MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 78

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He is already incapable of facing Loki and the Destroyer armor alone, not to mention that the opponent uses the Mind Stone from time to time to manipulate and modify the consciousness of the remaining Asgardian fighters.

The end result is.

Sol, the three warriors of Asgard, Sif, the tree man and several loyal Asgardian warriors retreated to the Rainbow Bridge.

The Asgardian army commanded by Loki is at the other end of the Rainbow Bridge, constantly approaching the control center of the Rainbow Bridge.

Sol, who was covered in scars, was out of breath, standing outside the center, glaring at Loki and other troops on the other side of the bridge.

"Sol, you have to leave and go to the Sanctuary for help. Asgard has fallen and we need help."

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!).


Chapter 130: The Injured Saul (asking for a monthly ticket for flowers)

"Sol, let's go, let's resist Loki and the others."

Seeing that Sol still wanted to fight Loki to the death, Sif stretched out her blood-stained arm to hold Sol, looked directly into Sol's eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"I can't abandon you

. "

Sol shook his head.

Heimdall inserted the holy sword into the console, and said: "This is not discarded, Thor, you are the future king of Asgard, Odin fell into a deep sleep, you are the only hope of Asgard, you must not die here."

"Come on, Sol."

Fandral also anxiously persuaded.

At this time, no matter who they are, they are sure to lose this war, but the only hope to make a comeback is Sol.

Sol must leave.

With tears in his eyes, Thor glanced at everyone present, and moved his lips. Although he was unwilling, he knew that only going to the sanctuary was his final choice.


Seeing Sol finally nodded, Heimdall's holy sword was inserted, and the portal was opened immediately.

However, as if aware that Sol was about to leave, Loki's sharp eyes on the rainbow bridge in the distance flashed past, and the mind gem on the helmet immediately emitted terrifying spiritual power, and the fluctuation of spiritual power immediately swept away.

In the next second, the pupils of Heimdall, Fandral, Volstagg and others instantly turned black.

The will is immediately tampered with.

Only Sol himself is strong enough to resist, he gritted his teeth and turned around to jump towards the passage, but at the last moment, suddenly, a sword pierced Sol's body from behind, Sol spurted blood, or Gritting his teeth, he continued to rush forward.

Heimdall, who was manipulated, also reacted, and wanted to pull out the holy sword to close the Rainbow Bridge passage.

However, at the last moment, Thor was sent to the earth by the Rainbow Bridge.

The colorful rays of light sprinkled dense blood, and Sol, who was seriously injured, pierced through the universe and space.

Loki walked to the center of the Rainbow Bridge step by step.

Heimdall, Fandral and the others immediately knelt down on one knee and said respectfully, "The great King Loki."

"Hey, did you let him escape? What a pity."

Loki glanced at the extinguished Rainbow Bridge passage, with a hint of displeasure in his tone.

Heimdall, Fandral and the others immediately lowered their heads in horror: "Sorry, king, we are incompetent and did not intercept Thor."

"Forget it, he has already received serious injuries, and finally the rainbow bridge is converted. Even if he goes to the earth, he will not reach the sanctuary. Just take this opportunity to gather Asgard's army for me, and I want to attack the earth."

"Yes, king!"

Everyone shouted in unison full of frenzy.

Terrible sound waves soared into the sky.

The prelude to the war has quietly opened.


new mexico.

Thousands of miles of yellow sand, the hot sun hangs on it, on a long yellow sand road, a caravan is driving.

The person in the driver's seat is the astronomer, Jane Foster, and the assistant and best friend Daisy is in the passenger seat.

Sitting behind him was an energetic old man with glasses flipping through documents.

Jane and Daisy were chatting about their affairs. Suddenly, a colorful glow fell from the sky in the distance, and one of the figures hit the road ahead heavily. sand.


Startled, Jane immediately stepped on the brakes, and the tires rubbed against the ground making a harsh and sharp sound.

Caught off guard by Daisy, Jane and the old man behind her were brought forward by the sudden brake and almost hit.

"Great gift Shet, what is that? Did the Stark Group's satellite fall down?"

"Jane, what happened?"

"I seem to have seen something fall down Doctor."

Jian Mei looked forward, took her hands off the steering wheel, quickly opened the seat belt, opened the door and ran forward, Daisy and the old man reacted, the former quickly got out of the car and followed closely behind.

The old man behind him took a step back and shouted, "Jane, be careful."

Clearly the Doctor was concerned.

But Jane and Daisy still ran over. At this time, the majestic wind blew past, and the yellow sand in the sky was blown away. The two women came to the edge of the deep pit, stretched their heads to look down the deep pit, and their pupils shrank suddenly. The two women saw a burly, muscular man wearing medieval armor.

He also held a hammer in his hand.

It's just that there is an extremely hideous and terrifying blood hole in his chest, from which blood is constantly spreading.

"Wow, a handsome guy fell from the sky? But he seems to be in a bad situation." Daisy exaggerated.

And Jane tilted her head, as if she had seen this man there.

Suddenly, she seemed to remember, patted Daisy on the shoulder and said, ".ˇHe seems to be the man in Dallas before."

Hearing what Jane said, Daisy also remembered.

Something big seemed to happen in Dallas before.

As a result, the two women knew Barton, and Elvis seemed to be among them, and this handsome blond guy with a hammer was also at the side, and then disappeared with the Saint Seiya along with a beam of light.

