MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 491 declare

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  Chapter 491 Proclamation

   "Gary Sane Jr. killed Colleen Lopez?"

  Mohan Wald nodded, "Yes."

   "Who came up with the idea of ​​self-directed and self-acted kidnapping?"

   "Also Gary Sane Jr."

  Luke smiled, "You picked yourself pretty clean."

   "What I said is true, the two of us are friends in name, but in fact I am just a small follower of his, and everything is obeyed by him.

   He enjoys all good things first, and I can only pick up what he left. "

   Mohan Ward sighed, "I know it sounds embarrassing, but it is the truth."

   "So, he proposed to sleep with your girlfriend, and you agreed?"

Mohan Wald spread his hands, "The yacht belongs to Gary Sane Jr., and the food is also provided by Gary Sane Jr., everyone comes out to play, no one can get something for nothing, there must be some sacrifices, adult People should understand this truth."

   Luke said, "Then have you ever thought that, as your girlfriend, Colleen Lopez, the reason why she attended the yacht party may also be out of trust in you."

  Mohan Wald shook his head, "I don't want this either, and I don't want Colleen to be hurt. It was Gary Sane Jr. who forced me to do this."

   "What did he use to persecute you?"

   "Friendship, I don't want to lose him as a friend."

  Luke shook his head and laughed. A guy who can even give away his girlfriend, how could he care about the so-called friendship, "Hey, don't waste my patience, look into my eyes, I want to be honest."

  Mohan Wald rubbed his nose, and laughed at himself, "I've been following him all these years, barely getting into his circle. I know that I don't have a high status in this circle, but I can always get some resources and benefits.

  If I break up with Gary Sane Jr., he will definitely kick me out of this circle, and my hard work and dedication over the years will be wiped out. "

  This reason makes sense, Luke continued to ask, "Who knows about the kidnapping case you directed and acted yourself?"

   "Gary Sane Jr., me, and Mrs. Gary Sane Jr.'s mother."

   "Why did Gary Sane Jr. tell Mrs. Sane?"

  “We saw on the news that Gary Sane Jr. had been kidnapped, and we all panicked.

   This situation is not in our plan.

  The news media has already broadcasted it, so how could the FBI and the police not know about it? We dare not make blackmail calls, let alone ask for ransom.

  And the 'kidnappers' have not received the ransom, it is impossible to release the hostages, and we have no reasonable reason to be 'released'.

  We had no similar criminal experience, and we were all at a loss. Later, Gary Sane Jr. proposed to contact his mother and tell Mrs. Sane the ins and outs of the incident. He believed that Mrs. Sane would definitely help him. "

  Luke asked, "What did Mrs. Sane do?"

   "Our news about the outside world comes from two sources, one is the news, and the other is Mrs. Sane.

   Mrs. Sane was very happy when she received a call from Gary Sane Jr. and asked what happened. Gary Sane Jr. told her everything about the yacht.

  She was worried and frightened, and initially persuaded Gary Sane Jr. to surrender himself.

   But Gary Sane Jr. killed someone and had no escape route. He didn't want to go to jail, so he begged Mrs. Sane to help him.

  Mrs. Sane was still persuaded and agreed to act as an internal response.

  According to Mrs. Sane, Gary Sane Jr.’s father has already called the police, and the FBI has already started investigating the case. Let us hide carefully so as not to be exposed.

  With the news delivered by Mrs. Sane, we felt a lot more at ease, so we hid in this motel. "

  Luke couldn't help but sigh with emotion, it really is a loving mother who loses her son, "What else did Mrs. Sane tell you?"

  "Mrs. Sane said that because the kidnapping case was exposed by the media, Gary Sane Jr.'s father was very angry, thinking that the FBI did not handle the case well.

  He wants to ask the most famous detective of the Los Angeles Police Department to investigate the kidnapping and rescue Gary Sane Jr.

  Mrs. Sane checked the information of this police detective. He has investigated many major cases in Los Angeles, and the detection rate of the cases is 100%.

