MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 93

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Landing on the container on the third floor, Peter patted his chest suddenly, with a look of terror on his face, but no one could see his expression clearly because of the spider mask.

"Wow, you can shoot flames with your bare hands, that's so cool." Peter tilted his head and looked at the ability user who manipulated the flames on the ground far below, his tone full of admiration.


"It's almost like magic."

However, Peter hadn't finished speaking when there was a whistling sound in his ears, and the spider sensor was activated. He instinctively made several movements, leaning, bending, and sideways, avoiding the incoming flying knives.

"Wow, don't interrupt me when I'm praising? That's too rude."

Peter said displeasedly, looking in the direction of the flying knife, he saw a man in a gray coat standing on the container a hundred meters away, with a target-like pattern drawn between his eyebrows.

His face was ferocious, and he was holding a few throwing knives in both hands.

Peter looked at the man for a while, and then set his eyes on Daredevil and the others in the distance below. At this time, because Luke lost his fighting ability, it was equivalent to a drag, and he was at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. They were beaten Scratching around.

Can't even do a proper counterattack.

Thanks to both Iron Fist and Jessica's extremely powerful strength, every move can cause terrible damage, so they can persist.

Peter didn't know Daredevil and others, and he had been observing both sides from the beginning.

But now it seems that he has seen who is good and who is evil.

So he chose to shoot.

He ran up suddenly, and jumped in front of a car. He put his hands on the car's ground, and then suddenly threw it at the superhuman who was chasing Daredevil and others.

The car roared and spun several times in the air.

The group of superpowers and mutants sensed the abnormality, and suddenly turned their heads to find that the car had smashed over. They subconsciously stopped chasing and killing, and activated their abilities one after another.

Flame, lightning, and strong wind intertwined, and finally smashed the car into pieces, and a huge ball of flame suddenly exploded.


Under the sky full of flames, the huge shock wave made everyone lower their heads.

Seeing that the burly fat man was ready to make a move, Peter immediately dodged in front of another car, ducked to dodge the oncoming blows, and turned the car back into gold like a cat like a tiger.

The latter roared angrily, and stretched out his hands to block in front of him.


The top of the car touched his hands, and it was magnificent in an instant, the glass shattered, and Jin Bin's figure moved back a few meters with the huge impact.

When he slammed the car into the air.

At this time, Daredevil and others had already fled.

"Damn~~" The angry Jin Bing walked up to the car like a raging bull, and slammed his fists hard at the front of the car.


"Find them for me, and that **** Spider-Man, I'm going to kill him."

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!) and.

Chapter 158 Resolute New Year (asking for a monthly ticket for flowers)

An abandoned factory on Queen's Road.

Daredevil and Iron Fist supported Luke and walked in with Jessica.

Put Luke on the ground, let Luke lean against the wall, and the others sat down.


Everyone leaned against the wall, looked at each other, and finally laughed, Daredevil took off his mask

Gu, said softly: "I didn't expect that Jin Bin would pay such a big price to deal with us."

According to Jin Bing, in order to make them fall for it, he did a lot of work and even spent a full month.

Just to make them believe in that transaction.

"This **** is really not an ordinary sinister." Iron Fist snorted coldly, full of displeasure.

At this time, Luke said weakly: "Obviously, our previous actions against him, "Seven Seven Three" caused him to suffer a huge loss. We have succeeded in this point, making him unable to restrain himself. The shot also exposed the superpowers and mutants he secretly recruited."

"He has a lot of abilities under him, and his strength is not too weak. When we face Jin Bing in the future, we must be careful, otherwise we may fall into today's situation."

"Hey, this guy spent a lot of money to recruit so many men, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult for us to target him in the future." Daredevil sighed softly.

Everyone fell silent.

And at this moment, a young voice suddenly came from above.

"Hey guys."

The moment the sound appeared, Daredevil and the others immediately stood up and became vigilant. The three turned their heads to look at the source of the sound, and there was a figure squatting on a steel frame not far away.

Through the moonlight outside the window, one can clearly see the spider patterns.

It is Spider-Man Peter Parker.

When they saw that it was Spider-Man, everyone relaxed their vigilance slightly, and Daredevil "looked" at Peter, and said in a deep voice, "Your ability is very special, kid."

"Well, you seem pretty sure I'm young."

"My senses are ten times stronger than ordinary people. Although there is some distance between us, I can hear your voice is very young, and I can hear your heart beating, but it is much healthier than that of an old man."

"Well, your hearing seems to be very good, in fact, mine is also very good." Peter shrugged.

After a pause, he asked curiously, "Who are you? And who is that guy? Why are there so many superpowers under his command?"

"You have a lot of questions, kid, but these are not things you should participate in. You should go to school honestly."

"Hey, don't say that, I just saved you."

"I am very grateful for this, but he is not an ordinary criminal. He is very dangerous, very dangerous. Once he knows your identity and your whereabouts, he will definitely find you and kill you in the most vicious and cruel way. For you, this is no play, Spider-Man," Daredevil warned.

The Spider-Man in front of him is obviously very powerful and special, but no matter how powerful he is, he is just a young man, and he should not be involved in this dark world.

