MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 57

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"You make me feel sick, angel." Johnny pointed at Luther with his finger: "You, you don't deserve to be an angel."

"My existence is only for the task, to complete the task, at all costs, including life."


The lightning flashed and intertwined around Luther, and strands of lightning blasted the already dilapidated ground into pits.

"You are a stumbling block preventing me from capturing Kazan, and you should be crushed."

"Angels who hurt innocents are not qualified to wreak havoc in the world." At this moment, an angry voice came from the sky.


Immediately afterwards, there was a non-human roar, and Luther dodged slightly. The next second, a huge green figure like a cannonball fell on Luther's majesty, splashing gravel all over the sky. with air waves.

Hulk appears.

The moment Hulk landed on the ground, he waved his fist and slammed at Luther's head. Luther's eyes were sharp, his head tilted back slightly, and the huge fist brushed against the bridge of her nose. She stretched out her hand and grabbed Hulk's wrist. Throw it back hard.


Like a cannonball, Hulk was thrown hundreds of meters away, and finally landed on the road. The huge momentum made Hulk slide on the ground for a certain distance.

"Wow, that guy looks really interesting."

When Hus saw Hulk appearing, his eyes lit up immediately, as if he saw something of interest.

Johnny didn't bother to pay attention to it. A Quinjet fighter plane was floating in the sky in the distance. Captain Steve Rogers, wearing the modified classic suit, jumped off the plane, opened the parachute and floated beside Johnny and Huss.

He still holds the shield that countless Americans are familiar with.

"Aha, I think I know you, Captain America."

When Hus saw Rogers, he looked happy and danced, but his plump face was trembling with the movements, and he looked quite festive.

Rogers took a look at Huss and the unique outfit on his body, frowned slightly, his heart was full of vigilance, but he still maintained due courtesy: "Hello, sir."

"I like your politeness. Unlike this guy, you just do it when you come up."

Facing Huss' sarcasm, Johnny simply ignored it, but stared at Hood in the distance.

"Get out of the way, angel, don't stop me."

The anxious Johnny only wanted to complete the deal with the angel Malaki. If it failed, then Rosie...this was something he couldn't accept.

Luther didn't want to talk nonsense at all, and glanced at Captain America, and Iron Man Tony Stark who came out of the bus in the distance, and finally fixed on the faces of Johnny and Huss: "I said, the stumbling block that blocked me , should be cleaned up.”


As soon as the words fell, the entire road shook fiercely, and Luther's figure immediately disappeared in place, turning into a flash of lightning and rushing towards Johnny and Huss.

She was going to kill the two biggest threats.

But Luther never expected that Rogers would stand up first and stand in front of the two of them. Luther never cared about the so-called innocence, and he raised his fist and punched him hard.


The air wave was turbulent, and the huge force and speed of the fist rubbed against the air, producing a huge cone-shaped air wave. Rogers' skin hurt from the terrible fist wind. With his reaction beyond the limit of human beings, he almost couldn't react. At this juncture, he exploded with an astonishing fighting consciousness.

Holding the shield with both hands in front of him.


The fist and the shield collided in an instant, and a clear roar like a bell exploded in the world, and the turbulent air flow blew away in all directions like a mountain torrent.

The yellow sand on both sides of the road was engulfed by the air wave and ravaged.

The ground under Rogers' feet couldn't bear the force even more, and it was sunken. Rogers' entire upper body, including his head, was shrunk behind the shield, his face ugly.

This power is really powerful that he has never seen before, he feels like he is resisting a high-speed impacting locomotive.

If he hadn't been determined enough, all his shields would have been blown away on the spot.

Fortunately, he still resisted.


On the contrary, Luther was a little surprised by this. She never expected that a mere human could resist her blow, but she was just surprised. She withdrew her fist and swept her right leg from bottom to top.


This time, Rogers couldn't resist, and the whole person was blown away more than ten meters with the shield.

But at this moment, Johnny opened his mouth, and suddenly spewed out a mouthful of raging flames.

The terrifying flames of **** spewed out, engulfing Luther in an instant, but Hus who was on the side showed a helpless expression: "Dude, she is a battle angel, and the flames of **** have no effect on her at all."

Sure enough, as soon as Hus finished speaking, he saw Luther rushing out of the raging flames, even his suit was fine.

She stretched out her hand, and the electric light in her hand exploded. The turbulent current raged through the air and bombarded Johnny. The latter followed Rogers' footsteps, and was blasted tens of meters in the same posture, and then slid on the ground for more than ten meters.

Luther didn't even look at it, and set his next target on Hus.

The latter seemed to be frightened, his fat body shuddered, and he quickly assumed the classic posture of the milk method, raised his fat hands, and hurriedly shouted: "Wow, angel, I just hold on to it."

It's just a task, and of course it doesn't matter. "

Angel Luther stared at it with merciless eyes.

After thinking about it for a while, she felt that this **** hunter was very difficult to deal with. If she wanted to kill him, it would take her a lot of effort, which would hinder her from capturing Kazan.

So he said indifferently: "Give up your job, if you catch up, you will die."

She looked at the motorcycle a few meters away, walked a few steps, and came to the ghost face Harley that was still burning with hellfire. She snorted coldly and reached out her hand to grab the handlebar.


The electric light flicked across the entire Harley motorcycle from his hand in an instant, obliterating the hellfire in the car, and the original Ghost Face Harley motorcycle returned to its original appearance.