  Mrs. Sane was worried that the detective would find out the truth about the murder of Gary Sane Jr. after taking over the case, so she hired a detective to prevent the other party from returning to Los Angeles. "

   This makes it clear, Luke continued to ask, "Gary Sane Jr. never thought of telling his father about this?"

  "Mrs. Sane also proposed this idea. After thinking about it carefully, Gary Sane Jr. did not tell his father about it.

  One is because he is afraid of his father, and the other is because he feels that his father has been in contact with the FBI. "

   Luke laughed, this guy can be regarded as a wrong hit, and it is indeed possible with Anthony's ability.

   Mohan Wald choked up, "Sir, that's all I know.

   Colleen's death really had nothing to do with me, I just made mistakes again and again to help a friend, and I got to this point. "

   Luke felt more and more disgusted when he saw the other party's low-key posture. This guy sacrificed his girlfriend and claimed that he was helping a friend. This kind of rhetoric is useless in front of a jury.

  The question now is how to find Colleen Lopez's body.

  Before, Luke said that he found Colleen Lopez's body. He was completely bluffing the other party. He didn't even know where Colleen Lopez's body was?

  He needs to get some clues from Mohan Wald, but he can't ask directly, otherwise Mohan Wald will know that he is lying.

   "Describe the specific process of your crime."

  Mohan Wald thought for a while, then shook his head, "When I arrived, Colleen was already dead. She was killed by Gary Sane Jr., and only Gary Sane Jr. knew the detailed process of the killing."

   "What happened after that? How did you deal with the corpse?"

   "I was terrified, too, because I had never experienced anything like this.

  Gary Sane Jr. asked me to find a large plastic bag for the body, but I couldn't find it anywhere on the yacht.

  When I returned to the room, Gary Sane Jr. had already wrapped Colleen Lopez's body in a quilt, and he called me a waste.

  He asked me to find a toolbox, a heavy iron box, and tied the body and the toolbox together and threw them into the sea.

  Gary Sane Jr. also said that as long as the fact that we were kidnapped is confirmed, even if the police find Colleen’s body, they can still blame the kidnappers and have nothing to do with us. "

   "What does that blood letter V mean?"

   "In order to confuse the police and make the police think that he was really kidnapped, he wrote the V character with his own blood. It doesn't make any sense, just to interfere with the police investigation."

   "Who knows about this?"

   "Just me and Gary Sane Jr."

   Luke frowned and thought, because in the kidnapping of Isa Redman, the kidnapper Hugo Choudhury claimed to be Mr. V, and the police did think that the two cases were related at first.

  But judging from Mohan Wald's description, the two kidnapping cases are not directly related.

  Then the kidnapper Hugo Choudhury called himself Mr. V, either because it was a coincidence, or because he knew the situation at the scene of the yacht crime. Also in order to confuse the police, he deliberately called himself Mr. V to connect the two kidnapping cases.

  The only people who know the yacht scene, except for Gary Sane Jr. and Mohan Wald, are only FBI agents.

   That is to say, Anthony suspects that the FBI has the idea of ​​an insider. It is not groundless, but has a certain basis.

  Luke suppressed his thoughts and asked, "What would you do if you weren't caught by the FBI?"

   "Gary Sane Jr. is preparing a plan. He is going to find a remote place and fake a kidnapping scene.

   Then, we fake some wounds on our bodies, and find a suitable opportunity to appear in front of the public.

   It is said that they escaped while the kidnappers were not paying attention.

  I think this is a bit risky, and I have been persuading them to surrender, but he doesn't listen.

  I think it through now, Colleen was killed by him, and I shouldn't help him.

  I want to identify him, he is a murderer! "

  Luke laughed, this guy picked himself really clean, it was Gary Sane Jr. who killed the man, and the idea was also from Gary Sane Jr., as if he was completely coerced.

  In Luke's opinion, this product is worse than Gary Sane Jr.

