MTL - Martial God-v8 Chapter 294 The efficacy of medicinal herbs

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In the northwest, in front of Hejiazhuang, several figures passed by, so that they entered the castle inside without knowing it, and d- directly came to the backyard. They are very familiar with Hejiazhuang, and they have never seen it all the way.

At this time, in the backyard of Hejiazhuang, people have gone to the empty space, and no one is missing. But every three days there are people cleaning regularly, so it is not only quiet, but also very clean. Pushing a door open, they walked into a spacious room. "He brother, what are you so eager to come back?" Yanzi Long asked quietly. They are naturally He Yiming, Zi Zilong and others.

After that day, Bingxiaotian invited him to live in the Ice Palace for a few days. He Yiming only let Yuan Lixun stand on behalf of everyone, but he took the car dragon and the rest of the people and hurriedly returned to Hejiazhuang in the northwest. .

Of course, this time he did not go to the retreat of the children of the Hejiatun family, but came to Hejiazhuang on the bright side. Although Zhai Zilong was puzzled by He Yiming’s move, he still followed it quietly. Now that he has returned, he certainly has to ask.

He Yiming smiled and said: "Brother, I am rushing back this time because of two things." He turned over his wrist and had a little jade bottle. He opened his eyes in the eyes of the scorpion dragon fox. Come. Suddenly, the air was filled with a strong aroma of extremes.

He Yiming's body has a slight wave of power fluctuations. The field power is immediately released, and this space is locked. Therefore, although the aroma is rich, it cannot be transmitted out of this room.

The nose of the scorpion dragon was involuntarily deeply pumped a few times. What kind of intelligent person he was, immediately refined to the origin of this thing. Even with his constant strength for more than a thousand years, there is a sense of horror at this moment. "He brothers, this is the double repair Dan? He Yiming flashed a hint of admiration in the eyes.

When Yan Zilong said the first half of the sentence, there were some noises in the voice, but in the end, it was completely restored. He can no longer hear any emotional fluctuations in this voice.

What is the important thing that Shuang Xiu Dan is for the scorpion dragon, this may be his last chance to attack the pseudo-deity. He Yiming asked himself, if he was easy to get along with, he would never be able to do so.

"Brother, this is the double repair of the younger brother." He Yiming said: "This medicinal medicine is endless, not only can enhance the power of the soul, but even the body will be baptized by the efficacy, even He can extend Shouyuan." He paused and said: "If the younger brother did not make a mistake, "even if it is for the Shinto strong, it has the same effect." The scorpion dragon took a long breath.

Although he had long known that the efficacy of this medicinal herb is definitely a small matter, he did not expect that it would have such an exaggerated effect.

The medicinal herbs that can increase the power of the soul are already the most precious treasures in the world. Anyone who is promoted to the virtual state of the gods will have to get it at all costs. Because the strength of the soul will be the key to whether they can further their cultivation in the martial arts. If they have a strong soul power, then their chances of advanced pseudo-deity will increase. This alone is enough to make all the martial arts in the world crazy.

The double Xiu Dan that He Yiming brought out is not only one of these effects, but also can extend human life. More exaggerated is that this drug effect is also applicable to the Shinto strong.

Although there are some of the most precious remedies in this world, the life of the people can not be extended to a certain extent. But unfortunately, the kind of drug that is targeted at is the most humane peak.

Once the martial arts repair reaches the realm of the Shinto, it is separated from the limits of human beings, and it can almost be said to belong to another life that is not the same. It is possible to extend the life of the Shinto strongman... This kind of thing is not what He Yiming said, otherwise no one can believe it.

His eyes fell into the jade bottle. This medicinal medicine does not look big. It is like a child's favorite candy, and it is indeed a candy-like force. Next, I want to swallow it in the belly.

Scorpion dragon sighed and said: "If the effect of this remedy is known, it will definitely cause a storm."

He Yiming smiled and said: "This is called sin, just like the sacred land of the Five Elements. If they don't have enough strength and the **** tree that doesn't know how many years have lived, they This pulse is afraid of being destroyed."

The scorpion dragon slowly nodded his head, his brow furrowed and said: "Brother, are you going to divide this dan?"

He Yiming nodded his head and said: "This medicinal medicine is precious, but the younger brother's family and friends are quite numerous. Many people need this dan. And..." He hesitated, saying: "For the time being, the younger brother is still able to refine a lot of such remedies." The scorpion dragon put his hand on the road and said: "Brother, such a god, no matter how much you refine, is not enough. And I can be sure Things, once you send this Dan a lot, then no matter how good the confidential work is done, it will eventually lead to disaster."

He Yiming smiled dumbly and said: "The old man is alarmist, just because you and my brother are here, who else dares to bully the door."

Yan Zilong shook his head and said: "Brother, you may now be a rare enemy in the human Shinto, but it is not really the best in the world. He Yiming is slightly stunned, and his heart flashes twice. Road figure.

The mysterious mask man, and the powerful unfathomable dragon. If they also shoot for this Dan, then can they really handle it?

After a sigh of relief, He Yiming said: "If the mask person came, the younger brother should be able to cope with it. But the dragon... it should not be robbed of this Dan."

On the face of Zhai Zilong, there was a hint of ridicule, saying: "If this Dan did not extend the effect of Yuanshou, Lord Shenlong may not be able to look at it. You know this effect, then it will definitely not miss it. ""

He Yiming’s eyes changed and said: “Is my brother OK?”

The look of Scorpion Dragon is incomparably awe-inspiring. "The old man and the dragon have been together for hundreds of years, how can they be sure? Hehe..." He sneered a few times and said: "There are many of our Shinto powers gathered together the next day. Shenlong insisted on going to the land of eternal life, so we will open that terrible passage.” He Yiming said with amazement: “Why did Shenlong do this?”

"Because it has been alive for too long, even if it is calculated in the years of the dragon, it has reached its old age. So it is eager to find the law of eternal life. But unfortunately, there is really a way of eternal life in this world. What?” said the dragon, bitterly.

He was also one of the victims of the year. Although he escaped after five hundred years, it was already a human being, and it was no longer the world he was familiar with.

After a quiet moment of contemplation, He Yiming finally nodded heavily and said: "What the old man said is, then what is your opinion?"

Zhai Zilong said seriously: "This Dan should be used with caution. Except those who must take this Dan, the rest will drag it."

He Yiming's face suddenly showed a strange color, I can't think of the scorpion dragon actually said this stupid way. But think carefully, this seems to be justified.

Yan Zilong gently patted He Yiming's shoulder and comforted him: "Brother, if one day, you can be promoted to the real world and become the first person in the world. Then when you want to take out the medicine, it will not Someone will dare to hit your idea again."

He Yiming’s eyebrows were light, and then he sighed deeply. He said sincerely: “The true state of God, it’s easy to talk about it.” Yan Zilong’s mouth was slightly stunned, and his heart was quite emotional.

True God is a dream that is beyond the reach of others. But in He Yiming's body, it seems that there is a possibility of success.

If he is really successful, then in this world, you can truly be unscrupulous.

He handed the jade bottle to the scorpion dragon, He Yiming said: "Brother, you are retreating now, although this effect is very big, but it seems to be a good thing for Shinto. But if - everything Smooth, then in a day or two, maybe my brother will be able to get what he wants."

The dragon's eyes suddenly lit up. For more than a thousand years, he was already completely disheartened, but at this time there was a possibility of re-successfulness. Naturally, he was excited and unable to control himself.

There are three medicinal herbs in the jade Looking at these medicinal herbs, the scorpion dragon is like the wood in the drowning water, watching the wood floating on the water, full of hope.

He Yiming laughed dumbly and said: "The old man is relieved, this time is just a try. If the increased soul power is insufficient, the younger brother will open the alchemy again, and ensure that the old brother can be promoted to the pseudo-deity." He glanced at He Yiming, and he was glad again in his heart.

Fortunately, after leaving the land of death, he was homeless, so He Yiming came to Hejiazhuang and settled here. It seems that this decision is the most correct choice in pure life. After a quarter of an hour, He Yiming looked at the slowly closed door and silently recited it. "Brother, this time you have to be promoted successfully. Once you promote the pseudo-deity, I can safely leave Hejiazhuang." He turned his head and looked straight at the West. It seems that through the endless space, he saw two great pseudo-virgins in the far west.

Wait, I will come to you soon. At that time, the grudges between us will come to a thorough The fourth is sent today, it’s not easy to stick to it every day. Brothers, the white crane needs a monthly ticket to encourage, please cast a precious monthly ticket to the white crane...

Look at the difference between two votes and a genius. Which brother can help? !

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