MTL - Medical Martial God-Chapter 1699 Expose the Black Soul Temple conspiracy

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Outside, everyone was watching the battlefield enchantment very nervously, with their brows frowning tightly, their expressions full of expectation and solemnity.

As Liu Qingyue unfolded his Black Flame Underworld, everything was covered by the Black Flame Underworld, and they couldn't see what was happening inside.

Now that Ye Xuan defeated Liu Qingyue, the Black Flame Underworld was gradually shattering and dissipating, revealing the scene in the battlefield little by little.

"Is it finally over?"

"Who the **** won?"

"Who else can there be? Of course it is Senior Brother Liu Qingyue, he is the descendant of Sect Master Yaochen!"

"That's right, Senior Brother Liu Qingyue is the titled realm master, not the nine-star realm master Ye Xuan can compare with Bimei."

"Yes, that's right, Senior Brother Liu Qingyue will win!"

Obviously, 90% of people are optimistic about Liu Qingyue. Only the Great Elder, the Fifth Elder, and the Seventh Elder have placed strong hopes on Ye Xuan and believe that he can win.

Even if Ye Xuan lost this game, they believed that Ye Xuan could win back in the next two competitions.

Under the gaze of people's expectation, the black flame in the sky gradually dissipated, the black flame underworld completely disappeared, and a slender figure slowly appeared, emerging in people's sight.

He has long white hair fluttering in the wind, wearing a white battle armor, holding a cool bladed sword, and releasing a comfortable holy light all over his body. It makes people bathe in the spring breeze and brings people light and hope, just like the king of dawn.

He is not Ye Xuan, who is he?

"It's him?"

"Where is Senior Brother Liu Qingyue?"

"Where is Senior Brother Liu Qingyue, why didn't he see him?"

Seeing Ye Xuan who showed his figure, the people at the scene were stunned.

"Where is the young master?"

Hidden in the crowd, the faces of the masters of the Black Soul Palace such as Hei Lao and other Black Soul Palace also changed. A stormy sea was set off in his heart, and a puzzled voice came from his mouth.

They didn't expect to see Liu Qingyue appear, and they felt it carefully, and didn't notice Liu Qingyue's breath.

"What the **** is going on?"

It's not just Elder Hei and others panicking, even if it is Yao Wuji, who has always supported Liu Qingyue, the second elder, third elder and others are also panicking.

They waited for a while, but still did not see Liu Qingyue appear.

However, the Great Elder, the Fifth Elder and the others looked at each other, and they were all able to see the shock and surprise in each other's eyes.

They had an extremely bold idea in their hearts. Could it be that Ye Xuan's kid killed Liu Qingyue?

"Boy, where is Liu Qingyue?"

Yao Wuji's expression was cold, he unlocked the barrier, and glared at Ye Xuan and asked coldly.

"He lost to me, Torn Void and escaped."

Ye Xuan thought for a while to answer, and after a pause he continued to speak: "Maybe he is in a turbulent time and space now!"

"What? How could this be?"

Ye Xuan's words caused all the people at the scene to be dumbfounded and into an uproar.

They had no idea that Liu Qingyue would be defeated by Ye Xuan, and finally escaped by tearing the void.

When people were shocked, Ye Xuan spoke to the great elder: “Elder, Liu Qingyue is not the descendant of Yao Chen, but the young master of the Black Soul Palace! They captured Yao Chen and captured him. His token, he has practiced medicine alchemy and came here... Its purpose is to control the Clear Sky Medicine Sect! Now in this sect, there are still the masters of the Black Soul Palace he planted in the crowd. I will tell them where they are. secretly ordered people to approach, and then look for opportunities to take them down!" "What? Liu Qingyue is the young master of the Black Soul Palace, and Sect Master Yaochen was captured by the Black Soul Palace? There are still in our Clear Sky Medicine Sect. People in the Black Soul Palace?"

Ye Xuan's remarks were too informative, and they were undoubtedly shocked by the Great Elder.

"Yes... please trust me too! The top priority is to find a way to take down the people in the Black Soul Palace. Among them are two domain masters, one titled master, five masters... and two more. On the way the domain master is bringing people here, please be very careful with the great elder!"

Ye Xuan said with a solemn expression.

Right now, Ye Xuan told the great elder the location of Hei Lao and others.

Hearing his words, the great elder looked solemn, nodded secretly, swept in the direction where Hei Lao and the others were without a trace, secretly awe-inspiring.

He can perceive the strength and extraordinaryness of the opponent.

It seems that what Ye Xuan said is not false.

Thinking of this, the Great Elder couldn't help taking a deep breath, and he quickly spoke to the fifth elder, seventh elder, poison elder, and Lieyang elder.

At the same time, he pondered a little, and transmitted to the deputy suzerain Yao Chen: "Yao Wuji, although you and I have disagreements, they are all for the prosperity of the sect... But you made a big mistake because of this. You led the wolf into the room and almost let it go. My Vast Sky Medicine Sect has fallen into a place where no one can recover!"

"Why did the Great Elder say this?"

Hearing the voice transmission of the great elder, the deputy sect master Yao Wuji's eyes drenched, and he asked in a deep voice.

"I can tell you, but don't say anything about it..."

"Okay, you say!"

"The Liu Qingyue you brought back is the young master of the Black Soul Palace. Sect Master Yaochen was imprisoned by the Black Soul Palace. He obtained the token of Sect Master Yaochen and came here... Now he has been taken by Ye Xuan!"

