MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 56

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The flames were reckless, and Johnny turned into a ball of fire, rushed through the corridor of the ward, smashed the window sill at the end, and fell towards the downstairs.

And just right, when he was about to fall to the ground, a cool Harley motorcycle had automatically come under him.


He stepped on the Harley locomotive, and Hellfire changed its shape into a Harley with a ghost face. With his manic screams and the roar of the engine, the locomotive disappeared at the end of the road.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys!).

Chapter 100 Killing Angel Luther (seeking flower monthly ticket)

On a desert road, surrounded by rocks and yellow sand.

Ghost Rider Johnny drove his ghost motorcycle on the road at high speed, drawing a long line of fire along the way, at a terrifying speed.

However, just ahead, a red vintage convertible was seen, with country music playing from it.

The driver of the convertible was a fat man wearing a light red round cap and a beach top. On the co-pilot, there was a man without a head holding a can of beer. Because he had no head, he could only whimper.

Fatty was still immersed in the world of music. The sudden roar of the engine and the sound of the sonic boom made him feel the danger, and the red car was thrown aside.

Fortunately, Fatty's driving skills are very good, and he stabilized the car in a few strokes.

The fat man's face became gloomy, and he looked at the fast-running skeleton knight in front of him: "Damn it, you dare to provoke me, huh? I seem to know that guy."

He quickly stepped on the accelerator, and a surge of energy drove the speed of the convertible to soar once again when it had reached the threshold.

It was only in an instant that he followed Johnny the Ghost Rider.

Side by side with the locomotive, the fat man put one hand on the steering wheel and the other casually on the door. He turned his fat head and looked at Johnny: "Hey, buddy, why did you appear here? You shouldn't have been killed by the devil!" Is Mephisto on target?"

"Also, you have to apologize to me for almost knocking me over just now."

The fat man babbled.

"You know me?" Johnny turned his skull and looked at the fat man.

"Ah, Ghost Rider has a good reputation in hell, you and I are just meeting each other for the first time, what are you doing here?"

Fatty held out his palm like you are famous in **** 16.

Johnny didn't bother to pay attention at all, and replied indifferently: "None of your business."

The fat man chuckled: "Don't be so indifferent, buddy, you are a knight and I am a hunter. No matter how you look at it, we are all the same kind of people, serving for the great hell."

Hearing the word Hunter, Johnny immediately reacted: "Are you Huss?"

"Aha, you've heard of me..."

Before the fat man finished speaking, he saw Johnny spitting hellfire at Huss. In an instant, the entire convertible including the fat man was engulfed by the flames of hell. Johnny saw the unmanned cowboy on the co-pilot, He reached out and grabbed the other person and put him on the back seat of his motorcycle.

But Fatty's car immediately lost control, rushed out of the road with billowing flames and thick smoke, and crashed into the yellow sand and weeds not far away.

Amidst the thick smoke, the fat man cursed angrily.

"My Falk, the vast and great Lord, did I explode that guy's immature ass, what did I do to him, he wants to do this to me?"

And Johnny, who was scolded by the **** hunter Huss, drove the locomotive all the way to a kilometer away.

On the way, Johnny said without turning his head: "Sit still, buddy, I promise it won't hurt in a while."


The latter is a headless cowboy with a smoking **** scalded by hellfire and whimpering.

"Your head was taken off by him?"


"What a poor fellow."

Johnny hoarse.

But at this moment, the roar of the engine came from behind, and Johnny turned his head suddenly, and saw the pitch-black convertible was already speeding towards him.

Johnny's eyes were burning with fire: "I absolutely cannot allow anyone to hinder my transaction."


Johnny stepped on the ground with one foot to brake, the friction between the tire and the ground made a screeching sound, the headless cowboy behind him was thrown by the inertia and fell heavily into the yellow sand in the distance, the headless cowboy pulled himself out of the yellow sand sadly He came out, "looked" into the distance, and made a resentful voice: "Mmmm~~"

"I'm sorry buddy, I'll help you after I've settled the matter."

In the distance, Johnny said a word without looking back, then increased his horsepower and galloped towards the fat man's convertible.

boom! boom! boom!

The power of the spirit of vengeance has already recovered, and the terrifying speed driven by it has reached the speed of sound. The locomotive is speeding on the road, and the air waves brought by the wind resistance will split the road surface.

Seeing the angry ghost knight rushing towards him, the fat man who was originally burned by the fire of **** and turned into a skeleton in the thick smoke has regained his flesh and blood visible to the naked eye.

The fat man grinned: "You skeleton bastard, don't you know that I have to repaint the car?"

When Huss was about to make a move, he saw the knight Johnny who was already approaching reach out and pull out the chains wrapped around his body, and swung hard.

The chain cut through the air like a poisonous snake, and precisely wound and locked Huss' fat body and neck.

Then Johnny flicked the faucet, and the fat man was thrown flying with a huge force, and hit the road ground heavily. Johnny didn't even look at it, and continued to gallop towards Dallas, while Huss' body was just like that on the ground. friction.

However, Huss did not feel the slightest harm.

Instead, he continued to chatter: "It's full of surprises, isn't it, buddy."

"Your methods are so good that even I was careless."

It's just that Johnny didn't care about it at all, and just drove away. Huss was angered by Johnny's indifference.

