MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 94

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Although the boy in front of him looked very handsome and sunny, he could feel the terrifying power contained in his body, and Peter started to stutter when he spoke nervously.

"Hi, my name is Elvis."

Elvis came over, looked around Peter twice, and replied affirmatively: "No matter how you look at it, you are just an ordinary strengthened person. How did you sneak in? Say, otherwise, I will let you experience the torture of this handsome guy." .”

Pretending to be stern and frightening.

But it's fake, it didn't scare Peter. On the contrary, this appearance made Peter feel that the boy was joking with him like an ordinary friend. Instead, he calmed down and took out the gold coin that sent him over: " It was a man named Kyle who asked me to come with this gold coin."

"They said they were going to give me special training."

Hearing the name and seeing the pattern on the gold coin, Elvis' eyes moved. Didn't he think that it was Master Kyle who asked this kid to come?

This kid actually got Lord Kyle's attention?

The way Elvis looked at Peter changed a little bit, he squinted his eyes slightly, and after he was serious, there was a touch of gold in his eyes, and then he realized that Peter was unusual.

Peter's physical fitness is amazing.

Cell organization, genetic structure, organs, and bones can be said to be completely different from ordinary human structures. If it is a human cell and the gene chain is one, then the degree of Peter's optimization has reached an astonishing fifty.

His strength, speed, flexibility, bones, etc. surpassed humans dozens of times in all aspects.

None of this counts.

In front of Elvis, being strong is just a matter of eyesight. What he values ​​is Peter's characteristics, that is, the spiritual world. He has reached the seventh sense, and he can already see through destiny and the future initially. Sanctuary, the future destiny has changed.

But still got some insights.

Among them, what Elvis appreciates the most is that the virtue hidden in Peter is kindness, and there is almost no darkness in his heart.

This feature surprised Elvis very much.

You must know that human beings are a very special existence, and they are not analyzed from the level of genes or biology, but only from the perspective of human nature. Everyone has this unique character and soul, but they cannot escape a law, that is darkness .

The saying that human nature is inherently evil is enough to show a lot.

No matter how kind a person is, there will always be darkness in their hearts, it’s just a matter of proportion. For a kind person, the light is greater than the darkness, and for an evil person, the darkness will be greater than the light.

Light and dark intertwine.

But Peter is different, his spiritual world is almost bright, without any darkness, desire, greed and other negative forces have no effect on him at all.

"No wonder you are valued by Lord Kyle. You are a nice guy. It's a pleasure to meet you, Peter." Elvis agreed with Peter. No one would hate a pure and kind person. He extended his hand to Peter. , Seriously.

Peter was at a loss, but still stretched out his hand to hold Elvis's hand, and smiled honestly.

"Nice to meet you too."

The two found a bench next to them and sat down to communicate for a while. Elvis introduced some structures of the sanctuary to Peter, while Peter talked about how he was bitten by a spider and then transformed , how to become Spider-Man, wandering in the steel jungle of New York to fight for justice.

For a while, the two of them communicated happily, and Peter made exclamation sounds from time to time.

And at this moment, Kyle's voice rang in the ears of the two.

"It seems that you have a very pleasant exchange."

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!).

Chapter 160 Overcoming Pain (seeking flowers monthly ticket)

The cold voice was very familiar to Peter.

The two turned their heads and saw Kyle wearing a tight papal suit looking at him in the sunlight not far away. Peter and Elvis stood up immediately, and the latter respectfully said, "My lord pope."

Peter also quickly said: "My lord, I..."

"Okay, Elvis, you go, you are busy with the rest."

"Yes, His Excellency the Pope."

Elvis turned and left without talking nonsense.

And Kyle looked at Peter, but he didn't see any movement from her. With a golden light in his eyes, he saw ripples began to appear in the world of the main film. With the ripples, Peter found that his position had changed dramatically.

The original Goddess Fountain Square has come to an open space.

Peter turned his head and looked around curiously, before he could see the surrounding environment clearly. He is now in a place similar to a ring. The ring is huge, tens of thousands of meters long.

Below the arena is the lake, surrounded by green mountains, the environment is extremely elegant.

Kyle on the opposite side glanced at Peter briefly, and saw a golden streamer flickering around the two of them.

Afterwards, the images of the two changed dramatically. The original Peter’s clothes were replaced by a set of very simple training clothes for some reason. The upper body was short-sleeved, the lower body was loose sweatpants and shoes, and the backpack he was carrying also disappeared. not see.

And Kyle changed into sportswear, which also highlighted her better figure.

"Is this the beginning?" Peter immediately thought of something when he saw himself and Kyle, his face was full of surprises, he didn't expect Kyle to act so vigorously.

As soon as he arrived in the sanctuary, the special training began.

But then Peter's face was full of excitement, he was curious and looking forward to what the special training would be.

Looking at the excited little spider, the corner of Kyle's mouth curled into a playful arc.

"Do you know what the most basic thing to become a saint is〃'?"

"What is it?"

"In addition to the small universe, it is the subtle control of power. A saint who has just entered the sixth sense can completely control his own power, and can use his own power to achieve the effect of smashing atoms."

Kyle said: "The use of power must reach the most subtle level."

"Every force you send out contains the most mysterious and precious skills of the human body."

"The technique of exerting force is not suitable for everyone, because the structure and height of the human body are different. Therefore, only by constantly adjusting to reach the most suitable level of exertion for yourself can you fully control it."

"The best way is to fight. You have to experience it through fighting. So, are you ready? Peter?"

