MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 86 , food, force, resources

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"But the old frogman, or the priest of the Goblin tribe of Green Pine Forest Green Wind Plain, doesn't seem to be as smart as Bai Chi?"

An Mubai was puzzled and looked at Bai Chi Pink looking at his own eyes, and stopped thinking about this question. Bai Chi was originally a lizardman cub rewarded by the system.

It's the super-rank lizardmen who were rewarded by the system in this "Arriving Enemy" mission, so smart.

On the contrary, An Mubai still likes Bai Chi's intelligence in his heart. In his previous life, he was not a talkative otaku. In this life, he has become a lizardman, three scales, and Tiefang. Although they are wise, they are still very difficult. Communicate with him.

As for Old Frog and Simona, there is no need to say, one is wise but has no insight, and the other is full of wisdom and insight, but An Mubai dare not talk to him in detail.

"Bai Chi, your idea is very good. When the frogmen in the black mud swamp bring their food offerings this afternoon, we will let them enter the shallow swamp to catch mud fish."

"In addition, the frogmen will lay a lot of eggs each time. For their cubs and eggs, our people really don't like to eat them, and there is not much meat."

"So I think we can also let the frogmen breed some mud fish as food for us. What do you think?"

"Mud fish are omnivorous fish. As long as they have enough food to eat, they can even grow to be as tall as our inferior people."

With a smile on his face, An Mubai agreed with Bai Chi's suggestion to let the frogmen in the black mud swamp enter the shallow swamp to catch mud fish.

Then he turned to her and asked her how to let the frogmen in the black mud swamp breed mud fish as a way to provide food.

This is what An Mubai just came up with. The inspiration came from what Bai Chi said, letting the frogmen in the black mud swamp enter the shallow swamp to catch mud fish.

"Heihu, this method is very good. The frogmen in the black mud swamp are really suitable. They help us breed mud fish. The best food."

"You are really amazing, you can think of so much!"

Bai Chi's pink eyes were stunned for a moment, and then the soft and tender voice sounded in An Mubai's mind. The voice was full of excitement, shock, and admiration for An Mubai.

"Ha ha!"

In An Mu's white-gold vertical pupils, there was a bit of news, and he stretched out one of his armored fingers, lightly wiped it on Bai Chi's head, which was slightly larger than his body, and spoke. road.

"Bai Chi, now our shallow pit lizard people are not only facing the problem of insufficient food in the future."

"Now we are also facing an urgent need to obtain food. The mud fish and the black mud swamp frogmen will not last long. At most, they can provide us with food for three or four days."

"In addition to food, we are now facing a crisis of green pine forests and green winds, and the goblins may attack at any time."

"And there are not many adults in the clan, so it is necessary to raise cubs."

"We have to solve these problems as soon as possible. You can think about how we can solve these problems."

In Bai Chi's pink eyes, listening to what An Mubai said, she nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, Hei, I know."


An Mubai had a slight smile on his face, and nodded to Bai Chi, then withdrew the finger that lightly wiped Bai Chi's head, got up and walked to the pile of slates beside him.

He had previously told Bai Chi about the various difficulties faced by the Lizardmen in the shallow pits. In the past three days, he has thought many times about how to solve the problems of the Lizardmen in the shallow pits.

And letting Bai Chi think about it is just an exercise for her. Bai Chi grows up so wisely, it will definitely help him to be better and develop the Lizardman clan in shallow pits.

An Mubai didn't want Bai Chi to grow into a lizardman who was generally wise and lacking knowledge.


In the pile of slates, there are many slates without inscriptions.

An Mubai picked up a piece at random, walked to Bai Chi's side and sat down again, and then called out his system task panel.

"I am the great lord."

"Mission 1: Killing Thousands of People, 1, Cultivate thirty high-ranking lizardmen (30/5), rewarding the method of spraying corrosive acid lizardmen."

"Mission 2: 100 people kill, 1, cultivate ten superior lizardmen (10/3), reward the lizardmen sword, shield and sword cultivation method."

"Task 3: New home, construct and plan a new shallow pit lizardmen to live in, and reward the Lizardmen with five bottles of bloodline awakening potion."

"Tasks 1 and 2 are when Scale Feather, Giant Tooth and the others took their clansmen and put them into the Lizardmen Clan of the Smile Pit, and they showed how much they have accomplished."

"After these two tasks are completed, the force value of the Lizardmen in the shallow pit can be significantly improved directly."

"One is the cultivation method of sword and shield soldiers, and the other is the cultivation method of corrosive acid spraying lizardmen. No matter which kind of lizardmen, as long as they are mastered, the powerlessness of a single lizardman in a shallow pit will definitely change greatly. "

"From Scale Feather, Giant Tooth, and the others to the Shallow Pit Lizardmen, both tasks 1 and 2 show the number of completed tasks, so these two tasks are actually very well completed."

"You don't need to spend a lot of time to cultivate it from the shallow pit lizard An Mubai looked at the three tasks on the system panel tasks, and the sharp claws were gently carved on the slate in front of him. Wake up, the various crises that the Lizardmen are facing now.

The essence of the pursuit is still in the two problems of food and material value. These are the essential problems that all territorial development will face.

An Mubai also played a lot of simulated farming games in his previous life. These games developed over and over, no matter how good they were, they would be trapped by the three problems of food, low force value, and lack of resources.

And these three problems are almost the core of all simulated farming games, as long as one is solved, the other two will be solved.

Then he was repeatedly trapped by one of the problems, causing the development of the other two to stop again.

And the way to solve these three problems in the game, in addition to charging money, is to use the time of its own development to support it, or to open a new map.

The methods of these three problems were copied from the development of the Lizardmen in the shallow pits. After three days of thinking, An Mubai found that the same applies.

The top of the bottle can also follow the game BOSS, the goblins of the green pine forest and green wind plains, which are now beyond the shallow hole lizardmen, and the solution is to develop the force value of the shallow hole lizardmen.

But now the strength of the Lizardmen in the Shallow Hole is developing, and it is also limited by food and time. The food is only the frogmen of the Black Mud Swamp.

Time, the cultivation of crops for the Lizardmen clan in shallow depressions, and the growth of hundreds of lizardmen cubs in the clan.

As long as these are developed within a certain period of time, they can be solved spontaneously. The predicament that the shallow pit lizard people are facing now.