MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 147 but so

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  Chapter 147 But that's all

  Being able to master a real martial arts skill is enough to be called a genius!

   Not to mention mastering two subjects at the same time!

  Jiang Wanying was so shocked that he couldn't make a sound for a while.

  Lin Shen was keenly aware of Jiang Wanying's absence, and immediately switched to the pure yang talent, stabbing out with a straight sword.

  In an instant, blinding light erupted in the void.

   Nine rounds of shining sun-like clusters of light slowly emerged, hitting the three-headed blood like a shooting star!

The Nine Swords of Shenyang are the most restrained things, not to mention that the three **** souls have already been drained by the Melting Hand before, and the three **** souls are instantly like ice and snow when they are heated by Hong Lie's masculine flames. Ablation is missing.

  Bloody death, Jiang Wanying felt as if he had been struck by lightning in an instant, a fishy sweetness rose in his throat, and a smear of blood was left on the corner of his mouth in an instant.

   "Damn boy!"

  Jiang Wanying rushed to the top of his anger, who would have thought that all three of them were killed by the kid in front of him just because he was ignorant.

  Cultivating blood is not easy, in addition to requiring a good practitioner Yuan Ling, it also takes a lot of time and energy to refine.

   Once these three souls are dead, he will need to spend at least half a year to refine them again!

  This does not include the time to find the new spirit!

   After a lot of hard work was put into a torch, how could Jiang Wanying not be annoyed!

  The killing intent towards Lin Shen in his heart was unprecedentedly fierce, Jiang Wanying snarled, and rushed towards Lin Shen with a ferocious face.

  In the middle of the journey, his sleeves fluttered, and a black python flew out abruptly. When it folded in the air, it turned into a short six-foot-long flag.

  Jiang Wanying stretched out his hand to hold it, and shook it vigorously, the sound of waves burst out in the void instantly, and a large blood-colored wave rushed out, sweeping towards Lin Shen overwhelmingly, the momentum was extremely astonishing!

  Just looking at it, Lin Shen immediately guessed that the flag in Jiang Wanying's hand should be a mysterious weapon.

  Seeing this, he smiled, and with a flick of his hand, a pitch-black inkstone was spun and thrown out, rising in the wind, turning into a giant inkstone the size of a house in the air, rumbling towards the sea of ​​blood.


  The powerful and heavy strength smashed the sea of ​​blood into pieces in an instant, disintegrating into countless **** water droplets!

  The inkstone also retreated back, returning to the sky above Lin Shen's head.

   Both sides are evenly matched!

  Jiang Wanying was taken aback.

   "This kid actually has a mysterious weapon!"

   In shock and anger, Jiang Wanying's eyes flashed coldly, and he waved the flag again, setting off a wave of blood and rushing forward.

  Lin Shen was not afraid, and manipulated Mo Fengyan to attack.

   But at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of two very thin blood rays attacking from the side, at an astonishingly fast speed, hitting his chest and abdomen in the blink of an eye.

  Seeing this scene, Jiang Wanying was overjoyed.

  Using the cover of the blood wave, he quietly released two blood nematodes, in order to take advantage of Lin Shen's unpreparedness to severely injure them, and indeed he made a success with one blow!

  The blood nematodes are so ferocious, let alone being hit by two blood nematodes at the same time, unless this kid is protected by a mysterious weapon, he will be seriously injured even if he does not die!

  But as soon as a happy look appeared on his face, Jiang Wanying's expression suddenly froze in the next moment.

  I saw Lin Shen's body suddenly glowing with a layer of mysterious light. Although it was as thin as paper, it firmly blocked the two blood nematodes.

  Looking at that layer of mysterious light, Jiang Wanying's cheeks twitched violently, and he gritted his teeth and spit out two words.

   "Mysterious weapon!"

  Another mysterious weapon!

   And it’s also a defensive weapon!

  Jiang Wanying was filled with jealousy and suspicion.

  As a leader of the younger generation of the Blood Ocean Sect, he has also worshiped the elders of the sect as his teacher. His status and background in the sect are not bad, but he has put in so much effort, but he only has the mysterious weapon of the Xuetao Banner on his body.

  The kid in front of him looks to be in his early twenties, and he already has two profound weapons at such a young age. What is the background of this guy?

  Lin Shen didn't pay attention to Jiang Wanying's reaction. After fighting against the two blood nematodes for a while, he quickly noticed the strangeness of the Tianxing robe.

  The aura on this cassock has obviously dimmed a lot.

   After a little thought, Lin Shen immediately realized.

  The two blood worms released by Jiang Wanying probably have the magic weapon of filth and the power to devour aura.

   "The methods of the evil sect of the Demon Sect are really treacherous!"

