MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-~ One hundred and twenty-six, conquer the reed maple lizard people

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, Update the lord as soon as possible, I am the latest chapter of the Lizardman!

"Hei... Heiyu, don't come here, kill him, Jiaoyu, Liankong, hurry up and kill him for me!"

The sturdy lizard body with blood lines two meters high looked at An Mubai's figure walking towards him step by step, his eyes trembling and he shouted out.

He quickly ordered the superior lizardmen beside him to kill An Mubai.

His bloodline awakening is indeed as An Mubai said. It was under the palm of An Mubai's palm. After he escaped, he was afraid of awakening in fear. Otherwise, the hands that were snapped by An Mubai's palm would not have recovered. .

It's just that the five superior lizardmen beside the blood tattoo, including the superior lizard man who walked out of the simple thatched hut with him, heard the words of the blood tattoo, but they did not dare to stop An Mubai from going. Footsteps signs.

An Mu's white-gold vertical eyes were a little surprised when he saw this scene. He never thought that the blood lines could be so afraid of him.

He didn't even think that the superior lizardmen and middle lizardmen he was leading didn't even hear what he said, so they didn't dare to stop him.

The strong lizardmen are respected, and the transcendent lizardmen whose bloodlines are awakened in the clan can become the new king after defeating the lizardmen who are the kings of the clan.

Even a wandering alien lizardmen can become the new king after defeating the most powerful lizardmen in the lizardmen group.

But before this, the lizardmen who were the kings of the tribe should have enough control over the lizardmen in the tribe, just like blood candles.

When An Mubai launched the rebellion, there was no high-level lizardmen around, and he even had to call out the Grayscale Lizardmen who listened to his words, leaving only a few middle-level lizardmen who could not help Sanscale. .

"Black... black cockroach!"

Xuewen shouted with fear and fear in his eyes. Seeing An Mubai's figure who was approaching step by step, the blood of the two-meter-tall lizard man instantly boiled.

His eyes swelled violently, his soul data decreased, and he stared at An Mubai who had come closer. The fear and fear of An Mubai in his eyes disappeared a lot.

"Blood Boiling Technique."

An Mubai whispered softly, his right claw swelled like a dragon claw and slapped the blood-patterned palm, just like when he was in Leewind Ridge.


The sturdy body more than two meters high with blood lines swelled, and flew out, smashing the simple thatched house behind him, and the hands were broken and the chest was sunken, and blood kept pouring out.

The level of the blood pattern is not high. It is a tenth-level extraordinary lizardman who has just awakened his bloodline, even if he uses a bloodline rage technique, which is somewhat similar to the bloodline boiling.

It couldn't be resisted either. An Mubai's physique was now thirty-two points, and then he used the palm of his extraordinary ability to split the claw. An Mubai even had strength.

"Cough cough..."

The blood in Xuewen's mouth was violently used up, and the body that collapsed in the collapsed thatched hut struggled to stand up, looking at An Mubai with horror in his eyes.

The severely injured body with broken hands, turned around and ran without thinking, and disappeared into the reed swamp shrouded in darkness in less than a moment.

An Mu's white-gold vertical boy looked at it with both eyes, and the lizardman with black thin scales had a small smile on his face. He didn't chase the blood pattern to escape, but looked at the simple and easy way to follow the blood pattern. Walking out of the thatched hut, old and superior lizardmen.

Lizardmen don't eat the flesh and blood of the same clan, and they can't get anything if they kill An Mubai, so even if the blood stripes don't escape, An Mubai won't kill them.

"Jiaoyu, meet the patriarch!"

The old senior lizardmen, watching An Mubai visit his golden vertical boy, knelt down directly to An Mubai, and his kneeling was under the pressure of An Mubai's supernatural lizardman's bloodline. .

The superior lizardmen trembled with fear, and the middle lizardmen hurriedly knelt down to An Mubai.

An Mubai nodded with a smile on his face with black scaly growths, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes as he looked at the old and superior lizardman named Jiaoyu who took the lead and knelt down in front of him.

This lizardman's intelligence index is not low at 7 points. The superior lizardmen and the middle lizardmen who bowed down around them all respected him faintly after the blood-marked escape.

However, the physique of the first-class lizard body that he had already underlined in his old age was not very strong.

