MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-~ One hundred and twenty-five, goodbye blood lines

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, Update the lord as soon as possible, I am the latest chapter of the Lizardman!

"Wow wow..."

"The patriarch is going to another lizard people's clan,"

At night, the rain that had been falling for a day in the dark sky stopped.

In the shallow stream behind the Asazawa hillside, the figures of Tie Ya and San Scale were fighting each other for a while without using their claws and fangs in the icy water.

An Mubai walked over from the stream on the side, and said to the two of them that they would leave the shallow pit lizardmen tonight, and planted more than two acres of powdered fruit seeds.

It's not much to say, but when An Mubai finished planting alone, the dark and drizzling sky was actually about to enter the night. Just after finishing some food by the stream and pond, the sky was completely dark. down.

"Well, I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. The two of you stay in the clan with fierce teeth, and they take good care of the cubs in the clan."

"And from time to time, visit the land where Fanmuguo is grown, and pay attention to that human to see what he has done?"

An Mubai nodded lightly, followed by a nine-headed worm about the size of an adult dog, and two much smaller six-headed heavy lizard cubs behind him.

When they just returned from Biluxitan, the nine-headed worm ran to the Asazawa hillside first, looking for these two three-scaled, six-headed heavy lizard cubs of the Iron Fang contract to play with.

"Yes, patriarch!"

Three scales, Tie Ya nodded quickly, and their bodies stained with moss from the stream bowed to An Mubai.


An Mu's white-gold vertical boy looked at the nine-headed worm beside him, and whispered to it that it should stay in the shallow pit and not run around, and the black scales grew on the two-meter-three-high lizard body.

Yu turned around in the cold stream, asked the old goblin today, and quickly walked to the Lufeng swamp where he knew where he was.

Clouds covered it, and there was no moonlight in the night where the stars were shining.

But within a short time, An Mubai's figure merged into the dark forest, and the figure quickly walked in the wet jungle, which was difficult to be found by other creatures.

Lufeng Swamp This is not an area near the Lizardmen clan of shallow depressions. In the description of the old goblin, it is located in the place where its clan is located, walking along a mountain stream, and it is not far to reach the swamp.

It is also the swamp area in the front section of the Misty Canyon, which is not far from the Green Wind Plain.

An Mubai's figure quickly shuttled through the dark and wet jungle, silently thinking about the swamp where the reed maple lizard people were described by the old goblin.

It should be that he took Bai Chi and the others to search for potions, and when they encountered the mountain stream of No. 317 and theirs, they kept going up and down, and it was very likely that they would meet the Lufeng Lizardmen as the old goblin said.

The Misty Canyon is very large, and it is close to all the mountains in the Wanye Mountains, and the front section of the Misty Canyon is connected to the Wanye Mountains, and naturally there is not only a small area.

In the memory of An Mubai's fusion of black cockroaches, there is not much awareness of the area in front of the foggy canyon, but there is also a large and hidden concept in the front section of the foggy canyon.


In the dark jungle with night murder, a low-level monster that looked like a black panther but had a horn on its head roared at An Mubai, who was running fast in the jungle.

This is its territory, and it is not the first time that it and An Mubai have met each other, as early as when An Mubai was looking for a body for Bai Chi.

An Mubai brought Bai Chi and Lao Frogmen and they had fought against this one-horned black panther, but before Bai Chi was dispatched, An Mubai never fought.


"What's the name? I'm just passing by. If I call again, I'll fight you again."

An Mubai's mouth also let out a roar, and the golden vertical boy looked at the one-horned black panther. The figure that grew stronger and stronger at two meters and three heights came directly from the jungle in front of the one-horned black panther. Go quickly in the middle.

The biological intelligence of the extraordinary rank is not low, even if it is a monster, the extraordinary rank is a transformation of the body, and the higher the rank, the stronger the strength and wisdom will be.

Although this one-horned black panther is not as large as an adult six-headed heavy lizard, nor does it have the majesty of a flaming tiger, it is also a low-level monster of the twelfth level.

The dark green eyes were lying on the towering trees, watching An Mubai swiftly run past the strong body that was no weaker than it, and there was no roar in his mouth.