  Lin Shen's heart trembled slightly.

  Although he doesn't have much experience in fighting demons and evil sects, he also knows that this kind of thing is a magic weapon for restraint.

  Even if it is a profound weapon like the Heavenly Star Robe, if the blood nematodes are allowed to continue to devour the aura, the aura will be greatly damaged at the slightest, and it will have to be cultivated with true energy for a long time afterwards, or at worst, the spirituality will be damaged, and it will directly fall to the level of the magic weapon.

  No matter which one, Lin Shen could not accept it.

   He wanted to kill the two blood nematodes, but they were faster than Lightning, and even the intangible, fast Qijue Sword Qi couldn't catch up!

   Fortunately, there is no solution.

   While thinking about it, Lin Shen already had some calculations.

   On the other side, seeing the two blood nematodes dragging most of Lin Shen's energy, Jiang Wanying felt slightly certain.

  Finally there is a way to suppress this kid!

  Taking a deep breath, Jiang Wanying was planning to intensify his offensive, kill Lin Shen in one fell swoop, and then extract Yuan Ling to refine it into blood.

  With the opponent's aptitude and strength, the refined blood might far exceed the previous three heads, which can be regarded as making up for part of the loss.

  But at this moment, Jiang Wanying suddenly saw Lin Shen throwing his hands, and two magic swords flew into the air, facing the two blood nematodes.

   Two "chi chi", after the flying swords collided with the blood nematodes, the aura attached to them was immediately melted away, turned into a pile of ordinary iron and fell down, and the color of the blood nematodes also dimmed a bit.


  Jiang Wanying was stunned.

   Before he could recover, Lin Shen recognized the magic weapon again in the next second, but this time he threw out seven or eight pieces.

  Lin Shen has nothing else, but there are a lot of magical artifacts in the storage ring!

  In addition to killing the great monster of Tongxuan Realm in Xiyan Daze not long ago, and obtained a bunch of middle and low-grade magic weapons, there are also magic swords and robes from the disciples of the Blood Sea Sect who just killed.

   There are at least twenty or thirty pieces in total!

   Lin Shen couldn't use these low-level magic weapons at all, and he wouldn't get a few middle skills if he exchanged them for meritorious service, so he didn't feel bad about throwing them out.

  After the two blood nematodes devoured all the auras of seven or eight magical artifacts, their vitality was also consumed, fading away and disappearing.

  Jiang Wanying almost spat out another mouthful of blood, feeling extremely pained in his heart.

   Refining blood nematodes is extremely difficult, even more troublesome than refining blood.

   So far, he has only refined two blood nematodes in total, and he has always regarded them as treasures, and he does not know how many opponents he has killed with this.

   Who would have thought that they would meet such a prodigal **** like Lin Shen, and they would use all kinds of precious magic weapons to resist, and they would be thrown out one after another like scrap iron.

   This is the first time he has seen someone kill blood nematodes in this way!

  With three bloods and two blood nematodes, Jiang Wanying suffered a heavy loss from Lin Shen.

   Years of painstaking efforts were exhausted!

   Losing his blood and blood nematodes, he lost at least 30% to 40% of his strength!

  The flesh hurts so much that the heart seems to be bleeding, Jiang Wanying can't wait to peel Lin Shen to pieces, eat his flesh and drink his blood.

   It's just anger and hatred, Jiang Wanying has not been irritated by the anger, knowing that Lin Shen will not be able to do anything if he continues to fight, and he may even lose here, so he thought of retreating.

"Calculating the time, Elder Wu should have arrived at the exit of the Nine Suns Sect's spiritual acupoint at this time, and he has probably already started to set up the formation. I must bring the news back here, lest Elder Wu will not be noticed and escaped by those Nine Suns Sect disciples." Get out, and all previous efforts will be for naught!"

  Jiang Wanying has a decisive temperament, seeing that Lin Shen cannot be killed, he simply decides to leave.

  Anyway, when the exit of the spiritual acupoint is sealed, including the kid in front of him, this group of Nine Yang Sect disciples are the turtles in the urn.

   Just waiting for the arrival of the Zongmen reinforcements, aren't these people allowed to be slaughtered?

   It will not be too late to torture this kid again!

   Glancing at Lin Shen coldly, Jiang Wanying turned around and wanted to leave, but the next moment, he felt an invisible force enveloping him, imprisoning him in place.

  Fixing spell?

  Jiang Wanying gave a cold snort of disdain, and when he exhaled his true energy, he shattered the invisible power covering his body.

  Lin Shen's Body Fixing Curse is only on the third level, and he never thought that it would have much effect on a strong man like Jiang Wanying, but it was just to hold him back a little.

