MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 146 leave you a dead body

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  Chapter 146 Leave you a dead body

   Following Jiang Wanying's move, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse.

  Jiang Wanying's three-headed blood makes it difficult for the inner disciples to fight, so they can only support it.

  As strong as Peng Junqin, he was also suppressed by a blood nematode.

  Jiang Wanying beat Peng Junqin and others completely by himself, and they were in a mess.

   Seeing this scene, Xie Jingsheng and the others were even more astonished.

   It's just that they were besieged by the disciples of the Blood Sea Sect, and they were already too busy to take care of themselves, and there was no time to help the other side.

   After sucking the flesh and blood essence of an inner disciple, the blood nematode made up for the consumed vitality, turned around and rushed towards Peng Junqin again.

   As a last resort, Peng Junqin had no choice but to bite the bullet and manipulate the Five Qi Suppressing God Order to attack.

   After less than a quarter of an hour of confrontation, the aura on the Five Qi Suppressing God Order dimmed a lot, which made Peng Junqin feel pain.

   At this moment, the blood nematode turned around and pounced on an inner disciple, devouring his flesh and blood in a blink of an eye, replenishing the consumed vitality again.

  However, this did not make Peng Junqin even more astonished.

   Seemingly tired of the long battle, Jiang Wanying sneered and threw another **** light.

   Another blood nematode!

  Seeing the two blood nematodes slaughtered, Peng Junqin suddenly felt that his soul was dying, and he couldn't care about anything else, so he suddenly turned around and fled away.

   This scene made the surrounding inner disciples dumbfounded.

  Even Jiang Wanying couldn't help being stunned, and couldn't help laughing when he recovered, the laughter was full of contempt and disdain.

   "This is a disciple of the Nine Suns Sect. He actually ran away and abandoned the lives of his fellow disciples. He really has a lot of backbone!"

  Laughter spread far away.

  All the disciples of the Nine Yang Sect around them were flushed, humiliated and angry.

  There is anger at Jiang Wanying's ridicule.

   But more of it was the shock and disbelief that Peng Junqin left them and ran away alone!

  Peng Junqin also heard Jiang Wanying's words, his face twitched fiercely, but his escape speed did not slow down.

  No matter how important face is, life is more important?

  If you stay in the green hills, you don’t have to worry about no firewood, as long as you escape successfully, leave the spiritual cave to report to the sect, and then bring someone back to kill all the disciples of the blood sea sect to take revenge.

  As for Xie Jingsheng and the others and the remaining inner disciples, if nothing else happens, they will all die here today.

   Everyone is dead, so no one is going to spread the word about him running away!

  Thinking of this, Peng Junqin became more determined to escape, and accelerated his speed again.

   Seeing this, Jiang Wanying sneered.

   "Want to escape? It depends on whether I agree or not!"

   After saying that, blood gushed out from all over his body, and he shot out as a fuzzy blood shadow, which was even faster than Peng Junqin.

  The two of them, one in front of the other, disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

  As soon as Jiang Wanying left, the three-headed blood naturally disappeared.

  However, the situation of everyone in Jiuyangzong has not improved.

  Although the Blood Sea Sect lost Jiang Wanying, they also lost Peng Junqin and his Five Qi Suppressing God Order.

   The two phases and one cancel each other out, and the disciples of the Blood Sea Sect who have the upper hand still have the upper hand.

  As time goes by, the Nine Suns Sect has gradually lost ground.

  Xie Jingsheng saw it, and couldn't help feeling bitter.

   "If Junior Brother Lin is here, there will be a turning point!" Xie Jingsheng thought suddenly.

  With Lin Shen's tyrannical strength, one person is enough to be worth seven or eight people.

   With him here, even if they couldn't repel everyone in the Blood Sea Sect, they would still be able to share the victory evenly, so that they would not be defeated.

  It's a pity that Lin Shen hasn't been found since he entered the spiritual cave, and he didn't even respond to Fu Ling, so he didn't know where he went.

  Xie Jingsheng doesn't believe that something will happen to Lin Shen.

  With the strength of the latter, the ghosts in the spiritual cave do not pose much threat to him at all.

   Unless Lin Shen jumped headlong into the dangerous areas on the map where there are many spirits and monsters.

   At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared in the distance in the field of vision, approaching quickly.

  Xie Jingsheng glanced away, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

   "Lin Shen!"

  The people who came were Lin Shen and Ai Jingting.

  The disciples of the Blood Sea Sect also quickly noticed the person coming.