After watching An Mubai's figure running out of his territory, his dark body with one horn suddenly merged into the darkness.

Food, territory, and the Wanye Mountain Range, except for these two, it is very difficult for extraordinary creatures of the same level or slightly weaker to start a fight.

"Wow wow..."

An Mubai's figure walked fast, and now that his level is in the front section of the Wanye Mountains, it is difficult to encounter predators who use him as food.

The beasts that hunted or escaped in the jungle, saw his figure running quickly, and quickly avoided it, and some even dropped the food they had already hunted in their mouths and fled in a panic.

After more than two hours, the dark night also arrived in the Wanye Mountains.


An Mubai's sturdy and dark body stopped in a jungle with lush vegetation, his mouth was pouting like a snake's letter, and he felt the smell contained in the air flowing around him.

The smell that the Lizardman Snake can feel is much farther than what the eyes can see.

Blood, stench, rotting, moisture, swamp.

Soon a piece of scent intertwined, the real night jungle realm appeared in An Mubai's mind, and An Mubai even felt a human breath like Simon.

The human breath transmitted from the air is not strong or much, but it is mixed with a **** smell, which is very far away from An Mubai.

An Mubai felt it carefully and didn't feel it carefully. The human breath in the air conveyed the direction. After a while, An Mubai took back the lizardman snake letter that he vomited.

A lizardman with black thin scales had a smile on his face, and he started to run to another direction in the jungle. He felt the breath of the lizardman race.

And this breath is still very strong, not far from where he is.

In fact, the best time to look for lizardmen in the Wanye Mountains is when the lizardmen reproduce twice a year and lay eggs. At that time, the body of an adult female lizardman will exude a different kind of breath.

This breath of other creatures is hard to smell, but for adult male lizardmen, it is a kind of bright light that can be clearly felt.

And An Mubai originally planned to go all out to find other Lizardmen who joined the Shallow Pit Lizardmen in July.

At that time, there is no need to spend any effort to find it, and there may even be an adult male lizardmen who will come to the shallow pit lizardmen on their own initiative.

But No. 317's body collapsed, Bai Chi's protective power was reduced, and An Mubai could only advance the plan of searching for the lizardmen with all his heart.


"Uuu... Patriarch, there are too many low-level lizardmen in the clan, and there is still a month before the clan people in the clan lay eggs and give birth to cubs."

"In order for the hatched cubs in the clan to have food to eat, we have to expel some inferior lizardmen in the clan."

In the dark and deep night, in the simple thatched hut built of dry reeds in the Lufeng swamp, the voices that belonged to the words of the lizardmen continued to sound.

A black-scaled, two-meter-tall sturdy lizardman with blood lines growing on his body sat cross-legged in a dry and simple thatched hut.

The slightly gloomy lizardman raised his eyes and looked at an old lizardman who was whining and talking outside the house. The sturdy lizard tail with blood lines behind him swayed irritably.

"Four adult wind-feathered lizards with a level of ninth, thirteen medium lizardmen, and five high-level lizardmen."

On the hillside of the red maple tree where the maple leaves are falling, An Mubai's figure is hidden in the dark grass. The golden vertical boy's eyes are looking at the system data information panel, from the lizardmen in the reed swamp under the hillside. Seen.

There were three medium-sized lizardmen figures behind them, and they had silently fainted in the grass.

This is a reed swamp with a swampy terrain similar to that of a shallow depression. The red maple hillside where An Mubai is located is like a shallow swamp in a shallow depression. You can see the whole reed swamp and the living conditions in it. Lizardman.

The reed swamp is similar to the shallow swamp, and it is not a big swamp, but it is full of many lizardmen, and it seems that they are all inferior lizardmen.

An Mubai condensed his sight on the system data information panel, and did not focus too much on these inferior lizardmen wandering in the reed swamp.

Instead, it was seen in a reed clearing that had been cleared of reeds and guarded by four adult wind-feathered lizards, where five simple reed thatched huts were built.

Similar to the original one of the shallow pit lizardmen, the triangular thatched hut is similar to that of the middle-class lizardmen, and the figures of the upper-class lizardmen are walking in the open space.

