MTL - Medical Martial God-Chapter 1737 Dragon Emperor Lan Feng, the deity is here!

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"I want to take someone away, does anyone have any comments?"

Eagle-eyed Sword Emperor Mihawk's sharp eyes swept the surrounding people, and his expression was cold.

This time, the Slaughter Blade Emperor did not dare to speak again, because he was busy refining the domineering sword intent in [] in his body.

On the contrary, the cold light flashed in the eyes of the Great Emperor Dark Night, his eyes stared at Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk, his eyes flashed with cold light.

"You alone are going to take her away, I'm afraid it's not enough! Everyone says, right?"

The cold and majestic voice came from the mouth of the Great Dark Night.

"Yes, although the Eagle Eye Sword Emperor is powerful, we are so many and powerful. It is impossible to take people away from under our noses!"

"Haha...who does he think he is? When you come to this dragon-slaying venue, come as you want, leave as you want?"

"This conference was prepared for the Dragon Emperor and the others. Since the Eagle Eye Sword Emperor came first, then let's take him to the sword!"

"A mere person dares to be an enemy of our cosmic alliance, really recklessly!"

With the dark night emperor taking the lead in speaking, other people all agreed and said at this moment.

"Mihawk, have you seen it? No one here is afraid of you! Although your cultivation is strong, can you stand against our cosmic alliance alone?"

The Great Dark Night nodded in satisfaction, and a cold voice came from his mouth.

"If he alone is not enough, what about us?"

However, his words just fell silent, and the cold and majestic voice rang at this moment.

With the sound of this sound, under the gaze of people's astonishment, a huge battlestar resembling a true dragon's lair flew from the distant sky and appeared in everyone's sight.

This huge battlestar is impressively the headquarters of Dragon Nest.

Above the Dragon Nest headquarters, soldiers in Dragon Nest uniforms were fully armed and stood facing the wind.

The first person is a woman in a purple imperial robe. She possesses an alluring beauty that fascinates all beings. Her graceful figure is wrapped in the purple imperial robe, revealing her white shoulders and **** collarbone. Ecstatic, fascinated and perverted.

Holding this dry cigarette in her hand, she stood lazily and swallowed the smoke, putting a veil of mystery on her.

The Star Realm Empress Violet, one of the Dao companions of the Dragon Emperor Lan Feng, a terrifying existence on the Cosmos Emperor list, it is said that she was once the ruler of the Star Realm and is called the Star Realm Great Emperor.

The figures exuding imperial prestige beside her stood against the wind, releasing the breath of pressure.

If Ye Xuan were here, he would definitely be able to recognize them all.

Because they are amazingly strong in Dragon Nest such as Wu Qianjue, Ye Sifeng, Su Haoran, Card Emperor Ou Yueyun, Chu Nan, Qin Yang, Sniper God Killing Heaven, Purple Phoenix, and Mi Weier, the Queen of the Dragon Region.

Of course, there are Qin Jiutian of the Nine Sky Star Region, the great elder Tian Chenzi of the Haotian Medicine Sect, and others.

Now their cultivation bases are all at the level of Immortal Emperors, and some have even entered the ranks of Great Emperors.

Behind them are the core elites of the Dragon Nest, the blue shark queen Annel, the violent golden lion king Antonio, the ghostly sky eye Charlotte, the beast king Cade...

Their cultivation bases are all at the title domain master level.

The return of the Astral Empress and the emergence of the Dragon Emperor have made the resources of the entire Dragon Nest infinitely powerful and doubled their combat effectiveness.

Now that the Dragon Nest army is crushing the realm, the horror is coming, and the people on the scene are almost out of breath.

Especially the female emperor of the star realm, Wu Qianjue, the **** of war, Ye Sifeng, Su Haoran, the card emperor Ou Yueyun, Chu Nan, and the aura released by the gods of slaying the sky are extremely powerful.


However, what shocked them even more is still to come.

Under their shocking gaze, the top ten fierce beasts once under the Dragon Emperor's seat slowly emerged at this moment, entrenched and above the void.

A sacred beast coercion sufficient to hire the American emperor spread out from their bodies and swept in all directions.

The eternal ancestor dragon with its teeth dancing and claws, the evil sculpture with a human face and an eagle-body, Bai Ze, the lord of the ice of the frozen world, the sky-swallowing prisoner cow that swallows all things, the eight-clawed dragon that drives thunder and lightning, and the Yin-chewing dragon that destroys stars, The evil emperor, the source of evil, and the heroic white dragon unicorn clearly appeared in people's sights, shocking their eyes.

