MTL - Lord of the Magical Beasts-v2 Chapter 755 Heavenly gods

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In a large tent, more than one hundred strong people gathered. There is the commander of the Arbitration Corps, a powerful and peerless powerhouse, and the main gods of the major gods. Usually, everyone in the tent can cause a shock when they go out to cripple. However, at this moment, they all stand quietly in the tent and their faces are dignified.

"Well, I said all that said! In order to kill the Warcraft Lord God, we must lay down the ancient sacred gods, for this, we need a lot of blood and soul!" The guardian war will be gloomy, gloomy The face that is not angry and powerful has a hint of helplessness and helplessness.

"Adult, isn't there really any other way?" The leader of an arbiter's leg was out of the way, and when he thought of killing many injured arbiter on unwarranted charges, his heart was uncomfortable. The ruler of the Great National Congress sent another four guardian warriors, and we may be able to kill the Warcraft Lord God in one fell swoop, and wash the clouds in the city!"

"Yeah, adults, can you think of another way?" After someone took the lead, a burly main **** was also listed, euphemistically opposed to guarding the command of the giant god. In order to lay down the ancient gods, the injured arbiter will be secretly executed, and on the surface of the major gods, it seems fair. However, the injured arbiters add up to tens of thousands, and the strengths of the major gods add up to millions.

After a large number of elites were executed on unwarranted charges, even if the blood was washed in the middle of the city, the presence of the gods was amazingly lost and the strength was greatly regressed!

"There is another problem, even if we lay down the ancient sacred gods, but how do we bring out the Warcraft Lord God. If the other side sticks to the city in the clouds, then it is not..." The burly figure, the main face of the power king Gloomy, while speaking, striding out. The elite 200,000 Titans are all over the army, and the losses are already large enough. If the remaining elites are executed, the losses will be unbearable.

... After understanding what happened, many of the main gods have euphemistically opposed the decision of the madness of the giant spirit, and even the commanders of several arbiter corps have euphemistically expressed their dissatisfaction. It is very important to kill the Warcraft Lord God, but no one wants to break into all of his old books.

"To tell the truth, neither of us agrees with this practice. However, this is the secret order of the demon king, and we both have to implement it!" In the face of opposition from the people, the giant **** Buck is more and more gloomy and silent. The demon knife Chris did not move, and carried out the name of the demon king. After a while, his face changed, and he said coldly: "By defying the secret command of the Lord of the Monarch, everyone knows what will happen. When it is time, it is not as simple as the execution. As for how to lead Warcraft. When the Lord God comes out, we naturally have a way; of course, after completing the task, naturally, the benefits of everyone are indispensable!"

In order to complete the task of this trip, the giant spirit Buck and the demon knife Chris have no better way. Although knowing that this will incur the resentment of the major gods and burying the root cause for the military, it has to be enforced; although there is no absolute grasp of Yangling’s Warcraft Lord God, as long as there is still a chance, only Can gnaw a bite. Anyway, for both of them, if you don't complete the task, you will return to the endless life after you return to the endless ocean!

Under the coercion of the Guardian Warrior Chris, under his cold temptation, the commander and the Lord God in the room had to execute this crazy command. After discussing some specific details, they were scattered one by one, and the face was darker than one.

... "No..., adults, help!"

"I am not guilty, why kill me, why, why?"

... A team of soldiers was taken to the execution ground, and when the knife fell, the skulls were cut down, and the scarlet blood gathered into the river, flowing through a huge camp along a ditch. A mysterious and mysterious rune, then flashed together to form a huge blood red eye. The dead souls of the soldiers, without exception, were all absorbed into one eye and never resurrected forever.

Devil's Eye!

A mysterious mysterious rune, together, formed a blood-red demon eye; after the combination of millions of demon eyes, it formed a **** and violent ancient gods!

After witnessing the death of one by one brothers on the charge of unwarranted crimes, the arbitrators and soldiers onlookers were red-eyed, and their hearts were filled with lingering resentment. A **** and violent atmosphere, spread along the entire battlefield with the deployment of the sacred gods, the high-powered commander, the soldiers who rushed to the forefront as the cannon fodder, both eyes were stained with blood.

a whole day!

After a long day of massacres, the squadron was finally completed. Under the suppression of the giants, the gods Buck and the knives, soon, the violent and dissatisfied army barely calmed down. The strange scorpion squad also got the maximum degree of camouflage. Looking far away, it seems that there is no difference in peacetime, but there is a hint of concealed and tyrannical atmosphere in the air.

