MTL - Martial God-v8 Chapter 295 Day change

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Although the Hejiazi children in Hejiazhuang have already migrated early, but in order to hide their eyes and ears, Zhuangzhong still lives in many people. Some of these people are guarding the family's nursing homes, and some are servants at home, but the only thing they have in common is that there are basically not many old people.

But the old people who stayed in it have considerable authority in Hejiazhuang at this time, and the life they lived is quite comfortable. However, this day is destined to be a non-flat day. From the sudden arrival of the Hejia backyard, there was a roar like a thunder.

When the sound of the road began to blast, the whole sky seemed to have been affected considerably, so the weather began to change.

Just a moment later, a thick cloud began to gather in the direction of the backyard, and in the invisible clouds there was still a flash of electric awning like a silver snake.

Such a strange scene is naturally disturbing everyone in the map, but anyone can see at a glance that the direction of this cloud is the backyard of Zhuangzhong. The backyard of Hejiazhuang is a mysterious forbidden place for everyone.

He Jia’s ancestor He Wude once issued a death order, unless it was invited or allowed by the people in the backyard. It is difficult to enter the backyard except for the servant responsible for cleaning. The offenders are executed in a serious manner. Going out of the house. Those who can get the right to reside in the backyard are at least the big names at the Sayādaw level. For them, these Zhuangzhong old people are absolutely unattainable.

Everywhere: After seeing the vision in the backyard, everyone is facing each other and simply can't make up their minds.

At this time, in Zhuangzhong, a young man looked up and looked at the sky nervously. In his body, several gorgeous middle-aged people are eager to wait for his decision.

After a half-sound, before a middle-aged man, carefully said: "Hey, you have to take an idea, do you want to send someone to go and see." The young man’s teeth are biting, it seems to be in the heart .

After a while, he made a heavy slap and said: "You send a person to the city to tell the two masters about the change here. As for the backyard..." He paused and suddenly raised his voice. "I personally went in and watched." Look."

Some of the middle-aged people behind him have changed their faces. One person murmured: "The general manager, the ancestors, have been strict. "Anyone who is not allowed to enter it will be severely punished, at least To be expelled from Hejiazhuang. "The faces of the remaining few people are faintly revealing a hint of fear."

Today's Hejiazhuang's position in the northwest has reached an incomparable level. Even the three great powers in the northwest are far behind.

Although this young man is not a descendant of the Hejia family, he also walked out of the Hejia, and the trust and reuse of the monarchs and the three generations of the children of the two generations in this Hejiazhuang.

In the eyes of these servants, such a position is already infinite.

If you represent Hejiazhuang to go to various countries, the courtesy you receive is definitely not under the leadership of a king or a family of some big families.

However, if he enters the backyard in violation of the ban of the father, then the lightest is also expelled from Hejiazhuang. For them, it is a more severe punishment than death.

The young man smiled bitterly and said: "The three grandfathers told me when they left. They must take care of everything in the family. If it is an abnormal phenomenon, be sure to find out." He took a deep breath and said: "I am Life is a family, and you can't cringe."

The middle-aged man behind him said: "The general manager, we might as well send a next person to explore the competition."

The young man shook his head and said: "They are as timid as a rat, and they can see something. You can do it as I said."

When he said the last sentence, he suddenly increased his tone. The rest of the people are all in the heart and have retreated.

The young man’s eyes changed a little, and he finally stepped forward and sneaked into the backyard like a civet.

Although he knows that if the person who made this power is the enemy of Hejiazhuang, then even if he is careful, it is no good. But subconsciously, he still wants to hide himself deeply. If it is for the sake of detecting the vision of the sky, and he can still retreat from the whole body, then it would be better. Careful, the thief's brain entered the backyard I, o he just extended his head from behind a building, and he felt a bit of a burning scent behind him.

Although his courage is definitely not small, but this moment still feels a cold chill from the top of the head along the vertebrae directly spread throughout the body.

Even his heart seems to stop beating at this moment.

"He family rules, the backyard is not allowed to walk easily, what do you come in?"

A familiar voice was introduced into his ear.

After hearing this voice, the young man was already the soul of the moment.