"Um, what are you going to do?" Peter suddenly felt his scalp go numb, and even the pores all over his body stood up, surrounded by a strong sense of crisis.


Kyle gently spit out this word that made the whole world fear. As soon as the words fell, her right foot hit the ground hard.


An air wave burst, and Kyle rushed towards Peter like a swift cheetah. The speed was very fast, but just enough to make Peter react. Peter's face immediately became serious, and he focused on responding to Kyle's attack.

Peter's sense of smell for battle is without a doubt the best.

The spider's gene allows the pores of his whole body to detect all interference and attacks from the outside world, so even if he reacts many times

When he couldn't respond, or when he was in a hurry, his body muscle instinct would also allow him to make the most correct response.

Especially the experience of being violently beaten by Kyle for one minute last time, also made him feel deeply.

Kyle's face was icy cold, and in the blink of an eye, his figure turned and he had already struck in front of Peter. His right fist contained dozens of tons of power equal to Peter's, and he blasted towards Peter's right cheek.

The huge force even brought about terrible wind pressure, making Peter's hair blow continuously.

Peter's eyes focused on this punch, and time seemed to slow down in an instant. However, although the surrounding time slowed down, the fist did not slow down a bit.

Peter's eyes changed, like a fierce spider.

He stretched out his right fist and punched it without hesitation.

The two fists collided immediately.


The collision of tens of tons of force is like an explosion. The two fists are the center of the turbulent airflow, which spreads out. The collision of equal forces should lead to a stalemate. However, Peter did not expect that he did not Completely block the punch.

From the opponent's fist, a strange and mighty strange force was transmitted, which made his whole arm start to feel numb.

Peter staggered even more.

".As I said, every time you exert your strength, you must carefully understand the timing of your exertion, the comprehensive strength of your muscles, spine, and lumbar spine."

"Under the same strength, my power-exerting skills are better than yours, and you will suffer a lot."

"Just like this."

Kyle's voice echoed in his ears, and Peter was kicked in the chest by Kyle's knee, which was pursued by Chen Sheng. The familiar feeling spread to Peter's brain nerves again. The severe pain made his eyelids twitch, and he immediately covered his abdomen with his hands and faced the ground kneel.

Completely lost the ability to fight.

"Oh~~~~hiss~~ demon"

The corners of Peter's mouth kept twitching, and he could only feel that his abdominal organs were hit so hard by the knee that they were about to burst.

Kyle stood in front of Peter, (Zhao Zhaohao) looked down at the little spider, and taught by example: "Did you see? My current state is to reproduce your current strength and speed. At the same level, you will lose with one move." combat power."

"The second point is, no matter how painful it is, even if your internal organs are pulled out, as long as you can still move, you are absolutely not allowed to give up resistance in battle."

"The problem is that all human beings have a sense of pain, and the pain will allow the human brain to replenish nerves to convey messages, so that human beings will instinctively give up resistance."

"So, your second course is to go beyond pain and ignore pain. In this regard, the special forces of the human army and the dead soldiers trained by many forces have done very well. They have undergone countless cruel trainings and have overcome pain and senses. , so as to be like a robot.”

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!).

Chapter 161 Guiding Spider-Man (asking for a monthly ticket for flowers)

"If you want to be a superhero and fight evil villains, you can't avoid getting hurt. You may be lenient in the battle, but those villains will not. You hinder them. They only have one idea, and that is to kill you. "

"So, in the battle of life and death, if you are distracted by injury, what awaits you may be death."

"In addition, distraction will also make you lose your ability to judge the situation, preventing you from analyzing the situation and making the most correct plan."

Peter nodded thoughtfully. Enduring the pain, he stood up with difficulty, looked at Kyle beside him, and said in a deep voice, "Come again~~"

"very good."

Kyle nodded slightly, Peter preemptively jumped up, raised his right leg and swept across, Kyle leaned back slightly, stretched his right leg forward, and swept the ankle of Peter's left leg.

Also teach.

"This time the flaw is too great."


Peter was swept away and hit the ground heavily. Feeling the pain in his body, Peter completely ignored it. He got up again and rushed towards Kyle, where he was knocked down.

"Rough moves and excessive movements will only give the enemy a weak spot."


"No, it's still rough."


"Come again."


"It's not bad this time. I persisted in the three moves and continued."

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Peter fell down countless times, got up to fight, fell down, got up and fought back and forth countless times, and even Peter was about to feel numb, but at this moment, he felt that the whole world seemed to be There has been a change.

Suddenly, he was like a sponge, constantly absorbing the experience of fighting Kyle and the way Kyle taught.

His fighting style also gradually changed.

From rough at the beginning, to now there is a method.

Even, he was knocked down in the first second, and now, he can even fight with Kyle for a minute.

At this moment, Peter knew how to use his fists, elbows, knees, legs and other parts that could be attacked.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The speed of the two surpassed ordinary people's vision. Peter was like a nimble and swift cheetah, attacking Kyle like a tide, and Kyle took it slowly. While blocking Peter's moves, he would also use Peter The slightest flaw created during the attack counterattacked.

Then it was blocked by Peter.

But in the end, Peter still didn't block it, and Kyle leaned against his body at the moment when he showed his flaws, and instantly blasted him away.

Peter vomited a big mouthful of blood, flew tens of meters in the sky, and hit the ground.


His body bounced back when he hit the ring. At this moment, Peter suddenly realized that his whole body and bones seemed to be broken, and the huge pain rushed to his heart like a tide, making Peter howl instinctively.

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