MTL - Medical Martial God-Chapter 1698 Ye Xuan VS Liu Qingyue (End)

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A rich life and death crisis permeated Ye Xuan's heart. Even if he revealed the real body of the ancient **** and fully urged the ancient nerves, he could not dispel the crisis in his heart.

It's impossible to dodge.

If he resists hard, then facing such an attack, even if he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured. If he uses his best, he can only fight Liu Qingyue and lose both.

Now the only thing Ye Xuan can do is outsmart.

The coverage of such an attack is too wide, and the only thing he can think of to minimize the damage is to hide in the ancient gods.

Let the ancient gods to resist such an attack.

After all, the ancient **** cauldron is the treasure of the ancient gods.


Thinking of this, Ye Xuan urged him to realize that the ancient **** cauldron swelled crazily, and the sky shone like an ancient building standing in the sky.

Ye Xuan jumped in directly and jumped into the ancient **** cauldron, urging Fajue to cover the lid of the ancient **** cauldron.


The moment Ye Xuan finished all this, a huge explosion sounded, a huge energy planet bombarded the ancient gods, and a mushroom cloud covering a thousand miles in the sky bloomed, and the terrifying energy spread and rushed in all directions like a stormy sea.

The entire Black Flame Underworld was filled with rioting golden energy, and in some places there were even signs of collapse.

It is conceivable that Liu Qingyue's attack was powerful.

The huge ancient **** cauldron was shaken by the terrifying force and flew out, smashing towards a mountain in the distance, smashing the mountains to pieces.

Ye Xuan in the ancient divine cauldron even felt that the sky was spinning, and the huge force seemed to squeeze his body into mud.

If it weren't for him to cultivate ancient nerves and possess an ancient **** cauldron, then he might have been shattered by this force and turned into muddy flesh.

Even so, he felt uncomfortable at the moment, a buzzing in his ears, and a brief hearing loss.

It took a long time before this situation was relieved and recovered.

"Huh huh!"

"Is that guy dead?"

The blow that was just performed made Liu Qingyue's whole person look as if he was several decades old. He was panting with both hands on his knees, looking at the ancient **** cauldron that was smashed into the mountains and buried by huge rocks , A murmured voice came out.

The blow just now was the most powerful attack he could display. It almost squeezed all the star power in his body, and he blew himself a golden energy star into it, making it its destructive power. Bigger.

And such a huge price will cause his cultivation to fall to a realm within a period of time.

In order to kill Ye Xuan, the price he paid was too great.


Unfortunately, things did not go as he wanted.

His words just fell silent, but the huge explosion sounded suddenly.

With the sound of this huge explosion, the broken mountains exploded, and a huge figure flew out from inside holding a giant cauldron from ancient times, standing in the void, and emerging in Liu Qingyue's sight.

"Damn, that kid didn't die like this?"

Such a change caused Liu Qingyue's face to change drastically, and there was a voice of horror and gaffe in her mouth.

He didn't know that all his attacks were blocked by the unparalleled ancient **** cauldron, and Ye Xuan did not actually receive much impact or damage.

"Damn, how could this be?"

Looking at Ye Xuan, who was walking step by step with the ancient **** cauldron, Liu Qingyue's expression was ugly.

"Die to me!"

In the next moment, his hands suddenly happened to happen, and the real body of the realm master appeared behind him. He held a huge spear with star-power flowing, and hurled at Ye Xuan with endless power.

Thousand Slaughter's Thorns!


Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan smiled coldly, and the ancient **** cauldron slammed out of his hand, and the sound of the handover sounded, and the roaring spear was directly smashed into powder by him.

The power of the ancient **** in Ye Xuan's body whizzed, his body rotated, and the ancient **** cauldron was thrown out at Liu Qingyue.


Liu Qingyue's face changed drastically, without even thinking about it, she punched the ancient **** cauldron that was whizzing out.

The huge counter-shock force came, causing his whole body to be struck by lightning, his face changed drastically, blood spurted from his mouth, and his whole body was shocked and flew out.

Ye Xuan stepped forward, and the ghost shadows of the heavens turned into nine ghosts and rushed out, appearing in front of Liu Qingyue instantly and launched a ferocious and wild attack on him.

The powerful force whistled and erupted, and the terrifying energy whistled horizontally and horizontally, and Ye Xuan's attacks continued to bombard Liu Qingyue's body like a violent storm.

At this moment, Liu Qingyue has no power to fight back at all. His body is constantly being beaten and kicked like a football. He doesn't know how many bones have been broken, and his mouth is full of blood. Squirting, miserable and embarrassed to the extreme.

As the titled realm master, he is very strong, very strong!

Even in the face of a powerful person who is also a titled world master, he is enough to occupy the absolute top. Even if he encounters a powerful domain master, he can fight against one with his excellent means and ability to adapt to changes, constantly dealing with him.

But in the face of Ye Xuan's weird and multi-stage methods, there were endless trump cards.


After a huge blow like a gust of wind and rain, Liu Qingyue did not resist even the slightest bit of resistance. She was smashed by the ancient **** cauldron, blood spurted from her mouth, and her body bones shattered like a cannonball. It flew out and fell on a suspended meteorite group in the distance, smashing the meteorite group to pieces.


At this moment, his hair is messy, his face is pale, and his body is wounded. He no longer has the little bit of pride and demeanour that he had when he was about to succeed the lord. He looks dying, like a beggar.

