MTL - Magic Chef of Ice and Fire-Chapter 216 诛神弩 (on)

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Chapter 216, The Holy Spirit (I)

Of course, this may be related to the bitter soup they had previously drank into a squid. After all, the contrast is too strong. In the excitement, this meal was eaten for half an hour. Although the warriors were like hungry wolves, there were too many wire snakes, and the smallest one had a long length. In the end, they only ate it. One-fifth of the snake meat, the rest, without the ice, is stored in the ice caves that have already been excavated. And the one they eat is the biggest one, and it also consumes the most magical fire power. When the ice, the cat and the cockroach are all full, the three-footed wire snake barbecue is absolutely Most of them, the cat and the cat greeted each other, and her five baby pets immediately rushed up. The fastest speed is naturally the fox, and the other pets are not slow. Who said that the cows graze, the cats only burst Milk Taurus eats meat no less than other pets. Among the five pets, the chrysanthemum pig officer and the dark magic mouse have the strongest fighting power, and they are tall and strong, occupying the best position, even the snake bones. Never let go. The most pitiful is the phantom konjac, which is inherently flawed, and the mouth is much smaller than the other four pets. Although the body is not small, the speed of eating is much slower.

After the silver carp and the subordinates stored the snake meat, they stood in a neat queue and stood in front of the ice waiting for the order. They read the ice and looked up at the snow-capped mountain that did not seem to change much. It said: "Your physical strength should also be I have recovered, my stomach is full, and it is time to continue the mountain killing. Don’t think that what I am giving you is an impossible task. If you continue to work hard, you will see a miracle happen. Ok, now you Go, start tomorrow, and resume the order of the three rounds."

"Yes, teach the Lord." After eating the stomach, these warriors have a sigh of relief. Under the leadership of Jubilee, heading towards the top of the snow-capped mountains, looking at their backs, you can't help but reveal a smile, and soon you will feel different. Watching the warriors go down the mountain, he found a place to sit down and knees, quietly practicing, and a colorful halo to form a protective cover. Resist the cold wind.

As I thought about the ice, when the action of destroying the mountains was launched again, the silver scorpion suddenly felt different. After they attacked six or seven times in full, they needed to take a break, but this time, they launched 10 attacks in a row. After that, they are still alive and kicking. Moreover, they were surprised to find that their own power seems to have increased a lot, fighting the mountain, the power is significantly enhanced than before. At first, these warriors did not care too much, but when the whole day, the snow mountain was blown up nearly three feet, they suddenly realized the changes in their bodies. They all thought of the same problem. The oyster sauce, only the oyster sauce is the most suspicious, whether it is the silver carp, or his subordinates, can not help but secretly grateful to the young teacher of the ice. You must know that a warrior wants to strengthen his own strength only by continuous cultivation and actual combat, but he followed the ice to the ice and snow, just a few days. Their strength has been enhanced to varying degrees. They did not have the slightest confidence in the action of the mountain, and they have begun to look forward to their own situation at the end of the training two months later. The increase in enthusiasm has suddenly increased their efficiency.

Seven days later, when Nian Bing led the Icemoon Hall team into the tenth day of the mountain range, when the sun just rose, a snow eagle flew in the direction of Icemoon City, which is unique to the Ice Moon Empire. An eagle, ferocious, living only in cold areas. Once tame. Will become the best partner of the owner. This snow eagle can be said to be a silver baboon, when he saw the letter from the snow eagle. Immediately down from the top of the mountain to find the ice.

"Teacher, the blood guard has arrived." Listening to the answer of the silver eagle, the spirit of the ice was refreshed and satisfied: "Hurry!"

Jubilee smiled and said: "The leader told me that it was soon. When the seven elders received your order, they let the five hundred blood guards rush to the Icemoon City day and night, and now they are on standby at my Icemoon Hall headquarters. You see Is it for them to come over now?" Silver eyes flashed with a touch of essence. Ten days passed, and I went to drink three times, and they drank three times. Ever since I knew the wonderful effect of the juice, no one complained. Whenever I saw the pot of smelly juice, they seemed to see the world's treasures. The taste of the juice seemed not so difficult. In ten days, the speed at which they grew up was almost unimaginable. In particular, their physical strength and vindictive purity have been greatly improved during the continuous Lushan process, and there are nourishing iron wire snakes and snake meat. The confidence of these warriors has become more and more full. From the beginning of the mountain strike to the present, the whole mountain has successfully destroyed more than 20 feet except for the hundred feet cut off at the beginning of the ice. Although the mountain is getting more and more They are large, but they still maintain a certain speed, which proves that their strength is constantly improving.

I read the ice and smiled. I shook my head and said, "No, I will go and lie in the ice city and bring them over. Just look at what I want. I am going to teach you." Command, I will be able to come back tonight at the latest." I don't know how the icemoon city is going, how much Yanfeng has prepared for it. Those are the key! After all, these warriors can't practice again, and they can compete with the gods in just two months. This requires the kind of things that they have to design. If they can succeed, they will only have their own and the two. enough.

Jubilee said: "The teacher is assured that the brothers have become more and more confident recently. They don't have to deliberately swear. They can work hard one by one. Frankly speaking, from the time I started practicing martial arts to the present, these ten days are my progress. The fastest ten days, the leader, thank you for giving this opportunity to our ice hall. You can rest assured that our brothers of Ice Moon Church will do their best to complete the task."

Nian Xiao smiled and said: "There is usually more sweating, less blood in the war. I will face what I will face in two months. I have already said that the silver lord, for the lives of the brothers, you must work harder."

