MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 77

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Even many gods of Asgard believe that Thor's concerns are purely imaginary. If it weren't for Thor's great prestige, I'm afraid there would have been voices criticizing Thor.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!) and.

Chapter 128 Asgard Rebellion

Saul himself was impatient with the wait.

Fortunately, he has matured a lot, otherwise, let alone a month, he might have to search for Loki all over the sky the next day.

Just this day.

On a sunny day, Asgard's security was still tight. Hundreds of Asgard soldiers lined up and patrolled neatly, almost completely defending Asgard.

However, the war came unexpectedly.

Asgard Hall, which belongs to Odin's bedroom.

Odin fell into a deep sleep on the bed, breathing steadily.

Outside Asgard, countless Asgardian soldiers wore armor and guarded loyally, but no one noticed that a figure quietly appeared in Odin's bedroom at this time.

If someone is here, "760" must be able to recognize his identity.

It was Loki.

Loki was still wearing the armor green robe, the only difference was that his helmet was inlaid with a purple gemstone and a light yellow gemstone, and the scepter in his hand no longer existed.

Eyes full of evil and desire looked at Odin on the bed.

Loki smiled evilly at that familiar face: "Sure enough, as I expected, Father God has been sleeping for a longer and longer time. I haven't woken up after waiting for a month."

He walked around the bed, and finally set his sights on the Gun of Eternity, Gungnir, lying quietly beside Odin.

This artifact, which has followed Odin for countless years, has been stained with countless lives under the scepter.

It has unlimited power, and it also automatically has the function of teleportation.

This is the purpose of Loki's trip. Loki picked up the gun of eternity, looked at it lightly, stretched out his hand, imbued with boundless energy, and forcibly took over the authority of the gun of eternity.

Picking up Gungnir, after hesitating for a moment, he stretched out his finger and pointed it between Odin's eyebrows.

He said softly: "Father God, you should continue to sleep for a while longer. When you wake up, you will find that I, Loki, have created a country whose dominance far exceeds yours, and I, will Will succeed you as the next king of the gods."

While talking to himself, he didn't notice that the fingers of Odin's hands on his abdomen trembled slightly.


The vast spiritual energy poured into Odin's mental directness with a devastating force, forcing Odin's will to fall into a deep sleep again, and greatly prolonging the time.

After solving the unstable factor of Odin, Loki walked out of the dormitory with the gun of eternity.

When he stepped outside the dormitory, the Asgardian warriors guarding outside found out, their pupils shrank suddenly, and they immediately pointed their weapons at Loki, just about to roar loudly to arouse the vigilance of the rest of the warriors.

But in the end, he saw the pale yellow mind gemstone inlaid on Loki's helmet emitting a glowing halo.

Loki mixed with tyrannical spiritual power, covered the whole field, and instantly changed the will of dozens of Asgardian soldiers guarding the scene.

The Asgardian warriors whose minds had been modified put down their weapons and fell to their knees.

"Great king, we obey your will~~"

"Very good." Loki looked at the Askid soldiers who were kneeling on the ground, smiled with satisfaction, waved his hand to signal everyone to stand up, and he continued to walk outside the fairy palace.

Along the way, Loki repeated his previous practice, and all the Asgardian soldiers along the way, and even an Asir god, were all modified.

And it didn't even let the soldiers patrolling outside and Saul and others notice it.

Loki's actions are not only fast and stealthy, but also very smart. Using his familiarity with Asgard, he even left Asgard to avoid Thor's tracking, found several army commanders, controlled them, and then Control and modify the army one by one.

In less than an hour, most of the soldiers and gods in Asgard were controlled by Loki.

It wasn't until Loki came to Odin's treasure house that he was discovered by Thor who came on patrol.

As a result, war is imminent.

Outside the treasure house, Loki stood tall, holding Gungnir in his hand, facing the densely packed Asgardian soldiers who surrounded him. In front of these soldiers, stood Thor and the tree man, Volstar. Greg and Sif.

Even though he was surrounded heavily, Loki didn't show any fear...

At this moment, the atmosphere was full of chills. Sol frowned, feeling that something was very wrong at this time, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. Of course, he never thought that the Asgardian army behind him had already been tampered with by Loki will.

"My dear brother, you are the same as before, like a hunting dog with a sense of smell."

Loki smiled softly when he saw Thor.

Hearing Loki's words, Sol was not angry, but his pupils shrank, reflecting Gungnir in Loki's hand, his mind exploded instantly, and finally remembered what was wrong.

The Gun of Eternity has always been in the hands of his father, Odin. If Loki could get the Gun of Eternity, he would definitely enter Odin's bedroom. Why didn't the loyal guards shout or make a sound? An image of Groot's friends being manipulated.

A trace of cold sweat could not help but hang on his forehead at this moment.

"Could it be..."

Sif, who was looking at Loki vigilantly and about to make a move, noticed Sol's ugly face, and asked unconsciously, "Sol, what's wrong with you?"

"Sif, don't you notice something's wrong?"

Sol licked his lips, he felt a pair of cold eyes behind him looking at him, he didn't turn his head, and said in a low voice.

Sif looked blank 5.0: "What's wrong?"

At this time, Loki stretched out his finger and pointed behind Sol and the others. He looked like you were looking back, and showed a joking smile. Thor's face froze, and he understood completely, while Sif and Walls Tag turned his head and looked back with question marks all over his face.