   Several disciples of the Blood Sea Sect recognized Ai Jingting, knowing that she was only at the Long Breath Realm, and seeing Lin Shen with her, they regarded him as a disciple of the Lower Court, and didn't take it to heart.

   After looking at each other, several people greeted them with grim smiles.

  Lin Shen first glanced at Xie Jingsheng and the others, seeing that although they were all wounded, but fortunately they were still alive, he felt slightly relieved, and then turned his head to look at the few disciples of the Blood Sea Sect who were rushing towards him.

   "Die to me!"

   When he came to the front, the leading disciple of the Blood Sea Sect slashed at Lin Shen with a loud shout.

  It's a pity that the one who moved faster than him was a sharp sword light.

  The light of the sword pierced through the void like lightning, and then the first shot passed over the neck of the disciple of the Blood Sea Sect, and a fine head flew into the sky instantly.


  The headless corpse rushed forward a few steps in inertia, then fell to the ground with a bang, and the blood sprayed from the broken neck fanned forward several meters away.

  The other two disciples of the Blood Sea Sect who were a few steps behind were shocked when they saw this. Before they could react, the crimson sword light had turned an arc, and passed across the necks of the two of them like lightning!

   In an instant, two heads flew up again!

  In the blink of an eye, the three disciples of the Blood Sea Sect were all decapitated.

  The sudden change surprised everyone present.

   It's just that the people of Jiuyang Sect were surprised, while the people of Xuehai Sect were horrified.

"kill him!"

  A disciple of the Blood Sea Sect shouted loudly, and rushed towards Lin Shen with a full face.

  At this time, the rest of the people also saw the tyranny of the person who came, and immediately abandoned Xie Jingsheng and others, and allocated more than half of their people to surround Lin Shen, intending to deal with the biggest threat first!

  Xie Jingsheng and the others saw their faces change slightly, and wanted to stop the disciples of the Blood Sea Sect.

   But before he could move, a sharp piercing sound suddenly rang out in his ears.

  Among the disciples of the Blood Sea Sect who rushed towards Lin Shen, the four who rushed forward the fastest were suddenly struck by lightning, their bodies twitched violently for a moment, and then collapsed to the ground.

   Everyone was startled, and looked closely, only to find that the four people had a fist-sized blood hole in their mouths at some point, and blood flowed out of it.

   Before everyone could recover, the sound of piercing the air broke out again, and four more disciples of the Blood Sea Sect fell to the ground and died!

  This time, everyone finally saw clearly that it was four invisible sword qi that killed the four people. The speed was faster than lightning, and they attacked in the blink of an eye. The blood sea sect disciple who was killed had no time to react!

  In just one breath, eight people died at the opponent's hands.

  The remaining disciples of the Blood Sea Sect all showed horrified eyes, they didn't know that they kicked the iron plate!

  The person in front of him is clearly an extremely powerful master, even stronger than the Jiuyang Sect disciple who held the Five Qi Suppressing God Order just now!

  Thinking of this, they turned around and fled without any thought of fighting.

  Lin Shen would not let these "babies of experience" go, the Qijue sword qi shot out again and again, killing more than a dozen disciples of the Blood Sea Sect in a short time.

  During the period, the talent of Killing Demonstration Dao was successfully triggered, allowing the Qijue Sword Qi, which was already close to breaking through, to successfully break through to the fifth floor!

  Lin Shen nodded secretly, but remained calm, and came in front of Xie Jingsheng and the others.

   "Brother Xie, Brother Mu, are you alright?"

  Xie Jingsheng and Mu Chuanhua's faces were filled with surprise, and they all laughed out loud.

   "There was almost an accident, but as soon as Junior Brother Lin comes, we will be fine!"

   "Junior Brother Lin came in time, thanks to you, we managed to save our lives!"

  The rest of the lower court disciples also cast grateful and awe-inspiring gazes at Lin Shen.

  The scene of Lin Shen killing more than 20 disciples of the Blood Ocean Sect with a gesture of raising his hands and feet just now shocked them inexplicably.

  The enemy they could not deal with with all their strength was easily wiped out by Lin Shen single-handedly.

   Such a clear gap made them full of amazement!

  Even Xie Jingsheng and Mu Chuanhua couldn't help being secretly surprised.

  Compared to the time when he killed Yan Jingren, Lin Shen's strength and cultivation had obviously improved to a higher level, and he had already left the two of them far behind.

   It is obvious that Lin Shen has gained a lot in the spiritual acupoint during this period.

  Compared to everyone in the Taoist academy, the inner disciples on the other side were even more surprised.

