MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 186 It feels good to have someone take the initiative to send resources to your door

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  Chapter 186 It feels so good to have someone take the initiative to send resources to your door

   "Yin and heavy water!"

  Shan Jingchun's expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

  In order to take back Gale Island, the single family made sufficient preparations for this bet, and also investigated Lin Shen's strength in detail.

  Yin Yin Chongshui is not an uncommon magical power, on the contrary, it is well-known in the monastic circle.

  Only listening to the descriptions of a few disciples who watched the battle at that time, some seniors of the single family recognized it as Youyin Chongshui.

  Shan Jingchun was mentally prepared for this, but he didn't have much fear in his heart.

  His Golden Killing Sword Art has already been cultivated to the fourth level, only one step away from the perfect state.

   Not to mention that there are many treasures to help him, even if it is dark and heavy water, he is not afraid at all.

  He is not such a waste as Shan Wenqi!

   But the scene in front of him was beyond his expectation.

  According to Li Mengfei and others, Lin Shen obviously only practiced this technique for a short time, and he only condensed two drops of dark water.

  But what is going on with this situation?

  A total of five drops of Yin heavy water!

  A single drop of dark and heavy water has the power of a thousand pounds, and it is difficult to strike.

  Even if it is only a drop, the combat power will be greatly improved, no less than adding a mysterious weapon out of thin air!

  Shan Jingchun's face suddenly turned ugly.

  In just one month, three drops of Yin Yin heavy water were condensed!

  When did the Yin heavy water condense so easily?

   Or is the aptitude of Yipin Lingmai just that amazing?

  When Shan Jingchun was in doubt, the golden killing sword energy had collided with the dark water!

  Back then Lin Shen had crushed Shan Wenqi's hundreds of Golden Killing Sword Qi with a single drop of Yin Heavy Water, but now five drops of Dark Yin Heavy Water came out together, and the power of the natural spiritual body skills was increased by half, which seemed unstoppable.

   Almost in an instant, thousands of golden killing sword auras were crushed by Youyin Heavy Water's no-frills front face!

  The five drops of Yin Yin heavy water just stagnated slightly, and the color dimmed a bit, and then continued to slam into Shan Jingchun aggressively.

   Shan Jingchun's heart sank when he saw this, but he didn't panic, he reached out and threw out a treasure.

  It is a vermilion brush with cloud patterns about a foot long and short, with a full belly and a golden lacquer pattern on the barrel. Once in the air, it flies towards the dark and heavy water like a sharp sword.

This vermilion pen is full of aura, obviously it is a powerful mysterious weapon, just brush it lightly, a drop of dark and heavy water is instantly like being struck by lightning, the color dimmed a lot in a blink of an eye, it flew back to Lin Shen, and fell into his top door .

  While the Zhu Bi rushed towards the other four drops of Yin and heavy water without stopping.

   Within four or five breaths, the four drops of Yin Yin Heavy Water followed in their footsteps, returning to Lin Shen's body together.

  The vermilion brush seems to have the ability to break the law. If Lin Shen hadn't seized the opportunity and took back the Yin heavy water in time, five drops of the dark heavy water would have been wiped out by the vermilion pen.

  After repelling the dark and heavy water, the rich aura of the vermilion pen was gone, and it was taken back by Shan Jingchun.

  Looking at the dim aura on the vermilion pen, Shan Jingchun couldn't help feeling extremely pained.

  This broken magic pen is strong and strong, even if it is a technique of the eight great supernatural powers, it can't please it in front of it.

  The only flaw is that after each use, it needs to be stored with aura for a long time, and it cannot be used until the aura is restored.

  Looking at the situation, there is no way to use it in a few months.

   This is the most powerful hole card in his hand, and he didn't expect to have to use it not long after the fight.

  Shan Jingchun became more and more afraid of Lin Shen in his heart, but he didn't show it at all on his face. Instead, he put on an expression that he was sure of winning.

   "Without the Yin and heavy water, I see what else you can do!"