  Taking advantage of this momentary delay, Lin Shen has already raised his sword and stabbed, the sword light unfolded like a gust of wind and rain, enveloping Jiang Wanying all over his body.

   "Jiang Wanying, you were so full of words just now, but you are planning to run away? It seems that you are nothing more than that!"

  Lin Shen's loud laughter came from next to his ear.

  Jiang Wanying's eyes flashed with embarrassment, but he couldn't refute.

  After all, I just said that I would leave Lin Shen with a dead body, but turned around and left in despair, which is very ironic no matter how you look at it.

   "Boy, don't be arrogant. In a few days, when you fall into my hands, I will make your life worse than death!" Jiang Wanying said bitterly.

  Lin Shen's eyes flickered slightly, and he heard that Jiang Wanying's words had other meanings.

   But now is not the time to think about this, his eyes were slightly cold, and he sneered.

   "I'm afraid you won't have that chance!"

  The moment the voice fell, Lin Shen's figure suddenly became blurred, and his whole body was instantly divided into seven parts.

   Except for the blockbuster avatar that couldn't be shot, he summoned all the remaining six avatars.

  The sudden change surprised Jiang Wanying.

   "Avatar technique?!"

  Amidst the horror, the seven 'Lin Shen' had already dispersed, surrounding Jiang Wanying, with their long swords flying across the sky, and a thick sword like a mountain spread out in an instant, pressing heavily on Jiang Wanying.

  Panfeng seven-section array!

  Jiang Wanying was very knowledgeable, and immediately recognized that this was some kind of formation, and his complexion changed instantly.

  He made a decisive decision to break through, but as soon as he made a move, the sky filled with sword light was crushed layer by layer, occupying his entire field of vision like covering the sky and the sun.

  Jiang Wanying originally thought that Lin Shen's avatar had at most only part of the power of the main body.

   But after the actual fight, he was shocked to find that the clones around him were all exactly the same as Lin Shen in terms of cultivation and martial skills, no difference!

  This discovery made Jiang Wanying's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

  If the avatar has only part of the strength of the main body, then the six are weak and one is strong, and the formation will have imperfect flaws, and it is not difficult to break through despite being injured.

   But now this hope is shattered!

  The seven 'Lin Shen' are equal in strength, they are more than one, and they cooperate with each other very tacitly, almost equal to one person, and the formation is almost perfect.

  Even if there is a slight flaw, Jiang Wanying, who is not familiar with the formation, cannot find it.

  As Panfeng's seven-section formation reached its peak, Jiang Wanying suddenly felt that enemies were attacking from all directions, and layers of sword power swept in one after another like a stormy wave, almost drowning him.

  For a moment, Jiang Wanying only felt as if he was facing a joint attack from dozens of practitioners, and he was clumsy and embarrassed for a while.

  In just seven or eight breaths, he had many wounds.

   This is because Lin Shen saw that Jiang Wanying had fallen into the formation and could no longer escape, so he had the idea of ​​using him to practice swordsmanship, all of which were low-level martial arts.

   Otherwise, Jiang Wanying would have died long ago.

  But Jiang Wanying didn't know this. Seeing that Lin Shen didn't use real martial arts from the beginning to the end, but only used some low-level martial arts, he thought he was deliberately teasing himself, and he felt a surge of anger.

  As an elite disciple of the Blood Sea Sect, he has arrogance in his bones. He was already completely annoyed and aggrieved when he fled temporarily because of the sect's major events. How could he tolerate being so humiliated.

  Under the rush of anger, Jiang Wanying's eyes revealed a faint sense of madness and death.

  He let out a loud roar, and stopped holding his hands for a moment. A thick blood gushed out of his body, and his whole body instantly turned into a blood shadow, and he fit forward and rushed forward.

  Lin Shen was keenly aware of Jiang Wanying's intention immediately, narrowed his eyes when he saw this, and said coldly: "Since you want to seek death early, then I will help you!"

   Before he stabbed with his sword, the Shenyang Nine Swords were unleashed.

   At the same time, the six clones also cast Shenyang Nine Swords at the same time.

  In an instant, dozens of rounds of Yaoyang rose from all directions, engulfing Jiang Wanying with a large amount of golden fire and sword energy.

  After the flame waves and sword energy dissipated, the surrounding area became empty, Jiang Wanying disappeared, and all flesh, muscles and bones melted away without leaving a trace.

  Lin Shen's figure flashed, came to the place where Jiang Wanying disappeared, picked up the flag and a storage ring.

   Putting away the things, Lin Shen glanced at the direction Xie Jingsheng and the others left, activated the Wind Control Technique, turned around and flew in another direction.

  Find a secluded cave, summon a clone to guard the entrance of the cave, Lin Shen then takes out the banner and storage ring from Jiang Wanying, and examines it carefully.