"Thirteen plus the next three and sixteen middle-level lizardmen, and five high-level lizardmen, so it seems that this is not a very large group of lizardmen."

"But I don't know if there are still high-class lizardmen in the five thatched cottages, and the lizardman patriarch who is an extraordinary-level lizardman has not seen it."

An Mubai's eyes stared at the five thatched cottages that covered his sight even though they had traded. He pondered in a low voice and looked at the four wind-feathered lizards in the reed clearing.

These four wind feather lizards, An Mubai looked at the dinosaurs that he felt very much like the dinosaurs he saw in the previous life movie, but with bright feathers on their necks and heads, they were only about 1.8 meters tall when they stood up.

It is far from the domineering Tyrannosaurus rex in the previous life movies that can use cars as toys, but the data information is only three points except for the soul, agility and physique are ten points that have broken the limit of the ninth level of the superior lizardmen.

If they cooperate well, and with the assistance of high-level lizardmen, they can completely hunt and kill creatures whose level is tenth and who has just entered the extraordinary level.

"The wind feather lizard is still very helpful to the lizardmen. Whether it is hunting or plundering food from other groups, it can bring a lot of help to the lizardmen."

"Although the six-headed heavy lizard is strong, it is a low-level monster with a level of twelve after all, and it is not so good to find the six-headed heavy lizard eggs every time."

An Mubai whispered softly, and the golden vertical boy looked at it carefully. It seemed that it was not much different from the Lufeng Swamp Lizardmen, which were not much different from the previous shallow pit Lizardmen.

After confirming that this is just a small lizardman group with four wind-feathered lizards.

An Mubai stood up and hid in the grass to observe for a long time. The sturdy lizard man was two meters tall and walked towards the reed swamp under the hillside.

There was no figure hiding his walking, and he also stirred up the bloodline of the lizardmen in his body, which was a level 12.


The inferior lizardmen, who were looking for food in the reed swamps, saw Anmu's white, dark and strong lizardman body, and hurriedly knelt down to him with a whimper, directly expressing surrender without any resistance.

"Wow wow..."

An Mubai's lizard tail, as thick as a black python, swayed in the swamp mud behind him, and the golden vertical boy's eyes were cold as he walked straight to the open space of the reed swamp.

It was like a king who was patrolling his own territory, and every time he took a step, there were one after another of inferior lizardmen who knelt down to him.

"Woo, the old patriarch, the patriarch, a powerful lizardman is coming."

In the open space of the reed swamp built by the simple thatched cottage, the medium-sized lizardmen and the upper-class lizardmen were patrolling outside, looking at the two-meter-three-tall robust lizardmen who came from An Mubai.

The body was trembling with fear and hurriedly shouted, not like those inferior lizardmen in the reed swamp, but directly like An Mubai kneeling down.

But as An Mubai approached, the supernatural lizardmen emanating from their bodies became heavier and heavier.

These middle and upper-class lizardmen in the reed clearing also looked terrified and wanted to bow down to An Mubai to express their submission.


A roar from the supernatural lizardmen came from the largest thatched hut in the five rooms, stopping the fear and surrender of An Mubai in the blood of the middle and upper lizardmen outside.

Then a sturdy lizard body with a height of two meters, with blood lines and black scales, walked out of the thatched cottage angrily, followed by a high-quality lizard that was about 1.9 meters tall, but had entered the aging stage. people.

"Blood pattern!"

Anmu's white-gold vertical eyes, UU reading looked at the figure of the transcendent lizardman crawling out of the thatched hut, and the figure who had walked to the reed clearing stopped.

This extraordinary-order lizardman who climbed out of the thatched hut is the **** pattern that his half-sister escaped without killing him in Leeward Ridge.

"Black beetle!"

The figure crawling out of the blood pattern angrily looked at An Mubai's sturdy lizard body that was two meters and three meters tall, and the angry Tong Kong shrank in his eyes.

In Lee Feng Ridge, the memory of being almost killed by An Mubai's palm and escaping with both hands broke in his mind.

"Xuewen didn't expect you to awaken your bloodline too. Is it because of the lucky escape in my hands?"

An Mu's white, black-scaled lizardman had a smile on his face, and the laughter in his mouth walked step by step towards the blood lines.

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