MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 151 general

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  Chapter 151 general one army

  The place where Lin Shen practiced is not far from the people of Nine Yang Sect.

   In less than a quarter of an hour, he came to the place where everyone was.

  Xie Jingsheng was looking at the strange situation in the distance, when he heard the movement, he turned his head and saw that it was Lin Shen, his face immediately showed joy.

   "Junior Brother Lin!"

  Lin Shen nodded to express his understanding, and said decisively, "Let's go!"

  Time was running out, and everyone dared not delay. They used the Wind Control Technique one after another, and rushed towards the place where the acupuncture point was.

   Not long after, the basin where the hole is located appeared in the event horizon.

   Looking around, the entire basin is shrouded in gray mist, the mist is endlessly rolling, there seems to be blue lightning flashing one after another inside, and the roar is endless!

  Just watching, you can feel how intense the confrontation between the offensive and defensive sides is!

  However, everyone in Jiuyangzong has ignored this.

  As they arrived near the hole, more than a dozen blood rays shot from a distance, and landed in front of them with a whoosh.

  The blood light dissipated, revealing more than a dozen figures.

  The person in charge is tall and burly, with an extraordinary bearing, a pair of piercing eyes, shooting a sharp gaze like a sharp sword, one can tell that the cultivation base is not weak.

  The rest of the dozen or so people are also all powerful.

  Looking at this group of disciples of the Blood Ocean Sect, everyone in the Nine Yang Sect couldn't help but clenched the magic weapon tightly in their hands, showing an expression as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

   Min Shun glanced at Lin Shen for a moment, feeling puzzled in his heart.

  The group of Nine Yang Sect disciples in front of them, most of their cultivation bases are only at the early and middle stages of Mingqiao.

   There is only one person who created the spiritual veins, and from the perspective of aura, it is at most three or four.

  How did such strength kill Jiang Wanying, Shen Yan and others one after another?

  Min Shun was puzzled, his eyes flickered slightly, and he asked in a deep voice:

   "Where are Jiang Wanying and Shen Yan, what did you do to them?"

  Lin Shen smiled when he heard the words, and said: "There is no need to delay the time. Instead of talking nonsense, it is better to shoot directly!"

   As soon as the voice fell, he took the lead in flashing out, rushing towards everyone in the Blood Sea Sect.

  Xie Jingsheng and others followed closely behind.

   Seeing this, Min Shun secretly thought it was a pity.

  Their task is not to compete with the people of Nine Suns Sect, and there is no need to fight to the death. They just need to stop the people of Nine Suns Sect and prevent these people from interfering with the master.

  When the reinforcements from the sect arrived, wouldn't it be easy to deal with these people?

  That's why he wanted to delay the time.

  Who ever thought that the other party was very shrewd, and immediately saw through his intentions.

  Since delaying the time failed, Min Shun no longer wasted effort, his complexion turned cold suddenly, and he gave a cold drink.

   "Kill 'em!"

   All the disciples of Xuehai Sect responded in unison immediately, and sacrificed their magical weapons to kill everyone in Jiuyang Sect.

  The fierce fighting broke out in an instant, and the brilliance of magic and martial arts instantly lit up on the empty wasteland.

  Two Blood Sea Sect disciples immediately took aim at Lin Shen, rushed towards him with a grinning grin, and prepared to join forces to kill the highest cultivation among them first.

One of the two slashed at Lin Shen's neck with a knife, and the other took the opportunity to secretly throw out a magic weapon like a spike, and under the cover of his companion's attack, he quietly went around behind Lin Shen and stabbed straight at the back of Lin Shen. and go.


  The two disciples of the Blood Sea Sect all showed joy, but in the next moment, their expressions suddenly froze.

  I saw a faint mysterious light glowing on Lin Shen's body, which firmly blocked the nail cone from the outside, making it impossible to advance.

   "Mysterious weapon!"

  The two disciples of the Blood Sea Sect were taken aback.

  Lin Shen sneered, thrust out the sword, the sword light flashed, and a big head flew into the sky.

  The disciple of the Blood Sea Sect who held the knife turned into a headless corpse in an instant, swayed in place, and fell backwards with a bang.

  Another disciple of the Blood Sea Sect turned pale with shock, and quickly backed away, but the next moment, a red light flashed in front of his eyes, his neck suddenly felt a sharp pain, and his vision suddenly spun.

   Before he could understand what had happened, his consciousness had been plunged into eternal darkness.

   In the blink of an eye, the heads of the two disciples of the Blood Sea Sect were all in different places!

   Everyone in the Blood Sea Sect was shocked when they saw this scene.