"How many high-ranking lizardmen and how many middle-ranking lizardmen are there in our clan now?"

An Mubai asked Jiao Yu, who bowed down to his knees with a slight smile, and expressed his surrender.

"There are six high-level lizardmen and sixteen middle-level lizardmen in the patriarch clan."

Jiaoyu's old and high-class lizardman body answered, and there was not the slightest An Mubai in his demeanor. The reed lizardmen were full of people, and his words and actions were all surrender to An Mubai.

An Mu's white-gold vertical child's eyes shrank slightly in Tong Kong's eyes. Jiao Yu, an old and superior lizardman, knew several techniques, and he knew dozens of techniques.

This is what An Mubai taught San Scale, Lie Teeth and the others for a long time before they learned it.

"Go and gather all the superior lizardmen and middle lizardmen in the clan."

An Mubai whispered, the sturdy lizard tail swayed to the side behind him, and kept watching him attack the blood pattern, but there were no four wind feather lizards that attacked him.

"Yes, patriarch!"

Jiao Yu nodded, and the body kneeling in the reed clearing followed the superior lizardman beside him. The middle lizardman stood up and replied to An Mubai.

The four wind-feathered lizards, who had already made an attacking posture and looked at An Mubai's approaching figure, let out a whimper that was somewhat similar to the words of a lizardman.


The four adult wind feather lizards with a rank of ninth wailed and relaxed against An Mubai's attacking stance. Two of them even stretched their heads curiously towards An Mubai to show their closeness.

"Are these four wind-feathered lizards only tamed by you? Hornfeather."

An Mubai stroked the heads of the two wind feather lizards with a slight smile on his face, and asked Jiao Yu who had not left behind him.

"The patriarch, the patriarch Liangyu and the others were picked up by the previous patriarch of my clan since childhood. I have been taking care of them, so they listen to my words more."

The old lizardman with the corner feather replied with a smile on his face, and his words were full of love for the four wind feather lizards who only put down their attacking posture towards An Mubai.

"Can there be descendants?"

An Mubai nodded lightly, put one hand on the head of a wind feather lizard who was kissing him, turned his head and asked Horn Feather.

"Yes, the eggs laid by Sanyu and Siyu some time ago have hatched six wind feather lizard cubs, but there is not enough food in our clan to eat, and two have died."

"The previous cubs also left because of insufficient food in our clan when they became adults. Only Liangyu and the others remained in the clan."

Jiao Yu's old face had a sad expression, and he replied to An Mubai. Although the wind feather lizard can form a strong symbiosis with the shallow pit lizard people.

But this also requires that both parties have enough food to eat, otherwise they will leave.

"I still have a tribe with enough food to eat. You will leave this swamp with me and join my tribe."

An Mubai said, stroking the bodies of the two wind-feathered lizards and turned around to look at Jiaoyu. Now the high-class lizardmen and medium-sized lizardmen in the reed clearing have all dispersed into the reed swamp. The lizardmen who survived in it.

"The reed lizardmen will always follow the patriarch."

An excited look appeared in Jiao Yu's old eyes, and he agreed without thinking. Food is the foundation of survival for all races.

And a more powerful group is the source of all the races in the Wanye Mountains that can obtain more food.

"But I don't need inferior lizardmen,"

An Mubai whispered softly, although the system task panel has released the "newborn" task of letting the adult lizardmen in the clan reach 500.

But An Mubai still won't be full of it, so just earning low-level lizardmen into the shallow pit lizardmen will not only make his development plan for the shallow pit lizardmen, but also greatly enhance the shallow pit. Food consumption of the crater lizardfolk.

"Patriarch, what about the lizardmen cubs in that clan?"

Jiao Yu was stunned for a moment with the excited look in his eyes, and then quickly asked An Mubai, the inferior lizardmen are indeed a great burden for the lizardmen.

He had previously driven some inferior lizardmen in the reed swamp to the bloodstained words in the thatched hut.

"There are also many lizardmen cubs in my clan, and they are all very strong. If there are cubs in your clan that can become medium lizardmen, you can also bring them."

Anmu's white-gold vertical boy said with a calm expression in his eyes, now the food of the Lizardmen in the shallow pit, that is, the green pine forest and the green wind plain, were the goblins after he was exterminated.

