MTL - Medical Martial God-Chapter 1736 Jianqi Wushuang

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Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihok, a close friend of Dragon Emperor Lan Feng, was the top 20 titled emperor of the universe emperor list a hundred years ago. Because his eyes are sharper than eagle eyes, and his kendo looks at the universe, no one can compare. Was given the title Eagle Eye Sword Emperor.

From the beginning of his wandering in the universe, ten titled emperors have fallen to his hands, immortal emperors strong, and countless titled domain masters.

This is definitely a particularly terrifying existence.

Even the Heitian Emperor changed his face after seeing the Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk.

He thought that this guy had fallen in a battle that lasted more than a hundred years, but he never expected that he would be alive like Dragon Emperor.

"Unexpectedly you were not dead!"

The Great Dark Night next to Emperor Hei Tian stared at Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk with cold eyes, and there was a cold voice in his mouth.

The Great Dark Night is also the top twenty titled emperors in the universe, his strength is terrifying, powerful, and unfathomable.

He had a battle with Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihok more than one hundred years ago, and he was defeated when Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Miho was injured.

Now that so many years have passed, I don't know how far this guy's strength has soared. 

Not only were they shocked and solemn in their hearts, but also the Great Emperor Liantian of the Alchemist Guild and the Great Emperor Wangxianlou's Wangqing were also shocked.

But they are more excited and excited.

With the appearance of the Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk, they undoubtedly have a little more chance of winning and confidence.

After all, this is a close friend of the Dragon Emperor, a well-known strong man.

"You haven't died, how can this seat die?"

Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk stared at Emperor Dark Night indifferently, and cold words came out of his mouth.

"I want to take this person away, do you have any comments?"

Afterwards, Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk continued to speak.

"This person is from our Cosmos Alliance..."

At the moment, there was a strong immortal emperor who spoke.


However, before he could finish his words, the wooden sword in Mihawk's hands was cut out.

An indescribable domineering sword-qi tearing space rushed towards the strong immortal emperor.

"Spirit Cage Shield!"

The rich life and death permeated the heart of the immortal emperor powerhouse, causing his face to change drastically, his whole body rushed with star power, and a defensive shield formed in front of him to guard him.


In the next moment, the sword gas hit the defensive shield.

The shield with amazing defensive power shattered on the spot, and the overbearing sword energy slammed into the body of the strong immortal emperor.

As if he was struck by lightning, a large amount of black blood was sprayed from his mouth, and his body was destroyed by sword energy on the spot.

"Asshole, you..."

His fairy soul flew out of Tianling Gai, staring at Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk in horror, and there were frightened and angry words in his mouth.

However, before he could finish his words, his fairy soul was eroded into fragments by sword aura under the shocking gaze of people, and disappeared in smoke.

A strong immortal emperor fell!



"It's too strong, one sword destroyed an immortal emperor?"

"How could this happen? He obviously only shot one sword. The immortal emperor has abandoned his body, but how could his immortal soul be killed?"

"Sword energy enters the body and yet enters the soul?"

This scene fell in the eyes of the people around, making them extremely shocked and terrified.

They never thought that the Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk would be so powerful and so domineering.

One sword destroys the emperor, just ask who else?

Such strength suppressed the audience.

After a hundred years of return, he has become stronger.

Heitiandi's face was cold, and his face was hard to see the extreme.

Murderous flashes in the dark night's eyes, his fists creaked.

That sword is indeed very strong.

And the speed is too fast, it makes people hard to defend.

Even, they never saw the Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk out of the sword.

The most important thing is that he actually used a wooden sword!

"Now, does anyone have any comments?"

Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk looked around and spoke coldly.

Anyone who touched his eyes lowered their heads at this moment, and didn't dare to look directly into his eyes.

This is a pair of extremely sharp eyes that will tear one's head apart.

His eyes are sharper than eagle eyes.

His sword is sharper than dragon claws.

He is the Eagle Eye Sword Emperor!

"Hawkeye, you can take this woman away, but you have to save your life!"

An icy voice sounded, but the Slaughter Blade Emperor who was sitting beside the Heitian Emperor stood up.

The Slaughter Knife Emperor, who specializes in Slaughter Knives, is ranked 19th on the list of Cosmos Emperors for his slaughter testimony!

"Oh? To save my life? It's interesting!"

Eagle-eyed Sword Emperor Mihawk's sharp light flashed with dangerous light, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly, and there was a calm voice from his mouth.

"Then let me see if your sword is faster or my sword is faster!"

At the moment his words fell, the wooden sword in his hand slashed out with a sharp sword.

The domineering sword spirit roared out like a Changhong circling the sun.