Perhaps, they were not strong enough in the battle of the Azure Front, but with the return of the Astral Empress and Dragon Emperor, they have evolved into the supreme sacred beasts, suppressing the Shi Fang!

All this is not over yet.

Behind them, two indescribable behemoths appeared quietly.

It was an ancient mammoth that had survived for billions of years and the Queen of Canaan, who was extremely huge and controlled the sea of ​​nine stars.

With their appearance, the terrible coercion suppressed the Shifang, making the people at the Dragon Slaying Conference shocked.

Looking at the huge and luxurious camp of Dragon Nest, and feeling their aura, every member of the Cosmos Alliance looked solemn and shocked.

They never expected that the humble and weak Earth Star Race had so many powerful people in a short period of time, and they had such a powerful lineup.

It can be said that the strength of their lineup is not weaker than that of the Alchemist Guild.

Compared to the Cosmos Alliance, Wangxianlou and the Alchemist Guild were extremely happy.

The strength displayed by Dragon Nest is powerful and fierce, which is more advantageous to them.

"Mihawk, I haven't seen you for more than a hundred years...Your kendo is stronger!"

Looking at the eagle-eyed sword emperor Mihawk who stood with the sword, Violet, the female emperor of the star world, Chu Nan, the **** of sniper killing the sky, and the **** of war Wu Qianjue they greeted with a smile.

"You are not weak!"

Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk smiled and answered.

Afterwards, he set his gaze on the black-eyed Emperor in front of him, his eyes flashed with sharp and cold light, and the sound of harsh words came out from his mouth.

"Emperor Heitian, we should resolve the grievances we had over a hundred years ago!"

"Haha... to resolve grievances, you don't have enough manpower, do you only have this strength?"

Hei Tiandi smiled coldly and said disdainfully.


As his words fell, fifty great emperor-level auras and Hundred Dao Immortal Emperor-level auras rose into the sky, turning into countless black dragons roaring up to the sky.


The roar of the black dragon resounded through the sky, shaking away the momentum and coercion gathered by the arrival of the dragon's nest.

This scene made Wang Xianlou, the people of the Alchemist Guild looked solemn, and their eyes shone with solemn light.

The Dragon Nest's strength was indeed beyond their expectations, but apart from the ten evil spirits, they had only less than five great emperor-level powerhouses, which was far worse than the Great Alliance.

Even the great emperors of their Wangxianlou and Alchemist Guild counted as fewer than twelve great emperors, and they were indeed far behind the Great Universe Alliance.

Moreover, the number of immortal emperor-level powerhouses is still quite different from the number of titled domain masters and domain masters.

It can be said that if you really want to fight, even if it is Dragon Nest, Alchemist Guild, Wangxianlou and all of them, they may not be opponents of the cosmic alliance.

After all, two-thirds or even three-quarters of the strong in the universe are in their camp.

"Emperor Wangqing, Emperor Tiantian, don't you Wangxianlou and Pharmacist Guild stand in line?"

Upon seeing this, Hei Tiandi smiled confidently, turned his head and turned his gaze to Wangxianlou, the Great Emperor Wangqing of the Alchemist Guild camp, and the Great Emperor Liantian laughed.

The Great Emperor Wangqing, the Great Emperor Liantian had a cold face, a solemn expression, and did not speak.

The strength of the Cosmos Alliance is indeed strong, and there is no force in the universe that can compete with them.

"When we encircled the Dragon Emperor and the Eagle Eye Sword Emperor more than a hundred years ago, you Wangxianlou and the Alchemist Guild did not take any action. They remained neutral... But now, you must make a choice!"

"The emperor asks you, are you going to fight against our cosmic alliance with the Dragon Nest Alliance, or join our cosmic alliance to destroy the Dragon Nest with us, level the stars, and survive the cosmic catastrophe?"

Seeing that Emperor Wangqing and Emperor Liantian looked solemn and did not express their views, Emperor Heitian sneered and said.

"You have time to consider the incense stick! Come here, burn the incense!"

With a wave of the Heitian Emperor's hand, someone immediately lit an incense.

Emperor Wangqing and Emperor Liantian both looked at the Cosmos Alliance camp, and then at the Dragon Nest camp, their expressions were solemn, and they fell into long thoughts.

Although they all support Dragon Nest in their hearts, the lineup gap between Dragon Nest and the Cosmos League is extremely large.

Even if the Dragon Nest possesses the Dragon Emperor, they are not confident enough that the Dragon Nest will win.

They originally wanted to wait until the catastrophe came five years later, Ye Xuan resumed his cultivation and returned to the peak, and then jointly confronted the Black Soul Palace.