He suddenly turned around and suddenly saw a top figure in Hejiazhuang who no one knows, no one knows. And by the side of this person, a tall white unicorn standing still quietly stood, and the two burning sensations that he had just felt were sprayed from the nostrils' nostrils. When he said nothing on the spot, he said: "You are here when you are here, and the little man congratulates you. He Yiming slightly nods his head, and he has already remembered the origin of this person.

Although his age is not large, he is one of the old people in Hejiazhuang, and he is also deeply valued by his father. He is now the head of this Hejiazhuang. "Get up." He Yiming raised his hand and lifted him up between the powers. He Wei did not dare to resist, and in fact, even if he wanted to resist, he did not have this ability.

He bowed his head and respectfully said: "Six Ye, the villain saw the vision in the backyard, so he was worried, and this violated the orders of his ancestors." His head fell more and more: " If the villain violates the family rules, he will go to the ancestors to plead guilty."

He Yiming was dumbfounded, and he understood the other's intentions and knew why he made such a choice.

He was appointed as the biggest manager of the manor. If he had such a vision, he couldn’t say the reason. He was afraid that he would be replaced by his father, and it would be difficult to have a day to come. It’s better to take a look at it and come in and see what happened to the competition.

If you have built it, you can make up for it.

This person's mind is active, not rigid, and he is loyal to He Jia, and would rather risk his life to enter this place. No wonder his father would value him so much and give him the big Zhuangzi.

Shaking his head slightly, He Yiming said: "You are also worried about the safety of Zhuangzi, and what is sinful. If someone talks about this, you will let them come to me." He was suddenly overjoyed.

In Hejiazhong, although the ancestors were He Wude, everyone knows that the true land with no land should be the young Shinto powerhouse.

Since he has received his forgiveness, his position in Hejiazhuang is not just a straw, but it is foreseeable that it will rise in the future. "Booming one by one, one by one, one by one"

A terrifying thunder flashed through the sky, and the weather here seemed to be getting worse.

He Wei looked at the sky with fear, his face pale and bloodless, the only thought in his heart is that the family is offended by God, so God will drop the gods to punish.

However, he sneaked a sneak peek at He Yiming, but he saw his face covered with joy, and there was an indescribable satisfaction and happiness in his eyes. This expression seems to have nothing to do with the punishment of God anyway.

His heart even came up with such a strange feeling. Could it be that this sinister weather was actually made by Wuye? As soon as I read this, his heart suddenly jumped.

Wuye is a legendary figure who has become a god. Perhaps this lightning is really summoned by his old man.

He Yiming waved his hand gently and said: "There is no such thing as you here. Go on, manage the people who come here, don't let them mess."

He Wei quickly replied, and quickly quit the backyard, although he escaped the horrible thunder and lightning, but somehow, his heart has a trace of regret and reluctance. "Going to the city to inform the second master, the five masters have returned." With the command of He Wei, the entire Zhuangzhong suddenly busy again.

Although the top of the head is still black clouds and thunder and lightning, but many people in Zhuangzi have no longer worried about this.

Because they all know that this vision is summoned by the Five Masters, so there is no need to worry.

At this time, He Yiming in the backyard is indeed full of This feeling is definitely from the heart, not a little bit reluctant. After the scorpion dragon swallowed Shuang Xiu Dan, it only took two days to cause a vision change between heaven and earth. For this vision, He Yiming is no stranger.

When he was promoted to the pseudo-deity, he also had a similar celestial image, and it was more violent and violent than the sky at this time. People pass the earth, the earth spreads the heavens, and the heaven and the man are one.

When the Shinto powers go further and climb to a higher level, it is not surprising that the sky appears in the area. This strange celestial image has been maintained for a long time, and this slowly dissipated.

During the transportation period, He Yihai, who was stationed in Taicang County, had already rushed back and met with He Yiming. He Haihai was also overjoyed when he learned that the scorpion dragon was going to go further. The stronger the Shinto strong in Hejiazhuang, the more beneficial it is to Hejiazhuang. He Yihai is also eager to see the dragons directly invincible.

Under the patience of everyone, one day later, the lightning in the sky slowly weakened. "There was no way to disappear. The clouds in the sky were slowly thinning and weakening."

The sun shone again, and the entire Hejiazhuang was covered with golden light, like the crop that had been worked hard, and finally reached the beautiful season that can be harvested.

Read The Duke's Passion