MTL - Magic Chef of Ice and Fire-Chapter 216 诛神弩(下)

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Chapter 216, The Holy Spirit (below)

At this moment, he clearly felt that no matter which direction he moved, these fine swords would immediately attack himself. He certainly did not fear such an attack, but the threat formed by this moment made him The impression of blood health is even deeper. Looking at the pair of eyes without feelings, I couldn’t help but secretly nodded, it’s amazing.

These are all happening in an instant. I read the ice and hurriedly said: "Stop the hand, it is your own person." The black sword disappeared silently, and the team of the blood guards remained so neat, the murderous moment converges, even the halogen Such a master felt that the whole body was light. At this time, he was able to touch the metal frame, and he was groping on the metal shelf with black grudge on his hand, especially the center of the black square column that extended backward. The curved deep groove, in the nod of the nod, the eyes are full of praise, "good things, really good things. I did not expect that Yangon can also refine this level."

Nian Bing smiled and said: "The Ice Moon Empire is the country that is best at casting in the Yangon continent. Before we came to this mountain range, I talked with the Yanfeng Empire King Yanfeng, and specially let him send people to make it out. Now There is still a lot of casting in the air, and all kinds of materials are in place. I believe that soon, all the things I want will be completed. Two months should be enough."

He did not look back at the ice. His gaze was completely attracted by the things in front of him. While he was groping for the cold metal, he muttered: "The two men carry and lift the shelf to lift and lower to compensate for the lack of height. This is an alloy, not a simple iron, but a combination of repeatedly forged fine iron and tungsten steel, and its own strength is excellent. Especially this tungsten steel string, which should be added with red copper, this is The string's ductility is kept the best, and it is made up of nearly one hundred filaments. The craftsmanship is already very good. Even such a big flaw, even for me, I saw it for the first time. In our dwarf record, In the past, the mainland has had a similar super-heavy squad, but it is the eight-point attack that is used to defend the wall. Compared with this one, the manufacturing process is more sophisticated, and it can launch eight large arrows at the same time. Even the hardest battle squad can't stop its attack. However, although this can only launch a smashing arrow, it has far more attack power than the eight attack weights. After all, all the elastic forces are concentrated in one On the support arrow, the power will be much larger. However, this cockroach also has its own flaws. The resources required for the repeated forging of the smelting iron plus tungsten steel and red copper are enormous. Moreover, the weight is a big problem. If I judge well, the weight of this downtime will be more than 200 kilograms."

I missed the ice and nodded. "Yes, two hundred and fifty kilograms, the big brother is not the warrior of the dwarf. Your judgment is correct. Although the attack power is extremely strong, the weight has become the biggest limit, no It’s impossible to pull the scorpion at the level of the martial arts, although there are two moving pulleys on both sides of the chord to reduce the tension. Moreover, it is not common for ordinary people to carry the 250 kilograms of giant python. Therefore, each of these heavy squads requires three masters to cooperate to exert their power. Moreover, it is only the power of single attack.

He was shocked by the whole body and heard the last two words spoken by Yan Bing. He suddenly understood the meaning of reading the ice. He murmured: "Oh, God, a god. I read the ice, this is what you designed." of?"

I missed the ice and nodded. "I learned cooking from a young age and I like it very much. I am very fond of all kinds of tools. Especially, I am a magician. I am too disadvantaged when I am fighting with a warrior. Unfortunately. At that time I There is no money, otherwise, I will definitely make a handcuffs for my body. When I was young, I used to be imaginary. If I could make a super heavy, even the master of Wusheng level, I am afraid it would be difficult to resist. Of course. The premise is that I have to be able to shoot the opponent. Therefore, I have some ideas, and later I sketched a sketch when I had nothing. Before I came here, I handed the sketch to the ice empire king Yan Feng, passing him. After dispatching the best weapons designers to improve, there is such a god, this thing is really costly to produce, and a scorpion needs enough resources to equip several heavy cavalry. Fortunately, the Ice Moon Empire itself is rich in production. These ore can be successfully produced by the kind of ore. The first stage is ten."

舄 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一You know, the opportunity is huge, the rear is the rear, and the front of the machine is the heaviest. Therefore, the weight he has to bear now is not as simple as 250 kilograms. Seeing that his face looked relaxed, it didn't seem to cost anything. Moreover, the gods were in his hands, and there was no trembling. I don't know, even if the two men have a strong force, it is impossible. Make it happen.

The silver hand flashed on the ice, and a long and half-footed arrow appeared on his hand. He handed the arrow to the cockroach and smiled. "Big brother, let's try this first arrow. This thing is made. Come out, I also want to see how powerful it is. Under the powerful ejection, I didn't set the tail on this arrow. If the straight attack distance can reach three hundred feet, then my goal is reached."