"Haha... the sword is the king of weapons, your sword is not worth mentioning in front of the sword in this seat!"

Upon seeing this, the Slaughter Blade Emperor laughed and rushed out suddenly, slashing the Slaughter Blade in his hand.


The violent **** sword energy rushed out like a beast.

The sword energy collided with the sword gas, spreading out endless energy.

The sword qi suddenly fell apart, and the domineering sword qi went straight to the Slaughter Blade Emperor but was dodged by him sideways.

And he showed his body skills, and instantly appeared in front of the Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk, and the killing knife in his hand slashed down at the Eagle Eye Sword Emperor with a bright and sharp blade.

"Haha... die for me, no one can stop my killing knife at such a close intensity, let alone the wooden sword you still use..."

"Eagle Eye Sword Emperor, today is your death day tomorrow!"

The Slaughter Blade Emperor laughed, the muscle strength of his right arm exploded, and the great emperor's might spread. The Slaughter Blade in his hand was cut out at a faster speed and took the forehead of Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk.

The corner of Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk's mouth rose slightly, and the wooden sword in his hand blocked it.

"Trivial Wooden Sword also wants to block me? Overpowered!"

Seeing the action of Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk, the disdain in the eyes of Slaughter Blade Emperor became stronger, and the power cut by the Slaughter Blade in his hand became more wild and ferocious.

Fame stunt: Kill with one sword!


In the next moment, under the gaze of people's astonishment, the Slaughter Blade of the Slaughter Blade Emperor slashed on the wooden sword of the Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk.

The killing knife enough to tear a star was blocked by a wooden sword.

The Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk's body remained motionless.

"how is this possible?"

"How can a wooden sword block my killing knife?"

The attack was blocked, and the sound of horror and loss came from Slaughter Blade Emperor's mouth.

This is his mortal blow.

However, he never dreamed that this powerful blow would be blocked by the Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk's wooden sword.

He could see clearly, it was an ordinary wooden sword.

Even an iron sword can easily cut it off.

However, he blocked his killing knife.

His slaughter knife is a weapon of heaven, containing the power of heaven.

"how come?"

"What the **** is this?"

"The killer sword that killed the sword emperor was blocked by the wooden sword?"

"That's just an ordinary wooden sword, how can it block the killing knife?"

This scene simply shocked the eyes of all people around.

They opened their eyes and opened their mouths, watching this scene blankly, the expressions on their faces as if they had seen a ghost, and the shock in their hearts could not be described in words.


Really is too powerful.

It is so powerful that they are simply unimaginable.

Even the great emperor Liantian, the great emperor Wangqing, and the top titled emperors of Heitian were filled with shock and surprise that were indescribable and described.

"Is this your knife?"

Easily blocked Slaughter Blade Emperor's lore, Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk did not have the slightest fluctuation on his face, and a trace of coldness and disappointment flashed in his eagle-eyed sharp eyes.

The indifferent voice came from his mouth.

"If this is your knife, then I would be disappointed too much!"

As the words of the Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk fell, his arm shook, and a powerful sword aura burst out and shook the Slaughter Blade Emperor's Slaughter Blade.

The wooden sword in his hand pierced him with an endless sharp light.

The ordinary straight stabbing fell into the eyes of Slaughter Blade Emperor, but his face changed drastically, and his heart surged with despair.

Without thinking about it, the killing knife in his hand stood in front of him.


Under the gaze of people's horror and astonishment, the wooden sword of Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk stabbed on the killing knife.

"Kacha Kacha..."

Cracks spread vertically and horizontally on the killing blade, and then the entire killing blade burst into fragments.

The sharp wooden sword stabbed towards the Slaughter Sabre Emperor unabated, and it kept expanding in his pupils.

This sword didn't know what kind of rules it contained, and he couldn't avoid it at all.

"Do not……"

An unprecedented despair filled his heart, causing him to cry desperately.

"Damn it!"

The Great Dark Night's face changed and he rushed out violently, as if he was blocking the Slaughter Blade Emperor in an instant, and the endless Dark Night power rushed out and swallowed his wooden sword.


The sound of clothes shattering quietly sounded.

The fog of the dark night disappeared without a trace, and the figures of the dark emperor and the killing sword emperor slowly emerged from the side.

Click, click, click!

There was a bottomless wound on the left shoulder of Slaughter Blade Emperor, and bright red blood dripped continuously along the wound.

The domineering sword intent rushed across his body, making his face pale to the extreme.

If it weren't for the great dark night to help, then he might have been seriously wounded and fell under the sword of Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk.

The power of this sword is so terrifying.

This scene shocked and shocked the people around.

Is this Eagle Eye Sword Emperor so powerful?