Through frame-by-frame analysis, many people on the Internet have analyzed that the blond man is holding Thor's hammer in his hand, which is exactly the same as Thor's hammer in Norse mythology, and they think this man is Thor.

Since it appeared together with the Saint Seiya, and it was filled with thunder when it appeared, the credibility is extremely high.

"OK, it seems that he should be Thor, but he didn't stay in Asgard, why did he run to the earth, and he seems to have been severely injured?"

Daisy (Zhao Wang's) has an inquiring look on her face, and her brain hole has been opened.

The old doctor who rushed over from behind heard what the two women said, and said helplessly, "I don't think we should be thinking about these things, so let's bring him up and talk about it first."

Since he is haunting with Saint Seiya, it is obvious that there is a high probability that he is not a bad person.

The three let go of their vigilance a little, and with mutual cooperation, they pulled the severely injured Sol out of the deep pit with difficulty.

Fortunately, I don't know why, Jane and Daisy's physical fitness is increasing day by day. So far, they are very healthy, and their strength is even much stronger than that of ordinary adult men, so they can pull Sol to the tail.

Sol was lying on the edge of the pit, and the doctor brought a medical kit from the RV to stop Sol's bleeding.

Jane patted Saul on the face and called out, "Hey, are you okay?"

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!).

Chapter 131 War Strikes (asking for a monthly ticket for flowers)


As Jane shouted, Sol opened his eyes, and three faces came into view.

"who are you?"

"Um, I'm Jane, she's Daisy, and this is Dr. Eric, are you okay now?" Jane introduced herself, and finally asked with concern.

Sol nodded, and with the help of the three, he stood up, but his figure was a little swaying. He looked down at the wound pierced by the sharp sword on his chest, and frowned: "Fandral's sword has a very powerful Destructive, my divine body won't heal for a while."

"Where is this place?"

Looking around, he found a piece of yellow sand, which was not the destination sanctuary he wanted to go to.

"This is New Mexico, but you really don't need to go to the hospital?"

"Wounds that your doctors here can't heal, I need to go to Sanctuary, I

Bart's help is needed. "

After finishing speaking, Sol didn't pay attention to the slightly weird looks of Jane and Daisy. He stretched out his hand, and with a halo, he saw a gold coin appearing in his hand.

Under the infusion of divine power, the gold coins can be seen emitting a dazzling brilliance.


In the next second, a beam of light from the gold coin shot towards the empty sandy space on the left, and a surging golden energy cloud gradually expanded, lasting for a few seconds, and a burly figure walked out of it.

Wearing noble, gorgeous, and exquisite armor, and a white jade cloak dancing with the wind, a wordless sacredness and strength make people breathless.

The moment he saw this person, Sol just wanted to speak, but Jane and Daisy preempted him.

"Hey, Bart."

Teleported here, seeing Jane, Daisy and Sol together, Bart was obviously a little surprised, but he still greeted him with a smile and walked in: "Hey, Jane, Daisy, and the Savage that Jane said PhD."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Wow, Bart, you are so handsome. Is this the Golden Saint Cloth?" Daisy's eyes are full of little stars. Bart's tall and burly body is wearing the Golden Saint Cloth. His personal charm is full, and the visual impact is unbearable. Can't help being drunk.

Jane's expression of admiration was obviously the same.

However, when Sol saw the golden holy clothes on Bart, he was pleasantly surprised: "Bart, have you reached the seventh sense?"

During his practice in the sanctuary, he knew that only saints who had attained the seventh sense of normality could wear the golden holy clothes, so it was self-evident now.

But apart from being happy, he was also a little helpless. There was a big gap in the beginning, but now that Bart has become a heavenly father, the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

"I just broke through a few days ago." The corner of Bart's mouth curled up, obviously very happy that he broke through the seventh sense.

"Sol, you..."

Noticing the scar on Sol's chest, Bart raised his eyebrows, pointed his finger at Sol, and in an instant, golden ripples bloomed from his fingertips and sank into Sol's body, and Sol's wound was visible to the naked eye and healed itself .

The originally pale face also became rosy.

Feeling that the feeling of weakness in his body was dispelled, Thor hammered his chest, laughed, and then patted Bart on the shoulder to express his gratitude.

But thinking of the business, his face immediately became serious again.

"Bart, Asgard is in trouble."

"what happened?"

"Loki is now using the gems of mind and power to sneak into Asgard and **** the eternal gun Gungnir of my father God, and manipulate the entire Asgard gods and warriors. He has now become King of Asgard."

"And, now he is ambitious, ready to lead the army to war with the earth."

Sol's succinct opening narration.

This news made Jane, Daisy, and Dr. Savage look a little strange. It is obvious that this (bgfa) news is a bit far away for the three ordinary people, but it is more of a shock.

Bart frowned: "Where's Odin?"

"Father God is still sleeping, and Asgard has fallen." Sol's tone was extremely heavy.

"Bart, the war has come and we must be prepared."

Although he was very reluctant, Sol knew that the current situation had become very uncertain, and if the two countries went to war, if it was not handled well, it would surely lead to the loss of lives and the loss of countless innocent lives.

Asgardians are not afraid of death. For them, when soldiers die on the battlefield, glory will send their souls to the Hall of Valor. This is the glory that all Asgardian warriors long for.

But that was also a war with an enemy, Earth, which was never Asgard's enemy.

This is definitely not what Thor wants to see.

Bart was silent for a moment, and Jane, Daisy and Dr. Savig couldn't get in the conversation at all, and just listened silently.

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