When I took the iron arrow and looked at it, I couldn’t help but laugh: "It’s a big hand! With the iron and the red copper as the arrow and the tungsten steel as the arrow, the penetration of this thing is perfect. what!"

I read the ice and smiled: "Yes! The value of this thing is extremely high. If it is not for dealing with those gods, I will not let the Ice Moon Empire cast this thing for me! Try it, see how powerful it is."

He nodded his head and put the smashing machine on the ground. Before he slid on the body, he would easily pull the bowstring which was originally pulled by the one-legged support on the scorpion. The whole squeaking sound was squeaking, and the front arc gradually curved. He hung the string, and the whole plane suddenly bowed. He would read the ice to him and insert it from the front. He laughed and said: "Enough, I have some expectations." He will again The gods lifted up, and after the eyes were tied to the strings, they swung away to the snow-capped mountains hundreds of feet away from the distance. The right hand gripped the handles below, and the eyes flashed in the blink of an eye.

The piercing sound of the air rang with the hum of the chords, and everyone saw only a phantom. In the blink of an eye disappeared, with the disappearance of the phantom, the snow mountain sounded a huge roar almost instantly. Everyone was stunned to see that the snowy mountains in the distance splashed a large amount of snow and fog, and the mental power of the ice could be used as an eye. Clearly seen, on the snowy mountain above the three hundred feet. There was a big hole with a diameter of nearly a foot. The depth of the hole was three feet. The power of this arrow was enough to compare with the attack power of a Wusheng. Seeing all this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He squinted and looked at the big hole in the snowy mountain and handed it back to the three blood guards. The look in the eyes is slightly fluctuating and seems to be thinking about something. I read the ice and walked to the side of the body, saying: "Big brother, how do you see this thing? The god-level master who is used to deal with the mainland of God, if it is intensive, the effect should be good, and I intend to shoot here. Attach some magic to it."

He nodded and said: "After the magic is added, the lethality is bound to be greater. However, I suggest that you add a single attack magic, using the penetrating power of the arrow. If it is cover magic, the attack power is scattered, but instead The effect of this straight line attack is actually five hundred feet, which is too horrible. The general attack distance of the bow and arrow is only fifty feet. The hard bow will not exceed 100 feet, but the former lost the mainland. The straight-line attack of the Eight Attack Giants is only three hundred feet. The gods can exert such great power and have a lot to do with its materials. Such a large strength can only be achieved with these good materials. Ice is so sacred because of the long range, but some problems have arisen."

In the heart of the ice, he knows that as a dwarf, he is not as strong in casting as he does not know. Hurry and ask humbly: "Big brother. What are the shortcomings?"

舄 舄 : : "You guys and three people together to manipulate a glimpse, there should be no problem. However, you only have a simple mechanical sight on this sacred god, you have to understand that human vision is limited, after all, Five hundred feet, I am afraid that the elves that we lost in the mainland are also difficult to obtain. And we have to deal with those gods, the attack distance is the most important, it is best to kill the other side five hundred feet. This is a gods Attack speed and range are enough, but if you don't have good accuracy, your precious arrows will only be wasted."

front sight? I didn’t think about this problem carefully. I heard the relationship between the distance and the crosshairs. Indeed, just aiming at the eye alone, I am afraid that only I can lock my opponent with my mental power. I am afraid that it is difficult to achieve a precise degree of how to practice under my hand. Is it so easy for me to make a sacred god?

Looking at the brows of the brows, he smiled and said: "Brother, don't worry, do you forget what your big brother is doing? This is the problem of the land, let me solve it for you."

I read the ice and said: "Big brother, do you have a solution?"

舄 傲 傲 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : You write a list, you are ready for me according to the things on the list, I promise to give you these eyes and gods. Right, how many gods are you going to get?"

I read the ice and smiled and looked at it. "The 600 people are naturally two hundred. I don't want the blood lions to be hurt by the elite. The arrows are the weapon they use to deal with the gods."

The first thing: "Well, then I will cast out 200 special sights for you. However, you will need your fire magic to help you."

When I read the ice, I nodded and turned to the five hundred blood guards. "Is there a snowy mountain in front of you? There are hundreds of warriors in the ice hall of the school who are carrying out the task of destroying the mountain. From now on, you will also participate in it. The purpose is to I will razed the snow-capped mountains to the ground. You have five hundred people divided into three teams, which meet with the three teams led by the Yinxiu Church. He will arrange everything you need to do, change people every four hours, and cycle through the mountains."

Read The Duke's Passion