MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 490 cause and effect

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  Chapter 490 Cause and effect

   Luke asked, "What do you think about the fact that Gary Sane Jr.'s mother stopped me from returning to Los Angeles?"

  Anthony recalled for a moment, "The informant is Gary Sane Jr.'s father, and it has always been Gary Sane Jr.'s father who has been in contact with the FBI.

  I met Gary Sane Jr.'s mother, a white woman with red hair, who was crying when we met, with a look of obvious panic and concern on her face.

   There was nothing wrong with her attitude at the time. "

  Luke said, "Two people are very angry, one is late for work because of traffic jams;

  Gary Sane Jr.'s mother's fear and worry may not be because of her son's kidnapping, but it may also be because of the FBI. "

  Anthony nodded, "You're right.

  If it is a person with a criminal record or a gang background, he can be arrested directly, and there are some ways to make them speak.

But this woman is different. She can find many reasons. For example, she heard from her husband that she wanted to invite you back to Los Angeles to investigate the case. She thought you were too young and worried that you would not be able to solve the case. People are preventing you from returning to Los Angeles.

  As long as she bites to death and refuses to speak out, and we can't produce new evidence, the lawyer will soon release her on bail.

   At that time, it will be us who will be passive. "

  Luke thought for a while, "Then analyze backwards from her purpose or motivation, why did she do this?

  The first possibility is that she kidnapped her son, or she was one of the participants in the kidnapping case.

  The second possibility is that the kidnappers learned that Gary Sane Jr.'s father called the police and knew that he could not get money from Gary Sane Jr.'s father, so they contacted Gary Sane Jr.'s mother.

   And the mother of Gary Sane Jr. also disagreed with her husband's behavior of calling the police, and wanted to pay the ransom in private to rescue her son.

The third possibility is that the so-called kidnapping case was only directed and acted by Gary Sane Jr. After his father called the police, Gary Sane Jr. was terrified, so he had to tell his mother the truth and let his mother Help him pass the news and cover. "

  Anthony thought for a moment, "It is unlikely that she kidnapped her son.

  I am more inclined to the latter two possibilities.

   Either in order to save her son, she deliberately concealed her husband and the FBI, and dealt with the kidnappers in private.

   Either Gary Sane Jr. directed and acted in the kidnapping. "

  Luke continued, "No matter what the situation is, she must contact the other party. If she can find out their contact information, she may be able to find out where the hostages are hiding."

  Anthony said, "I'm going to apply for investigation procedures."

   "I'm going home to sleep." Luke waved his hand and drove away. .


  The next morning, five o'clock.

  In Luke's bedroom.

   "Om..." A mobile phone rang beside the bed.

   Luke yawned and pressed the answer button, "Hello."

   "Luke, we investigated the communication records of Gary Sane Jr.'s mother. She has three mobile phone numbers, one of which has been in contact with a prepaid mobile phone since March 11th.

   We located this prepaid cell phone, in a motel.

   During this time period, the kidnappers are most likely to be sleeping, which is a good time to arrest them. "

  Luke "…"

you're right.

  I'm sleeping too.


  Luke washed his hair, refreshed himself, and drove to a motel near Highway 1.

  The surrounding area of ​​the motel is relatively desolate, which is why the mobile phone can accurately locate it.

   Thinking that it is not easy for the FBI to investigate cases overnight, Luke is half of the FBI, so he stopped by McDonald's to buy some coffee.

   Arriving at the meeting point, Luke distributed coffee to everyone, gaining a wave of goodwill.

  If ordinary people come to share the credit, everyone will definitely not be happy.

  Switched to Luke, the famous Los Angeles detective, the detectives didn't have too many ideas, after all, Luke's ability and past experience are there.

  Anthony took a sip of coffee, "Thank you, this is exactly what I need."

   "Are you sure the kidnapper is in this motel?"

"I just sent someone to ask the front desk of the hotel. They have seen that Mohan Wald, a friend of Gary Sane Jr., lives in room 207, and Mohan Wald owns the room himself. According to the front desk staff , Mohan Wald came with a companion, but that companion was wearing a mask and a hat, and she didn't see the other person's appearance clearly, but her body features were similar to Gary Sane Jr.

  Luke asked, "That is to say, they were not kidnapped, and they directed and acted on their own?"

Anthony pinched his forehead, "I always feel that it's not that simple. At that time, three people were missing on the yacht, except for Gary Sane Jr. and his friend Mohan Wald, Mohan Wald's girlfriend was also missing. But the hotel clerk didn't see her."

  Luke took advantage of the situation and asked, "Are you worried that the one who was really kidnapped might be Mohan Wald's girlfriend."

  Anthony said, "There is indeed such a possibility, but I can't think of their motivation for doing so for a while."

  Luke guessed, "Is it possible that they directed and acted on their own kidnapping case. But because the kidnapping case was exposed by the media, the three of them couldn't get the ransom from Gary Sane's father.

   So Mohan Wald's girlfriend didn't want to continue and left.

  But in order to avoid the police, Mohan Wald's girlfriend was too late to show up and hid in another place. "

   "It's possible what you said." Anthony glanced at his watch, as if he didn't want to guess anymore, and joked, "It's time to become a hero and save our hostages."