She got into the car and was about to start the engine and leave.

But there was a roar in her ears. She felt something, tilted her head slightly, and saw a beam of plasma beam cannon bombarding the ground in front of her along her temples.

Luther squinted his head and saw the sky behind him. A red and gold armor was floating in the air, with particle flames spraying from his feet, and he stretched out his hand. It was obvious that this blow was sent by him.

"How dare you attack an angel, fragile mortal."

Her right foot was on the ground, and her already cold voice was a few degrees lower.

His eyes were murderous.

But this didn't scare Tony at all. He was a proud person himself. He was never afraid of demons or angels. What's more, what Luther had done before had angered this superhero.

The deep, metallic voice came from Tony's mask.

"You killed five innocent lives and put a dozen innocent people on the verge of danger. If heaven is full of characters like you, then one day, human beings will destroy and pull out your ruthless and hypocritical birdmen .”

Tony's words didn't anger Luther, or in other words, she didn't put human beings in her eyes at all.

She didn't talk nonsense, and a gleam of lightning flashed in her eyes.


Above the sky, a thick lightning pillar blasted down out of thin air. Tony's battle armor issued an alarm and automatically dodged in an emergency, but the lightning pillar was too fast, and it still slammed into Tony's body.

Tony's whole body was engulfed by the shocking thunderbolt, and his battle armor hit the ground heavily with green smoke emitting from his whole body.

"Interesting iron shells, but there are only so many." Luther raised his hand, planning to launch the next blow to completely kill the prisoner who dared to disrespect her.

But at this moment, she noticed the horrified eyes of Hus, the silent **** hunter.

That look was not aimed at himself, but at him. . . . .

Luther suddenly looked up at the sky.

The beautiful pupils shrank suddenly.

The hand that was originally raised was unconsciously lowered, and I saw the sky, and several figures were floating like that at some point.

An extremely terrifying aura exudes from her body, overlooking her.

The powerful breath even made the surrounding air ripple.

That kind of oppressive force seemed to bring the heaven and the earth closer together, turning the mountains and rivers upside down, and made Luther feel a sense of urgency unconsciously.

".ˇThis is, human?"

Luther got off the locomotive, even in his cold and ruthless heart, there were waves.

The world, in heaven, is like a wild and backward world.

This is just the back garden of heaven, and human beings are just a small race born out of heaven to achieve its purpose. Why Luther doesn't put human beings in his eyes is because in her eyes, there is no difference between human beings and ants.

Kill a group, and there will be more human beings.

She is an angel, a god, and an existence beyond the reach of human beings.

But now, she didn't expect that right here, at this moment, there would be a few human beings whose strength even made her feel dangerous.

This simply overturned her concept of hundreds of thousands of years.

"Ah, I seem to feel something is wrong." Hell Hunter Hus Fatty trembled, swallowed unconsciously, and took two steps back.

His soul was already trembling under that heavy pressure, which made him almost feel that he was facing an existence at the level of a demon king, a real demon king.

Even if these people were not comparable to the Demon King, he felt that killing himself was at least very easy.

Especially (Zhao Lizhao) he seemed to see a more majestic and profound existence from these people in a trance.

Great Lord, what is wrong with this world? Isn't it because he hasn't returned to the earth for more than ten years, why did the earth give birth to such a bunch of monsters?

Hus looked at the group of young boys and girls in the sky, and their unique sacred aura, and suddenly remembered something.

Not long ago, he heard that there seemed to be a major event in hell.

There was a great being who broke into Hell and fought a battle with Mephisto. As a result, there were different opinions, but that great being left unharmed.

According to rumors, the Demon King Mephisto seems to have offended the Great in the world.

Could it be. . . . Are these people the emissaries of that great divine mansion? Also is he human?

Huss felt that his guess was correct, and he also felt that Luther seemed to be in trouble.

Involuntarily, Hus began to gloat in his heart, but fortunately he did not hurt innocent people.

Um, that guy shouldn't be counted, anyway, if he wasn't killed, he could be saved.

Huss thought of the headless cowboy.

"Who are you guys?"

At this time, Luther raised his head and looked at the boys and girls seriously.

The figures of these boys and girls slowly descended and stood on the four sides. One of the tall and straight boys was outside the bus, holding out his hand.

The palm of the hand shone with golden light, and golden ripples floated across the bus.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!) Wo.

Chapter 102 The Self-righteous Angel (asking for a monthly ticket for flowers)

One of the red-haired girls glanced at the bus, then turned to look at Luther, her pretty face was already full of bitter anger.

"What did you do?"

"I'm here to finish~~"

Luther felt the danger, and his cold face changed slightly.

It's just that before she finished speaking, the girl had already disappeared in place. Luther's eyes shrank, and his eyes blurred. The girl had already appeared in front of her, and pointed at Luther with her white index finger.

The red nails on the index finger were so bright that Luther wanted to dodge, but it was too late, and the index finger was already aimed at the center of her eyebrows.


The person appeared in front of him, and the sound of the bursting air reached his ears.

It can be seen that this speed has exceeded the speed of sound propagation.

The sharpness of the fingertips suddenly appeared, and even the most outstanding Archangel Luther unconsciously sank in his heart. Sure enough, he saw bright pink halos blooming from the girl's fingertips and exploded. De's head was pierced.

The latter was blown away by the huge impact.

Read The Duke's Passion