I read the ice and left the scorpion, and took the cat to the ice city with space magic. After staying here for ten days, it is difficult for the cat to practice her spiritual magic every day. This time, go to the ice moon city. Also let her relax. The time to go to the ice is not very long, from early morning to evening, when the day just wiped out. He has already returned with the cat.

The silver door shone in the open space, and the cat first jumped out, followed by the ice, and smiled and greeted him. He just wanted to talk, but saw a dark red figure squirting out. They didn't make any noise, these people just appeared. Suddenly, he was shocked, because he felt a sigh of breath from these people. Although the murderousness was completely restrained, these dark red warriors and the warriors who were behind the swords left him deeply. impression. These people all seem to be around thirty years old, with no expression on their faces. After the appearance, each one stood calmly behind the ice, arranged in a neat queue. From them, the scent of smoldering felt the **** atmosphere, and the powerful murderous machine continued to rise with the increase in the number of people. Each of them. They are like a sword that is about to be unsheathed. It seems that they can launch the strongest attack at any time. Their eyes are calm, but their eyes are like snakes. The warriors of the Ice Moon Hall have made the quality of the glutinous rice high. But compared with the smell of these people, there is no small gap. Looking at their generous palms, the similar body, and the icy temperament, the simmering simmer is not only a breath, but Yangon People? Judging from the smell of them, it is obviously a long time of training. Moreover, they are by no means ordinary warriors. Their strength is obviously exercised with blood. Killer, this is the final judgment of 舄 。. There is nothing wrong with the speculation of 舄 ,, five hundred blood Guardian, as the most elite members of the blood lion teaching, they usually play a role. It is to attack the hard. Once the blood lion teaches something difficult to solve or a crisis, it is when they are dispatched. These five hundred blood guards have spent a lot of resources on blood lions. Even the original five churches, the resources consumed by any one are not as much as they are. The training of blood martial arts is carried out from an early age. It is sent by the blood lion church who has the highest status in the blood lion teaching. The orphans with excellent qualifications are sought in the private sector. They have been cultivated since the age of three. The information they instill in their hearts is only obeyed and killed. The blood Guardian in the Blood Lion Hall, they began to serve for the Blood Lion Hall. They are 30 years old. They are also the perfect period of human life. From 30 to 45 years old, they are blood for fifteen years. The time of the lion teaching service, after the forty-five-year-old blood squad, will immediately leave the blood squad team, arranged by the blood lion to become an ordinary person, and the retired blood Guardian has a very high status in the blood lion teaching. Some of them are instructors who serve as the next blood guard, while others go to important positions in various churches, and without exception, they will receive the best treatment. However, after the emergence of the blood guards, the final ten successful retirements can be seen how difficult they are to perform the task. It is precisely because of this that they have stood the test of blood, the strongest team in the dark world. Although the number of people is only five hundred, the grandfather Rong Yan, who was the first to read the ice, once said that he had the Flame Dragon Knights. At this stage, the only one that can destroy the Flame Dragon Knights is only the five hundred blood. Wei. It is not that these blood guards can confront the Flame Dragon Knights from the front. However, the training of the blood guards has always given them a kind of thinking, that is, in order to achieve the purpose of unscrupulous means, this alone, even the two Flame Dragon Knights may not be their opponents.

Looking at the surprised eyes, I read the ice and smiled: "Big brother, these are the elites of our blood lions, and the blood lions are five hundred blood. At the beginning, I helped Yan Feng to go to the ice emperor, the most crucial The Royal Palace was completed by them. At that time, although I used various forms to make the interior of the palace empty, but the five hundred blood guards did the miracle of immortality."

He nodded and said: "Yes, these people are not only strong, but more importantly, the kind of breath they radiate. Even I feel a little scared. I read the ice, the blood lion teaching power. It’s really powerful! I think, if you don’t count on sacrifice, the gods below the demigod, in the case of five-on-one, I’m afraid it’s hard to please them.” Half-god refers to the gods below the twelfth order. The so-called half-god, that is, the strength is between Wu Sheng and the gods. The judgment of 舄 非常 is very accurate. Although most of these blood defensive strengths are between the big swordsmen and the martial arts masters, they can completely attack the martial arts mission. The sputum is secretly calculated. There are tens of thousands of gods on the mainland of God. However, most of the lowest-level gods are not as good as those in front. It seems that in addition to the top masters, the Yangon mainland is far from being able to compete with ordinary gods.

At the time of observing the five hundred blood guards, the blood guards in the back have gradually come out. At the end of the team, the cockroaches saw some strange things. The last 30 blood squads appeared, and each three people carried a The huge shelf made of metal, I don't know what it is for. The front end of the shelf is about one foot wide and has a straight cylinder. The bottom of the column is conical sharp, and the two sides of the cylinder are extended to the side. Square bracket, the underside of the bracket is on the cooked cowhide pad. The front two blood guards are carrying the shelf with the shoulder top, and extending from the front arc, a square metal column with a length of one foot. At the end of the curved ends, it is connected by a black wire, and the wire is as thick as a thumb, and no material is seen. The dwarfs were the masters of casting. When the cockroach saw this thing, his mind immediately began to calculate quickly, especially when he saw the wire and the square metal pillar in the middle extended all the way backwards, and When the **** guard was behind, the eyes couldn't help but flash and shouted. "Okay, it's a good thing." I couldn't wait to get to the front and touch the huge metal frame.

The black light is quietly coming out like a snake's tooth. In an instant, at least dozens of stilettos point to the sputum, and the body that rushes to the front stops instantly. A layer of black vindictiveness emerges from the body, and he feels the crisis. The place where the ten-handed black sword pointed out was the key to him, but there was no repetition, and the strong murder locked his body.

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