MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 150 the time has come

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  Chapter 150 The time has come

  The skin-burning heat wave spread violently, and the coldness of Nathan in the cave dissipated in an instant.

   It was as if a sun was shining in front of everyone's eyes. At the same time, it was blinding, and at the same time, the steaming heat rushed into the facial features and seven orifices, making their minds unable to turn.

  Even though they were far away, Xie Jingsheng and the others still felt that the red light was dazzling, the heat wave hit their faces, and the whole person seemed to be in a magma volcano.

  Even other people are like this, let alone the five Shen Yan who faced the blow directly!

  The five of them felt that the roaring heat wave had almost condensed into a substantive glow, rolling in like a stormy sea, almost wanting to engulf them!

   That round of blazing sun was like a mountain collapsing, suppressing them, trying to annihilate their flesh and bones into ashes!

   The fear of death enveloped my heart in an instant!

  Under the tremendous pressure of life and death, the five of them snarled with ferocious faces, resorted to the strongest means in their lives, and faced that round of fierce sun with determination in their eyes!

  The next moment, a deafening roar suddenly erupted!

  The violent and blazing flames instantly submerged the five of Shen Yan, turning the place they stood into a piece of scorched earth!

  The air wave carried dust and swept five or six hundred meters away, smashing an unknown number of strange rock pillars along the way, and then slowly dissipated.

  The red light and fierce sun suddenly dissipated, Xie Jingsheng and the others felt as if a heavy load was lifted in one fell swoop, and the weight changed suddenly, so that their bodies couldn't help shaking.

  But they couldn't care less about taking a breather, and quickly looked up, and saw that the ground five to six hundred meters ahead had been completely reduced to scorched earth, and there were even many lumps shining with a faint red light.

   That is the crystals formed by the melting and transformation of sand and soil suddenly subjected to extremely high temperature!

  Everyone looked at the scene in front of them with a blank face, feeling their tongues were dry and unable to speak a word.

  Peng Junqin froze on the spot, opened his mouth wide and didn't recover for a long time.

  No one expected that the five members of Shen Yan came aggressively, but they were dealt with by Lin Shen with a sword!

   No, this is not the problem of Shen Yan and others!

   It was Lin Shenqiang who went too far!

  Thinking of the power of that sword just now, they are trembling with fear.

  That is definitely not the power that Mingqiao Realm should have!

   If you say that the power of that sword has reached the level of a monk, no one present will have any objections!

   If there was any doubt about Lin Shen's killing of Jiang Wanying before, then this time they are sure of it!

  Peng Junqin also wanted to understand this point, his legs suddenly became faintly weak, and fear appeared uncontrollably in his eyes looking at Lin Shen's back.

  Not caring about everyone's reaction, Lin Shen slowly withdrew his long sword.

  The Shenyang Nine Swords, blessed by the pure Yang body talent, is more powerful than he expected. It has surpassed the realm of the nine yangs and reached a new height!

   "The power of this sword, even if it doesn't reach the level of a monk, I'm afraid it won't be much worse!"

  Lin Shen smiled joyfully.

  After he gradually merged with the spiritual veins of the clones and further improved his strength, there is still a lot of room for the power of Shenyang Nine Swords to be enhanced.

  Calm down, Lin Shen's figure flashed, and instantly appeared on the ground a hundred meters away.

   Shen Yan was lying on the ground covered in scorched black.

  The other four disciples of the Blood Sea Sect had long since lost their bones and vanished into ashes. Only Shen Yan, who was the strongest, was seriously injured and was not far from death, but he still breathed a sigh of relief after all.

  Shen Yan kept his eyes open, seeing Lin Shen walking over, he let out a "huh" in his throat, and stared at Lin Shen's face with bloodshot eyes.

   "True, True Martial Realm Martial Arts Jiang Wanying was killed by you alone."


   Seeing Lin Shen nodding his head, Shen Yan's eyes showed a trace of unwillingness and remorse.

  If he had known that there were such masters in this group of people, he would never bring just such a few people here.

  But who would have expected in advance that among the disciples of the Nine Yang Sect who entered the spiritual cave, there were even geniuses who had mastered real martial arts skills!

   One wrong step, the price to pay is life!

   "What arrangements did the Blood Ocean Sect make at the hole?" Lin Shen asked.

  Chen Yan came back to his senses, stared at Lin Shen for a long time, and then squeezed out a piercing smile.

   "You can't escape. It won't be long before Master and Brother Min will avenge me, and you will all be buried with me at that time!"

