MTL - Lord of the Magical Beasts-v2 Chapter 756 Death plane

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"Sofia, Alice, Ophelia, Rodriguez..." Under the doubt, Yang Ling excluded their loved ones one by one. Soon, there was a shock in his heart, and a melancholy face appeared in his mind. Demon Ji Sara.

Since the time of the sacred cemetery, there has been no news of the latter. I don't know if she and the Warrior Richardson have a close relationship. I don't know if the Blade Family disagrees with their marriage. I don't even know how the two of them are now!

"Sala, it is Sarah's accident!" After the calculation, Yang Ling is more and more sure of his doubts. Without further ado, immediately go to Wuta Space and Sofia and Alice and others to leave, leaving behind the ancestral home and the co-workers to defend the city of Yunzhong, the blood-stained angel Ophelia temporarily replaced the corpse witch king to lead the World of Warcraft.

"Ophelia, remember, never arbitrarily attack, as long as you hold the city in the clouds is a victory!" Look at the worried blood angel Ophelia, Yang Ling paused, and then said: "In addition, in addition to the armed forces In addition, the army can usually practice in the Wuta space or the blood sea, and then quickly gather through the plane channel at the crucial moment, ordering many Warcraft to seize the time to practice!"

In addition to the death of the face, in addition to looking for life and death of the demon Ji Sara, Yang Ling is also ready to explore the death plane of the Tongtian Tower, resurrect the ancestral witch there. Even the **** revenge of the gods who participated in the siege of the death plane of the Warcraft gods, shaking the arbitrators and the army of the army and the gods. In this way, it is highly probable that the World of Warcraft will be temporarily mobilized through the Wuta Space, requiring the army to gather quickly whenever and wherever.

"Yes, Ophelia understands. Adults, after going to the death plane, remember to go to Sarah’s sister and help me give this silk scarf to her, so that she can come back with Richardson when she has time. "Ophelia said that she handed Yang Ling a white silk scarf. After she learned that Yang Ling was going to the death plane to explore the Tongtian Tower, she quickly found a gift and asked Yang Ling to give it to the death plane." Demon Ji Sara.

"Okay, I will go to Sarah!" Look at the uninformed blood angel Ophelia, Yang Ling is a little heavy in his heart, and no longer say anything after collecting the white silk scarf. Immediately set off, carrying a sharp sword of war, riding the Zu Wu Dijiang to the distant death plane.


Yang Ling just sat down, and the ancestral Wudi River shouted. The screaming of a scream of tears opened the space crack, carrying Yang Ling quickly left, and disappeared without blinking. With the help of a large amount of energy in the sea of ​​blood, the ancestral work of the ancestors quickly returned to its heyday, and there was no exception for the ancestral emperor. For his ancestors who claim to be the **** of space, it is easy to tear a space crack in the area!


The speed of the ancestral emperor was fast, and after leaving the order plane, he quickly entered the turbulent flow of the hustle and bustle. Flying high and flying straight to the direction of the death plane, with the intelligence and stars provided by the Alliance, quickly find the place where the death plane is located.

"Adults, hold steady!" After a long distance sprinting, the ancestral Wudi River violently slammed, and then suddenly accelerated, ‘咻’ slammed through the turbulent space, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Soon, ‘嗡’ slammed into a white space and made a quick and silent progress.

Space folding!

Restoring to the heyday of the ancestral emperor, the exhibition of the fast-moving stunts in all major planes - space folding, jumping directly from the space turbulence to the white crystal wall. Flying fast in the crystal wall for an hour is equivalent to a quick flight in space turbulence for a month, the speed is not much better!

Silent, cold, boundless...

Looking at the crystal wall of the white cat who can't see the end, Yang Ling is shocked. After advancing to the peak of the Witch God, the huge gods can quickly cover the entire order plane. I did not expect that the white wall of the white can only sense a few hundred meters, and the knowledge is greatly weakened! If you are not riding on the ancestors of the ancestors, you may be completely lost in the white crystal walls, and you will never get out.

Although the great ancestors are not good at soul spells, they basically have their own magical powers. Just like the sorcerer's control over the water and the control of the soil after the ancestors and the ancestors, they are born with great magical powers, and they can be mastered without hard work!

"Adults, if the stars provided by the league are correct, we can reach the death plane in up to three days!" Look at the stars provided by the Alliance, and the Zuwu Dijiang accelerates again, drawing a stroke in the white wall. And too!

"Good, fast, the sooner the better!" Think about the big and violent bamboo stick, think about the enchanting Jisala who has no news for hundreds of years, Yang Ling's face is gloomy, and I can't wait to rush to the distant death plane.


The death plane is one of the six main planes in the myriad plane. It is different from the harsh environment of volcanoes and deserts. The whole plane is covered with clear lakes, endless virgin forests and miles of prairies. . Like other main planes, it is vast in area and rich in resources. The difference is that from time to time, a poisonous death vine can be seen. After accidentally taking their venom, they will die for a lifetime.

On a stretch of prairie, there are large groups of carefree antelopes. Sometimes chasing each other's play, sometimes bowing down the green grass, and sometimes drinking water by the clear lake. The gods of creation are fair and do not give them a powerful attack, but they give them a strong reproductive capacity and a beautiful living environment.


A little lamb walked toddler, bowed his head and licked a few mouthfuls of grass, and rushed to his mother. However, just as it was about to rush to the side of the mother, suddenly, there was a black shadow on the horizon, and a scream of hurricane rushed over.

After getting closer, I saw a woman with a messy hair flying wildly at low altitude, passing by on the grass, bloody, holding a crying baby in her arms. Behind him, followed by a scorpion with only one leg left, from time to time turned and attacked the chasing after the pursuit. A black apex cloak on top of the head, engraved with a wave of waves like a wave, wearing a black cloak; like a woman with a mess, bloody, slower and slower.

"Fast, kill her, kill all three of them. Cut down the heads of two adults and kill the **** little bastard!" A wrinkled old woman screamed loudly, gnashing her teeth, and the large group of warriors were poor at the back. Chasing after.


Looking back at the more and more chasing soldiers, I saw the children crying in my arms, even the children who could not breathe because of the strong wind, wearing a messy enchantress Sally burst into tears. The plane passage to the sacred cemetery is not far away. As long as you return to the sacred cemetery, it is possible to return to the World of Warcraft to seek help from the adults through the plane channel there; even, go directly to the order for the adults to ask for help. However, I never imagined that the old witches had a lot of elite swordsmen and they were chasing after them. I didn’t expect their speed to be so fast!

"Richardson, what should I do? What should I do?"

I thought that in order to block the pursuit of soldiers, I was slashed into a serious injury, and fell into the abyss of the husband Richardson, the demon Ji Sara heart. Unexpectedly, the old witch turned out to be so unrequited, regardless of family ties to kill. Even Richardson is not her grandson, so his mother is still a virgin of the old witch, and is also a direct descendant of the Blade family.

"Sala, go, go, go back to your adult, fast!"

Look at the more and more chasing soldiers, and then look at the bloodstains, exhausted and lead to slower and slower demon Ji Sara, only one leg of the rain magic bite, just stop. After a violent bang, the body emits a ripple of energy fluctuations, and a cold atmosphere then emanate out!


Within the scope of the cold breath, the air suddenly condensed a drop of rainwater, and the silver light flooded, each drop weighing more than a thousand pounds. The ‘hout’ screamed at the chasers, squatting on the body like a hammer, a bayonet-like armor and skin that cut the soldiers...

Rain kills space!

In order to stop the murderous chase, in order to delay the time, the rain magic that has been seriously injured has desperately launched the stunt again. It is a pity that the sky is clear and the water in the air is so poor that it is impossible to fully exert the power of the rain-killing space. Although the chasers who are below the strength of the superior gods are in a hurry, there is no big threat to the powerful clerics. After the screaming, the murderous chase was quickly encircled, and the slower and slower enchantress was no exception.

In the blink of an eye, the two fell into the encirclement of the pursuit of soldiers!

"Hahaha, run, I see where you can go?" Look at the enchantress and the rain magic that have no way to go. The grinning old woman laughs happily and glances at the baby crying loudly in the enchantress. The narrow eyes are as chilling as a cold snake.

"Richardson is dead, what do you want to do?" Think about falling into the abyss of the abyss, and looking at his last look at Richardson, the demon Jisala burst into tears, "I beg you, Looking at the death of Richardson’s mother, let go of my daughter. Soon after the child was born, everything has nothing to do with her, beg you!”

"Ha ha ha, let her go, want me to let go of this little bastard?" The old witch laughed, then changed his face, and said coldly: "Reassured, cut off her limbs, dug her eyes, If this is not dead, I will let her go!"

"You..." The enchantress was shocked and angry, holding the child in his arms, and understanding the cold and ruthless old witch is not just to say that simple. Look at the murderous chase around, the heart is cold understand that there is no hope of forcing out, "Mother, you can not look at the face of Richardson's mother, but I have long said After that, I am the maid of the Warcraft Lord God before the fame. If we kill our mother and daughter, the adults will never let you go!"

World of Warcraft Lord God?

The old witch's face changed, and the Warcraft gods were far-reaching. They were shocked by bloodthirsty violent and amazing power. No gods can match, even if many gods are not opponents. If the words that the enchantress said are true, things will be troublesome!

"Hey, the Warcraft gods are now surrounded by the arbitrators and the gods in the cloud city, they are difficult to protect themselves, even if you know the situation? What's more, kill all three of you, directly defeat your soul, and there are Who knows what's going on today?" After a while, the old witch with red eyes was cold and screamed and made up his mind. Waved out two crystal jade from the space ring, opened, revealing two golden silkworms with six pairs of wings.

Soul Eater Golden Silkworm?

Look at the crystal jade in the hands of the old witch, and look at the golden silkworm that slowly creeps up. The rain magic and the enchantress look great!

(To be continued) ()

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