  Anthony found the front desk of the hotel again, showed a search warrant, and clearly stated that he wanted to enter Room 207 to arrest the suspect.

  The front desk of the hotel took the initiative to cooperate this time and took out the spare key of Room 207.

  Anthony looked at the door of the motel, and threw the key aside. Hotels are all relatively thin wooden doors, which can be opened with a kick, but it will be slower to unlock.

  FBI agents surrounded the door of Room 207 from both sides of the wall.

  Anthony repeatedly confirmed with the front desk that there were only two people in the room.

   Moreover, the hotel room is small in size and simple in structure, with only one large bay and toilet, so it is less difficult to arrest.

  After comprehensive consideration, Anthony decided to directly implement the arrest.

  Everything was ready, a tall FBI agent walked to the door and kicked the door violently.

   With a sound of "Bang!", the wooden door was kicked open.


   "Stay still, raise your hands."

   "Show me your hands and let me see."

   Accompanied by a sound of scolding, FBI agents broke into the hotel room.

  There was a strong smell of alcohol in the hotel room. There were many whiskey and red wine bottles scattered in the room, as well as some leftover pizza and fried chicken boxes.

  There are two beds in the room, and a young white man is lying on each bed. Both of them look hungover and haven't fully woke up yet.

  FBI agents swarmed up, pressed them directly on the bed, and put them in handcuffs.

   "Safe in the toilet!"

  With a greeting, the FBI completely controlled the situation in the room, and the arrest process went very smoothly, without even encountering a trace of resistance.

  At this time, Anthony stood aside with a gloomy face. Not only did he not have the joy of rescuing the hostages, but he looked a little irritable. Just such a self-directed and self-acted kidnapping case made him no progress in the investigation for several days. If Luke hadn't provided the detective's sketch portrait, the FBI might still be kept in the dark.

  Anthony was annoyed, feeling fooled, he walked to the bed, stared at the shorter white man and asked, "What's your name?"

   "Gary Sane Jr."

  Anthony looked at another white man on the bed, "What about you?"

   "Mohan Wald."

   "Why are you here?"

  Gary Sane Jr. and Mohan Wald looked at each other.

  Gary Sane Jr. cleared his throat and said, "The two of us were not in a good mood, so we made an appointment to drink together."

  Anthony laughed, "Everyone in Los Angeles knows that you have been kidnapped, but you don't know?"

  Gary Sane Jr. shook his head, "There must be some misunderstanding, we didn't watch TV, and we weren't kidnapped.

  We were just in a bad mood and ran away from home. "

  Anthony stared at the other person's expression, "People who run away from home don't make blackmail calls."

   "It may be a blackmail call from someone pretending to be a kidnapper. Maybe it's a liar. Do they have an Indian accent?"

  Shit, Anthony can sense this guy is lying.

  Luke waved his hand, called Anthony aside, and said softly, "I found two prepaid mobile phones, it's better to interrogate them separately."

  Anthony checked the phone and confirmed, "That's right, it's the number used by the kidnappers.

  I interrogate Gary Sane Jr.

  You interrogate Mohan Wald. "

   "OK." Luke waved to Mohan Wald, "comeon, let's talk in another place."

  Afterwards, Luke took Mohan Wald to another motel. This guy was only wearing a pair of underpants. Luke felt a little hot and gave him a blanket to cover his body.

   "Thanks, sir."

  Luke sat across from him and said straight to the point, "Tell me, what happened?"

   "Uh... as Gary Sane Jr. just said.

  He is not in a good mood, so I will accompany him to drink some wine in the motel to relax. "

  Luke asked, "Why is he in a bad mood?"

  "Gary Sane Jr. just graduated last year, and his father hoped that he could enter his own real estate company, but Gary Sane Jr. was unwilling to engage in the real estate industry, thinking it was a sunset industry.

  He wants to start a business and do something he is interested in. "

   "And then he takes you to the motel to drink away your sorrows and complain about how short-sighted and old-fashioned your father is?"

"Roughly the same."

   "Fuck, you have to use snacks to lie. A rich second generation ran to this kind of crappy place to drink away his sorrows? Do you think I'm an idiot?" Luke pointed to the FBI logo on his chest,

   "Do you think we're here to investigate drinking?

  We're here to investigate a kidnapping case. "

   "This is a misunderstanding, we just ran away from home and were not kidnapped."

   "Then why did the parents of Gary Sane Jr. receive a blackmail call, and the kidnapper demanded 10 million dollars on the phone."

   "I don't know." Mohan Wald lowered his head.

   "You don't know, let me tell you." Luke said sharply, "We found two prepaid mobile phones in the room just now, one of which is the kidnapper's mobile phone number.

  You two are the kidnappers. "

  Mohan Wald still pretended to be innocent, "We are not kidnappers, and it is impossible for us to kidnap ourselves."

   Luke changed the question, "Do you have a girlfriend?"


"what is her name?"

   "Colleen Lopez."

   "How is your relationship?"

   "Very good, she is a very thoughtful woman, we get along very well."