  At the end of the conversation, Shen Yan's face was rosy, and his speech became more and more fluent, but it was a sign of returning light.

  Lin Shen frowned slightly. He knew that the attack would not be so severe just now. Seeing Shen Yan's appearance now, it is obvious that he cannot stand torture and interrogation.

  Even if you let him ignore him, he will die after a while.

  At this time, Xie Jingsheng and the others had recovered from the shock, and when they approached, they happened to hear Shen Yan's words, and their faces became extremely ugly.

  Senior Brother Min in Shen Yan's mouth is nothing more than that. But the word "Master" made everyone's heart skip a beat.

  To be able to teach a disciple like Shen Yan who has cultivated at the ninth level of Mingqiao, his master knows without thinking that he must be a monk!

   There is actually a monk of the Blood Sea Sect in the spiritual acupoint!

   This piece of information made everyone sink to the bottom of their hearts.

   Seeing everyone's expressions, Shen Yan couldn't help laughing.

  Although his life is not long, it is worthwhile to be able to bring a group of Nine Yang Sect disciples—especially a genius who has mastered real martial arts—to be buried with him.

   Everyone was secretly annoyed, but there was nothing they could do.

   At this moment, a person suddenly walked out of the crowd, and said in a deep voice:

   "I have a way!"

   Everyone turned their heads to look, but it was Fu Weifang.

   On the day of being attacked by the Blood Sea Sect, Fu Weifang was seriously injured by Jiang Wanying. Even though he spent the rest of the time recuperating from his injuries, he still hadn't fully recovered, his face was pale without a trace of blood.

  Seeing that it was Fu Weifang, Xie Jingsheng hurriedly asked, "Master Fu, what can you do?"

Fu Weifang gave Shen Yan a cold look, and said: "I once killed an evil cultivator, and got a magical weapon from him called the soul-detaining mirror, which can be used to arrest the deceased Yuanling and torture him , as long as Yuan Ling's cultivation level did not exceed Mingqiao Realm, he will answer all questions!"

  When Shen Yan heard the words "hunting mirror", Shen Yan's laughter stopped abruptly, and then his face changed drastically, obviously recognizing this magic weapon.

   Seeing his expression, everyone immediately knew that what Fu Weifang said was true, and they were overjoyed.

   But immediately, he couldn't help hesitating.

  All the people present were from the orthodox Taoist sect, so they were naturally not as unscrupulous as the Blood Sea Sect.

  Fu Weifang was severely injured by Jiang Wanying, and he hated the Blood Sea Sect to the bone. Naturally, he would not have the slightest grudge against Yuan Ling, a disciple of the Blood Sea Sect. Seeing Xie Jingsheng's hesitation, he immediately persuaded:

   "Senior brother Xie, the Blood Ocean Sect killed me first, so why should we pay attention to benevolence and righteousness to such villains?"

  Xie Jingsheng also knew that now is not the time for a woman's benevolence, so she sighed inwardly, nodded and said, "I'll leave it to you, Master Fu!"

  Fu Weifang was overjoyed when he heard the words, looked at Shen Yan with a sneer on his face, turned his wrist, and there was already a dark mirror in his palm.

   Shen Yan's face was extremely ugly, and he opened his mouth to speak, but Fu Weifang didn't give him a chance to speak at all, he raised his hand and stabbed out with his sword, canceling the last breath of the other party.

   While Fu Weifang was arresting Yuan Ling, Lin Shen put away Shen Yan's storage ring, turned around again, and found out the storage artifacts of the other four disciples of the Blood Sea Sect.

   Everyone saw it, but didn't say much.

  Shen Yan and the five were defeated by Lin Shen alone, and all the things on his body were naturally his trophies.

   As for Peng Junqin, he will not talk too much.

  He was terrified by Lin Shen at the moment, and shrank in the corner, wishing that Lin Shen didn't notice him.

  After counting, Lin Shen found the casting pill in the storage rings of the five people.

  Among them, Shenyan Storage Ring contained the most spirit casting pills, fifteen of them.

  The remaining four people have as few as five and as many as nine.

   Counting it down, the five of them contributed a total of forty-three spirit casting pills to Lin Shen, which seemed like a lot of money!

   "That's right, these spirit casting pills are enough for Huiji to injure his avatar before casting them into four spirit veins!"

  Happiness flashed in Lin Shen's eyes.

   For things like resources, it is indeed faster to start from others!

  Unfortunately, there are not many such opportunities on weekdays.

   Arranged and put away the things, and when Lin Shen finished, Fu Weifang had also successfully captured Shen Yan Yuan Ling into the soul arresting mirror, and began the interrogation.