  When they met the Taoist people at the hole, their attention was all on Xie Jingsheng and Mu Chuanhua, the two veteran disciples of the upper courtyard, and they didn't notice Lin Shen at all.

  Who would have thought that this young man with a low sense of presence is the strongest among these people!

   Even better than Peng Junqin!

  A group of inner disciples looked at each other, full of surprise in their hearts, when did such a powerful figure appear in Jiuyang Taoist Academy?

  Recovering from the surprise, Xie Jingsheng asked about Lin Shen's whereabouts during this time.

  Lin Shen casually brushed it off, saying that he couldn't find them, and then found a nearby place to practice.

   Fortunately, Xie Jingsheng and the others did not suspect him, and never thought that Lin Shen would take the initiative to go to the places marked on the map that he and the others deliberately stayed away from.

  When Xie Jingsheng found out how Lin Shen and Ai Jingting met, and learned that the other two lower court disciples had died, he couldn't help but sighed.

This trip to the spiritual acupoint, I thought it would be very smooth, and I would be able to return a month later. Who would have thought that I would meet someone from the Blood Sea Sect, so that the casualties were heavy, and the disciples of the Taoist school who came in died almost Not to mention half of it, the rest also suffered serious injuries.

  Xie Jingsheng and the others were also full of confusion regarding the sudden appearance of the disciples of the Blood Sea Sect.

  It wasn't until Ai Jingting told Lin Shen's conjecture that they suddenly agreed.

   "Junior Brother Lin's guess is very likely!" Xie Jingsheng nodded solemnly, "There is probably another entrance to the spiritual acupoint, and this news must be reported to the sect as soon as possible!"

  Everyone nodded in agreement.

  Lin Shen said in a deep voice: "It's better for us to leave here first, that Jiang Wanying may return sometime!"

  Everyone agreed as if waking up from a dream.

  Xie Jingsheng took out the map and pointed to a place marked with a door pattern on it.

   "The exit of the spiritual acupoint is at this location. Let's go around here first, find a place to hide, and leave immediately when the spiritual acupoint is opened in twenty days!"

  After such a incident, everyone in the Taoist academy had long since lost the idea of ​​cultivating, and just wanted to leave the spiritual cave as soon as possible.

   After Peng Junqin abandoned his fellow disciples and escaped alone, and was saved by Lin Shen, a group of inner disciples were filled with shame and gratitude, so naturally they would not object.

  So everyone quickly reached an agreement, and immediately set off towards the entrance.

  However, due to injuries and excessive consumption of true energy, the speed of everyone's journey was not fast.

  About half an hour later, they suddenly felt a cold and powerful aura behind them, approaching at a high speed.

  Xie Jingsheng and the others had all seen Jiang Wanying make a move, and immediately recognized that the aura chasing after him belonged to Jiang Wanying.

   "Oops! Jiang Wanying is chasing after me!"

   "How, what should I do?"

  Many people changed their expressions.

  They all have a deep understanding of Jiang Wanying's strength. Even with Lin Shen by their side, they are still not half sure that they can defeat Jiang Wanying.

   It was too late to escape at this time, and a group of wounded soldiers and generals couldn't escape Jiang Wanying.

  Xie Jingsheng's expression changed several times, and he gritted his teeth suddenly, and was about to say that he would stay and let the others escape first, but before he could say anything, Lin Shen's voice came from his ear.

   "I'll lure him away, you go first!"

   Everyone looked at Lin Shen in astonishment, while Xie Jingsheng and Ai Jingting were taken aback.

   "No, Junior Brother Lin, that Jiang Wanying is extremely powerful, I'm afraid you alone are no match!" Xie Jingsheng hastily stopped him.

  Ai Jingting also nodded quickly, and said, "That's right, it's too dangerous for you alone!"

  Lin Shen said calmly: "Don't worry, I don't intend to fight Jiang Wanying to the death. I just hold him back for a while. When you go far away, I will wait for the opportunity to escape."

  Seeing that Xie Jingsheng and the others still looked hesitant, Lin Shen emphasized his tone again.

   "It's not too late, you guys leave quickly, otherwise it will be too late later!"

  Xie Jingsheng is not a fledgling rookie after all, when he knew that he was not a mother-in-law, he finally stopped hesitating, took a deep look at Lin Shen, and said solemnly: "Take care, Junior Brother Lin!"

   After making a decision, everyone stopped delaying and immediately rushed forward.

  Watching everyone away with a calm expression, Lin Shen then turned to greet Jiang Wanying.

  The reason why he stayed behind was of course not to sacrifice himself for others.