  After finishing speaking, Shan Jingchun flipped his wrist and took out another magic weapon.

  This time it was a drawing scroll.

  Shan Jingchun threw the scroll up, and the picture scroll unfolded quickly, and it was filled with densely packed monsters, jumping or jumping, full of fierce momentum.

  The picture volume rose in the wind, and turned into a huge drawing that covered the sky and the sun in a blink of an eye. The monsters on it suddenly jumped up and jumped out of the picture, turning from virtual to real.

  In the blink of an eye, there are more than a hundred fierce monsters in the sky.

  As soon as they appeared, they all roared to the sky, and rushed towards Lin Shen like a gust of wind!

   "Try the power of my Hundred Demon Picture!"

  Shan Jingchun laughed triumphantly.

   This is a magic weapon given to him by the elders of the clan. It contains the souls of hundreds of monsters, each of which has the strength comparable to that of the first-level monster clan of Yunling.

  Hundreds of monsters come out together, even the monks in the late stage of Yunling will be devastated.

   This hundred demon map is extremely powerful, not much worse than the top grade mysterious weapon, and many disciples in the clan are very jealous.

  If it wasn't for the purpose of defeating Lin Shen this time, the elders in the clan would not have given him the Hundred Demons Picture.

"The elders have already promised me that as long as they defeat Lin Shen and take them back to Liefeng Island, they will truly reward me with the hundred demon map. With this magic weapon, my strength will definitely increase greatly. In the future, I will go out to collect natural materials that condense the seeds of mysterious light. Dibao is more confident!"

  Thinking of this, Shan Jingchun couldn't help feeling hot, and stared fixedly at Lin Shen, wishing he could defeat him now and go back to work.

   Facing the countless monsters that came to kill them aggressively, Lin Shen remained calm and calm.

   He didn't see any movement, a white air suddenly surged out from the sleeve robe, covering his whole body, and there was a little golden-red light faintly mixed in the air mist.

  Mysterious Turtle Qi, the defensive magic weapon obtained from Lu Wansong back then!

  Following Lin Shen pinched the magic formula in his hand, the golden-red light in the mist flashed, forming a phantom shaped like a turtle's back, blocking the front.

  The culled monster slammed into the mist, making a loud bang like a copper hammer hitting a bell.

  Lin Shen's face remained unchanged, and he threw it casually. The Pingling Stele and the Mofeng Inkstone flew into the air, and turned into two behemoths in a blink of an eye.

  Under the blessing of abundant aura, the two magic weapons were full of aura. Wherever they passed, the monsters broke their bones and bones, howling again and again, turning into green smoke and dissipating in the air.

  Pingling Monument and Mofeng Inkstone just turned around in vain, and the densely packed herd of beasts around them became vacant.

At the same time, a piercing sword light suddenly burst out of the air, piercing through the vital points of several monster beasts like lightning. Green smoke!

  This Flying Sword, also obtained from Lu Wansong, also exploded with astonishing power under the blessing of the metallic Taixuan spiritual energy.

  Shan Jingchun was dumbfounded, his eyes straightened.

   A total of four mysterious weapons!

  Where did Lin Shen get so many mysterious weapons?

  Shan Jingchun was both surprised and jealous.

   It was also fortunate that he didn't know how many profound weapons Lin Shen still had in the storage ring, otherwise he would have to stare out his eyes.

   Under the repeated attacks of the three profound weapons, more than half of the hundreds of monsters died in a blink of an eye.

   Lin Shen, on the other hand, was unscathed under the protection of Xuangui Qi.

  Looking at this scene, Shan Jingchun finally realized that something was wrong, and panic appeared in his eyes.

   Right now, he has tried his best, but he still doesn't have the slightest advantage.

   On the contrary, Lin Shen had a calm appearance from the beginning to the end, obviously not doing his best.

   "Damn it! What's going on with this kid? It's not long since he was promoted to a monk, but his strength is astonishingly strong!"

  Is the first-grade spiritual pulse so powerful?