As a result, he met a pair of cold and ruthless eyes, and couldn't help shivering in fright.

The sharp spear and sword were not aimed at Loki, but a group of them.

Sif lost her voice in disbelief:

"What's going on here? Are you crazy?"

"They are all Loki's soldiers now."

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, throw in more monthly tickets, thank you!).

Chapter 129: The Occupied Asgard (seeking flowers monthly ticket)

"Walter? They betrayed? How is that possible?"

Volstagg, who was belatedly aware of this, reacted with a look of horror.

"That's right, because they know very well that it is only wise to follow the real king." Loki's voice followed.

His voice just fell.

I saw tens of thousands of Asgardian soldiers marching in unison, surrounded Thor and others, with swords and axes approaching.

Facing the ruthless eyes of those hands, Sol sighed, and finally, his anxiety finally turned into reality.

"Sol, what should we do now?"

Volstagg held up the ax with a look of hesitation. For a thick man like him, he has never experienced such a thing. If he is facing enemies from other worlds, he will rush forward without hesitation. Chop it in half with your own axe.

But now in front of him are Asgardian soldiers.

The original partners became enemies, and he was a little bit hesitant.

So why not Saul and Sif?

Naihe was accompanied by an order from Loki.

The 16 Asgardian soldiers who had been completely tampered with and loyal to Loki immediately attacked Sol and the others without hesitation.


With a roar, the Asgardian soldiers immediately waved their weapons like a tide, and started attacking without showing any mercy.

boom! boom! boom!

In desperation, Sol and Volstagg, Sif and the Treants launched a counterattack.

Thor's strength was fully demonstrated at this moment. Even if he couldn't defend himself, his random punch, kick, and hammer would knock countless Asgardian soldiers into the air and lose their fighting ability.

Volstagg and Sif, as battle-hardened fighters, are naturally able to do anything with ease. The tree figure Groot's body looks like a branch, but it is actually very tough. Ordinary weapons can break his defense at all.

However, in terms of strength, the brave and fearless Asgardian fighters are not afraid of death at all, and they continue to attack several people. When the previous row of Asgardian fighters falls, they will continue to make up for it, and it will go back and forth.

Saul couldn't hurt the killer.

For a while, the situation was so deadlocked.

Not only that, Thor also noticed that Loki in front of the treasure house had disappeared, apparently entered the treasure house, and with the eternal gun Gungnir in Loki's hand, he immediately thought of something.



Swinging a hammer, an Asgardian soldier in front of him was directly knocked into the air. Thor spun Thor's hammer, imbued with divine power, and the powerful wind and thunder power turned into a storm and knocked away the surrounding soldiers. Sol suddenly turned around and was about to face the treasury. direction rushed.

However, at the moment he just stepped into the gate of the treasure house.

A terrifying red light beam pierced the air and shot out, Thor was hit before he could react, and his whole body immediately flew upside down like a cannonball.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Many Asgardian soldiers were hit along the way, and finally hit the fountain in the distance, splashing water and gravel all over the sky.


Volstagg and Sif, who were in the fierce battle, cried out when they saw this.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a burst of heavy footsteps in the treasure house, as if some huge monster was coming out of the treasure house, and the terrifying atmosphere filled the air, so that Volstagg, including Asgardian soldiers who were fighting, couldn't help but stop hand, turned to look.

Following the shadow inside the gate, a burly figure with a height of three to four meters emerged from it.

The silver metal shell with the soft stripes, and the two halves of the helmet are surrounded by wisps of red gas flames. When they saw this thing, Volstagg and Sif cried out.


"This is too bad, Loki actually activated the Destroyer..." Volstagg's face became ugly.

The Destroyer is the armor worn by Odin, the king of the gods, at his peak. The dwarves tried their best to use some of the rarest metals, such as Uru metal, to forge it. According to legend, Odin once wore the Destroyer, and he was in harmony with the universe. The most powerful **** of a certain race won the battle.

Later, Odin led the Asgardian army to fight in all directions, invincible.

Later, when Odin conquered and unified the Nine Realms, Odin, who ushered in peace, sealed this powerful armor in Odin's treasury, and it has not been activated for tens of thousands of years.

Unexpectedly, Loki actually unlocked the Destroyer armor.

Manipulating the Destroyer armor, plus Loki who has two infinite gems, and countless Asgardian soldiers being manipulated, the situation is now obvious, and it has fallen into a disadvantage for Sol and others.



Terrifying lightning fell from the sky and fell straight on the fountain in the distance, bathed in thunder and rain, Thor stood up, his red cloak was dancing wildly, he looked at the Destroyer armor and came out from behind with a serious face Rocky.

At this moment, the two brothers were speechless and talking about what to say.

Thor understands very well that the current Loki has been controlled by someone. He is no longer the Loki he once knew, but an evil **** full of ambition and desire.


With a roar, Thor swung the Thor's hammer, jumped up and rushed towards the Destroyer armor and Loki.

A 760 war about Asgard has begun.

Civil strife within Asgard began to surge, and the Rainbow Bridge, Asgard, and Odin's Treasury were under fire.

This war from the Rebellion started by Loki did not last long.

Possessing the Destroyer Armor, Gungnir, the Eternal Gun, and the strength of the two infinitely primitive Loki have completely surpassed Thor.

Thor gathered the only remaining Asgardian soldiers who had not been manipulated to resist and launched a counterattack.

Too bad it didn't work at all.

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