MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 187 Admit

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  Chapter 187 Admitted

   "Shan Liangshan lost?"

  Shan Qing paused for a moment with the palm that was holding the teacup, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.


  Shan Qixing sighed deeply, and there was still a hint of shock in his expression, as if he hadn't fully digested the news he just received.

   "I heard from Liang Shan that Lin Shen used a supernatural power suspected of being a clone, and defeated him in just a dozen or so rounds!"

  Shan Qing was putting down the teacup, with a gloomy expression, as if water was about to drip.

  Before Shan Jingchun's defeat had already made the patriarch very dissatisfied. In order to ensure that Shan Liangshan could defeat Lin Shen, they did not hesitate to risk the family's reputation and secretly gave Shan Liangshan many powerful magic weapons.

   It stands to reason that Shan Liangshan should not have lost to Lin Shen no matter in terms of cultivation base or magic weapon.

   But something happened!

  How strong is that junior named Lin Shen?

   Shan Qingzheng's face was a bit ugly.

  Paying so much, but failing to get Gale Wind Island back, even if he is an elder, he is bound to be severely criticized by the Patriarch.

   More importantly, even Shan Liangshan lost, who else in the younger generation of the Shan family can beat Lin Shen?

   You can't send those veteran monks who have condensed the seeds of Xuanguang in the clan to take action, right?

  Using the big to bully the small, the Shan family can't afford to lose that face.

   Taking a step back, even if they really had the guts to do so, Luojian Peak would never let Lin Shen be bullied.

   Now that things are going on, it is wishful thinking to take Gale Wind Island back from Lin Shen through gambling.

  Thinking of this, Shan Qing couldn't help being upset for a while.

  Shan Qixing carefully looked at his face, and tentatively said: "Why don't we let Weifeng take the shot, with his strength, he should have a good chance of defeating Lin Shen!"

  Shan Qingzheng refused without even thinking about it.

   "No, Weifeng is currently retreating to practice the Beiming Sword Sutra. It is the critical moment to comprehend light separation and reunion. You can't disturb him at this time."

   After a pause, Shan Qingzheng sighed again.

   "Furthermore, if Weifeng makes a move, it will inevitably be said that the big bullies the small, and Luojianfeng will certainly not sit idly by."

  In addition to this, Shan Qingzheng actually has another layer of concerns.

  Lin Shen's strength is unfathomable, so far he still can't see through the true strength of this junior, if even Shan Weifeng is defeated by him, the reputation of the Shan family will definitely be damaged.

   On the contrary, Lin Shen's reputation will definitely be far higher than before, and even the line of master and apprentice will increase in popularity.

   This is something he will never allow to happen!

   "Then do we really want to exchange Xingluo Jianwan for Gale Island?"

   Shan Qixing frowned, looking a little unwilling.

  In exchange for Xingluo Jianwan, the Shan family paid ten pieces of profound weapons, including a top-grade mysterious weapon that has already been born with a trace of spirituality and is only one step away from stepping into the ranks of spiritual weapons!

   Xingluo Jianwan, bought at a huge price, is just given to the master and apprentice, how can he be willing.

   "The resources invested by the clan on Liefeng Island are worth more than Xingluo Jianwan, and they must not fall into the hands of the master and apprentice." Shan Qing shook his head.

  Actually, if it wasn’t for the fact that the master and apprentice didn’t want to completely tear themselves apart with the Shan family, whether Liefeng Island can be taken back is still a matter of debate.

   "What about Weifeng? Xingluo Jianwan was originally prepared for him."

   "I will personally explain to Weifeng that the Xingluo faction will open the mountain gate again in three months. At that time, the clan will return with another sword pill."

  That's what he said, but Shan Qingzheng felt quite pained in his heart.

  Mysterious weapons are not common cabbage on the street, no matter how rich the Shan family is, they can’t casually take out a large number of mysterious weapons in exchange for Xingluo Jianwan, this time it’s really a hemorrhage.

  Shan Qixing also understood this, and he couldn't help but sighed.

  Before this, he couldn't imagine that the Shan family would be so devastated by a young man in his early twenties.

   Perhaps part of the reason is that Lin Shen is standing behind Yu Siyu, but the more important reason is Lin Shen's superb aptitude and astonishing strength.

   This is just a newly promoted monk, and he can already beat Shan Jingchun and Shan Liangshan. How many years will it take?

  Thinking of this, Shan Qixing couldn't help feeling a little resentful towards Shan Wenqi.

  If it wasn’t for Shan Wenqi’s reckless and impulsive rush to provoke Lin Shen, and bet on Liefeng Island, there wouldn’t be so many troubles now.

   "Go, settle this matter as soon as possible, and bring Gaefeng Island back, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Shan Qing waved his hand in a hopeless manner.

  Shan Qixing bowed his head slightly, and clapped his hands.

  After defeating Shan Liangshan, Lin Shen knew that the Shan family would not be so stupid as to send someone over to deliver resources.

   And it is true.

  Two days later, the Shan family sent someone to send Xingluo Jianwan and five bottles of Jiuding Dan to Jinchuan Island.

  Looking at Jianwan and Jiudingdan in front of him, Lin Shen couldn't help feeling secretly.

   It's better to gamble and fight, resources come quickly.

  It's a pity that the Shan family doesn't want to continue to gamble with him, otherwise, if they buy more Jiuding Dan, it may be enough for him to break through to the middle stage of Yunling.

   Gaefeng Island has little effect on Lin Shen, and it is undoubtedly very cost-effective to exchange for a precious Xingluo Sword Pill and ten bottles of Jiuding Pill.

  Lin Shen was in a happy mood, picked up the Xingluo Sword Pill and looked at it carefully.

  This sword pill is about the size of a fist, surrounded by spiritual energy and surrounded by stardust.

   After feeling it carefully, you can also feel the vitality contained in it, and there is a faint sound of breathing opening and closing.

  Jianwan also has five elements of yin and yang.

   Only by sacrificially refining sword pills of the same attribute can the strength be maximized.

   But Xingluo Jianwan is different, it has no attributes.

  Only after being sacrificed by monks, will it evolve into corresponding attributes according to the different attributes of aura.

   This is also one of the reasons why Xingluo Jianwan is sought after by sword repairers.

   After all, most sword pills are extremely precious, and it would be nice to get one. It is not easy to get a sword pill that matches your aura attribute.

  Even if the sword pills with the same attribute were successfully obtained, most of the sword pills only had a single attribute.

  For those sword cultivators with high spiritual veins and dual-attribute aura, the single-attribute sword pill is still much worse.

  Xingluo Jianwan can eliminate this defect.

  It can perfectly fit the aura attributes of the sacrificer, even the five-attribute aura like Taixuan aura is no exception.

  Looking at it for a moment, Lin Shen showed a satisfied smile.

  Xing Luo Jian Wan is more spiritual than he expected.

   With this sword pill and the Beiming Sword Manual, his strength will soon usher in a leap.

   After a while, Lin Shen calmed down the joy in his heart, summoned the clone of the sword **** Wuwu, and threw Xingluo Jianwan and Beiming Jianjing to him, asking him to study and enlighten.

  Suddenly, Lin Shen suddenly remembered something.

  He and the avatar can share the Beiming Sword Manual, but Xingluo Jianwan cannot.

   In future encounters with the enemy, if he uses Xingluo Jianwan, the other avatars can only use their bare hands.

   "Looks like I need to collect a few more sword pellets."

  Lin Shen suddenly felt a headache.

  Jianwan is not an ordinary magic weapon, and it is not easy to get it.

   Not to mention that seven clones need a full seven sword pills, and as the number of clones increases in the future, the number of sword pills will also increase accordingly.

   More importantly, ordinary sword pills cannot exert the power of Taixuan Lingqi and Beiming Jianjing.

   In order to maximize the improvement of strength, it is best for each avatar to sacrifice a Xingluo Sword Pill.

   You have to buy seven Xingluo Jianwan, I'm afraid that even a single family can't do this kind of thing!

   "It seems that after breaking through the Xuanguang period, I have to find an opportunity to go to the Star Luo Sect."

   After recovering, Lin Shen turned his attention back to Jiuding Pill.

  Ten bottles of Jiuding Pill are more than enough for him to break through to the third level of Yunling.

   Without further ado, Lin Shen immediately summoned the remaining avatars and began to practice.

  If you can break through the third level of Yunling before going to the underground spiritual cave, you will be more confident in protecting yourself when encountering danger.

  Luojian Peak, Loulan Pavilion.

  Yu Siyu sat on the water mirror, calmly listening to Xia Mengran tell what happened these days.

   "So, the Shan family has confessed and handed over Xingluo Jianwan?"

   "That's right." Xia Mengran nodded heavily, "Just this morning, that old guy Shan Qingzheng sent someone to send Xingluo Jianwan to Jinchuan Island!"

   "The Shan family was ashamed this time. They lost three times in a row to the younger brother. Let's see if the Shan family still has the face to be domineering outside!"

  Xia Mengran's tone made no secret of gloating.

Although the Shan family tried their best to cover up, they only let Shan Jingchun and Shan Liangshan come to the door alone during the gambling battle, unlike Shan Wenqi who would make a big show, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the Shan family suffered a big loss from Lin Shen. Things have already spread.

  Many people knew about this, and while they were amazed by Lin Shen's strength, they also ridiculed the situation of the Shan family.

  The Shan family's high-profile actions during this period made many people secretly dissatisfied.

  It will be heard that the Shan family has suffered a great loss, how could these people take the opportunity to make trouble.

  Yu Siyu is used to Xia Mengran's temper, and doesn't care when she sees her gloating appearance, but ponders slightly.

  To be honest, Lin Shen's performance was somewhat beyond her expectations.

  Yu Siyu knew about the fact that the Shan family wanted to take back Gale Island through gambling.

   It's just that she wants to see how far her apprentice can do, so she has been standing still.

   Unless Lin Shen couldn't bear it and asked for help, Yu Siyu would only make a move.