It is also impossible to raise too many lizardmen cubs, not to mention that it will soon be the period of July lizardmen breeding and spawning, when the number of lizardmen cubs in shallow pits will increase again.

Therefore, An Mubai would not bring back the reed swamp, the cubs of the lizard people.

This is very cruel. After losing the protection of the upper and middle lizardmen in the clan, the survival rate of the reed lizardmen cubs will be very low, and the low-level lizardmen living in them will also be surrounded by monsters and beasts. , other humanoid species as food.

An Mubai didn't plan to kill the blood pattern, but he had this thought in it.

The expression on Jiao Yu's old face darkened, and he did not immediately nod his head to agree to the condition of An Mubai. The lizardmen are not paying attention to the lizardmen's cubs, but they also know that this is the future of a group.

When necessary, they will also expel the low-level lizardmen in the clan to free up living space for the lizardmen cubs to obtain food.

"You don't have a choice. It's about time for our lizard people to lay eggs and breed again. This time I will bring you to join my group."

"It will also bring fifty young female lizardmen."

An Mubai said the words, and suddenly thought in his heart that there are not many adult female lizardmen in the Shallow Pit Lizardmen, so he changed his words to Jiaoyu.

"Yes, patriarch!"

Jiao Yu nodded secretly with an expression on his face, knowing in his heart that they really had no choice, or more accurately, he had no choice.

If he doesn't agree, An Mubai kills him with a single slap, and he can still attract the lizardmen in the reed swamps to follow him with the blood of the supernatural lizardmen.

This is the choice that the lizard people who do not have extraordinary bloodline will follow.

"Let's go, when I go to my clan, I will take you to another place and bring the cubs produced by Liangyu and the others."

"There will be enough food in my group to feed them."

An Mubai said with a calm expression, looking at the reed swamp where groups of lizardmen gathered in the night, which had become noisy, and reached out to touch one of his wind-feathered lizards.

He started and walked towards the lizard people gathered in the reed swamp.


"Quack quack..."

Bilu Xitan, the sky was only just dawn, when Bilu Xitan reached the jungle towards the black mud swamp, there was a croaking sound.

Looking at it, I saw a brown-skinned frogman, with dwarf goblins and goblin cubs tied to a tree in their hands, and they shuttled through the jungle and kept approaching the green stream.

The figure of the old frogman walked in front of him, followed by three high-class frogmen, walking all the way with a pair of old eyes as big as a light bulb, looking at the surrounding jungle with panic and worry from time to time.

For fear that some beast or beast rushes out and eats him.

In the past, from the black mud swamp to the green stream pool, the old frogman was not as scared as he is today, but today he used too many frogmen.

There are quite a few goblins and goblin cubs caught, and the speed of the journey is extremely slow, which can't form any peace of mind for him at all.

So Laowa was afraid of walking all the way.

"Wow wow wow..."

The mountain wind swayed the jungle, as if some beast was hiding in the lush and dark jungle around it.

"Quack quack..."

The old frogman was afraid and anxious, and made a rapid frog cry to the long team of frogmen who were escorting goblins and goblin cubs behind him.

He especially wanted to kill those goblins and goblin cubs who kept yelling and even wanted to escape, and offered them to Bai Chi as food.

The team of frogmen he brought could walk much faster, and he could mobilize a lot of frogmen to protect him, but he thought about the words that An Mubai left yesterday.

The old frogman, who was afraid of fear in his heart, did not dare to let it go, UU reading www.uukanshu. com These goblins and goblin cubs, which he caught yesterday afternoon, killed a lot of frogmen and suffered any injuries.


In the lush and dark jungle, there was a wailing sound, and in the jungle where the old frogman walked with the frogman team, there were a pair of green eyes gathered.

This is a pack of wolves, a pack of grey wolves the size of this large dog with grey-black fur, more than 30 of them, running and howling in the lush and dark jungle.

Following closely around the frogmen team led by the old frogmen, they did not launch an attack immediately, but kept screaming to bring fear to the old frogmen and the others.

"Quack quack..."

The old frog croaked in fear and panic, and hurriedly gathered the frogmen team he led and tightly protected him by his side, even ignoring the goblins and goblin cubs that were related to his life.

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