  The whole body of the flag is pitch black, with **** waves embroidered on the front. Just looking at it, I feel a **** air blowing towards my face.

  Lin Shen circulated his true energy to refine the flag, and soon learned the name and origin of this magic weapon.

   Not surprisingly, this magic weapon named Xuetao Banner is indeed a mysterious weapon.

   It is also a unique magic weapon specially refined by the elders of the Blood Sea Sect, which can exert even stronger power when combined with the Blood Sea Sect's cultivation methods.

   This made Lin Shen somewhat disappointed.

   This magic weapon is obviously a first-class evil weapon. If it falls into the hands of practitioners other than the disciples of the Blood Sea Sect, its power will be greatly weakened, and it will not be able to exert 10% of its power.

  For Lin Shen, it is far less useful than Mo Fengyan and Pingling Monument.

  Throwing the Xuetao Banner back into the storage ring, Lin Shen turned to check Jiang Wanying's storage ring.

   After some counting, he was pleasantly surprised.

   There are actually two bottles of casting pills in this storage ring, eighteen in total!

   "Good luck!"

  Lin Shen had a joyful smile on his face.

   One of the purposes of his entering the spiritual cave this time is to collect the spiritual dust needed to refine the spirit casting pill.

  But if you can start to cast the spirit pill, it will be even more troublesome!

  Eighteen casting pills, plus the ones in his hand, a total of thirty casting pills, at least enough for him to forge five or six spiritual veins!

   After a moment of joy, Lin Shen put away the elixir and took out the map.

   There are still twenty days before the opening of the spiritual acupoint, he does not plan to join Xie Jingsheng and the others right now, but plans to find another place to practice while hunting the earth soul.

  It is not too late to set off for the rendezvous when the day when the spiritual acupoint is opened is approaching.

  However, Lin Shen had a vague premonition. Judging from what Jiang Wanying said before, the Blood Sea Sect seemed to be plotting some kind of conspiracy.

   Maybe there are other changes in the matter!

   After pondering for a while, Lin Shen shook his head and temporarily put this matter behind him.

  In any case, improving strength is the top priority.

  No matter what conspiracy the Blood Sea Sect has, as long as it has enough strength, it can crush it and break it with strength.

  After choosing a location on the map with many spirits and monsters, Lin Shen immediately set off, left the cave, and rushed towards the destination vigorously.

at the same time.

   are separated by hundreds of kilometers.

  Running non-stop all the way, the Nine Yang Sect members, who were originally wounded soldiers and exhausted generals, finally couldn't hold on any longer, and stopped panting.

  Xie Jingsheng looked back, his tense expression slightly relaxed.

   "Okay, we ran so far, and we lost our breath along the way, Jiang Wanying should not be able to catch up in a short time!"

  As soon as these words came out, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

   A worried expression appeared on Ai Jingting's face, she frowned and said, "Senior Brother Lin, have you escaped?"

  Xie Jingsheng was actually very worried in his heart, but he still pretended to be calm on the surface, and comforted him: "Don't worry, Junior Brother Lin has always had problems in his chest. Since he said he is sure to escape, he must be fine!"

  Ai Jingting nodded and said no more, but the sadness in her eyes was still hard to hide.

  Xie Jingsheng looked around and saw that everyone was tired, so he said: "Let's find a place to rest for a few days, and then go to the exit of the spiritual point after recovering from the injury."

  Everyone was at the end of their strength long ago, but they held on to hold their breath and did not fall down. They all nodded in agreement after hearing the words.

  Xie Jingsheng took out the map, intending to find a nearby cave with fewer spirits and monsters to rest. Suddenly, his expression changed, and he suddenly turned his head to look at a huge strange rock tens of meters away, and shouted in a low voice.

   "Who's there! Come out!"

  Everyone was taken aback, and after realizing it, they all looked at the strange rock as if facing a big enemy.

   Under the vigilant eyes of everyone, a person slowly walked out from behind the strange rock.

   Everyone at the scene recognized the familiar face, and it was Peng Junqin who just left them and fled the battle not long ago!

"It's you!"

  Xie Jingsheng was taken aback, and then glared at Peng Junqin.

   "Do you still have the face to appear in front of us?"

  Everyone in the monastery also cast angry glances at Peng Junqin.

  Even the inner disciples of the Nine Yang Sect had strange expressions, looking at Peng Junqin with contempt.

   retreating before the battle and abandoning fellow sects, this is a despicable behavior in any sect and condemned by thousands of people!

  Before, they thought that Senior Brother Peng Junqin was a character worth following, but now it seems that he is a selfish and cowardly fellow!

  In comparison, that Taoist disciple named Lin Shen is extremely courageous and admirable!

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion