MTL - Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start-Chapter 9 Blue Mountain Workshop, Expert Foundry

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[Trading platform reminder: Lord Kashde paid 100 soul crystals to buy a high-quality pet egg...]

[The store owned by the lord has received 100 soul crystals! 】


Just when the number of soul crystals was about to exceed 200.

Another pet egg was bought.

The number of soul crystals in Huang Yu's account instantly reached 298!

It was almost three hours before noon.

The soul crystals for the purchase of perfect grade architectural blueprints have all been collected.

Huang Yu was a little unfamiliar with the second buyer.

After the trading platform, it was discovered that the other party's Kashid shop had squeezed into the fifth position in a short period of time.

What the other party relies on is a common quality medicinal herb called "Snake Letter Grass".

This herb has certain detoxifying properties.

It is also a very rare pharmaceutical product at this stage.

more popular with the lords.

There are 30 units of snake letter grass in total, and each unit sells for 6 soul crystals.

It's now sold out.

After closing the trading platform, Huang Yu opened the menu of discounted products.

Search directly for Blue Mountain Workshop.

With anticipation and excitement, click to buy.

[Confirm to pay 230 soul crystals to buy [Blue Mountain Workshop Architectural Drawings]? 】



After confirming the purchase.

Huang Yu had a stack of thick architectural drawings in his hands.

Although I don't understand the above.

But this did not delay Huang Yu's use.

After choosing to use.

The open space next to the Spartan training camp was quickly surrounded by golden light.

After a moment.

The golden light dissipated.

A square two-storey building emerges from the ground.

It occupies nearly 200 square meters of land.

Huang Yu stared at the Blue Mountain Workshop, an information interface appeared in his sight.

【Blue Mountain Workshop (Perfect Grade Building)】

【Level: Level 1】

[Note: Upgrading to Tier 2 requires 50 soul crystals, 700 units of wood, 200 units of stone, and 50 units of refined iron. 】

[Function: Comes with ten apprentices of foundry masters, the probability of apprentices being promoted to experts is 100%, the probability of being promoted to master is 10%, and the probability of being promoted to saint forging teachers is 0.1%. 】

[For every 20 soul crystals paid, a territorial citizen can be converted into a casting master! 】

[Note: The promotion route for casting masters is: apprentice level, expert level, master level, saint level, **** level! 】


[Master caster, perfect use of material properties! 】

[Holy casting master, casting equipment, surpassing the constraints of materials and creating legends! 】

[God casting master, turn corruption into magic! 】


Ten casting masters walked out of the Blue Mountain workshop and said hello to Huang Yu.

They were wearing dark blue uniforms.

There is an apprentice-level foundry badge on his chest.

The words "Blue Mountain" on the badge also changed to "Universal Blue Mountain".

Bring up the info panels of the ten casters.

【Founder 1】

[Level: Apprentice Level]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Potential: There is a 0.1% probability of becoming a Saint Foundry. 】


【Founder 2】

[Level: Apprentice Level]

[Loyalty: 100 (die loyal)]

[Potential: There is a 0.1% probability of becoming a Saint Foundry. 】


The panels of the ten casters are exactly the same.

Only a thousand casting masters can have a holy casting master.

Will any of them be the one in a thousand?

Although the casting divisions are only apprentice-level now.

But Huang Yu believes that they all have a bright future.

[The lord gains 320 experience points and 11 soul crystals! 】

Huang Yu's thoughts were interrupted by the golden light overflowing from his body.

His level exceeded LV5.

You don't need to think about it to know that Dirios and fourteen Spartan warriors once again killed a monster with a level of 10 or higher.

Sure enough, it didn't take long.

Di Rios dragged back another huge red-armored crocodile.

The Spartan warriors who followed behind, almost everyone pulled two ordinary red-armored crocodiles.

They should have discovered the habitat of the red-armored crocodile.

Huang Yu looked at Dilios.

The opponent's level was a little behind him.

Although it is still LV4, it is not far from a breakthrough.

Among the remaining Spartan warriors, the four earliest Spartan warriors, including Xiuzi, were all LV4.

The remaining ten warriors are between LV2-LV3.

After two battles, almost all fifteen people were injured.

Huang Yu ordered to recall the Spartan warriors who wanted to flee into the forest.

Get them into Spartan training camp for a temporary fix.

Then he pointed to the warehouse and said to the ten casting masters:

"You can use ordinary materials freely. For those high-quality materials, don't move them for the time being."

The reason why does not move the fine quality material.

It was because Huang Yu planned to first look at the abilities of the foundries.

so as not to waste material.

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

After the ten casters retired, they immediately rushed to the warehouse to find materials.

Casting gear is both their job and their hobby.

Only continue to build equipment, learn from experience.

Only then can they upgrade their ranks as soon as possible and become expert-level foundry masters, master-level foundry masters... or even holy foundry masters!

At that time, their reputation will also resound through the Chaos Continent together with the universe.

Huang Yu is waiting in the castle

He can see the information of the warehouse as soon as he adjusts it.

Although the caster level is only apprentice level.

But with the blessing of the Blue Mountain Workshop, the speed and quality of the equipment created by the foundry.

It is not comparable to the previous lord who signed in the craftsman at the beginning.

Materials flow into the Blue Mountains workshop without interruption.

Even Huang Yu's stockpile of refined iron to upgrade the building was transferred to the Blue Mountain Workshop after the foundry applied for it.

Fine iron, there will be some in the future.

On the Chaos Mall.

A common-grade iron ore requires more than 800 soul crystals.

Steelmaking furnace architectural drawings are relatively cheap, only 150 soul crystals. UU reading www.

It is still within the scope of Huang Yu's ability.

If you can't wait for the discount, if you are in a hurry to use it, it is not impossible for Huang Yu to spend a lot of money to buy one.

Anyway, things like fine iron will be used regardless of equipment or building upgrades.

No lord would be too much.

Materials are sent to the Blue Mountains workshop one after another.

After half an hour, the equipment began to be continuously sent to the warehouse.

Bows, spears, spears, machetes, swords, leather armor, shields, battle axes, helmets, boots...

Each of the ten apprentice-level casters seemed to have chosen a type of equipment to make.

All kinds of equipment are sent to the warehouse.

Although they are just ordinary equipment, the quality is not bad at all.

Each piece of equipment is a generic specification.

It is marked with the words Universal Blue Mountain.

After waiting for two hours, 73 sets of equipment have been stored in the warehouse!

The total value is about 1500 soul crystals!

"Lords, are you ready to face the fear of being dominated by the Universal Store?"

Seeing the materials in the warehouse, Huang Yu was instantly proud.

There will be pets.

There will be iron ore.

Third-order fire, there will also be!

[Blue Mountain Workshop: You have acquired an expert caster. 】


So fast!

Huang Yu excitedly called out the information of the Blue Mountain Workshop staff.

Foundry No. 7 disappeared, and instead appeared in the personnel list, an expert-level foundry named "Cangyun".

[Founder: Cang Yun]

[Level: Expert level]

[Field of Expertise: Armor]

[Potential: There is a 2% probability of becoming a Saint Foundry! 】


Read The Duke's Passion