  He wanted to get rid of the crime, but it was not so easy.

  American juries tend to favor the weak. For the same felony, the weak may be acquitted by the jury.

   But this underdog is not Mohan Wald.

   Instead, Colleen Lopez.

Although Colleen Lopez was killed by Gary Sane Jr., Mohan Wald, as Colleen Lopez's boyfriend, was not only indifferent, but even became an accomplice. This behavior is easily disgusted by the public and disgust.

   As long as Mohan Wald cannot get a favorable plea deal, he will definitely be punished severely.

Speaking of this, I have to mention Sophia. Her experience is sympathetic, and she is also a "weak person" in the eyes of the jury. Although she did participate in the kidnapping case, she is also a victim and is likely to be sentenced by the jury. crime.

  At eight o'clock in the morning, the interrogation ended.

  Luke and Anthony meet in the motel yard.

  Anthony handed Luke a cigarette, "How was your interrogation going?"

Luke lit a cigarette and took a sip, "According to Mohan Wald's statement, Gary Sane Jr. fell in love with his girlfriend Colleen Lopez, deliberately got Colleen Lopez drunk and forced her to play poker , during which Colleen Lopez woke up, the two had a fight, and Gary Sane Jr. killed Colleen Lopez.

  Gary Sane Jr. didn't want to go to jail and sink Colleen Lopez's body into the sea.

   Later, the two directed and acted in the kidnapping case, trying to evade police investigation in this way, and blamed Colleen Lopez's death on the 'kidnapper'.

  According to Mohan Wald, Mrs. Sane was also an insider and secretly sent them news. "

  Anthony nodded, "Gary Sane Jr. admitted to killing Colleen Lopez, we found some scratches and bite marks on his body, and I have asked for tooth marks to be identified.

  According to him, at first he wanted to surrender, but was blocked by his friend Mohan Wald.

  In the words of Mohan Wald, even if Gary Sane Jr. turned himself in, he would still be found guilty and go to jail, and his life would be ruined.

  Gary Sane Jr. was persuaded by him and did not choose to surrender.

Later, Mohan Wald proposed to evade police investigation by directing and acting in a kidnapping case. Gary Sane Jr. felt that this plan was not bad. He was very grateful to this good friend and felt that Mohan Wald was doing it for Think for yourself.

   Later, Gary Sane Jr. pretended to be a kidnapper and made a blackmail call to his father, and Mohan Wald proposed to share half of the ransom.

  Gary Sane Jr. was aware of Mohan Wald's ambitions.

  In the past two days, he has been thinking about this matter, and the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that Mohan Wald has ulterior motives.

  The reason why Mohan Wald didn't let him surrender was that he wanted to use this matter to control him and gain benefits from him for a long time.

  The distribution of the five million dollar ransom was just the beginning, and he may have more unreasonable demands in the future.

   Only at this time, Gary Sane Jr. no longer had the courage to surrender himself.

  Even if he figured it out, it would be difficult for him to get rid of Mohan Wald's control. Even if they tricked the FBI this time, he might be sucked blood by Mohan Wald for the rest of his life without going to jail. "

  Luke smiled, "These two guys are pretty good at excuses."

  Anthony took a puff of smoke, "That's right, the most pitiful thing is the murdered woman, Colleen Lopez."

   "Are you sure you'll find her body?"

   "See luck."


   At this moment, a helicopter flew in the distance.

   Luke looked at the sky, wondering, "What the **** is going on."

  Anthony smiled, "You'll know in a while."

  The plane landed near the motel.

   Not long after, a few more cars drove towards the motel, all of which were TV interview cars.

   Luke frowned, "Is it the reporter you notified?"

   "The news of the kidnapping of the real estate tycoon's son is flying all over the sky, which has seriously affected the image of the FBI. There should be an end to this matter.

  I don't want these **** broadcasting news about the FBI anymore. "Anthony's tone was a little dissatisfied.

