MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 919 The war is over and preparations are underway!

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Along with the white spray rising high up in the sky, the last Neptune was opened by the artillery, and fell down in sorrow.

Lieutenant General Dalmercia pulled his arm out of his head and jumped back to the deck.


Taking a few deep breaths to calm his body, he stared fiercely, "Why stop? Continue to attack!"


The soldiers responded subconsciously, and suddenly a shout came from afar.

"Lieutenant General, it's over!"

"What's over?"

"The war is over!"

A messenger ran up and down, pointing at the ocean and said excitedly, "Look, we won!"


Dalmesia heard the words and turned his head blankly.

Sure enough, when Pluto cleared out the Neptune class of the large army, the dominant navy swarmed up and separated them and settled them.

This process is very difficult and slow, but with Pluto sitting on the counter, Neptune's counterattack is like the waves hitting the coast, and it will eventually dissipate.

At this moment, the battlefield was full of gunpowder smoke, and people around the wreckage of the sunken warships rushed to meet their colleagues. Several remaining sea kings in the distance kept uttering an unwilling roar, but they still could not stop the baptism of the naval fire, like a collapse Like the mountains, one planted into the ocean and could no longer float.

The war hit here, it really ended.

"has it ended?"

Dalmesia murmured dumbfounded, and suddenly fell back.


He fell heavily on the deck, and the soldiers around were startled, preparing to embrace him, but heard the roar of Dalmesia.

"Let's go a long way, don't disturb me to sleep!"

Then the snoring trembled.


On Pluto's deck, Crane looked at all this with relief.

This somewhat risky initiative was finally over.

"Order all units to rescue the wounded and clear the battlefield!"


The watchman ordered the soldiers to run away. Behind her, Qing Ye pestered the cane and said quietly, "If you agree with me, I can end sooner."

"If you fall here, that's how many soldiers are saved to make up for the losses that don't come back!"

He Wen shuddered, and then said coldly: "The general does not need to take everything, just like Dalmercia, just give an order."

"The soldiers don't have so many ideas on the battlefield. They only know that if they don't kill the enemy, the enemy will kill him. His head is blank like a tool ... so they need a general who can give orders clearly and accurately from the standpoint of an onlooker. This is also for more people to survive ... "

"Even ... it sounds very cold-blooded, but they know it."

Tao Tuo helped Jin Bi Luo come over, and said lightly, "General Qingyou, are you looking down on the soldiers' enlightenment?"


With a bitter smile, Qing Ye shook her head: "Forget it, when I didn't say it."

Cranes and peach rabbits make sense, in simple terms, they are "loving soldiers." Qing Qing's ideas are in line with human feelings, but they are not suitable for the battlefield.

"Come on, let's go back first."

At this moment, the crane interrupted.

She glanced in the direction of the holy place with a dignified expression: "I have a hunch that Ron called the red dogs in the past, not just for the sake of Hades."


The thing about Pluto is really simple. When the bald head accused the navy of violating the death law set by the world government: no one is allowed to touch the taboo ancient knowledge without authorization, but Ron blocked it with a word.

"Oh, it was my order."

Suddenly he was speechless!

What else can I do?

Is it necessary to accuse Ron of violating the rules set by the Five Stars?

Take the sword of the previous dynasty to cut the current official, or Canglong himself ... is it tired? !!

A few days later, when the news of the navy's victory spread across the sea, it was just the peak period when the remains of the beasts scattered.

These guys finally wanted to understand that they didn't need to accompany the Navy to die for an already disbanded alliance. Pirates, come and go freely. Now that even the captain has dismissed the Pirates, what other reason are they desperate for?

If in the past, the pirate turmoil of this size would definitely cause a headache for the navy, but in the face of the main naval forces rushing towards the new world, countless pirates were embarrassed and could not shake the waves.

Naval Headquarters, Marin Fodor.

Today's naval headquarters is becoming more and more majestic, not only reflected in the strong and fortified headquarters fortified after the top war, but also in the spirit of soldiers who come and go.

Looking a few years ago, the Qiwu Sea and the Four Emperors settled the sea. The naval headquarters is a lubricant-like existence, maintaining the balance of the surface, and everyone is tortured to the extreme.