The guardian warfare giants Buck and the knives Chris thought they were ignorant, and they were seamless. After the big array, they couldn’t wait to send bait in an attempt to lead the World of Warcraft Corps in the city of Yunzhong, in an attempt to bring Yangling, the master of Warcraft. Kill. Unexpectedly, Yang Ling, who has been advanced to the peak of the Witch God, has been well aware of it!

With a strong sense of God, Yang Ling quickly understood the enemy's intentions! Ordering the whole army to shrink, no matter how the enemy's bait is provocative and tempted, it is to keep the city in the cloud. Occasionally, look at the right time to concentrate on the sharp and heavy punches, swallow the enemy's bait, and put the guardian war giants Buck and the demon knife Chris to death!

...... After more than a day in the **** sea of ​​the sacred cemetery, the sorcerer’s wounds with the help of the **** seas have no serious problems, and the wounds of the ancestors have been quickly recovered. On this day, after killing the enemy bait that did not know how to rush in, Yang Ling led the three great ancestors to the edge of the blood sea, and closely observed the violent ancient gods.

"Adult, in fact, it is not difficult to break the enemy's arrogance!" After a careful observation, the ancestral martial arts continued to say: "Since ancient times, our twelve ancestors have been the most A powerful murderer. Don't say that the 12 ancestors are gathered together, as long as the adults resurrect the two ancestors, the five of us can join hands to display the gods and smash the big bangs!"

"Yes, as long as the murderous squad is broken, the blood and the soul of millions of troops can turn into our big pill!" The ancestors of the ancestors were cold and cold, and they saw the ancient gods at a glance. The array of big battles clearly sensed the soul of the dead that was bound by the big array.

Are the gods arrogant?

Yang Ling is silent, and through the interpretation of the obelisk, he knows how terrible the so-called first murder of the ancients. It’s really necessary to gather together twelve ancestors, not to mention breaking this scorpion, that is, there is no problem in directly defeating each other’s army; even killing the Meteor Castle directly, challenging the sultry demon and the so-called supreme master!

"Yes, it is the key to our battle to resurrect the ancestors of all major planes. According to the agreement with the alliance, we have six days left, and we have time to resurrect several ancestors and go!" The Legion and the Alliance of the Gods could not see the end of the military camp. Yang Ling indulged for a moment, and immediately led the three great ancestors to quickly leave.

After killing two guardian wars, the remaining two guards will have the great spirits of God Buck and the knives Chris have not been able to turn over the storms, so they can only go out and wait for the rabbits. As long as you leave behind the earth and work together, the two ancestral sects guard the city of Yunzhong, and the Warcraft Legion, which is recharged and savvy, is enough to cope with all the crisis; you have time to ride the ancestral emperor to quickly reach all planes and resurrect The rest of the ancestors. The distance between the planes is far away. I don’t know how long it will take to ride Jinpeng, but the Zuwu Dijiang is different. With the help of the blood sea to restore most of the strength, it has been able to display the talent of fast shuttle between the planes.

"Maybe, while resurrecting the ancestors, you can also retaliate against the major gods that are dominated by the lords, and further shake the squad of the coalition forces!" Think about the detailed information provided by the Alliance about the major gods, Yang Ling's heart. The Guardian War will kill the millions of soldiers with the giant spirits and the demon knives, not only let the arbitrators' corps chill, but also make the major gods have never wavered before. At this time, if **** revenge against the gods participating in this battle is carried out, and their nests are directly destroyed, the remaining gods may quietly leave under the horror, and the crisis in the cloud city will naturally be solved!

Uh... Just as Yang Ling’s imagination was ready to further confirm the retaliation plan, suddenly, the tower-shaped imprint of the eyebrows was hot and trembled gently. Then, suddenly there was an unspeakable heart in my heart, as if I suddenly lost something and felt uncomfortable!

what happened?

Yang Ling brow wrinkles ~ ~ Sophia and Alice have moved to the Wuta space to settle, there will be no problem. Although the corpse witch was seriously injured before, but the injury with the help of blood and sea avatars has no major problems, with the powerful recovery function of the blood sea, it will return to normal in a few days.

Could it be that the enemy sent a more horrible killer?

Yang Ling's face is dignified, and the vast gods are scattered in all directions, quickly covering the entire **** sea, and spreading to the entire order. However, no abnormalities were found and no abnormal energy fluctuations were found. For a moment, I didn’t want to know where the warning signs of the witch tower came from.

Under the suspicion, Yang Ling quickly teleported to the big Wutai in the city of Yunzhong, handcuffed the witches, and displayed divination. Although not good at divination witchcraft, but after advanced to the peak of the Witch God, this aspect has more sentiment. After some action, pick up a bamboo tag engraved with runes, and make sure that you can't help but change your face!

Big murder!

The result of divination is terrible!

(To be continued) ()