But now that the war is about to start, it will not be delayed at all.

They must make a choice today.

Is it to join forces with Dragon Nest to fight against the Great Alliance, or to join the Big Alliance against Dragon Nest?

Regarding this, neither the Dragon Nest nor the Cosmos Alliance interfered with their choice.

"It's time for a stick of incense, forget feelings, refine the sky... You should give us the answer!" 

Soon the time for a stick of incense passed, and the cold voice of Emperor Heitian rang at this moment.

"More than a hundred years ago, we watched you besiege Dragon Emperor and Eagle Eye Sword Emperor. We chose to remain silent and remain neutral... In the end, Dragon Emperor and Eagle Eye Sword Emperor mysteriously disappeared, but the universe fell into chaos. The Black Soul Palace took the opportunity to invade!"

"Now, we will not repeat the same mistakes of the past! So we choose to live and die with Dragon Nest!"

Emperor Liantian and Emperor Wangqing looked at each other and said word by word.

"Live and die with Dragon Nest!"

"With the total death!"

"With the total death!"

As the words of Emperor Liantian and Emperor Wangqing fell, everyone in Wangxianlou and the experts in the Alchemist Guild shouted together at this moment.

Their voices resounded like a rainbow, resounding through the sky.

They made a mistake more than a hundred years ago, and today they will not be wrong again.

"Haha...really a wrong choice! Now that you have all made this decision, then...this emperor will stop persuading you, after all, I have given you a chance!"

"In a moment, you will follow the Dragon Nest and destroy it together!"

Hei Tiandi's words fell, he stretched out his fingers to point to the sky, the majestic energy burst out like bright fireworks, rushed to the sky and burst suddenly.


The fireworks burst, and the roar of the holy beast was endless.

Numerous cultivators of the Great Universe Alliance in the Dragon Slaying venue rose into the sky and flew in front of the Heitian Emperor.

The earth shattered, and a sacred beast with the battle power level of the immortal emperor drilled out from the ground or flew from a distance to surround the three powerful powers of Dragon Nest, Wangxianlou, and Alchemist Guild.

Looking around, there are hundreds of these holy beasts, and their fierce aura swept the sky!

Not only that, but there are millions of archers appearing in the distant sky, with sharp arrows pointing at them all.

At this moment, the three powers of Dragon Nest, Wangxianlou, and Alchemist Guild were surrounded by groups and fell into desperation.

For this dragon slaying conference, the Universe Alliance has been meticulously prepared!

Since they came here, they have entered the net of heaven and earth.

"Haha... do you feel the fear?"

"Everyone, are you afraid?"

"Where is the Dragon Emperor that you believe in? Where is he? Isn't he timid and scared to show up?"

Looking at the besieged Dragon Nest, Wangxianlou, the Alchemist Guild, the Heitian Emperor, the Dark Night Emperor, they laughed.

"Since the Dragon Emperor does not dare to show up, then we will send you on the road first! He is left alone, and he can't get over any waves!"

"Arrow! Attack!"

Heitiandi said indifferently.

"Shoo, hoo..."

"Boom boom boom!"

As his words fell, millions of archers gathered together to shoot arrows, and countless arrows went straight to them.

Hundreds of sacred beasts opened their mouths to condense the sacred beast smashing bombs, spitting out energy **** that destroy all things, and bombarded the people in the dragon nest, blasting them into mud.

Such a powerful attack, even the titled emperor would have to fall!

A strong crisis filled the hearts of Xiaolong, Hun Yuying, Ao Bingxue and the others.

The female emperor of the stars, the great emperor Liantian, and the great emperor Wangqing were also solemn.

Seeing countless rain of arrows roaring in, the dense mythical beasts smashed and killed, a sound of shaking dragons resounded through the sky at this moment!


With the sound of this earth-shaking dragon's roar, a door of time and space suddenly appeared in the void.

A golden dragon that obscured the sky rushed out from the inside, and the terrifying Longwei crushed all the sky arrows and energy cannonballs into powder.

On top of the golden dragon's head, a mysterious figure stood tall, releasing a breath of palpitation.

Time seems to be frozen at this moment.

The golden sunlight poured down from the sky, reflecting his sculpted face like a blade.

He has a blade-like face, sword-brows and stars, and he is wearing a black windbreaker. On the windbreaker, a lifelike golden dragon is entrenched, adding an imperial spirit to his whole person.

He holds Jun Yan, standing on top of the golden dragon's head, like a peerless emperor who is king over the world.

Dragon Emperor, Lan Feng!


Read The Duke's Passion