  Shan Jingchun gritted his teeth secretly, and once again sacrificed the golden killing compass, releasing thousands of golden sword qi to attack Lin Shen.

  Even though the mysterious tortoise qi had a strong defense, it couldn't resist the continuous attacks of monster beasts and Jinsha sword qi.

  Lin Shen didn't want the treasure to be damaged, so he simply put away the mysterious turtle spirit when he saw it.

  Seeing this, Shan Jingchun was overjoyed immediately, only when Lin Shen was at the end of his skills, he immediately went all out and urged Jin Shajian Qi to attack.

when! when!

   The extremely sharp golden killing sword energy fell on Lin Shen, but was blocked by a thin layer of spiritual light, unable to advance an inch.

   "Star Robe!"

  Shan Jingchun's joy froze for a moment.

  Nine Yang Zong Pill Artifact Academy has refined many profound weapons, among them is the Heavenly Star Robe.

  This kind of standard profound weapon is usually given by the sect to disciples who have made great contributions.

  Although it is just a low-grade profound weapon, it can defend well, and it is a magic weapon that many disciples dream of.

  Shan Jingchun didn't expect Lin Shen to have a second defensive weapon, so he was caught off guard.

   But all his hole cards have been used up, it will be difficult to ride a tiger, and he can only bite the bullet and continue to urge the sword to attack.

  After more than ten breaths, Lin Shen had already killed all the monsters around him, and pointing at one point, Mo Fengyan, Pingling Monument, and Zhanying turned around, and all of them killed Shan Jingchun.

Seeing this, Shan Jingchun panicked, and hastily released the Golden Killing Sword Qi to stop him, but under the repeated bombardment of the three profound weapons, the sword Qi could not be stopped, and was hit by the Pingling Stele with a bang in a short while, throat Immediately, there was a sweetness, and a mouthful of blood spewed out with a wow.

  Up to now, Lin Shen has roughly figured out the details of Shan Jingchun.

  His cultivation level is indeed higher than that of Shan Wenqi, at least he has the cultivation base of the sixth level of Yunling, and he is only one step away from entering the late stage of Yunling.

   More importantly, Shan Jingchun has many powerful magic weapons.

  Golden Killing Compass, Pofa Pen, and Hundred Demon Drawings are all powerful mysterious weapons that ordinary monks can't ask for, and they are probably top-grade.

  Lin Shen knew without thinking that these magic weapons must have been given to Shan Jingchun temporarily by the Shan family, and the purpose was nothing more than to ensure that he was defeated.

  If it were a cultivator with seven or eight layers of Yun Ling, he would really be beaten so hard by these three magic weapons.

  But Lin Shen is not afraid.

   Compared with the hole cards, he has never lost to anyone.

   To be honest, if he didn’t want to expose his avatar so quickly so that he could get more cash from Shan Jia, Shan Jingchun probably wouldn’t be able to make it through ten rounds under his hands!

   But even without summoning the clone, Shan Jingchun's defeat is a foregone conclusion!

  Under Lin Shen's control, three mysterious weapons attacked Shan Jingchun one after another.

  With one hundred and eight mouthfuls of Taixuan Spiritual Energy, it is no more than a piece of cake for Lin Shen to manipulate several pieces of profound weapons at the same time.

  But it was very bad for Shan Jingchun.

  Under the violent storm-like attack, his aura was quickly exhausted.

  After being knocked out again, Shan Jingchun couldn't hold it anymore, and shouted palely:

   "I admit defeat, brother Lin is merciful!"

  Lin Shen made a move, and the three mysterious weapons turned into streamers of light and sank into the sleeve robe, while he looked at Shan Jingchun, with an undisguised sarcasm on his face.

  Shan Jingchun's face turned pale, his heart was full of frustration and resentment, his lips twitched and he couldn't speak.

  A moment ago, he threatened to defeat Lin Shen. Anyone who would have thought that Lin Shen would easily defeat him would be ashamed.