"You'll like this move." I saw the flesh and blood squirming under the open belly of Hood's beach suit, and a huge octopus-like tentacle suddenly emerged from it, and instantly locked the front of Johnny who was driving the motorcycle. neck, and lifted it up directly.


The locomotive that lost its owner continued to run forward, but fortunately, it braked and stopped immediately as if it was alive.

Johnny was locked in mid-air by the tentacles and kept shaking.

Huss laughed wildly: "I believe that this move will make you feel scared, knight."


The huge force caused the tentacle to grab Johnny and throw it heavily on the ground, smashing the road into a deep hole. Johnny reacted extremely fast, and the power of the spirit of the avengers continued to emerge in his body, a terrifying **** The flames burned the tentacles wrapped around him.

He stood up and looked at Hus, who also got up not far away, and the chain between the two was tightly connected.

Huss' fat muscles squirmed, but he still couldn't break the chains on his body. He helplessly yelled at Johnny: "What the **** are you doing? Is there something wrong with your brain?"

"Don't pretend to be innocent Huss, you are a demon from hell, a puppet in the abyss, I know exactly what you do."

"You're blocking my way."

Johnny moved his jaw up and down, and said hoarsely.

Huss was a little depressed, just about to speak, but suddenly turned his head to look at the road ahead: "Wait a minute, that's..."

Johnny also followed Huss' gaze, and saw a bus driving on the road ahead. Johnny suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something in that car, and the two looked through the window. Seeing the woman in a suit in the driver's seat, her eyes were piercingly cold, making one shiver uncontrollably.

The two couldn't help shouting at the same time: "Luther?"

After calling Huss, I was puzzled: "Huh? How do you know her? It shouldn't be."

"I know she is a killing angel, Huss, let go of my chains."

Seeing Huss grabbing his chain, Johnny said angrily.

If they don't let go, the two of them will definitely be hit by a bus.

However, Hu Si took it for granted: "Of course you let me go first."

In the midst of the entanglement between the two, the bus ran into the two with a ferocious momentum. At the last moment, the two ran towards the two sides tacitly, and the chain instantly caught the front of the bus.

With a distorted sound, the bus was thrown away by the chains, and fell towards the yellow sand and weeds not far away.


There was a terrifying and huge roar, and the bus rolled several times on the yellow sandy ground, rolling up the yellow sand all over the sky.

Johnny looked at the scrapped bus in the yellow sand, his eyes sparkled with fire.

"Damn it."

He saw that there were many people in the car.

Just this one, I'm afraid many people will die.

Huss broke free from the chain, turned his head and sighed: "That girl is too cruel and merciless."

Seeing the abandoned bus paralyzed in the yellow sand, a woman who could wear a gray lady's suit walked out of it with a cold face, ignoring the wailing inside the bus.

"This woman is probably trying to kill us."

Huss patted his chubby belly with disdain on his face, and then squinted at Johnny: "You are not chasing a target like me, are you? How do I think she is trying to reduce The posture of the competitor?"

Johnny was silent.

He slightly raised his head and looked towards the sky. At this time, a special fighter jet passed by in the sky, followed by a steel armor, with plasma flames spraying from his hands and feet, following behind.

Tony are they here?

Tony, who was flying at high speed in the sky, scanned through thermal imaging, looked down, and saw the panoramic view of the road.

Natasha's voice came from beside her ear.

"Tony, pay attention to that female 727. The energy index on her body is quite amazing, and there are many people in the bus."

Tony turned his gaze away, and suddenly his pupils shrank.

He saw the woman grabbing the bus chassis with one hand, holding onto the chassis with a strong grip, and seeing the driver, whether it was Johnny, Huss or Tony Natasha, he instantly understood what she was going to do .


Not good, Tony~~"

"Damn~~, Jarvis, boost the thruster power to 100%."


Following the sonic boom, the red armor cut through the air and flew downward.

Sure enough, the next second.

Luther grabbed the bus and slammed it hard like Johnny and Huss.

There was a shrill scream from the bus.

"Ah, help..."

"NO, I don't want to die yet..."

Although Tony was fast enough, it was still not enough to catch up. He could only watch the bus fall towards Johnny and Huss, and Johnny grabbed the chain decisively and swung it hard.

The long chain continued to lengthen, just wrapped around the outer shell of the bus.

Accompanied by the flames, Johnny swung the bus vigorously, removing most of the power. At this time, Tony arrived. Through Jarvis' precise calculation, he caught up with the bus spinning in mid-air, and then dragged Gradually exert force on the lower plate of the bus to reduce the speed of rotation.

Slowly holding the bus, it landed on the yellow sand not far away.

After getting off the bus, Tony stepped on the yellow sand, looked into the bus through the front automatic door, and immediately sank in his heart: "Jarvis, call the doctor immediately, and send them the location to get here as soon as possible."

"Tony, what's going on?"

In the ear, Rogers' voice came.

Tony walked into the bus and shook his head: "The situation is very bad. Five people died, and seven people suffered from internal organ damage and lost a lot of blood. The rest have not yet affected their lives, but to varying degrees."

There was an immediate silence on the other end.

Tony squatted in front of the crowd, opened his mask, and comforted the severely wounded person while freezing the wound to stop the bleeding: "I have already called an ambulance, and they will be here soon, don't panic."

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support!).

Chapter 101 Capture the Devil Kazan (ask for a monthly ticket for flowers)

Outside the car, Johnny and Huss stood ten meters away, an indifferent woman with short blonde hair.

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