   After a while, the expressions of the people who got the information they wanted became very dignified.

  The worst has happened!

  Blood Ocean Sect has sealed off the hole with the corpse smoke formation in the underworld, and there are monks sitting in the formation.

  With this monk and the corpses in the underworld, the Nine Suns Sect couldn't enter the spiritual acupoint at all, at least not for a short period of time.

   During this period, the reinforcements of the Blood Sea Sect may have already arrived.

  By that time, the Blood Ocean Sect will be able to completely seal that acupoint and take the spiritual acupoint as its own.

   And these people will completely become the shackles in the urn. It is the best end to be killed, and it is more likely that they will be detained and refined into blood!

   "What should I do, Senior Brother Lin, Senior Brother Xie?" A lower court disciple cast a questioning look at Lin Shen and Xie Jingsheng.

  The rest of the people also looked at the two of them, their expressions full of panic.

  Lin Shen took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "For the current plan, we can only go directly to the formation as we discussed before!"


  Xie Jingsheng nodded heavily, with a solemn expression.

   "The only way to break the situation now is to take advantage of the fact that the sect is forcing its way into the spiritual acupoint, and we also launch an attack on the corpse smoke array in the underworld!"

"According to Shen Yan, under normal circumstances, several monks are required to control and operate the corpse smoke array in the underworld. Their master can barely maintain the operation of the array by himself with his blood. As long as we can force the other party to spare energy To deal with us, the power of the formation will be greatly affected, and the chances of the sect breaking the formation will also be greatly increased!"

   "At that time, the inside should cooperate with the outside, and the possibility of destroying the corpse smoke formation in the underworld is not low!"

  Everyone knew that this was the only way now, so they suppressed the anxiety in their hearts and nodded.

  Xie Jingsheng turned to look at Peng Junqin again, and said solemnly:

   "Peng Junqin, you heard Shen Yan's words. Now we are on the same boat, and we are all damaged. If we die, you will die sooner or later. It's like advancing and retreating together. What do you think?"

  Peng Junqin's expression changed several times, he glanced at Lin Shen, and finally gritted his teeth: "Okay, I have no objection!"

  If Peng Junqin still had a little luck before interrogating Shen Yan, then the information he got from Shen Yan undoubtedly completely defeated the last thought in his mind.

  The next few days are undoubtedly the last hope for these people.

  Once the battle fails, when the Blood Sea Sect reinforcements arrive, the Spirit Point will completely fall into the hands of the Blood Sea Sect.

  Peng Junqin doesn't know whether Nine Yang Sect will manage to regain the spiritual acupoint afterward, but he certainly won't be able to wait for that time.

  He is afraid of death, but he is not stupid. He knows that only by working together can we overcome the difficulties!

   Seeing that Peng Junqin had come down, Xie Jingsheng stopped talking and called everyone to continue on their way.

   As for whether they will meet the blood sea sect's pursuers, they no longer care.

   Even deep down in his heart, he hoped that the Blood Sea Sect would send more troops to pursue them.

  Anyway, with Lin Shen around, no amount of chasing soldiers would just give away their heads.

  The more they give away, the resistance they will encounter will be much less when they enter the battle in the future!

  The place where the group of people are at this time is only more than 30 miles away from the hole of the Lingxue.

  Hurrying all the way, it took less than two hours for everyone to arrive near the hole.

   Four or five miles away from the hole, everyone stopped at the same time.

   Across a long distance, they could feel the soaring cold aura in the distance, and they could even vaguely see that the sky above the caves in that large area was covered with a layer of gray.

   Some disciples of the "Midu Corpse Smoke Formation" couldn't help swallowing.

  Xie Jingsheng's complexion was serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Let's just wait here!"

  Everyone nodded.

  Now is not the time to enter the battle.

   You have to wait until the spiritual acupoint is opened, and when the Nine Yang Sect outside finds something is wrong, they gather their hands and start to forcibly open the acupoint. That's when they do it.

   Now if they go in the past, if the cultivator of the Blood Ocean Sect blatantly attacks and cleans them up, they will feel like crying without tears.

  Before that, their mission was to recharge their batteries and prepare for the next big battle.

  Lin Shen's eyes flashed, and he found an excuse to leave temporarily.

   While there was still some time, he planned to use up the spirit casting pill in his hand, so that he and his avatar could forge a few more spiritual veins.

  The battle is imminent, and one point of strength improvement is one point!

  On the high **** near the eye of Lingxue.

   It has been a day since the five of Shen Yan left.