   More importantly, this battle can be described as a loss.

   Not only failed to take Gaefeng Island back, but also took five bottles of Jiuding Pill. I don't know how to be reprimanded and punished by the elders of the clan when I go back.

  Thinking of this, Shan Jingchun suddenly felt sad and extremely depressed.

   "Jiuding Pill will be delivered later!"

   Throwing down a sentence, Shan Jingchun turned around and left in despair. He had no face to stay here any longer.

  Lin Shen suddenly said: "If there are still people in the Shan family who want to gamble with me, I will be happy to accompany you. The bet is the same as today, five bottles of Jiuding Dan."

  As soon as these words came out, Shan Jingchun staggered suddenly, stabilized his body, hurriedly accelerated and left.

  Lin Shen smiled, and Shi Shiran returned to Jinchuan Island.

   Five bottles of Jiuding Dan started, which made him very happy.

   You must know that Yu Siyu only gave him a bottle of Jiuding Dan when he was apprenticed to the teacher.

   It's not that Yu Siyu is stingy, but that Jiuding Dan is extremely precious.

   Even if it is a single family, it is not easy for the elite children of the clan to get a bottle of Jiuding Dan.

  If he hadn’t captured the Shan family’s urgency to take back Gale Island, Lin Shen wouldn’t have been able to get five bottles of Jiuding Pill at once.

   Presumably these pills should be enough for him to break through to the third level of Yunling!

   Moreover, there may be more Jiuding Pills coming to the door one after another - as long as the Shan family still does not plan to exchange Xingluo Jianwan back to Liefeng Island.

  It feels so good to have someone take the initiative to send resources to your door!

  The Shan family kept their word.

   Or dare not violate the law oath.

  The next day, someone sent Jiuding Dan to the door.

   At the same time, there is a second gambling battle.

   "Dan Liangshan, I want to compete with Brother Lin, the bet is still Liefeng Island and five bottles of Jiuding Pill, what do you think Brother Lin?"

  Shan Liangshan cupped his hands towards Lin Shen.

  Even if the cleverness is deliberately suppressed, it is full of vigor and extraordinaryness.

   In fact, this is not difficult to guess. As long as the Shan family is not stupid, after Shan Jingchun is defeated by Lin Shen, the strength of the people sent again will definitely be far better than Shan Jingchun.

  Even when he sent Jiuding Dan to his door the next day, he couldn't wait to raise a gambling dispute, obviously not wanting to give Lin Shen the opportunity to use Jiuding Dan to improve his strength.

   From this, it can be seen how much the Shan family fears Lin Shen now!

   While thinking about it, Lin Shen already figured out the doorway.

  However, he didn't care at all, but agreed without hesitation.

"no problem."

  Hearing that Lin Shen agreed, Shan Liangshan secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

  What he was most worried about was that Lin Shen was delaying the time and delaying the competition, which would inevitably increase the number of variables.

   Having said that, looking at Lin Shen's half-smile look, Shan Liangshan felt uneasy for some reason deep in his heart.

  But soon, he put this anxiety behind him.

  With the failure of Shan Jingchun, the family has made full preparations this time.

   Not only sent him, the eighth-level monk of Yunling, to act, but also bestowed five high-grade profound weapons.

   Unless he is a monk who has condensed the seeds of Xuanguang, Shan Liangshan feels that no one in his class is his opponent.

  Even Lin Shen is no exception!

  With a slight certainty in his heart, Shan Liangshan cupped his hands.

   "Please enlighten me!"

  Lin Shen smiled slightly.

  In the next moment, his figure suddenly became blurred, and his whole body was divided into seven in an instant.


  Shan Liangshan turned pale with shock.


  Lin Shen still has this supernatural power?

   Yet he soon had no room for surprise.

   In the blink of an eye, Lin Shen and the six clones spread out, surrounding him in a certain formation.

  Panfeng seven-section array!

  The next moment, Shan Liangshan was submerged by a storm-like attack!

  (end of this chapter)

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