However, over time, the seemingly out of reach opponents successively fell under the navy Jin Ge iron horse, the fourth emperor killed the second, and the queen Qiwuhai survived, the eyes of the soldiers gradually changed, changed Be more confident and proud.

The elite soldiers were not trained, but stacked one after another.

Ron promised that even if there was no such thing as a lightning stimulus, the naval combat power would double.

"It feels like ... I haven't been back for a long time, obviously it's only a few months."

Standing on the familiar port, Ron had the illusion of wrongdoing.

A few months ago, Gu Gaohong and the World Destroyer struck. He was ordered to attack, but was captured by the green bull ... Then he rolled around the country, killed the black coal snake, copied the back of the Beast Alliance, and forced Ori Ke and Kedo went straight to the Holy Land.

Then he became the head of the Holy Land.

Soldiers who obey orders need to be in power in the true sense.

The difference and misunderstanding was only known to Ron himself.


This feeling became even stronger when he saw the port leading the team to meet his own red dogs and others.

"Welcome to Lord Canglong!"

Seeing him appear, the red dog stepped forward and stood saluting.

Subsequently, tens of thousands of soldiers behind stepped neatly, moving into one piece.

"Welcome to Lord Canglong !!"

Hiss ... whee ...

Looking at the excited look on the soldiers' faces, Ron took a breath and spit it out ...

"soooo boring?"

"Am I like someone who has a lot of time ?!"

Red Dog: "..."

"Okay, I have to dissolve Lao Tzu! I have to explain things and have to go back, I really thought I came back to the door ?!"

Everyone: "..."

The truth is such a truth, but the pomp is still required!

A group of people were insulted.

The mask zero on behalf of CP0 came over to receive the core of Hell Island Crab, and all the warring states came to pick up and drop off. Now it is replaced by the Holy Land's highest authority. Is the scene still required?

But Ron didn't care what they thought about, saying that the current was directly dispersed and disappeared in place.

"Come to the Marshal's office to meet me!"

Red Dog: "..."

this is my house!

(╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻


Among the crowd, the long-retired cadre of the Warring States Period covered his mouth and laughed, "whispering" in a voice that everyone could hear: "I told you long ago that you don't need to do this, but you are not ashamed, are you ashamed?"

The red dog had a blue complexion and stared back fiercely: "Sooner or later I will send you into the push city!"

"Nothing else, just be clean!"

"Oh, Sakowski, calm down ..."

He looked at the duo with twitching twitches and reminded: "We managed to persuade him to take over the new barracks, and the night and evening changed badly ... Let me say ~ ~ We can't let Xiuzuo and Binz take office?

It was also interesting to say that the recruit camp was originally Zefa's belt. Later, Ron sent Edward Weibull's head. Zefa, who had fulfilled his wishes, obeyed his persuasion and chose to retire. Xiu Zuo took over the burden.

Then it didn't take long for the top war to start. After that battle, there were two senior generals ready to return to their hometown, Marshal Sengoku and Tekken Karp.

In order to leave them behind, "Steel Bone" pondered for a long time, so that the Warring States threw Karp to the recruit barracks. Later, when the red dogs and the green crickets won the victory, the Warring States did not succeed.

Then, Karp fell, and Xiuzuo took over again to pick the beam.

I thought it was settled this way. What's the matter of being a veteran and working hard?

However, as Ron took office, one of the generals was vacated. The Navy has been thinking these days, and among the lieutenant generals who have the opportunity at present, they have chosen to stand in teams.

Therefore, in order to stabilize the situation, Crane persuaded the Warring States to go to the new barracks, Xiusuo once again became the second leader.

An old man has a treasure, as long as the Warring States Day is in the headquarters, there are really few people in the Navy who dare not sell his face.

To be sure, there is only one red dog.

If the Warring States is withdrawn now, Xiusuo Sanjin into the palace ... don't say what Xiusuo thinks, cranes are a little bit shameless to see Zefa.

Isn't this tossing? !!

Hearing that the red dog's face turned greener.

But nothing to say, after all.

In particular, Xiuzuo was Zefa ’s disciple and Ron ’s brother. If he continued to do so and angered Zefa and Ron, then he would not have a clean life.


Coldly shook his face, and the red dog turned away from looking at him with a big wave of his hand.

"Lieutenant General, go to my office for a meeting!"

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