  Luke also stubbed out his cigarette. The news of the kidnapping of the real estate tycoon's son is still the headline in Los Angeles. It really should cool down.

   "Comeon, let's go meet them." Anthony patted Luke on the shoulder.

   The two walked outside the hotel, and were immediately dominated by a group of reporters.

A white male reporter was the fastest, and the first one ran up to him and asked, "Agent Anthony, I got a message saying that the FBI has successfully rescued the real estate tycoon's son Gary Sane Jr. Is it true? "

   "That's right, although the process was a bit complicated, we found Gary Sane Jr." Anthony was ambiguous, pointing to the camera on the side and asked, "Is this a live broadcast?"

   "Yes, do you have anything to say? Or tell us about the capture."

Anthony's tone was stern, and he glanced at the reporters around, "I do have something to say, after the media got the news of Gary Sane's kidnapping, they didn't notify the FBI or the police, but broadcast and exaggerated it to the FBI. The investigation brought huge obstacles.

  I know it's your job, but your behavior could also kill a hostage.

  Once the hostages are torn apart, you are all murderers! "

  The reporters present were a little embarrassed. One of the female reporters changed the subject, "Agent Anthony, is the hostage rescue operation going well? Are any FBI agents injured?"

  Anthony was full of confidence, "It went well and no one was injured."

  Another Asian female reporter asked, "Excuse me, is Captain Li standing next to you from the Robbery and Murder Division? Is he also involved in the investigation of this kidnapping case?"

   "Hehe." Anthony smiled, "Let me introduce to you officially, Luke is not only the captain of the Robbery and Murder Division, but also the criminal investigation consultant of the FBI.

  The kidnapping case was successfully detected, and he provided the key clue.

   This guy was originally from the FBI. "

  The Asian female reporter said, putting the microphone in front of Luke, "Captain Li, what do you think about this case?"

  Luke cleared his throat. It was not the first time he faced reporters, and he lost the previous sense of tension, "The successful detection of this case is inseparable from the efforts and dedication of every FBI agent.

   In addition, I respect the profession of journalists and the freedom of the press.

  But the nature of the kidnapping case is different from other cases. The hostages are in danger at all times. I hope you will encounter similar cases again and report carefully. "

  The two had a brief chat and ended the interview without revealing too many details about the case.

   After leaving the motel, Luke and Anthony drove to a Mexican restaurant and packed food to eat in the car.

  Luke tentatively said, "Both Gary Sane Jr. and Mohan Wald have been arrested, and the specific process of committing the crime is also clear.

   Who do you think leaked the kidnapping of Gary Sane Jr. to reporters? "

  Anthony took a sip of coffee and said, "Before I found Gary Sane Jr. and Mohan Wald, I just guessed that there might be an insider.

   But now I am more sure that there should be ghosts inside the FBI.

   I also don't want to doubt my own people...

   But all other links have been ruled out, leaving only this possibility. "

  Luke also expressed his speculation, concluding, "If there is really an insider in the FBI, then this insider is likely to be related to Hugo Choudhury, the mastermind of the kidnapping of Isa Redman.

   May use this as a lead to investigate. "

   "How many kidnappers were involved in the kidnapping of Isa Redman?"


   "Send me the information of these four kidnappers."

  Luke nodded, "No problem. In addition, this kidnapping case also involves a kidnapping case ten years ago."

   "Is that the file you want?"


  Anthony asked curiously, "What is the connection between the two cases?"

   "Sophia, the victim of the kidnapping case ten years ago, is still alive and has become a kidnapper in the Isa Redman kidnapping case."

   "Wow... It's so regrettable, it's another tragic story." Anthony said with emotion, "However, this is the real world, what do you think?"

  Luke pondered, "If the FBI really has an insider, is it possible that it is related to the kidnapping case ten years ago?"

  Anthony thinks this idea is a bit bold, if an insider hides in the FBI for ten years...

   That's definitely a scary guy.

   It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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