  But Lin Shen's performance surprised her quite a bit.

  Shan Jingchun and Shan Liangshan are powerful, and possess many magic weapons bestowed by the Shan family, they are undoubtedly extremely difficult opponents.

  But Lin Shen easily defeated the two of them, directly forcing the Shan family to admit defeat.

  Until today, Yu Siyu suddenly realized that he seemed to have underestimated this apprentice.


  Xia Mengran's voice brought Yu Siyu back to her senses, and she looked at Master with piercing eyes.

   "I think the younger brother should be able to participate in the three competitions."

  Yu Siyu's eyes flickered when he heard the words.

  The same topic was brought up by Xia Mengran not long ago.

  At that time, Yu Siyu vetoed it outright, thinking that Lin Shen's promotion to a monk was too short for him to participate in the three major competitions.

   But now she is shaken.

  Based on Lin Shen's current growth rate, maybe he will really be strong enough to participate in the three competitions after five months.

  The three big competitions are a grand event in Linlong City. If one can get a place in the big competitions, even a cultivator of Xuanguangqi will be tempted by the generous rewards.

   After a moment of silence, Yu Siyu said softly: "Let's see again."

   If possible, she certainly hopes that Lin Shen can participate in the three competitions.

time flies.

   More than a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

  In Jinchuan Island Cave House.

  Lin Shen sat cross-legged on the ground, staring intently at the void in front of him.

  【Name: Lin Shen】

  【Talent: Pure Yang Body, Natural Spirit Body】

  【Realm: Yun Ling triple 82%】

[Cultivation method: Taixuan Miyao (78% of the first floor), Jinlun Thunder Code (89% of the first floor), Yin Yin Heavy Water (24% of the second floor), Beiming Sword Sutra (2% of the first floor) .】

  【Skills: Qijue Sword Qi (seventh level of perfection), palm thunder (fifth level of perfection).】

  【The number of clones is 7 (69%)】

   With the sufficient support of Jiuding Pill, Lin Shen successfully promoted to the third level of Yunling.

   And it is not far from breaking through the fourth level of Yunling.

  Even if there is no Jiuding Pill, it can be broken through at most half a month of submerged cultivation.

  By then, he will be a mid-stage Yunling cultivator.

  Besides this, ten drops of dark and heavy water have successfully condensed in Lin Shen's body.

  The cultivation during this period also allowed the Nether Yin Heavy Water to break through to the second layer.

  Because of concentrating on cultivating Nether Yin and Heavy Water, the progress of Jinlun Thunder Code has relatively slowed down, but it is not far from breaking through the realm.

  But what made Lin Shen most happy was the smooth entry into the Beiming Sword Classic.

   "It is indeed one of the eight great supernatural powers of the sect. It is extremely difficult to cultivate. Even if it is the sword **** Wuwu clone, it took more than a month to comprehend the introduction."

  A look of emotion appeared on Lin Shen's face.

  The talent of Sword God Wuwu Clone has the effect of +200% swordsmanship training speed, and possesses super-grade spiritual veins. Even so, it still took more than a month to get started.

   This needs to be replaced by other monks. It is estimated that they will not even be able to get started in less than half a year!

   No wonder the sect stipulates that members of the sect can only practice at most two of the eight great supernatural powers.

  For such supernatural powers, two are enough for ordinary monks to practice and study for a lifetime.

   No matter how much it is, it will inevitably distract the energy, which will hinder the improvement of cultivation base.

   Only if he has many clones can he ignore this law.

   "The sword scripture has been completed, and then we can start to sacrifice the sword pill."

Lin Shen took out the Xingluo Sword Pill, bit the tip of his tongue without hesitation, spit out a little blood on it, then silently pinched the formula, and swallowed the sword pill into his abdominal orifice according to the method recorded in the Beiming Sword Sutra, the etheric aura slowly Refining.

   This process does not happen overnight.

  Even if Lin Shen had one hundred and eight breaths of spiritual energy, he could practice day and night without stopping, even if he did not stop for ten days and a half months.

  But once the sacrifice is successful, Xingluo Jianwan will be able to communicate with him, even if it is several miles away, he can fly here with a single move.

   After condensing the seed of Xuanguang, you can use the sword pill to fly away, which is much faster than the flying boat.

  Until then, Lin Shen's goal of soaring with the sword set that day will be truly realized.

   "Everything is ready, it's time to set off for the underground cave."

  Lin Shen stood up and walked out of the cave.

  Sweeping his spiritual sense, he quickly discovered Xiao Ai's existence.

  The little guy is staying by the stream to breathe out his spiritual energy.

   Jinchuan Island is full of aura. After arriving on the island, Xiao Ai no longer needs to wait until night to swallow the moonlight, and can also practice during the day.

  Cultivation has progressed a lot faster than when he was in the East District, which can be called a thousand miles a day.

   It won't take long to survive the human calamity and become a demon cultivator.

   Without disturbing Xiao Ai, Lin Shen quietly opened the restriction and left Jinchuan Island.

  (end of this chapter)

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