  Lin Shen had learned about Jiang Wanying's strength from Xie Jingsheng and others a long time ago, and felt that he was strong enough to handle it, so he persuaded Xie Jingsheng and others to leave.

  With such a large group of burdens, he and Jiang Wanying couldn't help but feel their hands tied.

  On the contrary, a person is more calm, no matter whether it is fighting or retreating, there is no need to worry.

  Furthermore, he came to the spiritual acupoint to break through to the ninth floor of the Mingqiao as soon as possible, so naturally he didn't intend to waste the rest of the time on hiding.

  So it is undoubtedly most suitable to act alone.

  Jiang Wanying saw the actions of the Nine Yang Sect members from a distance, and did not stop him when he saw it, but stopped at a distance of 30 to 40 meters from Lin Shen, looked the latter up and down a few times, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

   "It seems that you killed my juniors!"

  Jiang Wanying was about to catch up with Peng Junqin at first, but the latter suddenly sacrificed a treasure, his speed soared several times, and he was thrown off in a blink of an eye.

   In desperation, Jiang Wanying had no choice but to turn back to the original battle place, but was shocked to find that all the disciples of the Blood Sea Sect had been wiped out.

  Furiously furious, Jiang Wanying chased after him aggressively along with the remaining aura along the way.

He inspected the corpses of the disciples of the Blood Sea Sect, and found that they all died under some kind of sword energy, and all of them were killed in one blow. people.

  Lin Shen's face was unfamiliar, he didn't belong to any of those people before, and he stayed behind alone, the combination of the two, his identity was ready to be revealed.

   Facing Jiang Wanying's question, Lin Shen didn't say a word, but calmly took out the Chunyang Talisman Sword.

  Jiang Wanying already had the answer in his heart, and he didn't care if Lin Shencheng didn't admit it, so he took a look at him, nodded and said:

   "You are much more courageous than the guy who ran away just now. As a compliment to you, I can leave you a whole body!"

  Lin Shen smiled, and didn't engage in this kind of verbal dispute. Without a word, he raised his sword and rushed towards Jiang Wanying.

  A cold light flashed in Jiang Wanying's eyes, and three **** souls came out of his body in an instant, killing them head-on with a murderous aura.

Although Jiang Wanying is at the ninth level of Mingqiao, he has already forged thirty-two spiritual veins in his body, and he is only one step away from achieving the second level of spiritual veins. superior.

   And these three blood souls were refined by him with countless efforts, and their strength is not inferior to that of ordinary Mingqiao ninth-level practitioners!

  Under the siege of the three-headed blood and soul, the practitioners on the eighth floor of the ordinary Mingqiao will probably be enraged within a few rounds.

  It's a pity that what they encountered was not an ordinary eight-level enlightenment, but a monster that cannot be measured by common sense!

   Before the three-headed blood rushed to Lin Shen, a giant red palm appeared out of thin air in front of him, spread out for a hundred meters, cut across the blue sky, and fell from the sky like covering the sky and blocking out the sun!

  Caught off guard, the three-headed blood had no time to dodge, and was immediately hit by the red giant palm!

  As the blazing energy and flame waves swept over, the rich color on the body of the three-headed blood suddenly dimmed for a few minutes, and the originally erratic movements also stagnated, no longer as fast as before.

   Jiang Wanying, who was calmly watching Lin Shen's dying struggle, changed his expression and exclaimed.

   "True martial arts!"

  The kid in front of him actually mastered real martial arts!

  Jiang Wanying's heart was full of turmoil. He never thought that he would see the rumored true martial arts here!

  He could clearly feel the power of heaven and earth contained in that giant red palm.

   Except for the legendary real martial arts, there is no other martial arts with such great power!

  Jiang Wanying naturally did not understand what true martial arts meant.

   After recovering from the shock, a surprise appeared on his face.

  A person who can master real martial arts skills is definitely worthy of the title of a peerless genius. If he can kill this kid here, it will undoubtedly be a big loss for Jiuyangzong.

  Thinking of this, Jiang Wanying's killing intent was overwhelming, and he stopped holding back his hands. He immediately shouted angrily, blood gushed out all over his body, and turned into a **** giant hand more than ten meters long, and slammed down on Lin Shen!

  But the next moment, a golden armor suddenly appeared, covering Lin Shen's whole body.

  The **** giant hand hit the golden armor, making a muffled sound, but the golden armor was unscathed.

  Watching this scene, Jiang Wanying was so stunned that his eyes almost popped out.

  Another true martial art? !

  (end of this chapter)

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