MTL - Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start-Chapter 10 Store competition and lack of entry

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Huang Yu called Cang Yun.

This is an oriental face, an ordinary-looking male caster.

Although he looked very respectful to Huang Yu, his tone of voice was a little impatient.

It seems that Huang Yu has a lot of opinions on the fact that Huang Yu just asked himself to come over and "take a look".

"Lord Lord, if there is nothing else, I will go to forge equipment!"

Cang Yun opened his mouth and retreated to the door.

For him, the time it took to travel and meet the lord was tantamount to wasting years of his life.

Just a few minutes, enough for him to deal with a hide.

"Don't worry, Cangyun."

Huang Yu naturally wouldn't be angry because of Cangyun's rough behavior.

Seeing Cangyun's puzzled expression, Huang Yu said:

"Premium-quality materials are now available to you. You go to Dirios and customize a set of leather armor for each of them."

Permission to use premium quality materials!

Cang Yun's eyes lit up.

Instantly, I felt that the few minutes I spent were so worth it.

With this level of material, with his expert-level abilities, he can definitely make high-level equipment.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Cang Yun saluted respectfully, then looked at Huang Yu reverently, waiting patiently for Huang Yu's orders.

"It's nothing, go get busy, it's best to do it before they participate in the battle in the afternoon!"

"Please rest assured, Lord, there will never be any problems!"

Cang Yun patted his chest firmly, and then hurried to the warehouse.

Huang Yu nodded in satisfaction.

As a lord, my favorites are workaholics like Dilios and Cangyun.

There is no need for him to formulate KPIs and PBCs.

Naturally, work will be regarded as life, and 007 will be regarded as a blessing...

Sitting on the simple sofa made by the butlers, Huang Yu entered the trading platform and opened a personal shop.

I wanted to put some of the common equipment accumulated in the warehouse on the shelves.

But Huang Yu thought about it and decided to use the once-a-day speaking opportunity to advertise on the World Channel.

While expanding the influence of the Universal Store, by the way, he disgusted a wave of people who were blocked by him.


50 sets of common equipment will be available in the Universal Store in half an hour!

Types include leather armor, longbows, spears, swords, shields, and more!

The price is fair, the quality is good, the quantity is limited, if you want to buy it quickly! 】

As soon as the news came out, the World Channel was instantly detonated.

"The boss has appeared!"

"Please take care of me!"

"Watching the big guy... I rely on it, the world lord has put on the equipment?"

"Lord Murayama is crying, his shop hasn't warmed up for a long time, and he will be suppressed by the lord of the universe."

Lord Murayama was the one who ranked third and signed in the craftsman at the beginning of the game.

"It's too absolute upstairs! Isn't the equipment of the Universal Store on the shelves yet?"

"That is, even if the equipment of the Huanyu shop is good, according to the stingy urine of the Huanyu City Lord, where will the price be cheaper?"

"Yes, there is always a gap between the equipment made by the lord and the equipment in the Chaos Mall. I advise the lord of the universe to set the price a little lower, maybe I can buy some..."

"Everyone is welcome to come to the Murayama store to buy equipment. In order to allow everyone to have a better development, after half an hour, the Murayama store equipment will be processed at half price!"

"Wuhu, Murayama lord cowhide!"

"This is the courage that a top boss should have!"


"Hehe, take advantage of my momentum and compete with me in a price war???"

Seeing Lord Murayama's speech, Huang Yu sneered.

"Then let you see, what is despair!"

Half an hour later, Huang Yu put 50 sets of equipment on the shelves.

The most expensive item is ordinary quality leather armor, there are ten sets in total, and each set is worth 30 soul crystals.

The price of leather armor in Chaos Mall is generally above 40 soul crystals.

Huang Yu directly reduced the price by one-third.

The rest of the swords, longbows, shields and other equipment are basically below 20 soul crystals.

There are even some conventional weapons that cost less than ten soul crystals.

If you barter, the price will be higher, but not too much.

Moreover, on the basis of wood, stone, and refined iron, Huang Yu also added equipment materials such as animal skins, animal tendons, animal teeth, and animal claws.

Not only did it improve the lord's trading ability, but it also fundamentally prevented the circulation of equipment materials to Murayama shops.

In addition, Huang Yu also opened equipment customization services.

It is also specially marked, which can make excellent-grade equipment.

Completely block the road to Murayama shops!

For Huang Yu, ordinary-grade equipment is not very useful.

What he was waiting for was the equipment made by Cangyun with excellent quality.

Maybe after today, ordinary quality equipment will be completely eliminated by him.

So he didn't feel bad about that loss at all.

50 sets of equipment have just been put on the shelves, and they have been swept away

The transaction volume of the Universal Store also broke through four digits in an instant.

Huang Yu took time to glance at the Murayama store.

The other party displayed more than 30 home-made weapons.

The price is basically within 5 soul crystals.

But now it's only sold less than half.

Open World Channel.

Information about the Murayama store has disappeared.

The discussions on the World Channel were all about the batch of equipment that had just been sold by the Universal Mall.

[Have you seen the evaluation of the trading platform? The equipment of the Universal Store is not worse than the evaluation of Chaos Store! 】

[I didn't grab the woo woo woo... I quit to take a look at the equipment of the Murayama store, and returned to the Universal Store, all 50 sets of equipment were gone. 】

[Me too... I feel like I missed a hundred million. 】

[There is no harm without comparison. Compared with the equipment of the Universal Store, the equipment of the Murayama store is a piece of shit...]

[Hahaha, it must be a high-quality product produced by Huanyu. Fortunately, I stayed there and grabbed a pair of leather armor. This time I saved at least 10 soul crystals, and I made a lot of money! 】

[Am I the only one who noticed the Blue Mountain Workshop? I just checked it, and it is actually a special building of perfect grade! 】

[Damn it, really, no wonder the lord of the universe is so confident! 】

[I beg the lord of the universe to put on a batch of equipment, I will leave all the soul crystals to you! 】

[Same request, this piece of equipment is not even enough to plug between the teeth! 】


Under the attack of the high-quality and cheap equipment of the Universal Store.

The things of Murayama shops immediately lost their competitiveness.

The overall ranking has fallen out of the top ten trading platforms.

Huang Yu glanced at the 60 sets of equipment in the warehouse, UU reading and a large number of materials transferred from the trading platform.

Without hesitation, after spending ten soul crystals, another message was released in the world channel:

[Before it gets dark, there will be more than 200 sets of equipment on the shelves, and the price will still be cheaper than that of Chaos Mall. 】

[Damn, there are more than 200 sets of equipment at night! ! 】

[The lord of the universe is awesome, I can't wait! 】

[I decided to stay at the Huanyu store, this time I must grab it! 】

[Lord of the Universe, can you trade privately? I am willing to give out some more soul crystals, and I need a lot of them. 】

[Haha, not a mainstream shop... I wonder how Lord Murayama is feeling? 】

[Damn it, I just found out that I have been blocked. If I leave the little black house, I will never be able to buy things from the Universal Mall. Didn't I just scold you a few words? The lord of the universe is too careful! 】


I glanced at the information that was frantically swiping on the screen.

Huang Yu automatically ignored other lords' requests for private transactions.

Ordinary equipment is sold at a low price, and it is not for profit.

It is to build a reputation and establish a high-quality brand image.

For the petty profits in front of us, the healthy development of Huanyu shops is ignored, and the gains outweigh the losses.

A friend application that cleared 999+, and blocked Murayama Lord.

Huang Yu quit the trading platform and walked out of the castle.

Dirios led fourteen Spartans and stood in line in front of the castle.

Each of them wore a pair of crimson armor.

Vigorous and arrogant.

Exudes a high fighting spirit.