  Min Shun's face changed slightly, and after quickly killing the inner disciple of the Nine Yang Sect in front of him, he turned around and rushed towards Lin Shen without hesitation.

   At this moment, he didn't know that he had lost his sight.

  This young man has more than three or four veins in his body, Jiang Wanying and Shen Yan are likely to die at the hands of this person.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Min Shun attacking him, but Lin Shen didn't show any panic on his face, and calmly raised his fingers.

  In an instant, the void behind him twisted, and six sword-like sword qi suddenly emerged, lined up behind him like a peacock spreading its tail.


  Lin Shen poked out with his fingers together, and the six sword qi shot out instantly, piercing through the void like lightning, and attacked two disciples of the Blood Sea Sect not far away.

Min Shun didn't expect that when he came to kill, Lin Shen would dare to be distracted and deal with other people. He was furious in his heart, and the thick blood gushed out from the sky above his head, and quickly condensed into a **** giant hand more than ten meters long. , smashing down towards Lin Shen with a deafening whistling sound.


Not far away, two disciples of the Blood Sea Sect flashed their bodies in succession. They wanted to avoid the Qijue sword energy, but they couldn't dodge after all. Their bodies were only slightly sluggish, and they were pierced by three sword energy respectively, and their eyes widened. Unwilling to fall down.

Lin Shen, on the other hand, slapped his backhand calmly, and a giant scarlet palm that was much bigger than the giant blood-colored hand suddenly struck out, crushing the former without any effort, crushing the opponent with unstoppable momentum. Min Shun.

   "True martial arts!"

   Min Shun took a deep breath.

   It took only a short time for the battle to break out, and he was already shocked by Lin Shen's performance several times.

  This will be even more shocking!

   After all, this is a real martial art!

  A terrifying martial skill rumored to shake the realm of monks!

  Min Shun is very sure now that Jiang Wanying and Shen Yan are definitely defeated by this person!

   "Damn it!"

  As calm as Min Shun, he couldn't help but curse secretly.

  How can a person of this level of strength mix with a group of disciples in the early and middle stages of Mingqiao?

  However, the reality did not leave much room for Min Shun to think.

  Following the crushing of the giant red palm covering the sky and the sun, an invisible pressure like the collapse of a mountain came suddenly, imprisoning him in place, unable to dodge.

  Although Min Shun was the one with the highest cultivation level among the disciples of the Blood Sea Sect present, and had already forged 28 spiritual veins, he was still not as good as Jiang Wanying.

  After realizing that Lin Shen was the one who killed Jiang Wanying, he immediately understood that if he didn't try his best, he would probably follow in the footsteps of Jiang Wanying and Shen Yan!

  Thinking of this, Min Shun no longer hesitated, the ruthless look in his eyes flashed away, and he pointed at the heart suddenly.

   There was a muffled chisel, and the tips of his fingers had sunk into his chest.

   When it was pulled out again, it brought out a pool of heart and blood.

  The blood essence splashed in the air, but it didn't drip. Instead, it ignited out of thin air, its color turned lighter, and it turned into an extremely pale flame in the blink of an eye.

  The pale flame burned violently, but no temperature could be felt. Instead, as soon as the flame came out, the temperature within a radius of 100 meters suddenly dropped a lot, and there seemed to be a hint of coldness in the air.

  By the light emitted from the fluorite on the top of the cave, one can vaguely see countless twisted patterns in the flames.

   You can take a deeper look, what kind of texture is that?

   It is clearly the images of countless translucent creatures!

  They roughly maintained their previous images, struggling and howling in the flames!

  Even if you can't hear the sound, you can still feel a vicious thought that shakes your soul and penetrates people's hearts!

  After sacrificing this pale flame, Min Shun's face paled a lot with the naked eye, and there was a trace of lethargy in his spirit.

  He raised his spirits, stretched out his hand and slapped it, and the pale flame fluttered towards the giant red palm.

  Compared to the huge size of the red giant palm, the pale flame, which is only the size of a fist, is undoubtedly extremely small.

  The two are like elephants and ants.

  But after they actually collided, the red giant palm shrank rapidly, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

  The true essence contained in it was burned and annihilated by the pale flame in an instant!

  The pale flame only shrunk in size by more than half. After a short pause, it accelerated and rushed towards Lin Shen.

  Xie Jingsheng has been paying attention to the battle on Lin Shen's side. Seeing this, his complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted anxiously:

   "Junior Brother Lin, be careful! It's a white flame of rotten soul, which can burn the soul of true essence, and it must not be touched with the body!"

  Min Shun glanced at Xie Jingsheng, with a sneer on his face.

   "I have some knowledge, but it's too late!"

  Rotting Soul White Flame is an extremely fierce technique unique to the Blood Sea Sect!

   It is an evil fire that burns the hostility of resentful souls and ghosts.

   To refine, in addition to collecting a large number of resentful souls and ghosts, you also need to cultivate in the realm of monks.

   Originally, with Min Shun's cultivation base, he couldn't use this technique.

  However, he found another way, using the secret method to integrate his heart and blood into the technique, so that he was able to bypass the limitation of cultivation base.

  Although the white flame of rotting soul cast by this method is only 70% to 80% of the power of the original version, it is more than enough to deal with Mingqiao Realm.

   This is also his strongest hole card.

  Every time it is used in the past, no matter how powerful the opponent is, it will be killed under the white flames of the rotten soul!

  However, this method is extremely debilitating, and you need to rest for at least a month or two afterwards.

  Unless it is absolutely necessary, Min Shun generally would not use it.

  If Lin Shen hadn't put too much pressure on him this time, he wouldn't have played his hole card immediately after the fight.

  Looking at Bai Yan, the rotting soul that had shrunk by more than half, Min Shun's heart was slightly awed.

   "As expected of the rumored True Martial Realm Martial Skill, even the Rotten Soul White Flame could hardly resist it, but luckily I won in the end!"

  Under Min Shun's ecstatic gaze, the white flames of the rotting soul hit Lin Shen like lightning!

  Just when he thought that Lin Shen was about to disappear, he saw the golden light on the latter suddenly blazing, and the phantom of the golden armor suddenly appeared, covering Lin Shen's whole body.

  The white flame of the rotten soul fell on the golden armor, and after a slight flash, it disappeared instantly.

  The golden armor only faded by most of its color, but it still firmly protected Lin Shen.

   Min Shun couldn't help being stunned when he saw this, his face full of disbelief.

  Another true martial art? !

   Still practicing martial arts horizontally!

   When he came back to his senses, Min Shun was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

  How many real martial arts skills has this guy mastered?

   "Rotten Soul White Flame, it's a powerful technique, come again!"

  Lin Shen looked at him with a smile that was not a smile.

   While speaking, another shot of Melting Soldier was slapped.

   But before that, he had already switched to the talent of pure yang body.

  Under the effect of doubling the power of Yang attribute martial arts, Melting Hand, like the previous Shenyang Nine Swords, has undergone a strange change.

   It is no longer in the shape of a giant palm that was more than 100 meters long, but has shrunk to only five or six meters long.

  The color also changed from scarlet red to golden red, extremely dazzling.

  Although Gao Yue's domineering aura that covered the sky and the sun was gone, there was an extremely introverted horror.

   It’s like the sun, it seems harmless from a distance, but only when you get close to it can you realize its terrifying power!

  Min Shun felt the extreme terror contained in this blow almost instantly, and his face changed drastically. He wanted to escape, but found that he had been imprisoned in the same place by the invisible strength.

  At this moment, he experienced the fear of death for the first time in a long time!

   Horrified, Min Shun let out a snarl, and poked his fingers into his heart again, and cast out the rotten soul white flame for the second time!

   But this time, the rotten soul white flames failed to annihilate the golden red giant palm, instead they were smashed apart after a single encounter.

   The golden and red giant palm, which had been dimmed for several minutes, hit Min Shun brazenly!


  The billowing fiery air wave suddenly exploded, sweeping away in all directions!

  People around retreated one after another to avoid the heat wave, and looked at where Min Shun was in horror.

   When the air wave dissipated, they were shocked to find that Min Shun had been thrown hundreds of meters away, and was lying in the charred deep pit with his whole body blackened.

   Since the battle broke out between the two sides, it has only been a few minutes since the strongest of the two sides have decided the winner.

  All the disciples of the Blood Sea Sect never expected that the senior brother who was extremely powerful in their eyes would be knocked down so simply and neatly by the opponent!

  For a while, they all panicked.

  The morale of the Nine Yang Sect members rose sharply, and they took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack, taking this opportunity to kill two disciples of the Blood Sea Sect.

  Lin Shen didn't care about the reactions of the people around him, his eyes fell directly on Min Shun, and he rushed out, ready to give him the final blow.

  But at this moment, there was a sudden scream in the gray fog of the basin in the distance, and a blood shadow suddenly broke through the gray fog and shot towards Lin Shen.

  Before the person arrived, the blood shadow pointed his hand in mid-air, and a line of blood tore through the air and rushed towards Lin Shen.

  Lin Shen could see clearly that the blood line was obviously a blood nematode.

   It's just that compared with the blood nematode that Jiang Wanying once summoned, this blood nematode is obviously better than the former in terms of size and color.