He should enjoy the campus life.

Cruelty, darkness, killing should stay away.

It's just that Peter doesn't think so. Although he is not fully ready to become a superhero, at least he is working hard in this direction. Daredevil's words are obviously denying his belief as a superhero.

"Although I am young, I am not afraid of danger. Just like the saints I admire and yearn for, they protect the earth. I can't do what they do, but I will work hard to protect those innocent people."

Peter said loudly.

Daredevil's words not only didn't hit him, but on the contrary made him firmer in his belief.

After speaking, he ignored Daredevil and turned around to leave.

He will participate in the special training that Kyle said, and by then, he will become a truly qualified superhero.

Seeing that Peter was about to leave, Daredevil was silent for a while.

Obviously moved by Spider-Man's determination, at the last moment Peter was about to leave, he said: "Spider-Man, maybe I was wrong, but Kim is like I said, he is dangerous, I hope you can Notice."

"Thank you~~"


Queen's Road, in an ordinary apartment building.

It was daytime, and Peter was lying on the bed wearing an ordinary white shirt, holding a gold coin in front of him and watching it. The sunlight came in through the window and shone on the gold coin, exuding a divine light.

Especially the pattern on the gold coin made Peter whisper: "Is the pattern of Ophiuchus related to the sanctuary?"

"Kyle, is she an Ophiuchus Saint?"

"But among the golden saints, it seems that there are only twelve constellations, and there is no Ophiuchus."

"What a headache."

Peter was thinking. At this time, Aunt May's voice came from downstairs: "Peter, dear, come down for dinner."

"A lot, Aunt Mei, come here."

Holding the gold coin, Peter made up his mind.

While eating downstairs, Peter lied to Aunt May and Uncle Ben, saying that during the summer vacation, he was going to live at his good friend Harry's house and go to the Osborne Group for an internship together.

"Do you want the whole summer vacation?"

Uncle Ben didn't suspect that, because Peter had never lied to him growing up, and it was no different this time.

Besides, during the summer vacation, the school will indeed encourage students to go to big companies for internships.

After that, although Uncle Ben and Aunt Mei were a bit reluctant, they still agreed with Peter's statement and even prepared some cash. Fortunately, Peter said that during the internship period, there was food, housing and some salary, so Uncle Ben didn't pay for it.

Wait until the matter with Uncle Ben and Aunt Mei is resolved.

Peter is also ready for special training.

He stuffed the clothes he was going to change into his backpack, including the spider suit. When he was carrying the bag, after Uncle Ben and Aunt May saw him off, he came to the factory that was blasted by Kyle in the first place.

After taking out the gold coin, I muttered in my heart.

Then he stared at the gold coin intently.

The next second, the spider sensed a crazy warning, and before Peter could react, the gold coin burst into dazzling golden light, covering Peter in it.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!).

Chapter 159 Peter's Special Training (asking for a monthly ticket for flowers)


Accompanied by the dazzling golden light beam, Peter only felt himself being pulled by a majestic force, and in the blink of an eye, the whole person seemed to shuttle in a wonderful world.

The colorful world seems to be in the starry universe.

It was so beautiful that it kept slipping away from my eyes, but before Peter could appreciate it, his eyes suddenly blurred, and he suddenly came to another world.

This is a very compact and beautiful square. Although the square is empty, the surrounding flowers, trees, vegetation, fountains, and marble roads fit together very well. Not only is it clean and tidy, but also the sunlight makes people feel relaxed and happy.

It is far from being comparable to the fireworks in New York.

But what surprised Peter most was that he noticed the sky.

In the sky, there are many buildings floating, composed of twelve golden buildings, huge buildings stand in the sky, connected by long arch bridges, and he also noticed that there is a huge prototype building in 16, which is somewhat similar to ancient Rome in the middle ages Colosseum.

The most eye-catching thing is that at the end of the twelve buildings, there stands a simple and noble temple.

On top of that temple sits a huge statue of the goddess.

The statue holds a victory scepter and shield, and wears holy armor, making it look extremely sacred.

Peter recognized the goddess at a glance, Athena.

This also made Peter, who had already guessed, immediately realize where this place was.


The sacred place, sanctuary that people all over the world yearn for.

According to legend, the sanctuary is built on the Pacific Ocean, and some people say that the sanctuary is built in another dimension world, and some people have seen a saint fighter fly to the Pacific Ocean and disappear. So far, people have been looking for it, trying to step into that area. sacred place.

But it was not found at all.

Peter once wanted to come to the sanctuary, but he did not expect to be teleported to the sanctuary through a gold coin today.

And his spider sense is frantically giving an early warning.

As if to warn him of something.

Just as Peter was looking around, a surprised voice suddenly came from next to his ear: "Hey, how did you come to Sanctuary?"

Peter only felt his scalp go numb, as if there was a terrifying beast standing behind him, capable of tearing him apart at any time.

He turned around abruptly, and saw a handsome white man wearing a white T-shirt printed with minions was looking at himself with strange eyes, as if he was surprised how he, a person outside the sanctuary, came to the sanctuary.

"Hi, uh, I'm Spider-Man, no, I'm Peter Parker."