"What? How could this be?"

The voice transmission of the great elder shocked him by causing a stormy sea to rise in the heart of Deputy Sect Master Yao Wuji.

"In addition, a large number of masters of the Black Soul Palace have sneaked into the sect. I need you to take them down with me... then you will know the truth and falsehood of the matter! But at the moment, you have to accompany me to act and let those guys So as not to detect the strangeness and startle the snake!"

The great elder spoke again: "Can I trust you?"

"Don't worry, it's a major event in the sect! I know which is more important."

Yao Wuji said.

As their exchanges ended, a series of plans and instructions were passed on and carried out in secret.

"Bold Ye Xuan, where did you get Liu Qingyue?"

Yao Wuji took a deep breath, then sternly shouted at Ye Xuan's body.

"I said, he lost to me, torn the void and fled, now he should be in the turbulence of time and space!"

Ye Xuan's face was expressionless, and he answered indifferently.

"Since Liu Qingyue has already been defeated and escaped, I declare that Ye Xuan will win this competition!"

At the moment, the Great Elder quickly announced at this moment.

"Huh, he won the first match, so what about the second match? Now that Liu Qingyue has not returned, what should he do? Can't let him inherit the position of suzerain like this?"

Yao Wuji's eyes flickered with cold light, and he spoke indifferently.

"All this will be said until Liu Qingyue returns. The succession ceremony will be held another day, and now the meeting is over!"

Before the elder could speak, Yao Wuji said decisively.

"Cut, have you made a mistake? The succession ceremony will be held another day?"

"Isn't it, there was such a big battle, but I stopped doing it?"

"Who actually fell into the hands of this Sect Master?"

Hearing Yaowuji's words, everyone only felt very disappointed, and the people around also sighed and started to disperse in an orderly manner.

Soon, the crowded square gradually became empty.

"Elder Black, what should we do now?"

Seeing the dispersed crowd, some experts in the Black Soul Palace asked solemnly.

"Let's go, leave first, wait until you find the young master, and meet Heitu and the others!"

Hei Lao replied blankly.

As his words fell, they were about to leave, but the change was sudden, and a large number of the elders of the Clear Sky Medicine Sect galloped over and surrounded them.

"Elders, what do you mean?"

Hei Lao stared at the elders of the Haotian Medicine Sect who was surrounding him with dignified eyes, and spoke coldly.

"Everyone from the Black Soul Palace comes to our sect to observe the ceremony... How can we not welcome? I am right, Hei Tianhu, Yin Tian Mian!"

The Great Elder and Yao Wuji, the Second Elder and the others flew from a distance and landed steadily on the Hei Tianhu. They forced them in front of them on a cloudy day and blocked their way.

Obviously, the identities and names of the Hei Lao were told by Ye Xuan's voice transmission to the Great Elder. After all, Ye Xuan started a soul search for Liu Qingyue and obtained his memory. He knew a lot of things, so he naturally knew the real names of the Hei Lao and them. And the details.

Heitianhu and Yintianmian are both elders of the Black Soul Palace, domain master-level powerhouses, and their status and status are the same as Heitu!

"Damn, how did these guys know us?"

Hearing the words of the great elders, Hei Tianhu, Yintian Mian's face changed drastically, but there was a storm in his heart.

On weekdays, they are hidden in the dark, following Liu Qingyue's side, basically not showing up, let alone appearing blatantly here to observe the ceremony like they are now.

Of course, the reason why they dare to appear like this is entirely because Liu Qingyue will succeed the Sect Master. They feel that everything is under control, and they will not attract people's attention when they watch the ceremony.

However, they had no idea that this would be the case.

I was found to see through, and was surrounded by them.

"Damn old thing, I still haven't concealed you!"

Cold voices came from the mouths of Hei Tianhu and Yin Tian Nian, their bodies shook suddenly, and the invisible aura spread, shattering the Haotian Medicine Sect costumes that they had set outside, revealing them. The true appearance of

"Sure enough, you are the rats in the Black Soul Palace!"

Looking at the Hei Tianhu who showed his true face, Yin Tian Mian and others, the Great Elder, the Deputy Sect Master Liu Qingyue, and the Second Elder, their complexions instantly became cold and difficult to look at, and their powerful aura spread horizontally and horizontally, as the domain master. The coercive momentum was released.

Except for the hidden elders in the Haotian Medicine Sect, the three of them have the strongest strength, and they have all reached the domain master realm!

If it was said that the former Deputy Sect Master Yao Wuji had doubts about what the Great Elder said, then there is no even the slightest doubt about his words now.

Thinking that he had led the wolf into the room and almost ruined the Haotian Medicine Sect, his heart was full of self-blame and guilt. Looking at Heitianhu, Yintianmian and others, their eyes were full of coldness and anger.

"Hands! Take them down for me"

Right now, Yao Wuji, the deputy chief of the Haotian Medicine Sect, said with a cold expression.


As his words fell, many elders all started at this moment.

PS: I have a toothache these few days. I have not slept for two days and nights. I went to drink water yesterday. I still have to reduce inflammation these days. Two teeth are rotten and need to be pulled out... It's really unbearable, and it hurts before. This time I really can't stand it and I can't sleep, so there will be fewer updates in the next few days. I hope you can understand!

Read The Duke's Passion