   Seeing that the opponent was eager to stop him from killing Min Shun, Lin Shen sneered, and threw a magic weapon to stop the blood nematode, and immediately a cloud dragon appeared on his body, and he rushed forward.

   "Junior Dare!"

   Shouts of shock and anger came from afar.

  Lin Shen remained unmoved, and rushed towards Min Shun expressionlessly. In the latter's horrified eyes, the sword light flashed, instantly annihilating his last vitality.

  Wu Ji, who rushed forward, looked at this scene, and his face instantly became extremely gloomy.

  However, at this moment, he suddenly found that the blood nematode he summoned had lost contact. He was startled, and quickly turned his head to look.

  Seeing this, he burst into anger immediately, and a blue color of extreme anger appeared on his face.

  I saw that the magic weapon that Lin Shen threw out just now that consumes the vitality of the blood-blooded nematodes was surprisingly obtained from Jiang Wanying's blood-wave banner!

   "The younger generation bullies people too much!"

  Wu Ji screamed sharply, turned into blood and killed Lin Shen.

  At this moment, there is no one who can come out of the corpse smoke formation in the underworld except the monks sitting in the town.

   Hearing the disciples of the Blood Sea Sect all around shouting for Master, Xie Jingsheng and the others had no doubts anymore, and their faces changed.

  The reputation of a monk is illustrious, and in the eyes of low-level practitioners, it is synonymous with strength and invincibility.

  Facing the last group of elite disciples of the Blood Sea Sect on the ninth floor of Mingqiao, they still have desperate thoughts.

  But facing the last monk, they only had deep fear in their hearts.

  Among the crowd, only Lin Shen remained unchanged.

  He has already noticed that although the face of the visitor is the same as that of ordinary people, his figure is erratic, like a ghost, obviously just a blood, not a real body.

  Thinking about it, the opponent still needs to sit in the corpse smoke formation in the capital, and it is not easy to dispatch a head of blood, but it is absolutely impossible to dispatch a real body.

  Otherwise, once the real body leaves, the corpse smoke formation in the underworld will collapse in an instant, and the Jiuyang sect will break into the formation and attack, and all the hard work will be wasted.

  Even so, the momentum of the dead corpse smoke array in Hades has dropped significantly after withdrawing all their blood.

  There are more and more cyan thunderbolts in the gray fog, and there is a faint tendency to catch up with the gray fog!

   Regarding this, Wu Ji actually felt helpless.

   Originally thought that Min Shun and the others were more than enough to protect the formation, but who would have thought that in just a few rounds of fighting, nearly half of the disciples of the Blood Sea Sect were killed in battle, and Min Shun was seriously injured and dying.

  Once Min Shun is allowed to be killed, the surviving disciples of the Blood Ocean Sect will inevitably escape the murderous hands.

   Next, this group of Nine Yang Sect disciples will definitely start to attack the corpse smoke formation in the Underworld, and even if he doesn't want to, he will have to take action.

  Instead of waiting until then, it is better to rescue the lover early.

   Who would have thought that the junior would use the blood streamer to turn him into an army, it's really hateful!

  Since he was promoted to a monk, when has Wu Ji been teased by a junior like this?

  Thinking of this, Wu Ji couldn't help but feel a fierce killing intent in his heart, and his eyes on Lin Shen became more and more cold.

  Lin Shen was not afraid at all.

  If the other party came in real form, he might still be a little bit afraid, but if it was just a **** head, he would have nothing to fear.

   Seeing the aggressive approach of Xue Po, Lin Shen smiled, and instead of retreating, he went forward without fear!


  Wu Ji hated Lin Shen so much that he would do everything he could when he made a move.

  A large piece of thick and **** light surged out from behind him, sweeping forward like a tsunami, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, with an astonishing majesty!

  The people of Nine Yang Sect who were not far away could not help showing complex expressions of fear and worry.

  Although at this time they had seen that what Wu Ji dispatched was only a **** head, even so, the fear in their hearts still did not decrease by half.

   After all, it is the blood of the monks of the Blood Sea Sect!

  In terms of strength alone, the blood of the monks of the Blood Sea Sect is probably much stronger than those of Jiang Wanying and Min Shun!

   Only this head of blood is enough to kill everyone present except Lin Shen!

  Although Lin Shen is formidable, he may not be able to defeat this **** soul, and they still have no bottom in their hearts.

  Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lin Shen unhurriedly threw the Pingling Stele, which turned into a huge mountain-like monument in the air, and slammed into the blood wave likewise domineeringly!


  Amidst the deafening explosion, the blood wave collapsed, and the huge monument flew back!

  The two sides were evenly matched!

  Everyone around was dumbfounded and stunned.

  (end of this chapter)

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