He struggled to stand up, but as soon as he acted, his injury was greatly implicated, causing him to cough constantly, and traces of black blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

He has never suffered such a serious injury since his debut.


He was struggling to just put a few healing pills into the innermost pill to suppress his injury and restore his strength, but the dark black magic chain burst from a distance, with a fast Covering his ears entangled his hands and feet, and bound his body.

Ye Xuan was even more charming, appearing strangely in front of him.

The majestic suction exploded from the magic chain, arbitrarily extracting the power from Liu Qingyue's body, making his complexion so gloomy and ugly at this moment, and the deep pain filled his heart, making his look all because of pain. Become distorted and hideous.

"You... what do you want to do?"

He looked at Ye Xuan who came to him in horror, and the sound of trembling words in his mouth came out.

At the beginning, this guy was very proud, and he actively exposed his identity to Ye Xuan, and regarded Ye Xuan as a plaything in his eyes, an ant that could be trampled to death at any time.

But now this guy has stepped him under his feet.

Such a huge contrast made him extremely uncomfortable, and he felt like he was going crazy.

He never dreamed that this kid who came out of the earth star would be so powerful.

How long is this short?

He even caught up with himself and defeated himself.

You know, he is the young master of the Black Soul Palace, the celestial arrogant in the entire universe, and he has entered the titled realm master in less than a hundred years of cultivation, and he is expected to rise to the prestige of the domain master in a hundred years.

From the moment he was born, he has walked all the way invincibly, stepping on many arrogances under his feet, playing them between the palms of his hands, and they are always broken.

But now, he lost to an ant who came out of the earth star.

This is full of endless humiliation for Liu Qingyue.

Ye Xuan stared at him indifferently, and said coldly: "Let me take a look at your memory first!"

As Ye Xuan's words fell, his slender palm directly landed on Liu Qingyue's Sky Spirit Cover, and the Secret Technique Soul Search was suddenly activated.


A sorrowful scream came from Liu Qingyue's mouth for a while, and he felt that his head was about to burst.

He clearly felt a pair of invisible hands reaching into his mind, flipping his memory in his mind.

Ye Xuan's face was cold, and he didn't pay attention to Liu Qingyue's feelings. He flipped through his memories arbitrarily, searching for the information he wanted to know...

Soon, Ye Xuan found information and memories about Leng Qingcheng.

She was imprisoned in a black spirit power cage, and was tortured and tortured by spirit power...

Seeing this scene, a strong anger filled his beliefs, and the intensity of his collection accelerated a lot, causing Liu Qingyue's eyes to turn white and a lot of foam from his mouth.


When the confidence and memory in this guy's mind were completely read, Ye Xuan's face was cold, and a trace of decisiveness flashed in his eyes.

The sky-swallowing magic power was suddenly activated, frantically extracting the vitality and power from Liu Qingyue's body, causing his body to tremble constantly, and the majestic star power and vitality rushed into Ye Xuan's body arbitrarily. His cultivation base is constantly soaring and skyrocketing at this moment.

At the same time, the sixth ancient star in the center of Ye Xuan's eyebrows gradually became brighter, consolidating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Compared with Ye Xuan’s skyrocketing cultivation base and strength, Liu Qingyue’s cultivation base was plummeting frantically. The title origin and title path in his body were completely taken away and absorbed by Ye Xuan, and the cultivation base fell from the title world. The Lord fell directly into the immortal realm, and is still falling.

Finally stayed in Nirvana.

He didn't look young anymore, with gray hair and thin body, like a twilight old man, it was hard to imagine that he could be connected with the young master of the Black Soul Palace.

Ye Xuan didn't kill him. The reason why he still saved his life was because he felt that he still had a role and value.

If this kid dies, then Black Soul Palace will inevitably retaliate.

So far, Ye Xuan didn't want to have a head-on conflict with the Black Soul Palace so soon.

Judging from the memory of Liu Qingyue that had just been read, the Black Soul Palace was extremely powerful and terrifying, and possessed a real immortal emperor, a great emperor-level figure.

Seeing Liu Qingyue, who was almost degraded and whose will was destroyed, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed and he pondered for a while. He took down the storage ring he had collected, and then directly took out a storage bag to take him Put it in.

With the life of a kid in mind, then it might not be possible to easily rescue Leng Qingcheng from the Black Soul Palace.

After doing all this, Ye Xuan quickly sat cross-legged, digesting the strength he had just absorbed.

After the film was ready, his body shook suddenly, and the sixth ancient star in the center of his forehead was completely lit.

He is now a six-star ancient god, even facing the domain master without fear.

As for Ye Xuan's martial arts cultivation base, he did not break through to the titled realm master, but it was only a line away from it, which was a suitable opportunity.


After doing all this, Ye Xuan let out a long sigh of relief.

He raised his head and looked at the collapsing Black Flame Underworld, thinking of Liu Qingyue's memory just now, his eyes flashed with cold light, and the murmured words came from his mouth.

"Sure enough, there are still a large number of Black Soul Palace experts in the Haotian Medicine Sect. The next step is to inform the great elder to point out them thoroughly and take it away!"

"If they asked about Liu Qingyue, they would say that he is the Young Master of the Black Soul Palace, who tore the void to escape during the battle."

Read The Duke's Passion