  Seeing that it was almost time for the spiritual acupoint to open, but Shen Yan and the other five never came back, Min Shun couldn't help frowning slightly.

  According to the plan they discussed, when the spiritual acupoint is opened, everyone must return here to protect the Master together.

  This matter is very important, and there is no room for error.

  With Shen Yan's personality, he would never mess around with this.

  He hasn't come back yet, could something have happened?

  A disciple of the Blood Sea Sect who had a good relationship with Shen Yan couldn't hold back first, and stepped forward and said, "Senior Brother Min, why don't I take someone to find Shen Yan?"

   Min Soon refused without even thinking about it.

   "No, the spiritual acupoint will be opened in a while, we must do our best to protect Master, and we must not make any mistakes. Let go of other things for now!"

  Seeing that the disciple of Xuehai Sect hesitated to speak, Min Shun slowed down his tone and said:

   "If Junior Brother Shen is fine, he will come back naturally. If something happens to him, it means that the enemy's strength is beyond our expectations. We can't leave here easily, in case the enemy takes the opportunity to break into battle!"

  As soon as the disciple thought it was reasonable, he stopped talking and withdrew.

   Min Shun's eyes flickered slightly, and he sighed slightly in his heart.

  In fact, he knew very well that the five of Shen Yan hadn't come back at this time, probably something really happened.

  Thinking about it now, his decision to let Shen Yan and the five go after and kill the group of Nine Yang Sect disciples was still not cautious enough.

  Even Jiang Wanying died at the hands of those Nine Sun Sect disciples, so it is conceivable that the other party must be very powerful.

  The safest way is to wait for work with ease.

   As long as the group of Nine Sun Sect disciples still want to leave the spiritual cave, they will come here sooner or later. At that time, they will concentrate their efforts to wipe out each other. Wouldn't it be better than searching around hard?

   It's a pity that it's too late to figure it out.

   Those disciples who died could not come back to life.

   Sighed, Min Shun had a tough temperament after all, and quickly dispelled the weak thoughts in his mind, looked at the gray mist in the basin below, and his eyes became firm again.

   Fortunately, the master brought many disciples into the spiritual cave out of importance.

  Although some people have been lost right now, there are still more than a dozen people present, and all of them are elite disciples in the sect.

  The weakest one has the nine levels of Mingqiao cultivation.

   There are many people who have created spiritual veins.

   No matter how powerful that group of Nine Yang Sect disciples are, they can't be more powerful than the power they have arranged here!

   As long as the group of Nine Yang Sect disciples dare to come forward, they will definitely come and go!

   Three days later.

  In the dark cave, Lin Shen opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

   "The third spiritual vein is finally completed!"

  Feeling the third extra spiritual vein in his body, Lin Shen was delighted, but also emotional.

  In the past three days, he used a full ten spirit casting pills before finally casting the third spirit vein.

   On the other hand, Huiji will definitely hurt the avatar, casting two spirit veins in three days, and it only took eleven spirit casting pills!

   Comparing the two, the gap should not be too obvious!

  Now Huiji must hurt the avatar has been cast into six spiritual veins, and the degree of transformation of true energy is higher than that of his body.

  Taking out the magic weapon and talent bonus, the combat power of Huiji must hurt clone seems to exceed his body.

  In addition, the bypassing clone also consumed five spirit-casting pills and successfully forged the second spirit vein.

  The remaining five avatars also forged their first spiritual veins in these three days.

   Not surprisingly, just like the original analogy, all five clones used up three Spirit Casting Pills.

   At this point, Lin Shen's Spirit Casting Pills dropped sharply to only sixteen.

  However, the improvement in strength brought about by this is also leaps and bounds.

  Five clones of one vein, one clone of two veins, one clone of six veins, plus he himself has the strength of three veins.

  If he goes all out, Lin Shen feels that even if he meets a monk, he can survive with a few tricks!

   After a long while, Lin Shen came back to his senses from the surge of emotion brought about by the improvement in strength.

   "Calculating the time, the sect is almost ready to forcibly open the spiritual acupoint!"

  As soon as Lin Shen finished speaking, there was a thunderous sound in his ear.

  His expression changed, and he immediately put away his avatar, and with a flash of body and mind, he was outside in an instant.

  Looking forward, at the place where the hole is located in the distance, the gray sky above the cave was suddenly covered with a layer of blue light, and the gray mist boiled violently like a whirlpool.

  Looking at this scene, Lin Shen suddenly understood.

  The time to enter the battle has come!

  (end of this chapter)

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