendid attire, bowing solemnly to them.

Yan Shu was pleasantly surprised, she didn't know that her parents would also come today!

Speaking of which, because outsiders are not allowed to enter the harem, even though she has seen her mother and grandmother, her father has not seen her yet.

I didn't expect to see it today!

What a delight.

Seeing this scene, the king on the throne was in a good mood.

Nodding his head, he said, "You don't need to be too polite, just take your seat."

The Li family couple should be, and sat down in the hall.

The queen mother also specially allowed Li's mother, Mrs. Zhu, to sit next to her daughter.

Yan Shu hugged her mother happily, not to mention how happy she was.

Afterwards, several waves of people came one after another, and after a line of greetings, they all took their seats.

When it was about the same time, two painted boats sailed into the water in front of the hall. Today's first program, music and dance on the water, began to be staged.

It was the first time for Yan Shu and her mother Zhu Shi to see such a scene, and they enjoyed watching it with great interest.

Unexpectedly, not long after, I saw the Minister of the Household Department enter the palace, and asked the king for instructions, "Your Majesty, the newly appointed Deputy Envoy of the Salt Envoy would like to see you."

Today, the monarch and his ministers were having fun together, and it was a newly appointed official. Yu Wenlan would not refuse, so she nodded and said, "Call him in."

The Minister of the Household Department should be, and in a short while, he led a man in his thirties and forties into the palace.

The visitor reported his family background, "Chen Luo Zhixue, see Your Majesty."

Luo Zhixue?

Yan Shu froze for a moment, feeling that the name sounded familiar.

She remembered that her father had a friend back then, who seemed to be called this name?

But the system said, [That's right, this is the one who borrowed twenty taels of silver from your father to go to Beijing to take the exam, causing your father and your mother to quarrel, but he didn't pay back the money after high school and pretended not to know you both. people. 】

Yan Shu paused.

Hey, isn't this Yuanjialu Narrow?

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