   "In this case, why did you kidnap her?"

   "We didn't kidnap her."

   "Then where is she?"

"I have no idea."

   "When was the last time you saw each other?"

   "On the yacht on the night of March 10."

   "What happened on the yacht that night? Describe it, don't lie."

  Mohan Wald shook his head, "I drank so much that night, I can't remember."

   "Look up, you are not very good at lying. I can feel your panic, even if you don't tell, we FBI can still find out.

  You don't think that an excuse of disappearance can perfuse us, do you?

   This matter is not so easy to pass. "

  Mohan Wald shrank his neck back, as if a little afraid, "OK, I'll tell you.

  The kidnapping case was indeed directed and acted by us. There was no so-called kidnapper at all. The blackmail call was also made by Gary Sane Jr. himself, but he used a voice changer.

   That's why his father didn't notice. "

   "Where did you get the voice changer?"

  “We bought it before, and occasionally we would do some pranks or play games, just for fun.”

   "Why did you direct and act in the kidnapping case yourself?"

   "Because of the money.

  Gary Sane Jr.'s father is a real estate tycoon and very rich. But he was strict with Gary Sane Jr., and only gave him tens of thousands of dollars in pocket money every month, which was not enough at all.

   So, he wants to extort money from his father.

It's that simple. "

  Luke smiled after listening, "I don't believe that a well-educated rich second generation would use such low-level methods."

  Mohan Wald nodded, "You are right.

Gary Sane Jr. wouldn't have done it if he was in his right mind, and I wouldn't let him do it, but we drank a lot that night, made blackmail calls in a daze, and there was no turning back I can only make mistakes again and again. "

   Luke stared at each other, "Can I trust you?"


  Luke has been observing the other party's expression, feeling that the other party is still hiding the truth.

   Obviously, he avoided Luke's question and refused to reveal the whereabouts of his girlfriend.

   "Where's Colleen Lopez?"

  Mohan Wald's face changed slightly, and he shook his head, "I don't know."

   "Is she not with you?"


   "When was the last time you saw him?"

   "Should be at a party on a yacht."

   "Did she leave the yacht?"

   "I can't remember, I was drunk." Mohan Wald's forehead began to sweat.

   This made Luke feel more and more suspicious. Colleen Lopez's question could be dug deeper, and he asked tentatively, "Do you know why we were able to find you?"

  Mohan Wald shook his head.

   "We found the body of Colleen Lopez."

  Mohan Wald's body trembled, and his head lowered involuntarily.

   Sure enough, Luke guessed right. This case is not as simple as a kidnapping case he directed and acted on himself. There should be something else hidden.

  He continued to bluff, "Why did you kill Colleen Lopez?"

   "No, I didn't kill her."

   "According to our investigation, there is more than one person at the scene of the crime. Even if you don't say it, Gary Sane Jr. will say it. If he confesses first, we will be more inclined to accept his confession." Luke persuaded,

   "I can feel that you are a smart person.

  You should be very clear that if Gary Sane Jr. accuses you of being a murderer, you may spend the rest of your life in prison.

  Handsome guy like you is very welcome in prison, kind reminder, ask your family to bring more soap when they visit. "

   Mohan Wald shouted, "I really didn't kill it."

   Luke said, "After the party, you disappeared with your girlfriend. Now you are alive and your girlfriend is a corpse.

   Do you think the jury will believe it? "

   Mohan Wald gritted his teeth, his cheeks trembled slightly, but he still refused to let go.

  Luke glanced at his watch, "It's been so long, maybe Gary Sane Jr. has confessed.

   even confessed the specific details of your murder..." After finishing speaking, Luke got up and made a gesture to leave.

   "Hey, this matter really has nothing to do with me..." Mohan Wald gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly, "Gary Sane Jr. did it. He killed my girlfriend."

  Luke turned and asked, "Why did he kill Colleen Lopez?"

  Mohan Wald scratched his hair vigorously, and said in a hoarse voice, "That day Colleen Lopez was wearing a red swimsuit, and Gary Sane Jr. thought she was very sexy, so he proposed to play poker with her.

  Gary Sane Jr. was not as handsome as me. He was worried that Colleen Lopez would not want to, so he got her drunk and took her to the yacht's room.

  Later... Colleen Lopez woke up, she started to fight back, and bit Gary Sane Jr., and the two started fighting.

  Gary Sane Jr. was very angry at the time, so he picked up the lamp on the bed and hit Colleen Lopez **** the head.

   By the time I got to the room, Colleen Lopez was dead. The situation is out of control.

  Gary Sane Jr. turned murderer.

  He didn't want to surrender, let alone go to jail, and worried that he would be wanted by the police if he escaped, so he came up with the idea of ​​kidnapping.

  He wanted to use the reason of being kidnapped to temporarily escape the police investigation, and he could also extort a sum of money from his father.

  When his father pays the ransom, we will appear as victims again. Even if the police find out that Colleen Lopez was killed, it can be said that the kidnappers killed Colleen Lopez.

  The two of us have been imprisoned, and we don’t know the specific details of Colleen Lopez’s murder, so we can get rid of the suspicion of murder. "

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  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion