MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 920 Uranus lore!

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Naval headquarters, Marshal's Office.

Ron sat politely in the main seat, and a group of generals sat in his left and right hands.

This kind of picture has never been thought of by everyone, especially the tea dolphin, and it's been frowning for a long time.

Turning his head off to remind him that the red dog's face was dark and oily, Ron said, "I have two things this time!"

"First, transfer."

"The commander-in-chief of the assassination force and the commander-in-chief of the airboat force, their management of the deployment is still in my hands, and I can no longer use it."

It ’s not really useless. The world ’s governments are aware of the importance of troop strength. They set up a espionage organization “CipherPol”, and they directly obeyed the government. Even the commander-in-chief of the entire army has no right to ask questions.

The main status is different. It is awkward to say that Ron is emotionally a part of the Navy, but is not a member of the Navy in his duties and is a pure outsider.

If he continued to hold this part of the navy military power in his hand, it would set a bad precedent for the group of government officials. People are greedy, and no one is willing to let go.

In the long run, in case any joke of waste civilian officials and troop generals during the Song Dynasty is made, the army's combat effectiveness is not necessary anymore?

As a member standing on the shoulders of giants, this kind of low-level mistake Ron naturally will not make.

Everyone was very excited when they heard that Ron was about to hand over the military power. The assassination forces were not three or two cats of that year. They were already a very important force outside the naval hawkish doves!

It ’s bigger than the Karpists of the year, that is, the "off-duty" faction.

Because of their special positions, they even have more say than simple factions.

But think carefully about the lack of instant interest.

It is precisely because there is too much right to speak, this part of the troops cannot be handed over to any of the Lieutenant Generals. Only with the rank of Major General or above can they take over.

Just like the scientific army, it was taken over by the apes.

The red dog also understood this, and skipped the assassination unit directly, saying, "I actually have an idea about the airboat unit."

"Oh? What?"

"The airboat unit was established that year because it obtained the design of the ark from the empty island. The initial number was not large, but it was established because of its maneuverability."

Ron nodded, understanding.

Otherwise, at the beginning of the establishment of the airboat unit, which round got him a major general who just stepped out of the recruit barracks to take office?

So there are more than thirty empty boats, which have no firepower advantages such as plasma guns. In the eyes of most generals, they are nothing more than a fleet of transport ships that can float in the air.

Of course, the rapid development of the airboat force afterwards quickly hit their faces.

Now all the G-series branches of the Great Route have tasted the sweetness one after another, all hoping that their base can allocate more ships.

"However, with the increase in the number of airboats and a military upgrade in preparation for war, the resident command of most airboats is not actually in the command of the chief commander."

Red Dog continued.

"That's a problem!"

Problems are natural.

The enemy can't come to the door. The chief of the base has to go back and make a call to apply for command of the airboat from Ron?

But Ron was the chief commander. Except for writing a report to him after each war, he didn't even have a mascot meaning.

This commander-in-chief has also gained an emergency dispatch right.

Ron instantly understood the meaning of the red dog, looked at the rest of the lieutenant generals who were eager to try, and said, "Okay, let's discuss it yourself ... I only have one requirement. The army must have combat effectiveness, especially the airboat force Such a big killer! "

The red dog didn't speak, but turned his head to look at the office.

Regardless of whether or not, the Lieutenant Generals stood up together and saluted, "Guarantee the task!"

In this way, they will be eligible to form their own airboat forces.

"Don't be too happy ..."

He sipped his tea, and said lightly: "We will set up an airboat unit headquarters separately to supervise all the airboat units ... so if you don't have the ability, let me be honest!"


The Lieutenant General inhaled with a toothache, but also knew the importance of supervision to the army.

It's okay. Look at the local officials. Isn't it made worse by the Independent Commission Against Corruption?

Gloat is the best way to transfer the pain, so if you think about it, everyone will quickly feel balanced.

Hahaha, you are worse than me!

Obviously, this incident is not really "I thought" as Akagi said, but the countermeasures that he and He discussed.

Ron continued without telling.

"The second thing is about Neptune."

Hearing that the atmosphere in the office suddenly freezes.

Ron likes the navy. He chats and chats when he is okay ... except for the red dog, something is serious, not afraid of death, humane, and able to do things.

It's completely different from the holy land officials who are eating and eating.

"The news came from the patrol left by Admiral Peach Rabbit in the Adrian Seas. Neptune has not appeared yet ... I suspect she is engaged in a big conspiracy. What do you think?"

Kill Neptune first!

This is the consensus reached by Ron and Im.

Do you have your grievances to avenge me?

Now you are messing with the sea, that is my enemy!

She didn't care what Ron was thinking. Ron only cared what she was doing!

But there is a big problem. Neptune is hiding in Adrian Trench. Without discussing the chance of escape, how to find her out is a big problem.

"Perhaps ... you can try the empty island approach and transport Bass over."

Tea Dolphin whispered.

With regard to Neptune, with the appearance of Pluto, it is no longer a secret.

But this method ...

The red dog rubbed his eyebrows, "Go out and stand at the door!"

Tea Dolphin: "..."

The Adrian Trench is a deep sea that is said to be incapable of mermaids. The only thing scientists can determine is the underwater volcano.

Win Bath ... oh!

The dirt goes back to the sea, but you can figure it out.

Under Ron's compulsion, the tea dolphin stood up and went out to smoke.

However, the atmosphere in the office was still silent. Even if she knew what plot she had, everyone couldn't understand the depth of the sea ~ ~.

"Someone woke me up and made me think of a ... not so wonderful great idea."

"Oh? What?"

Crane asked curiously.

"I don't know if you ever know ... King of Heaven?"


The air in the office froze instantly, and everyone opened their mouths dumbly, looking at Ron on the main seat.

What does he mean by using the King of Heaven to deal with the King of the Sea?

"I can tell everyone very responsible that the news circulating a few years ago is true ... the Holy Land has already found the King of Heaven and has begun to re-engrave it."

It was the old thing before Orik's rebellion. He met the bear in the South China Sea and knew the existence of the King of Heaven.

An extinct viral weapon that destroys again with "islands" as a unit of measurement!

Old veterans such as cranes and red dogs naturally knew that the King of Heaven existed, at least knowing what the King of Heaven was, and Wenyan frowned and asked, "How likely is it? Is it lethal enough?"

"The killing power must be enough ..."

Ron replied: "The Uranus virus is insoluble in water and does not break down naturally. Once it takes root and takes root, that land will not grow in two or three hundred years."

"As for the possibility ... it depends on our luck and whether the scientific forces can send the gas tanks to that deep sea."

"But if you want to eradicate Neptune, if you are unlucky, you will spread it many times, won't you ..."

Peach Rabbit asked worriedly, the virus weapon, it sounded infiltrating.

"That's why I say it's not so wonderful!"

Ron sighed: "If the dose is too large, coupled with the effects of ocean currents, the virus spreads ... the worst result ..."

Looking at her, Ron said, "The whole sea will turn into a ghost!"

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